Quanaah Publishing Contract Agreement

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Quanaah Publishing Contract Agreement This Contract contains the sole and entire Agreement between the parties (Quanaah Publishing and Client) and shall supersede any and all other prior agreements between the parties. This Agreement may not be modified or amended except in writing signed by the party against whom such modifications or amendment is sought to be enforced. I, the Client_________________________________________________, attest that I am the sole creator of the Book, CD or DVD (circle one) Titled: ___________________________________ and I own the exclusive rights to this Title. I also agree to the full terms and conditions of this Agreement and or any amendments to this Agreement that are made in writing between myself (the Client) and Quanaah Publishing. Initial here _________

Warranties The Client represents and warrants that he or she is the sole author of the Work, the owner of the copyright and all its contents. The Client agrees that this is their intellectual property, they have not engaged in plagiarism and that the Work, if fiction, represents no real events or person(s) that in any way could be deemed libelous and the Client has the right to enter into this agreement. Initial here _________

The Right to Your Work The Client acknowledges and agrees that Quanaah Publishing acquires no right to ownership to the Work under this agreement and assumes no responsibility for reviewing or correcting the content of the Work. The Client also retains full rights to the ISBN Barcode provided Quanaah Publishing. The Client retains full rights to all related cover images and other book related files to Work and may use these files elsewhere. Upon request, Quanaah Publishing will provide all files to the Author at no charge. Initial here _________

Publishing/Manufacturing Services Quanaah Publishing agrees to perform the following Publishing/Manufacturing Services for the Client before and no later than ____ / _____ /20____. These Services will include the following: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Initial here _________ Page 1 of 3

Quanaah Publishing Contract Agreement

Initial Project Cost and Wholesale Rate The Client agrees to pay $_________ as an initial cost of their Project to Quanaah Publishing. This initial cost must be submitted in full to Quanaah Publishing within 7 business days from the date of this signed agreement unless otherwise agreed upon in writing between the Publisher and Client as an addendum to this Contract Agreement. Upon receiving this fee, Quanaah Publishing will inform the Client within 24 hours to submit their Book manuscript or CD/DVD disc and Cover images as specified by Quanaah Publishing submission requirements (see Website). Upon completion of this Project, the Client retains the right to purchase unlimited copies of their Book, CD or DVD (circle one) via Quanaah Publishing at the fixed Wholesale rate of $________ per unit. This rate does not include shipping and handling charges. Initial here _________

Shipping and Handling The Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Quanaah Publishing from any and all manner of claims, liabilities, damages, losses, expenses (including attorney’s fees), awards, judgments resulting from damage in shipping or usage of any delivery service deemed fit by Quanaah Publishing. However, the Author may choose to insure their package in transit of delivery by paying an additional fee of $15.00 to cover the cost of such occurrence. Shipping and Handling rates will be determined by Quanaah Publishing based upon the weight of the package and desired Shipping Speed of the Client (Standard, Expedited or Priority) Initial here _________

Indemnities The Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Quanaah Publishing and its employees from any and all manner of claims, liabilities, damages, losses, expenses (including attorney’s fees), awards, judgments resulting from claims of third parties regarding ownership, plagiarism, privacy violations, copyright infringement, and similar claims arising from publication of Work. Initial here _________

Terms and Exclusivity The Client retains the copyright for this Work and may choose to enter into other publishing or manufacturing agreements. Either party has the option to terminate the Agreement at any time, with or without cause. If the Client, prior to publication terminates the Agreement, the Client is responsible for payment of pre-publication/manufacturing services, which is 50% of initial Project cost and can be no greater than $999.00. If Quanaah Publishing terminates the Agreement and no breach of agreement has occurred, all publication fees will be refunded in full. If Quanaah Publishing terminates the agreement due to breach of agreement by the Client, no fees shall be refunded. If Quanaah Publishing or the Client terminates the agreement after publication/manufacturing of their Project has taken place, then no refund will be due to the Client. Initial here _________ Page 2 of 3

Quanaah Publishing Contract Agreement

Marketing, Promotion and Distribution The Client is solely responsible for marketing, promoting and distributing their Work. The Client also understands that his or her Project will be listed on Quanaah Publishing’s Website and distributed through the Client’s E-Store, Amazon, Amazon Europe and Amazon Kindle. The Client also understands if his or her contract is terminated, whether by Quanaah Publishing or by his or her own will, that it may take up to one (1) month for the Client’s Work to be removed from the database and Website of Quanaah Publishing. Initial here _________ Please read and sign this agreement between you (“Client”) and Quanaah Publishing for your Book, CD or DVD (“Work”). After printing and reading agreement, email or postage mail the signed agreement to: atlantisbuild@gmail.com

Client’s Full Name _______________________________________ Client’s Initials_________ Client’s Signature ________________________________________ Pen Name (if applicable) ___________________________________ Book, CD or DVD Title: ____________________________________________________ Initial Project Cost $________ Wholesale Rate (per unit) $__________ Date _____ / _____ /_____

Publisher’s Full Name _______________________________________ Publisher’s Signature ________________________________________ Date _____ / _____ /_____

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