Build With The Builders Dec. 2014

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Build With The Builders “Where builders build; whether it’s one of us or a million of us…”

Cycle (yr): Knowledge; Publication: Winter 20125

Inside this issue: Mother of Civilization


Healthy Recipe


Jewels From The Tool Box


NGE/NOI: Is There A Difference


Seed & Soil


FAQ & Calendar of Events




Supreme News We would like to cap off the 2014 calendar year with reflecting, playing back, making knowledge born of some of our Supreme moments throughout this year. We kicked the year off with the 2014 MLK parade (January). In the wisdom month, (February) we hosted a Glorious “Fathers Physical” celebration. We had over 20 children in attendance, approximately 80 people in attendance, This celebration brought about martial arts demonstrations performed by Prince’Sha Divine and his suns Anwar, Messiah, Star and Prince. They also added on with skits and building on Supreme Mathematics as well as other related lessons. Messiah was awarded a prize for quoting the student enrollment 1-10, as well as answering various questions in regards to the said lesson. Mekhi and Aman (A-King), manifested Builds on the subjects of Father Allah and related history, as well as the practical application that must be in place in order to be a True And Living God, or Earth.

We celebrated the Earths in March, where we acknowledged, recognized, and celebrated the consistent building and contributions that were put forth by a total of 14 Earths, that either resides in Allah’s Garden, or has contributed to some major things that took place in Allah’s Garden from the 2013- 2014 year. We have had many productive Social Saturdays. We’ve had some “newborns” gain knowledge of self, and we have had many visitors frequent our Universal Parliaments and other Sacred/Nation events/gatherings.

In August, we had a supremely glorious Children’s Day/Back To School Supply Giveaway Event. We serviced 503 children, providing services that varied from free school supplies, free haircuts for the boys, free manicures and nail kits for the girls, free food, free music, free face painting, etc. DJ Face (at the age of 9), graced us with his mind blowing DJ skills.

In October, we held our annual “Family Day” that hosted approximately 123 children and about 200 participants overall and throughout that day. There were many prizes for the children for participation in the spelling bee, a treasure hunt, relay races, bouncy sumo wrestling. We welcomed many visitors from the community as they came and fellowshipped, built and learned about us for the first time. We made connections with community organizations to better serve our people and the community at large. We have had a year where we averaged wisdom-power (25) people, or more, at each Universal Parliament, several families and guests in attendance.

We have some children that are on the verge of knowledge of 120 Degrees, we have children that are exceling in school, becoming more confident in themselves, being leaders in varying positions, learning to show and prove their Supreme Mathematics and 120 lessons, on a practical, real-life profound level. With all this being said, Allah’s Garden has showed and proved once again that we are powerful, positive, productive, and always producing, through our Supreme levels of practical building.

“Unifying Our Strengths”. The mission of Build With The Builders newsletter is to disseminate relevant information, provoke thought and provide a platform to enhance the quality of life of its readers on a universal level. By: Be Original & Nzinga

What We Teach:  We teach that Black People are the Original People of the Planet Earth.  We teach that Black People are Fathers & Mothers of Civilization.  We teach that the Science of Supreme Mathematics is the key to understanding man’s relationship to the universe.  We teach Islam as a natural way of life; NOT A RELIGION!  We teach that education should be fashioned to enable us to be self sufficient as a people.  We teach that each one should teach one according to their knowledge.  We teach that the Blackman is God and his proper name is ALLAH! -Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm Head (Supreme Head!).  We teach that our children are our link to the future and they must be nurtured, respected, loved, protected and educated.  We teach that the unified Black family is the vital building block of the nation.

(Atlanta, Georgia)

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Mothers Of Civilization: “Poem” I would like to take this time to recognize, acknowledge and send condolences to all the parents and families that have lost children and family to police brutality (or any type of injustice). I would like to specifically take the time to acknowledge and recognize the pain, the struggle and the strength of the black woman and Mother’s who carry on and continue to be a beacon of lightbeing the example of strength, for the world to see, even after the tragic happening of losing a child, to the hands of someone, who in a lot of situations, had malicious and ill intent.

