Now you are going to see ْ٢ِب ؼزشب٘سٖ ا
What the Israelis don’t want the whole world to see ٌُطاٖ اٌؼب٠ ًْ ثأ١ ال رطغت إؼطائٞء اٌصٟاٌش
The First Massacre in the st 21 Century ٓ٠اٌؼشطٚ ٞ اٌمطْ اٌحبزٟي ِصثحخ فٚأ
The Dirtiest Bloodshed in the history of Mankind ٟإضالخ اٌسِبء فٚ بد إ٘ساض١ٍّأثشغ ػٚ ؼدٚأ خ٠د اٌجشط٠ربض
The Massacres of Nablus and Jenin in Palestine ٓ١ فٍؽطٟٓ ف١ٕجٚ ٔبثٍػِٟصثحز
Cities that were turned into empty “ghost houses” by the Israeli armies within 10 days only ٓ أصجحزب وّسْ األشجبح ذالي١ٓ اٌٍز١ٕز٠اٌّس ٍٟ١ش اإلؼطائ١ز اٌجٛٙبَ فمط ثج٠ أ10
Claiming to fight terrorism رحذ غطبء ِىبفحخ اإلض٘بة
But they were unable to perform the “complete crime” ُّٙز٠ إرّبَ جطٟا فٍِٛغ شٌه فمس فشٚ
WARNING: The following pictures are harsh and inhumane. If you want to stop this slideshow, press Alt + F4 now, but you will never be able to know the truth about what happened. If you want to continue, press Space Bar
ط٠رحص إشا وٕذ ال.خ١ٔط إٔؽب١غٚ ؼزؼطض ِؤٌّخٟض اٌزٛثؼط اٌص ٌٓ ٌىٕهٚ ،ْ٢ اAlt + F4 ٍٝ إظغط ػ،بٙرطغت ثّشب٘سر إظغط ِفزبح، إشا أضزد اإلؼزّطاض.ًمخ ِب حسس فؼال١رؼطف حم
Jenin refugee camp destroyed by the Israeli bulldozers, a destruction that even earthquakes can never make ،خ١ٍ١ظضاد اإلؼطائٚاؼطخ اٌجٍسٛ زُِِط ثبٌىبًِ ثٞٓ اٌص١ٕ جُٟ الجئ١ِر .ْ ٘ىصاٛى٠ ررٍفٗ اٌعالظي الٞ اٌسِبض اٌصٝحز
Just imagine if this were your house … وبْ ٘صا ِٕعٌهٌٛ ً١فمط رر
Even bedrooms are no more safe to sleep in … ٌٍَٕٛ َ ٌُ رؼس إِٓخٌٕٛ غطف اٝحز
A “city of ghosts” can be the only way to describe this disaster ؼجّط ػٓ ٘صٖ اٌىبضصخ٠ ٞس اٌص١حٌٛصف اٌٛ اٛ٘ “ٕخ األشجبح٠”ِس
In Jenin, a new holocaust was committed, but what is different about it is that people were not taken into arresting camps, but they were burnt in their houses by burning missiles … ِغ فطق،سح اضرىجذ٠ؼذ جسٛوٌٛٛ٘ ِحطلخ،ٓ١ٕ جٟف ،ّبد١اٌّرٚ اٌّؼزمالدٟط وبْ ثؼسَ حطق إٌبغ ف١ثؽ ...اؼطخ اٌمصائف اٌحبضلخُٛ ثٙرٛ١ ثُٟ فٙإّٔب ثحطلٚ
Burning bodies was not enough, demolishing houses was necessary to prevent the escape of people from their houses …
ِٓ بٙق اٌجضش ٌّٕؼٛط إٌّبظي ف١ِ ثً وبْ الثس ِٓ رس،ًب١ىٓ وبف٠ ٌُ حطق اٌجضش ...طةٌٙا
Was this body burnt dead or alive before burying it under the rubble ? د رحذ اٌطوبَ؟ٌّٛب لجً اٙزخ أَ رُ حطل١ِ ٟ٘ٚ ً٘ رُ حطق ٘صٖ اٌجضخ
Dozens of corpses collected in a small room, aid workers unable to work due to lack of equipment and due to fear of spread of epidemics ط١ضجبي اإلؼؼبف غٚ ،طح١ غطفخ صغٟٓ جُِّؼذ ف١ِػشطاد اٌجضب ثؽجتٚ خ١عاد اٌطج١ٙاٌزجٚ اٌّؼسادٟ اٌؼًّ ثؽجت اٌؼجع فٍٝٓ ػ٠لبزض ثئخٚف ِٓ إٔزشبض األٛاٌر
