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Sal Canzonieri
Guitarist for Electric Frankenstein, when not teaching or healing people with Qigong ! www.JinDaoLife.com Mr. Salvatore (Sal) Canzonieri has a BA degree in Behavioral Science (triple major in Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology, with a Concentration (Thesis) on 'Subcultures and Societal Change' from Drew University in Madison, NJ. Also, Masters Degree in Holistic Psychology. Mr. Canzonieri has been practicing traditional Chinese martial arts and since 1975 in such styles as Shuai Jiao (Chinese art of takedowns), Tong Bei, Shaolin, Taizu Chang Quan, Yue Jia Quan (Ba Fan Shou), Xing Yi, Tai Ji Quan, Ba Gua Zhang, and others. He began learning and practicing Qigong / Neigong since 1980. Has has been a certified instructor since 1998 by the International Congress of Oriental Medicine and