“Love From A Brother, To All The Courageous, Loving, And Strong Mothers”

I know you are in pain, I can see it in your eyes. I know it is hard to expect any justice, Depending on a system, and process, who functions through lies. I know that you feel a plethora of emotions, that sometimes it’s hard to withstand. But just know, from me, you always have a shoulder to lean and cry on,

as well as a helping hand. Dear mothers,

that there will always be love and support,

I apologize for the lack of support, love and protection, that I have provided for you, and our children.

coming from this brother,

Now, I am taking a stronger stance

Written By: Be Original King Mathematics 12/14

and making a vow that I will protect you, love you, and stand by your side. As we keep on building, I can only imagine that losing a child

for all my courageous, strong , and loving mothers.

R.I.P. to all of our fallen brothers and sisters worldwide.

brings pain like no other. So just know,

Healthy Recipe: “Chili” 1 Can kidney beans (drained and rinsed)

¾ teaspoon sea salt

2 tablespoons minced garlic

1 can pinto beans (drained and rinsed)

28 ounce can diced tomato

juice, vegetable broth, tomato paste.

2 tablespoons chili powder

1 cup vegetable broth

2 teaspoons cumin

6 tablespoons tomato paste

1 teaspoon dried oregano

1.5 table spoon olive oil 2 cups sweet onion

¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper

Saute onion & garlic; about 5 minutes. Add diced tomato with juice, vegetable broth, tomato paste. Increase heat. Add beans, chili powder, cumin, oregano, salt, cayenne pepper. Simmer until thick. Serve with green onions for an extra kick!

Jewels From The Tool Box: “The Seven Shades of Wisdom” 1.



4. 5.

He who knows not & strives to know-AID HIM! He who knows not what he should, is a wandererGUIDE HIM! He who knows not & fears to know is a slave-FREE HIM! He who knows not, is asleep-AWAKEN HIM! He who knows not & rejects to know is dead-

PASS HIM! He knows not yet proclaims to know is an imposter-SHUN HIM! 7. He who knows and shares what he knows is wiseHEED HIM! *He who is advanced in knowledge, decreases speech-BESEECH HIM! 6.

“Builders Build”

