Urban Design Sem III - Residential Township Development in Ahmedabad

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Masters in Urban Design Sem III Sakshi Reddy | PG180859 |


Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Studio Brief Site Context Vision and Strategy Masterplan Urban Block Phasing Learnings



Studio Brief The process would involve the following stages:

Studio 3: Master Plan Studio Instructors: Brijesh Bhatha, Purvi Chhadva, Rajiv Kadam, Vipuja Parmar Teaching Fellow: Mariana Paisana Teaching Assistant: Pranav Meghani I. Studio Brief: The studio is aimed at learning the key aspects involved in preparing a large scale urban design master plan. The emphasis of the studio will be on exploring the design process through various concepts and approaches, achieving a detailed design resolution, evolving an appropriate development model and to prepare a persuasive communication and representation strategy for the master plan. The studio uses the Township Policy as the basis for initiating the development. Through the studio the students will prepare a three – dimensional urban design proposal for this area with proposed massing, height, densities, orientations, grids and blocks, movement routes both for pedestrians and vehicles and the location and role of public open spaces in the plan. The studio will have underlying concerns focused on creation of liveable neighbourhoods, imageability of a place along with the issues of land economics and development mechanisms.


• • • • • • • • • •

Site and context appraisal Existing policy review Preparing a vision statement Preparing the development model Opportunities and constraints Design concepts and strategies Three dimensional urban design proposal – Master Plan Detail design of various aspects of the master plan Urban design guidelines Phasing strategy

The learning outcome of the studio will be able to : 1. Prepare a large scale urban design master plan integrating the concepts of urban blocks with consideration to the overall urban form, building types, legibility, identity, street and public place designs. 2. Prepare detailed urban design guidelines and other form control mechanisms 3. Prepare an appropriate development model 4. Prepare adequate graphic material to communicate the master plan to the stakeholders Illustrative master plans, detailed public realm design along with photo real renderings of the proposal capturing the overall character and some key areas of the plan.



Site Context Google earth image of the site



200 400

1000 mts


Site and the city

Indirect influences on the site.


1. Vision for the site by the city

2. Soon Ahmedabad will engulf

Urban Centers are seen as satellite towns, which would mean preserving the open space and farmlands as much as possible.

Urban sprawl will swallow all areas into Ahmedabad

3. According to the development

4. Who will live here ?

Site is sandwiched between peripheral Ahmedabad and an Urban Centre Sanand. Site is under Agriculture zone, predicted as RAH 1.

Sanand is the major Job center in the region & south of Bopal has shown rapid development. The gamtals will be a major home service provider.

Plan 2030


farms around and Sanand



3200 mts

Site location - sandwitched between Ahmedabad and Sanand


Site and its immediate surroundings Direct influences on the site.

























Agriculture Vs Development


1.Rapidly expanding Urban areas 2.Growth comes at the expense of agricultural land. 3.Farms are moving further away from Urban Areas-compromising food supply. 4.Usually, 15-20 % area of a township is allotted for greens - Landscaped,Golf Course. 5.Pushing away agriculture for well manicured spaces.

1. Making landscape not just green but also

adjacent to farmlands Porous edge, mostly along road Non porous edge (existing parapet)

Edge condition and possible points of entries


2. A point of focus that attracts people from the city -Related agriculture programs such as - Markets, Restaurants, - organic kitchen gardens, - Agronomy institute, - Ayurveda institute.

Networks of Greens and Blues

The site is divided into pockets, and the right most would be the first to develop as there is more pressure on the land adjoining the right portion


Networks of Greens and Blues

Open spaces, water bodies and institutions are mapped. An important aspect of integration will be to be able to connect them which would require the townships road network to follow the neighboring road network.

Agriculture Land Vs Developed Land

Mapping land under agriculture and developed land to increase sensitivity of the built mass proposed.



Vision & Strategy



Vision Statement


“Within the context of an evolving urban area, the township wants

to cultivate an ecosystem that actively supports production of food. The site represents a new urban living, which allows the residents to participate and benefit from the externalities of living within farms.




Productive landscaping is central to the concept,

the built environment. It is envisioned to be a fully

the entire project is designed to integrate farms with

sustainable collective organic farming community

the built environment. It is envisioned to be a fully

where the residents actively participate and benefit

sustainable collective organic farming community

from a cycle of self-sufficient living. The residents

where the residents actively participate and benefit

are professionals on the weekday and community

from a cycle of self-sufficient living. The residents

farmers on the weekend, the design facilitates a

are professionals on the weekday and community

dialogue between humans and Nature resulting in

farmers on the weekend, the design facilitates a

a new-age urban community. It features community

dialogue between humans and Nature resulting in

farming, personal kitchen gardens, plant nursery,

a new-age urban community. It features community

animal husbandry and forest plantation. All of this

farming, personal kitchen gardens, plant nursery,

helps create a micro climate that is distinctly better

animal husbandry and forest plantation. All of

from the city and creates an ecological hub.

this helps create a micro climate that is distinctly better from the city and creates an ecological hub.



