المدرسة في فلسطين

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!‫انمدرست فٍ فهسطُه‬ School in Palestine!

‫تبدأ انزحهت هىا فٍ انمعبز‬ The journey starts here in Hebron

‫عىد انذهاب إنً انمدرست َبدأ األطفال َىمهم بمىاجهت وقطت انتفتُش‬

the children starting their day going to school to be faced with a checkpoint:

‫َمىعهم انجىىد مه انمزور وَأمزوهم بانعىدة نهمىشل‬

the soldiers prevent them from passing and give them orders to go home

‫َحاول األطفال تحدٌ انجىىد وتجاوس وقطت انتفتُش‬

the children try to challenge the soldiers and pass the checkpoint

‫حتً األصغز سىا َحاونىن ونكه دون جدوي‬

‫‪even younger ones try but in vain‬‬

‫وَىتهٍ بهم األمز بتهقٍ دروسهم فٍ انشارع عىد وقطت انتفتُش‬

they end up having their classes in the street by the checkpoint

‫َانها مه شجاعت مدهشت‬

what an amazing spirit

:‫َحاول انصبُت عهً وحى أشد وىعا ما‬

the boys try a little bit harder:


they got shot at,

‫وَقبض عهً بعضهم‬

and some arrested

‫وَبقً انتحدٌ وانكبزَاء فٍ عُىوهم‬

yet in their eyes you see determination and dignity

‫نى تحزكت أٌ مه مشاعزك أرسهها نكم أصدقاءك‬ ‫فقد َدرك أحدهم انمعاواة انُىمُت نهفهسطُىُ​ُه‬ If you have a heart at all you will pass this on to all your friends and MAYBE someone will realize what Palestinians go through everyday!!


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