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NGE/NOI: Is There A Difference? The foundation of what we, the Nation of Gods and Earths, teach is Supreme Mathematics. Supreme Mathematics is a detailed description of the law which governs all in existence. Next, upon entry into the study of our culture, we are presented with the Supreme Alphabets. They are the principles by which our Nation is guided. Some may even receive the Twelve Jewels, an outline of the goals for everyone in this Nation to aspire to achieve. The Twelve Jewels provide us with a measurement of the progress of our development as God and Earth. Lastly, we are led into the study of 120. 120 is simply an oral tradition replete with math, science, and history. In our journey toward self-determination, many have attempted to deny us the right to define ourselves as an independent nation. We have been referred to as a gang, an off-shoot, a cultural organization, and even a religious group. All of which are inaccurate descriptions of not only our structure but our function. We are wrongly title a street organization because of our loose knit structure. NGE has been inadequately interpreted as being a cultural organization due to the unique interaction which occurs between Gods and Earths, which finds no equivalent outside of our Nation; also because we redefine our reality by assigning new names to ourselves and we adhere to a specific diet which serves as premise for consideration of acceptance into this Nation. We are determined by some to be a religious group because the position we take regarding the reality of God is deemed by many as an ideology, rather than a fact. Most often, these various views of our nation are naïve attempts at characterizing us so others can comfortably relate to us, as they perceive us as a unique group, separate from the norm of society. The one depiction of us which is predicated upon a purposeful effort to render our uniqueness null and void is the classification of us as a splinter group. Such a description is inaccurate. The progress which the various religions within the black community have made toward grasping the reality of God culminated in the birth of the Nation of Gods and Earths. It is due to the constant probing for truth along with the observation of ourselves and the universe that we have come to question the probability of the existence of a super centralized intelligence which governs all within existence (10th degree in the 140). As a consequence of the experiences, questions and answers of those before us, we have concluded that the probability of the actuality of such is very low. Instead we have grown into understanding that the Supreme Being we have searched for is ourselves. With regards to this truth, our relation to the N.O.I. and its teachings can be best explained through the theory of natural selection. Natural selection has demonstrated that though one species existed first, all which has evolved from it is does not have to remain dependent upon it. The latter becomes an independent breed through the eradication of its predecessor‘s traits which no longer prove useful. The new species cannot be identified as being the same as that which predated it. Therefore; we do not refer to humans as a prokaryote, nor do we conclude that Homo sapiens and Homo erectus are the same, even though both are considered hominids. Thus, while both the N.O.I. and the N.G.E. are a part of the Five Percent by definition, they are not identical. We are delineated as being alike because our Father evolved from out of the womb of the N.O.I. temple and we currently use the lessons which he learned while there. Many take issue with us for discarding the title Muslim in an effort to represent ourselves as a separate and independent nation. Their logic is that we must be Muslim if we study Muslim lessons. However, what is the basis for referring to the information as Muslim lessons? What within the catechism suggest that they are Muslims Lessons? The Lessons were not teachings about the religion of Islam, nor do they require one to be a Muslim. The lessons instead, were a combination of math, science, and history, mixed in with a couple of Arabic terms. This is why Fard declared in Instruction number 11 of the Instructions Given to Laborers: “Do not take on mixed instructions other than our assignments.” In other words the only mixed instructions he recommended his followers to study were the ones he provided them with. He was admitting that the lessons incorporated diverse subjects and was not solely instructions of how to be a Muslim. If we must be Muslims, like some claim, in order to study what they call the Lost Found Muslim lessons, then do they have to be Christian to study the same text? I ask this because before the Nation of Islam came into existence, the term ‘Lost Found’ which now headlines their text was originally used as the title of Christian Book from the 1870’s. It was called Lost Found and it was written by W.M. Taylor. I’ve heard members of the N.O.I brand themselves as the Lost Sheep and the very first chapter of the book is entitled The Lost Sheep. In knowing the term, ‘Lost Found’ has its origins within the Bible, a book they regularly quote from; will they begin alluding to themselves as Christians when someone inquires about their ideology? Members of the N.O.I. declare that they are not American, and in being so they are not British either, yet the title of one of the lesson sets is English Lesson C-1. Does it make them English to study and quote that lesson? Better yet, since the N.O.I. under the leadership of Farrakhan use Dianetics, will they now tell people they are Scientologists? If Farrakhan can state he is not a Scientologist, but uses Dianetics, a product of Scientology, to better himself and his nation, then why can’t we study the lessons and not adhere to the term Muslim? Initially the lessons were never referred to by Fard as the Lost Found Muslim Lessons. If one would peruse the N.O.I. document dubbed the Instructions Given to the Laborers, one will see several references concerning the Lessons and never are they referred to as the Lost Found Muslim Lessons. The very first instruction mentions the so-called Lost Found Muslim Lesson #1: The student must study his Assignment--Lesson #1. Each Student should copy the Answers of Lesson of Minister, Elijah Muhammad, and study until the Student is able to memorize, By Heart, all Answers to, of said, Lesson #1. NOTE: Here, Lesson #1 is said to be the Student's Assignment-"First." LESSON #1 lays the Base of our Work today; and gives the Student a Clear Knowledge of Himself and His Heavenly Home, the Best Part of the Earth; and who is the enemy to him and his Nation; and why the enemy and Righteous could not live together; and why was the Righteous able to Cast Out his enemy. This teaches the student what he must do with the enemy of the Righteous today. THE Righteous Nation is, now, Living in every part of the planet Earth. Therefore the enemy must, now, be removed in every part of the planet Earth. Also the 6th instruction mentions the Lessons as well: Everyone's FINAL EXAMINATION will be before ALLAH (OUR SAVIOUR), which will include all of the Forms of Lessons, #1's Answers, and all the Problems The subjects which permeate the lessons are math, science and history, not religion. There are only 4 terms associated with the Islamic religion which Fard used within the lessons. They are Islam, Koran, Muhammad, and Muslim. That is it, and they are not used in the normative Islamic context. There is no mention of Da’wah, Eid, Hajj, Fatwa, Hijra, Imam, Iman, Ka’ba, jinn, Mahdi, Ramadan, Shahada, Shari’ah, Sura, etc. So how can

