Drolma Yuldog Ritual: get yourself rid of all the debts or negativities of past lives

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(Transcribed excerpt of answers on symbolic representation and benefits of Drolma Yuldho ritual as received and recorded from HE Luding Khenchen Rinpoche) This is in fact done with the drawing at hand and Rinpoche pointing and explaining each one. Hence, some sentences sound weird to others.

The Endless Knot (Pal-bhe’u) in the structure of sacrificial cake (Torma) must definitely be large in size although it is even okay to do without the Heavenly Mansion (Khang-zang). The details of the Endless Knot - whether brief or a detailed one – does not matter much. Regarding symbolism and its signification: Pointing at the drawing Rinpoche said - This signifies the steps of Mount Sumeru. In the steps of Mount Sumeru is the Heavenly Mansion (Khang-zang) and in it is a man on horse. This symbolizes the main Dhoe or Lu’i and he is surrounded by 30 dwarfs who are his attendants. And on the steps there are animals (both herbivorous and carnivorous) which are meant to be sacrificed to the Dhoe. Generally in this ritual Arya Tara is the main figure to which the Lui is attached. The important thing to be kept in mind is the three spaces or sky in the three directions of the Mansion. And to its four corners or directions should have four Gyangbhu (a bamboo-stick entwined with five-colored thread) which is a necessity. Other than this there shouldn’t be much elaboration. As for the drawing identification: The topmost is parasol. Beneath it, is the three spaces symbolizing the Three Exalted Bodies. The wrathful form doesn’t call for any specific features. If drawn in the form of a deity, it should be detached later and not be thrown away. Drawing a wrathful face here is simply to make it look majestic and doesn’t have any specific meaning. Otherwise, any blank paper painted with dark-blue color and drawing facial features on it will suffice and doesn’t need the complete specifications of wrathful face. Even from the common and worldly point of view the Garuda is a powerful creature and from the transworldly view-point Garuda is the incarnation of many deities like Kalachakra etc. The arrow signifies man’s arms while the wool-spinning wheel signifies the tools of woman. Therefore these are the arms of Dhoe.

This is to be offered to the Three Jewels above and be given to the poor and needy below. This whole ritual is primarily meant to be got oneself rid of all the debts or negativities of past lives. And this is first performed in a very peaceful way and the ones that are not subdued through this peaceful means are then dealt with this Torma ritual. There’s no specific written explanation on Torma though its benefits are mentioned briefly in the beginning of Drolma Yuldhog. So those interested can have a look there. When Torma is performed in an elaborate manner, they (Lu’i) get everything they need. On the four Steps lies the Heavenly Mansion. Usually every Torma offering is arranged on the Steps of Mount Sumeru, which is what is paramount. These Steps are treated as mat or cushion for all the offerings to be placed on. Since the Eight Auspicious symbols are substances of auspiciousness they are placed on the Steps meant for decoration as well as for good luck. Again pointing to drawing Rinpoche said - This is called the nest of Garuda. And this is like a mat for the nest. At the centre should attach a huge Endless Knot. Endless Knot generally signifies auspiciousness. There are many Nagas in the Drolma Yuldhog ritual and this is simply meant to please and benefit them. There is a slight difference between Sakya and Ngor in the way the Parasol is drawn but that doesn’t matter much and can choose any one. Color of the Steps should be maintained like that of Mount Sumeru. Disposing off nails and hair on the Steps benefits in the purification of one’s physical debts, dispelling diseases and curses caused by human and non-human beings. The outer lines of the Endless Knot bound by five-colored threads, painting the white portions and drawing of the great wall of China is helpful simply for beautification purpose and thus do not carry any specific reason. This Lu’i of Drolma Yuldhog can be disposed off and thrown anywhere. If aimed at dispelling off diseases and misfortunes, it should be thrown to the right side of a road. If to terminate the drought it should be thrown in the river. For any specific patient it should be disposed in accordance to his astrological results of the current year. The Space or Sky here means that since the Sky is all pervading it signifies the unlimited range it covers. It is known by two terms Drolma Yuldhog or Droma Yudhoe but there is no specific difference apart from the difference in elaboration. This ritual of Drolma Yuldhog purifies one’s entire physical debts of the past lives and dispels all kind of diseases, obstacles and curses through a very peaceful means and hence is very effective and beneficial. The dwarf is the head of Lu’i and is fat and majestic. By offering men and women’s clothing, cattle, houses and everything that is needed in a polite manner makes the Lui happy and hence get oneself rid of all kinds of obstacles.

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