School newsletter

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Salcombe Preparatory School Newsletter 2013 - 2014

Welcomes and Farewells

The new academic year started with the appointment of Mrs Davies, the new Headmistress. Joining her at Salcombe was Miss Purcell as our Reception teacher; Mrs Eston as our Year 2 teacher; Miss Long as our Year 4 English and Science teacher; Miss Panton as our Art and Design Technology teacher and Mrs Greenberg as our full-time Head of Curriculum Support. In January, we also welcomed Mr Warren as our new Information Technology teacher, in April we employed Miss Pringle as another teaching assistant in Reception, and in the Summer we were joined by Mrs Pandya as another pair of valued hands in the Pre-school. Happy events during the year have included a birth - Mr McWilliams become a proud grandfather, and a wedding Miss Liyanapatabendi will become Mrs Liyanapatabendi in the summer holidays. At the end of the year, we bade farewell to Mr Tariq, who is now pursuing an entrepreneurial career through the setting up of his own business, and Mrs Madhushan, who has left to pursue her next career. Lastly, we said goodbye to Miss Heywood, the Deputy Head of the Prep school, who has been with Salcombe for 25 years. We wish her a long and happy retirement, but we doubt she will be retired for long!


The exciting developments this year were launched with the re-decoration of the Pre-Prep Hall over the summer of 2013. The internal refurbishment of the Prep Site Hall was completed in February half term. The tree outside the Hall was removed in preparation for the new façade work, which will be carried out over the summer holidays. The interior of the Hall is now equipped with mirrors for use in dance and drama lessons – they are even useful for the after-school Karate teacher when correcting the fighting pose! Plans are all set to go for the summer holidays, where the Prep school upstairs will be transformed with a new state of the art Science Lab being fitted, and the fire escapes extended. Drainage work will be carried out at the Prep site, so that the playground can be flattened and resurfaced.

At the Pre-Prep, the refurbishment to the toilets will be underway and the second Year 1 class will move upstairs to form a Key Stage One base. We are all looking forward to returning in September to see that the builders are finished!

Academic Achievements

We have been extremely proud of our pupils’ intellectual, cultural, moral and sporting success this year. Our pupils have achieved very high results in the KS1 and KS2 SATS for Mathematics and English (see opposite for more information) and continue to impress visitors with their excellent manners, cooperation, confidence and eagerness to participate and learn in all areas of the curriculum, from Pre-school all the way through to Year 6. A particularly notable achievement was the performance of all our pupils in the Trinity Guildhall examinations for the Communication Skills and Performance Text modules, which were held in May. All 37 of our children who participated gained distinctions. The external examiner was extremely impressed with all of the performances.

We are very proud of all of our Year 6 children who gained places at the schools of their choice. The school is very proud of the pupils’ 10 scholarships and awards in academic, sport and musical areas of the curriculum. Well done on all your efforts!

The refurbished Art and Design Technology studio, and Prep School reception area—completed in Summer 2013.

Mrs Davies overseeing the new signs erected at Chase Side and Green Road in Summer 2013.


It has been another successful and engaging year for the pupils in their English lessons. Results across the Pre-Prep and Prep Schools have been outstanding, with 100% of pupils achieving a Level 2 or above at the end of KS1. 93% of Year 2 pupils achieved the above average level of a 2a; and of these children - an amazing 64% showed they were working within Level 3 – which is well above national expectations. 91% of our Year 6 pupils achieved a Level 5 in Reading, with 33% of those being a Level 6—the level expected of 14 year olds. These results are a testament to all the hard work put in by the students over the last few years.