the lessons be confined to the Islamic religion or only be considered Muslim lessons? The term, ‘Muslim’ is mentioned the most within the 1-36, and it was taught by Fard that this lesson should be read to the children as a bedtime study: ENGLISH LESSON NO. C1: Spelling must be used by all Muslim girls and mothers to their children for Bedtime Study You read a bedtime story just before you go to sleep. By calling it a bedtime study, he was indicating that by examining the lesson we were studying who we were right before we were put to sleep as a people. Our most recent history or grand story prior to slavery was the story of the Moors or Black Muslims. By calling it a bedtime study, he was also implying we were mentally babies who were still in our bed though awoke (conscious). In other words, when we first came into the knowledge we were taught that we were Muslim. By directing one to study “spelling”, he is signifying that one is learning the word, but not the meaning of it. Essentially, the meaning of that lesson was not given to those considered immature in their understanding. Even so, we don’t find, anywhere in the lessons where Fard is instructing us in the ways of the Islamic religion. The Problem Book, which he commanded his followers to study, is comprised of mathematical problems. The lessons, again, are a text of math, science, and history. If we desire to know the truth behind any ideology, it would always prove more successful to go to the primary source of that teaching, and that would be Fard. Fard provided us with a clear indication of that which he came to teach. In Problem 13 of the Problem Book, Fard made the statement that, After learning Mathematics, which is Islam, and Islam is Mathematics, it stands true. You can always prove it at no limit of time…Now you must speak the language so you can use your Mathematical Theology in the proper term. In the above we can see from the construction of the sentence that ‘Mathematics’ is the subject which Fard is drawing attention to. The phrase, “which is Islam, and Islam is Mathematics” forms a non-essential clause and a non-essential clause is a relative clause that usually follows a proper or common noun, and is used to provide additional but unnecessary information to describe or define the proper or common noun which is the main subject of the sentence. A non-essential clause is an adjective clause that is NOT needed in order to IDENTIFY the referent. In this case Mathematics is the referent and since the phrase “which is Islam and Islam is Mathematics” is a non-essential clause then the word “Islam” is not needed to define Mathematics, but Mathematics as being the referent is necessary to define “Islam”. Also since the non-essential clause is superfluous, then we can read the above statement as, “After learning Mathematics, it stands true”. This is why the first sentence is followed by the statement, “You can prove it at no limit of time”. This is also the reason behind the statement, “Now you must speak the language so you can use your Mathematical Theology in the proper term.” We are not advised to use our Islamic Theology and Fard specifically instructed us to adopt “the proper term” when using our Mathematical Theology, and according to the construction of the above statements, the proper term or referent is Mathematics. We cannot prove any religion at no limit of time, yet mathematics can be proven in an instant. Two plus fives equals seven regardless of where you travel to in the universe and it can be proven as soon as it is spoken. Theology means the study of God, so by directing us to use a Mathematical Theology, Fard was expressing that we must use mathematics to arrive at an understanding of God. He did not instruct us to use religious scriptures, speculation, metaphysics, nor fanciful interpretations of allegories. Farrakhan understood this, as he acknowledged that Fard did not come to give us an Islamic religion: “It’s interesting that The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said the whole scope of the teachings of Master Fard Muhammad is astronomy”. He didn’t proclaim that the whole scope of Fard’s teaching was the Islamic religion. Instead he named a branch of science as representing what is was that the lessons was drawing attention to, and before one can study science, one has to first learn basic math. So, as disclosed by Fard, Mathematics is the language we must learn to speak so we can understand and express self through science. Elijah actually echoed Fard’s words in stating, “Islam goes as far back as the root of mathematics. The root of mathematics goes as far back as Islam.” If the root of mathematics goes as far back as Islam, we would need to ask, what is the root of mathematics? The answer is given by Elijah: “We are the Root of mathematics. God Himself is Unit No. 1.” If we are the root of mathematics then we would be the number 1, which Elijah stated was God himself. Regarding our place in the mathematical order which governed the order and direction of the Universe, Elijah not only alleged that we are the root, but he also informed us that “Fractions are taught to you first, because you were a part then a whole.” This implies that we once existed as an individual part of a system, meaning God was just one man or mind at a point in our evolution (The point of singularity), but now this One is no longer an individual entity, but is manifested as multiple expressions which come together in unity to form that One which initiated the first stage of our evolution. In other words, there is not one man or being who is supreme over all other men. The only thing greater than individual man is our unity. Together we are the All-Eye Seeing, the All-Knowing. So, why did Elijah give us Islam as a religion? Well, one incident which occurred during his history could shed some light on this. In 1934 in Michigan, Elijah Muhammad committed himself to jail after learning that many of his members were arrested for contributing to the delinquency of minors, because they decided to remove their children from the public school system in order to enroll them into the N.O.I.’s educational institution. Shortly after his release, Elijah moved to Chicago in September of that same year. In an effort to receive some protection from the government for his developing nation, he opted to identify the teachings as a religion, knowing it would be protected by the first amendment. This is the reason why the Nation of Islam moved its headquarters to Chicago, because that state allowed for the establishment of legitimate religious organizations under the Illinois Religious Incorporation Act 805 ILCS 110. This is also the reason behind Noble Drew Ali’s relocating the headquarters for his Moorish Science Temple of America within Chicago. Elijah not only needed to cloak the teachings as a religion in order to receive protection under the constitution, which allotted him time to develop his nation without interference, but he also knew that our people were so caught up in religion that it would prove difficult trying to guide them into the reality of God through science and mathematics. Elijah acknowledged that science was the key as he referred to the 12 rulers of the planet who he taught controlled the weather and happenings on earth as the 12 Scientists, not the 12 angels, 12 priest or 12 imams. He even referred to God as a scientist. Yet, our people would have more than likely rejected this information because they believed in spirits. As Elijah inferred in his 1964 interview with Buzz Anderson, “I feared my people would not believe since that they believe mostly in spirit…this I am very slow about getting over to my people.” Many have claimed that the above statement was in reference to the revelation of Fard being the Supreme God; however at the time of this interview Elijah had already made Fard’s divinity the basis of what he taught and would not have needed to make the above statement regarding such. It would have been an arduous task convincing the people that they, in their degenerate state, were the Creator they were searching for or praying to. They already believed in worshipping a man, because they were worshipping Jesus Christ as God, so Elijah had to replace their Supreme Man-God with another Supreme Man-God. He supplanted Jesus with W. D. Fard. Elijah also recognized that much of the African world identified with being a Muslim and any effort in uniting with our people in Africa would be made easier if we were Muslim and not Christians. As he wrote in Our Savior Has Arrived, You have to make yourself a citizen of Africa, your native country. You can’t go back there calling yourself “Mr. Willie Jones.” You can’t go to Africa today and get good friendship with them. They are afraid of you. They say that you are just another white man under a Black man’s skin. They don’t want you. But if you say you are a Muslim, they want you—they spread out their arms for you if you say (continued on page 5)


