Where rich history and timeless classic charm converge
NestledbetweenTheNationalMallandTheWharfDC,SalamanderWashingtonDCexudesarefinedsenseofstylewithbeautifully designedrooms,spacioussuites,arenownedspaandsomeofthecity’slargestmeetingandeventspaces.InSeptember2022, Salamander Collection brought its welcoming and diverse style of luxury hospitality to the heart of the nationʼs capital at Salamander Washington DC. Into Spring 2024, a remarkable transformation will take place, and guests will enjoy elegantly redesignedsuites,exquisitecuisineandstate-of-the-artamenities.
Welcome to the new heart of Washington, D.C.
Lobby & Lounge | Spring 2024
GuestswillbewelcomedintoourwarmandinvitingLobby,acomfortablelivingroomspacethatseamlesslytransitionsintoTheLounge With anexpansivewalloffloor-to-ceilingwindows,TheLoungeoffersnaturallightandtranquilviewsofthepicturesqueLoungePatio,GrandLawn, andnearbymarinaoftheSouthwestwaterfront

Grand Lawn & Patios | Fall 2023
RelaxandunwindinournewlyenhancedoutdoorspacefeaturingourGrandLawnandpatios,orenjoyaccesstoourexclusivewalkingpathto TheWharf,avibrantmile-longstretchofrestaurantsandretailersalongthePotomacRiver.

Stylish Suites | Spring 2024
ExperiencetheheightofluxuryasSalamanderWashingtonDCelevatesitsforty-fiveone-bedroomsuitesandsixsignaturesuites,includingthe awe-inspiringPresidentialSuite,offeringunrivaledviewsofthenation'scapital

Reimagined by renowned design company, Thomas Pheasant STUDIO, every suite will undergo a complete refurbishment, introducing brighter furnishings that showcase natural light and modern touches, for a brand-new aesthetic catered to discerning travelers.
Monument Club | Spring 2024
The elegant and fresh remodeling of Salamander Washington DC’s ClubLoungewillcreateanelevatedandpersonalizedexperiencefor corporategroupsandhotelguestsalike
This redesign by Thomas Pheasant STUDIO will maximize the sweeping views of the two-story space, featuring all new furniture, fixtures, and wall coverings

Salamander Spa | Spring 2024

Salamander Washington DC x Chef Kwame Onwuachi | Spring 2024
We are elated to announce that Dōgon by Kwame Onwuachi will open this spring along the revitalized Southwest waterfront located at SalamanderWashingtonDCaspartofthehotelenhancementproject Theacclaimedchefmakeshishighlyanticipatedreturntothenation’s capital with a fresh and imaginative new concept designed by the architectural firm Modellus Novus and inspired by DC Surveyor Benjamin BannekerandhisheritagetotheWestAfricanDogontribe Pronounced“Doh-gon,”therestaurantwillservevibrantcuisinethroughanAfroCaribbeanlensanddrawfromOnwuachi’suniqueNigerian,Jamaican,TrinidadianandCreolebackground

Onwuachi, who currently owns Tatiana in New York City, has penned multiple books like his successful memoir Notes from a Young Black Chef and the bestselling cookbook My America: Recipes from a Young Black Chef. He has also been a contestant andajudgeonBravo’s Top Chef
In 2019, he was acclaimed by Esquire as its Chef of the Year, recognized by Food & Wine as one of its Best New Chefs, and namedbytheJamesBeardFoundationas"RisingStarChefofthe Year”Tatianahasbeenhailedasthecity’sbestrestaurantbythe New York Times andreceivedmultiplestellarreviews
“The time is right to return to D C , and I can’t think of a more appropriate location to open a new restaurant that speaks to the character and lineage of D.C. than at this storied Salamander property. As a child, I spent summers in D.C. with my grandfather, a professor of pan African studies at Howard University, who shared his passion for the city with me I fell in love and can’t wait to return ” Chef Kwame Onwuachi

SalamanderWashingtonDC 1330MarylandAvenueSW Washington,DC20024
Follow@salamanderhoteldcand@dogondc tostayupdatedonourenhancements
Forsalesandreservationinquiries, pleasevisitsalamanderdccomorcall2027876060