World Book Day was celebrated in fine style with the children all coming to school dressed as their favourite book characters – we Had everybody from Cinderella, Charlie from the Chocolate Factory and Harry Potter to Gangster Granny! Mr Valerio and Mr Watson ran a very successful book swap at lunchtime and the children heard about the favourite childhood book of various staff members in assemblies. Class RP showing off their costumes for World Book Day, March 6th 2014

The Pre-Prep children participated in a handwriting competition and a poetry recital. It was a pleasure to listen to all the lovely poems - well done to all the classes. Pupils were also involved in a shared reading carousel. The Year 2 children read with Reception, and the Year 1 children read with the Pre-School children. It was lovely to see all the staff bring in their favourite books and talk about how important and pleasurable is reading to us all! The Mathematics Department have enjoyed celebrating the multitude of achievements gained by pupils across the school.


Our results in Mathematics have once more surpassed even the high expectations set at Salcombe. 100% of our Year 2 children at the end of Key Stage 1 have achieved a Level 2, of which 93% scored the above average level of a 2a; and of these children – a remarkable 61% showed they are working within Level 3. 100% of our Year 6 children at the end of Key Stage 2 have achieved the national requirements in Maths - of these children, 96% are achieving a Level 5 (a whole level ahead of national expectations) and 30% of these achieved a Level 6. Two of these children gained the highest level they could on their Level 6 paper (6a) and almost made it to a Level 7. This year has seen more events than ever take place within the Mathematics Department, across both the Pre-Prep and Prep Schools. Our pupils’ keen Mathematical muscles have been exercised in competitions such as the UKMT Team Challenge for Years 4 – 6 in October, the regional final of which was held in March and saw our pupils competing against Year 7 and 8 pupils from other schools. In November, we held the Primary Mathematics Challenge, where 3 of our pupils achieved Gold Awards, 6 pupils achieved Silver Awards and 10 pupils achieved Bronze Awards. UKMT Primary Maths Challenge For our 100th Day of the Academic Year on the 27th February, Salcombe saw an influx of children wearing some extremely creative mathematical-themed hats! Prep and Pre-Prep teachers struggled to judge the hat competition as the children had put such a lot of effort, and there were some amazing examples to be seen. The children at both sites also enjoyed a series of workshops and activities based around the number 100.

In March, four pupils took part in the Year 5 Haileybury Mathematics Challenge. The level of mathematical ability was very high and our children have managed to secure the 5th place out of 34 schools. A very big well done to all who participated! The UKMT Junior Maths Challenge was held on the 1 st May, and 10 pupils from Years 5 and 6 took part.


Science at Salcombe has become even more exciting and hands-on this year, and has evolved into a process where children are more actively involved in creating experiments and undertaking scientific investigation. Our pupils are more inventive, inquisitive and enthusiastic, with a better understanding of the principles and practicality of Science and how they are applied in everyday life. Pre-school pupils have introduced the Space topic into their curriculum this year. This has been a fantastic opportunity for pupils to learn the names of the planets and the features of the Moon. Exploratory play and construction skills have continued in Reception, where pupils have learned more about the properties of various materials and the natural world. Year 1 and Year 2 have built upon this knowledge by looking at Forces and Gravity in more detail, to name just one topic within this subject.

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A highlight for Prep school pupils was the Forensic Science Workshop, held on March 19th. The children were tasked with a scenario called ‘The Stolen Money’, which they had to solve by looking for evidence at a mock crime scene. Children were introduced to different forensic evidence such as fingerprints, DNA and footprints and how they are beneficial to solve various crimes. Different suspects were displayed around the hall and evidence had to be matched and analysed to decide the culprits. The children thoroughly enjoyed this hands-on workshop and were even able to take home their own fingerprints. Our after-school Science Club pupils have been having an amazing time exploring and investigating different acids found in food and how they react with other materials. Highlights have included making bubbly bath bombs, writing secret messages with home-made invisible ink, exploding a bottle of Coke with Mentos Mints, making explosive rockets and volcanoes, and walking on water. The French programme has seen much exciting activity this year, ranging from our Pre-schoolers enjoying their weekly introduction to the language every Thursday morning through songs and storytelling, to the Year 3 pupils enjoying putting their French conversational skills to practical use by ordering food and drink at Cafe Rouge. In the Spring term, Pre-Prep pupils loved taking part in a visit from the Onatti Theatre Group, who performed an interactive and very funny French play. Current Year 5 pupils are already looking forward to the chance to taste “les escargots” and “les cuisses de grenouille” during our 5 day residential trip to Le Château du Broutel next Summer.