Spot Light We would like to place a Supreme Spotlight on Nadege (C’Essence), for getting accepted to study abroad and for furthering her educational pursuits. We would like to put a spotlight on Jahlil Allah and his Dunwoody Explorers Group for helping sick children during their hospitalization. We would like to put the supreme Spotlight on all the volunteers who helped out by showing and proving through their

ways and actions for all the events that we have had throughout the 2014 calendar year. We would like to shout out all the guests who attended all of our Nation Events, gatherings, and Universal Parliament’s. We would like to put a Supreme Spotlight on all the children who have been adding on in various ways, as well as diligently studying and learning their lessons.

We would like to shout out and put a Supreme Spotlight on Prince Sha’Divine for officially and formally receiving his Martial Arts Black Belt. We will also like to shout out and place a Supreme Spotlight on all the contributors of the Build With The Builders Newsletter, we appreciate you all so much. You have made this Newsletter (which had it’s inception in April 2014), be a supreme success;

reaching, impacting and informing many people in various places and spaces. Shout out and Supreme Spotlight on brother Todd and his printing partner and connect, on assisting us with decent prices for our printing needs for our bimonthly Build With The Builders Newsletter. We look forward to continuing adding on with powerful and positive builds and information, in the 2015 calendar year.

Seed & Soil: “The Greatest” The babies/our children are our greatest treasure, because they are our pathways and links to the future. They also become more accomplished and advanced with the ideas and positive behavioral patterns that we laid out for them, and before them, when we love them and provide them with the proper nourishment and guidance. Do the knowledge (take a look) at our children having fun, learning, socializing, and displaying their talents, abilities and intelligence, as well as showing and proving the fact and

reality, that they are ”The Greatest”.