Productive landscaping is central to the concept, the entire project is designed to integrate farms with



Green Network Strategy


Land Use Strategy

Strategies - I


4. Commerce to activate greens

1. Retain farms along canal


5. Residential in the internal calm pockets

2. Retaining thick vegetation as public space

Ease of servicing MICA

3. Secondary farms run perpendicular to main farms

6. Instituions along existing instaitution

First interpretation of site 16



750 mts



Road Network Strategy

7. According to Development Plan 2030, 4 roads abut site.


Housing Strategy

Strategies - II


Commercial abuting arterial roads

10. Two distinct housing communities

Residential away from arterial roads

8. Changing alignment of arterials to better suit land use strategy

11.High inc res - private green. Low inc res - close to public green

9. Secondary & tertiary roads to maintain inner calm housing

12. Instituions along existing instaitution

Community Green at either ends of the site

land use strategy sketch 18



750 mts






Club house and multipurpose maidan The maidan against the backdrop of farms, provides a perfect setting to host sunday markets that have been produced inhouse. It can also host morning yoga classes and concerts at night.

Commerce and Institutions

Buildings that abut designated public farms will have functions related to agricultural program, like culinary Institute, Agronomy Institute etc

Mini Forest and Sports grounds

Community Farms Farms that can be publicly accessed and are owned and maintained by the residents of the block the farm

Two chunks of thick vegetation on either ends of the site - act as lungs of the site. Sports grounds have been carved out of some of this forest.

Township level Public Space Public Space that acts as a pause point for people commuting via the arterial road.

Recreation Space Public Farms

Farms along the canal that are publicly accessible but have multiple owners

Spaces that have been carved out of farmslands for everday recreational purposes. It is strategically located so that it falls in the centre of the block making it publicly accessible.


Integrating farms into the built An inter connected series of productive landscape that is easily accessible with a range of residential typologies distributed within the scheme so that every resident has access to the farm. 0



750 mts


Location and Access

Public Farms



Saleable and maintained




Publicly accessible spaces

Public Farms + Community Farms + Recreational Spaces

Health conscious people big organizations

Community level public spaces

Community Farms

Along the edges

Recreation Space

Within the block & connecting to Public Farms

In the centre of the block and at public spaces


people outside the township

people in the block


Farming and Gardening

Township level public spaces

Block level public spaces

people in the block

Public activities

Different scales of Public spaces in township



750 mts


Location and Access


Saleable and maintained




Public Landing


Anywhere inside a block

Public landing + Internal Green

Internal farms

sold as part of super built up

Drop off point. Acts as a semi public space before entering a private residential block.

Internal Green

Adjoining a cul de sac.

Privately accessible spaces

Internal Commercial Block Spaces

Internal Block Spaces sold as part of super built up

Kitchen garden and planting

Internal Recreation Spaces


While there are spaces allotted for farming and gardening in the block, it becomes imperative to carve out space for different types of recreational activities.

Different scales of Private spaces in township



750 mts


Motorised and Non motorised movement network

Farm Service route

Public transport route

Road Network + Pedestrian Route

Feeder bus network

The morning jog route

Safer Pedestrian route

The route farm truck takes

Movement network 28

The joggers route amidst farms

Residents route post evening to avoid going through farms 0


1000 mts


Motorised movement network Road character and widths

Two Arterial Roads 36m Cross over infrastructure

Two Arterial Roads

The connector 24m

Connecting the two arterial roads

Cul de sac The connector Secondary Road 18m

Secondary Road

Internal block road

Cul de sac 12m Tertiary road

Hierarchy of road widths 30



750 mts


Building Heights Map

Building Use

Predominantly low rise apartment typology

G+12 - G+10 G+10 - G+8 G+8 - G+6 G+6 - G+4 G+3 - G+2


Predominantly residential typology with certain active cores



1000 mts

Single family housing Residential Residential + commercial Commercial + Offices Pure commercial Institution + commercial



1000 mts

Institution Recreation Public open space Private open space Transport Infrastructure 33


Urban Block



A. Internal Blocks

Predominant housing typology Character – Open to sky terraces at unobstructed corners. Use - Mainly residential, commerce / institution in centre Height – 4 to 8 floors(low rise apartment typology) Block size 250 * 200 m Porous Ground Floor Location - Interiors