We have been constantly impressed by Year 6s ability to give ancient disparaging remarks in their Latin lessons of the kind which the Romans would have heard and written about – and we very much enjoyed our Toga Party! The Spanish after-school clubs have also given pupils from Reception to Year 6 the opportunity to develop an additional language, and is extremely popular across the year groups. We have enjoyed Spanish drama workshops as well as food tasting sessions and flamenco themed Fiestas. Music at Salcombe has once again flourished this year. Singing assemblies have continued to be a valuable and fun part of our week. We have also enjoyed open singing assemblies to parents in the Prep school, which has also given pupils the opportunity to perform using their instruments. The children have delighted us with their talents on guitar, violin, piano, trumpet, flute, drums and voice.


In the Pre-Prep, Year 1 and 2 parents have been invited to listen and enjoy our singing assemblies as well as their lovely presentation of songs on Mothers’ Day. Pre-school and Reception very much enjoyed performing in their end-of-year shows. Year 6 deserve a special mention for working so well and with such energy together over the year. They have set new standards at Salcombe with their singing and developed a challenging and truly astounding repertoire.


In addition to the regular assembly performances which pupils from Pre-school to Year 2 have enjoyed, important expressive skills have been developed throughout the curriculum. Year 3 to Year 6 pupils have continued to develop their group-work, knowledge and acting skills in their weekly Drama lessons.

On Thursday the 24th of October, Salcombe were treated to one of the Bard of Avon’s most well known plays, Romeo and Juliet. Year 5 and 6 pupils were witness to a whimsical and entertaining version of the play by the Young Shakespeare Company. All in all, it was a great performance and all the children came away with a new appreciation for Shakespeare. This year’s quirky and eclectic end-of-year show ‘Cinderella Rockerfella’ was full of star quality and highly entertaining for all performers, staff and audience alike. A huge well done to everyone involved.

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This year in Understanding the World, Reception have been making many keen observations about animals and plants. They have particularly enjoyed growing bean plants and observing the changes of our tadpoles as we watched them change into frogs! Year 1 pupils have had a very interesting time learning about their topic “An Island Home”. Their ability to distinguish between physical and human features has developed very well. The mapping skills and weather knowledge of our Year 2 classes has been very impressive, and Year 3 have made fantastic progress this year in Geography. The pupils particularly enjoyed covering our topic on Coasts. Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed studying Rivers, Agriculture and Weather. Year 5 have most recently been working hard on our project on the Indonesian Rainforest and we had a great day out at London Zoo recently. Year 6 have created some excellent Natural Hazard Projects in the Autumn Term, excelled at Map Work and produced good scores in the End of Year Assessment. Well done everyone!


In History, Year 1 pupils have very much enjoyed learning about famous people. Their absolute favourite was Dick Turpin – infamous for his highway activities! The story of Florence Nightingale has continued to be a favourite among Year 2 pupils, and Year 3 have enjoyed learning about mummies and pyramids in their studies of the Ancient Egyptians. Year 4 have had fun hearing the Trojan Horse story and singing the songs of Heroes of Troy. The Royal Gunpowder Mills trip for Years 5 and 6 was a particular highlight, as pupils learned about Victorian pastimes, toys and the daily routine in a Victorian classroom and workhouse. One of our Year 5 pupils commented, “I enjoyed trying some of the jobs Victorian children would have done like sorting out the matchsticks, polishing the clothes and washing the dirty rags. The games were not like the computer games we have today but they were challenging and lasted a long time”. Another pupil said, “I liked the Victorian classroom because even though it was very strict, it was actually quite funny too. Miss Heywood got beaten on the hand with a stick and one of my classmates had to stand against the wall wearing the dunce’s hat for talking.” Our Year 6 pupils have also enjoyed