NGE/NOI: Is There A Difference (Continued from page 3 & 4) you are Muslim, The word, “Muslim” when used as a title implies a specific religious practice. It denotes one who adheres to certain religious rituals, such as Ramadan, Salaat, Hajj, etc. As having no religion, the Nation of Gods and Earths does not refer to ourselves by such title. Many have also suggested that, because the basis of the word ‘Muslim’ means ‘one who makes peace’ or a ‘peace maker’, the use of this term is non-religious, but only a description of their behavior or

nature. If people speaking the English language were using the title Muslim simply to identify themselves as those who submit to God’s will or those who make peace, then why would they not just call themselves the peacemakers or the submitters? It is because that term would not identify their religious practices. They use the appellation because it summarizes what they believe to be their Holy Scripture, who they pray to, what religious days they observe, etc. It is a religious title; therefore the Nation of

Gods and Earths don’t use the moniker to categorize ourselves, because we are not governed by belief. We have beliefs, but they don’t dictate our way of life. We define our existence through the acquisition of empirical data. This is the reason why Fard gave the N.O.I. the Actual Facts first, to remind them that what they are studying is predicated upon mathematics and science.

What they call “Supreme” Wisdom begins with learning actual facts. Peace. To be Continued… Written by: Prince Sha’Divine allah

“Where builders build; whether it’s one of us or a million of us…”

If you are interested in submitting an article for printing; please email your work to

Youth Economic Summit Come out and join us January 17, 2015, 10:00 am 11:30 am for "A Youth Economic Summit" in conjunction with "Strong Young Minds of America" at Heavenly Body Products, 2571 Park Central Blvd., Decatur, 30035. We are having a four-part series summit discussing the Five Principles To International Marketing, business, and heath & wellness by certified educators, leaders and special guests on 1/17/15, 1/24/15, 1/31/15, & 2/7/15. We're asking for a $1.00 donation per person to learn this knowledge and information that will last you a lifetime!

Notable Quotes “No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them. Nobody is going to teach you your true history, teach you your true heroes, if they know that that knowledge will help set you free.” ~Assata Shakur “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” ~Marcus M. Garvey “Don’t try to be like me, be better than me” ~Father Allah

Videos / Sites You May Enjoy YouTube: “European Holidays - Part 1 - Video - Dr. Ishakamusa Barashango” and “Stuff

Earths Say” (some of the views written in the articles, and observed in the videos shown, may not express the universal views of NGE/Allah’s 5%).

Please Support and add on with Dr. Umar Johnson’s: Frederick Douglass Marcus Garvey Academy for black boys. YouTube: “Dr. Umar Johnson School” (5:27 minutes) Donations can be sent to:

Frequently Asked Questions

FDMG Academy C/O Dr. Umar Johnson. PO Box 6872. Philadelphia, PA 19132

Question: How does an infinite being like Allah express ones self through physical form, since all physical forms are finite and limited? Answer: Through an infinitude of forms; each unfolding into something else; through human birth with mans different X, Y gene combining with woman's X gene. The combination toward child creation are infinite in possibilities; through growth and development there is no limit to what you can learn. Submitted by:

Upcoming Nation / Cipher (Community) Calendar Events January: 17th: “Youth Economic Summit” (Decatur, GA) @ at Heavenly

Body Products, 2571 Park Central Blvd., Decatur, 30035. from 10am-11:30am 19th: “MLK Day Parade” (ATL, GA) Meeting place is the

Peachtree Center Mall Foodcourt @ noon; March Begins @ 1pm.

Employment School Bus Driver Positions in Forsyth County, Contact Sylvia (770) 888-1234 ext 220126. BHA Trucking is hiring drivers for 18-wheelers. 1-800-852-6641

Allah Universal Life Justice Shabazz. DeKalb County is hiring school bus drivers.

February: 6th: “Youth Science & Health Fair”: (ATL, GA) West End Mall 7th: “Youth Science & Health Fair”: (ATL, GA) Green Briar Mall 22nd: “Fathers Physical Celebration” (ATL, GA) Time and Place TBD March: “Earth Appreciation Month”

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