In Nablus, the massacre was just indescribable… صف اٌّصثحخٚ ّٓى٠ ال، ٔبثٍػٟف
Just tell me … what body piece is this ? ِٓ اٌجؽس ٘صا؟ٛ ػعٞ أ...ٟٔفمط أذجط
Does this old man deserve such a death ? صٖ؟ٙزخ و١ِ ٓؽزحك ٘صا اٌطجً اٌّؽ٠ ً٘
Cotton placed in cavities … what kind of weapon was used against this man ? ع ِٓ األؼٍحخ اؼزُرسَِ ظس ٘صاٛٔ ٞ أ...ادٛاٌمطٓ اؼزُرسَِ ٌؽس اٌفج اٌطجً؟
No Comment ك١ٍال رؼ
Head broken into pieces … ... أجعاءٌٝاٌطأغ ُفزِذ إ
The old woman’s body shredded into pieces … where’s the world community ? خ؟١ٌّ إٌّظّبد اٌؼبٟ٘ ٓ٠ أ... أجعاءٌٝجؽس اٌّطأح اٌّؽٕخ ُِعِق إ
May God bless our Martyrs, may they rest in peace up in the heavens ٌ١جبضن اهلل شٙسائٕب ،ف ُٙف ٟؼالَ ف ٟاٌؽّبٚاد اٌؼٍُٝ حَ١بءٌ ؼجِ ًِ١ٱٌٍَِٗ أَ َِْٛاربً َثًْ أَ ْ ؽ َجَٓ ٱٌَصُِ َٓ٠ل ِزٍُٛاْ فَِ ٟ (َٚالَ رَحْ َ ػِٕسَ َض ِثُ٠ ُِْٙطْ َظلُ)َْٛ
THE FACTS اٌحمبئك
During the last Israeli incursions in Jenin and Nablus, more than 500 Palestinians were reported killed … ،ٔبثٍػٚ ٓ١ٕ جٟطح ف١خ األذ١ٍ١ذالي اٌغبضاد اإلؼطائ ...ٍٝ ػساز اٌمزٟا فٍٛ ؼُجٟٕ١ فٍؽط500 ِٓ أوضط
… Ambulances and red cross workers were prevented from saving injured people by the Israeli Forces ت١ٍضجبي اٌصٚ بضاد اإلؼؼبف١خ ِٕؼذ ؼ١ٍ١اد اإلؼطائٛاٌم ...ٓ١اٌّصبثٚ ٜاألحّط ِٓ إٔمبش اٌجط
More than 8,000 Palestinians were arrested for nothing ْ ؼجتُٚ ِٓ زٌٙ رُ إػزمبٟٕ١ فٍؽط8000 ِٓ أوضط
What is your role now ? Just watch? Cry? ْ؟ رزفطط فمط؟ رصطخ؟٢ضن اٚ زٛ٘ ِب
I don’t think so … ...ال أػزمس شٌه
You have now seen the unrevealed, but others have not ٌٓىٚ ،بً ػٓ األٔظبض١ْ ِب وبْ ِرف٢ٌمس شب٘سد ا ٖ ثؼسٚشب٘س٠ ٌُ ٓ٠ذط٢ا
Be responsible, take this matter seriously ِحًّ اٌجسٍٝع ػٛظٌّٛ ذص ٘صا ا،ًالٚوٓ ِؽؤ
Let the people know the truth, forward this Slideshow to family and friends … أصسلبئهٌٝ ِطض ٘صٖ اٌّبزح إ،مخ١ؼطف اٌحم٠ ٌُزع اٌؼب ِؼبضفهٚ
Whether you are a Muslim, Christian, or other, as long as you are a human being … بٔخ٠ زٞ رؼزٕك أٚ أ،ٟح١ ِؽٚ أ،ٍُاء وٕذ ِؽٛؼ ...ْ أٔذ إٔؽب،ٜأذط
… Keep this in your mind ...ًرصوط ٘صا زائّب
And remember, don’t be fooled with what you’re fed by the media َؼبئً اإلػالٚ ٗال رصسق وً ِب رؼطظ
Always look for the truth … ...مخ١زائّبً اثحش ػٓ اٌحم
This is a wrong statement ٘صٖ ِؼبزٌخ ذبطئخ
This is the right statement حخ١ اٌّؼبزٌخ اٌصحٟ٘ ٖ٘ص