Project: Recordable Greeting Card

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MAKE A CARD WITH YOUR OWN VOICE AND SOUNDS. MAKE AN INTERESTING DRAWING. DRAW YOUR SOUNDS. MAKE SOUNDS ABOUT YOUR DRAWING; TELL A STORY. First think of a story that you want to tell; maybe a goal that you reached (or want to reach); maybe something interesting that you saw today (in the real world or on tv). If you know who you are giving this card to, maybe tell a story about something that is interesting for them.

WHAT TO RECORD: (remember that you can record anything; not just your voice) Maybe write down your story and read it out loud while recording; maybe just say random words about your story (for example, if your story is about a cat, you can just say “meow meow”); maybe record sounds that fit your story (for example, if your story is about birds, you can play some nice loud bird sounds on a computer and record them on your card). Or, if you started with a drawing, maybe there are parts of your drawing that you want to talk about in your recording.

WHAT TO DRAW: Maybe just draw something about your story like you normally would (and don’t worry about the sound recording); or maybe draw mainly the things that you record (for example, if you only recorded “meow meow meow” for a story about cats, you can write that giant word: “MEOW”); or maybe the drawing is about one part of the story and the sound is about another part (for example, if the sound is loud bird noises that you heard at the park, the drawing can be just about the park and the plants and the words: “guess what I heard today at the park?”).

HOW TO RECORD: 1. Open the card all the way and lay it as flat as possible on a hard surface. 2. Place a finger on each of the 2 small printed circles inside the card (at the bottom of the page). 3. Press down on both circles to ‘click’ the 2 buttons underneath. Recording starts when you hear a beep. 4. Continue pressing the circles down and record your voice or other sounds about 6 inches away from the card. 5. Stop pressing on the circles when you are finished. 6. Close the card and open to playback. Your card is now ready (be sure to design it with drawings, stickers, or anything you choose). NOTE: The card can record up to 30 seconds.

holes for the speaker

LED light this flap starts playback


2 buttons to record

The inside of the card

DRAWING TEMPLATE Draw only inside the rectangle, so that your drawing will fit inside your greeting card.

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