B. Community Farm living Row Houses around a farm

Character – Direct connection to farms, Backyard opens to farms Use - only residential, single family Height – 1 to 3 floors (Row House typology) Block size 120*120 m Rigid boundary (open from 2 corners) Location – Interiors, away from main commerce line

C. Podium Typology Built mass on the commerce line

Character - Connection to Internal Green and some designated farms Use - Other than Residential Height – Upto 15 floors (double height verandas) Block size 80*50 Porous Ground Floor Location – Adjoining Arterial roads

D. Stepped Built form Built mass facing public farms

Character – no direct access (2 min walk) Use - First two floors -commerce/institution, after which residential Height – upto 10 floors (high rise apartment typology) Part of a block Rigid Ground Floor Location – Abutting Public Far


Urban Block Guidelines Achieving desired built form

Public Farms

10 %

Community Farm


Not part of the block. Farms along the canal that are publicly accessible.

Internal Greens

50 %

Multiple uses including recreation and gardening

Community Farms

Recreation Space

Along side cul de sac Public activities like relaxing, playing, visitor car park

Each block contributes 10% towards the centre to form a continous stretch

Internal Green

20 %

Recreation Space

20 %


(above) The parcel is divided into 4 blocks. Guidelines of the block is given in the following page (left) The pie chart represents % of spaces in a block


1. Built to line with stagger Atleast 70% of the buildings abutting the roads to be built to line with a 5m setback on the sides facing any road.Continuous built form with a stagger -in the form of setbacks and alternating heights. Intent - breaks monotony in a continuous built facade and provides for ventilation .


2. Porous Ground Floor The internal open space to be connected to the main roads with a minimum 4m passage way and with the community farm adjoining it. Intent - Residents have free movement on ground floor.

3. Paved Landing abutting cul de sac A drop off zone that is acts as a semi public space for the block. Ground floor usage of the buildings adjoining the plinthto be Commercial or Public/institutional use Intent - To activate the public plinth area bldg. use like grocery centre, child care centre, community centre .

4. Terraces Terraces breaks linearity in a continuous built facade. Recess in built form that has a open corner to create terraces that enjoy the farm view. Intent - For residents to enjoy view of the farms from their open to sky terrace spaces.


Community Farms Farms that can be publicly accessed and are owned and maintained by the residents of the block the farm

Public Centre and pick up point

Community commerce centre packed with everyday needs essentials, Institutional use like community centre and it is also a bus drop off - pick up point.

Recreation Space

Spaces that have been carved out of farmslands for everday recreational purposes. It is strategically located so that it falls in the centre of the block making it publicly accessible.

Residential Block Community farm living



Joggers Path

View of the community farms in the residential neighbourhood during early morning hours.



Commercial Block Farms in the foreground

Township level Public Space Public Space that acts as a pause point for people commuting via the arterial road.

The maidan against the backdrop of farms, provides a perfect setting to host sunday markets that have been produced inhouse. It can also host morning yoga classes and concerts at night. Club house and multipurpose maidan

Public Farms

Farms along the canal that are publicly accessible but have multiple owners



Public Maidan

The scene is split into two parts - Its use in the morning as farmers market, people from the city stop by to pick up fresh produce and in the night as a concert area.







Phasing Strategy Four stages of development

Phase 1

Phase 3

Phase 2

Phase 4



2000 mts

Phase 1 is essentially letting the city know about a township that is offering a different king of living. This would inlude Setting up of farms Clubhouse Institutes and commerce

The phases that would follow would include residential portions starting with apartment typology and commercial typology.



1000 mts

(above) Phase 4 is envisioned with development around. 52



Learnings The township provides for a dense living while offering expanses of farms. Productive landscaping is central to the concept, the entire project is designed to integrate farms with the built environment. It is envisioned to be a fully sustainable collective organic farming community where the residents actively participate and benefit from a cycle of self-sufficient living. The residents are professionals on the weekday and community farmers on the weekend, the design facilitates a dialogue between humans and Nature resulting in a newage urban community. It features community farming, personal kitchen gardens, plant nursery, animal husbandry and forest plantation. All of this helps create a micro climate that is distinctly better from the city and creates an ecological hub. Conclusion

In the context of resource crunch, environmental degradation, climate change and global warming, it is imperative to look at development sensitively. In a developing world, where most of the new building stock is yet to be built, this opportunity was used to create a truly sustainable approach to living in a township, while obliging to the 1.5 Global FSI. Lastly, the project aims to be an interesting and inspiring urban design work.




Masters in Urban Design Sem III Cept University | Ahmedabad

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