This year, Miss Panton has brought her expertise in Art and Design Technology to the Pre-Prep site! Work has included pieces based around exploring natural forms, printing, and creating seasonal gifts. Pupils at the Prep site are also continuing to benefit from the fantastic and newly-renovated Art and Design Technology Studio. Year 3 have enjoyed making puppets, drawing shoes, snow leopards with charcoal, and making puzzles. One of our pupils commented, “It was really fun putting the puzzle together with everyone in Year 3. I’m really happy because my puzzle is now up on the wall, in the assembly hall.” Pupils from Year 4 had this to say: “It was really fun making the Henna patterns during my Art lessons because we learnt how to use traditional patterns. I liked drawing around my hand and then decorating it with different designs using coloured pens. I liked investigating the artist Joan Eardley, as we got to use coloured chalk pastels do draw a portrait of a child, like she did.” “In DT we have been learning about folk art and I have really enjoyed designing my own Romanian patterns for my Caravan. I also really liked learning how to cut pieces of wood using a saw, but felt funny wearing plastic goggles to protect my eyes.” “In Art I really enjoyed learning about the artist Lowry, as we got to copy a street scene with little people and funny-looking houses.” “In DT, I loved making the colourful Peace and Harmony quilt because I learnt how to sew pieces of felt together and decorate it with sequins.” Miss Panton has also provided the Year 6 pupils with an opportunity to create their very own Salcombe wall mural in the art garden, a delightful way for our leaving pupils to leave a tangible mark at Salcombe!

Art and Design Technology


The Spring Term saw the introduction of Computing Programming into the Salcombe IT curriculum. Mr Warren introduced the children to a whole new aspect of using their computers and we have heard so much about his lessons from the children, who have thoroughly enjoyed themselves. ICT lessons have been focusing on computing as well as digital skills. Year 4 have been learning how networks work and how computers across the world are linked together to make the internet. Year 5 and Year 6 went further and have found out about the coding behind websites, and have even tried their hands at writing sites with HTML code. They have also been finding out about computing concepts by building coded games and animations. Mr Warren has been very proud of all the children’s efforts. E-safety has also been continued within the curriculum, which has involved a meeting with parents, an assembly for our Prep pupils and various workshops.

Trips & Events

On the following pages we have showcased just some of the huge number of trips, workshops and events which our pupils have enjoyed this year.

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Year 1 children were treated to a wonderful Black History Month workshop on Tuesday 15th October. Mrs Balogun, Mrs Sintim and Mrs Salako organised the event, which included making and painting masks, blind tasting fruit and dressing up in traditional African clothes.

Finally the ladies told a story, with actions, that had the children spellbound. Everyone was delighted with the event and plans are already afoot for next year to include further activities, such as singing and drumming.

Our Pre-Prep and Prep sites hosted their Harvest Festival assemblies on the 11th October. Here some of our Pre-schoolers are pictured demonstrating to the rest of the Pre-Prep how leaves fall from the trees during Autumn.

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The PTA ran a very successful Christmas Fayre on the 7th December—featuring gift and food stalls, games and a whole host of arts and crafts activities. A big thank-you to all who helped to organise this very festive event!

On 22nd October, pupils from Years 4, 5 and 6 took part in an exciting and fast-paced Maths competition based on the UKMT Team Challenge.

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All our teams did extremely well considering the challenging nature of the tasks. These varied from word problems, to relay races, to tests of mental maths speed.

Year 2 had a fantastic trip to the Gunpowder Mills on the 18th of November, where their topic on The Gunpowder Plot was brought to life. The whole school community joined together for a beautiful and very moving Christmas service on the 13th December at St Andrew's Church, in Southgate.

All pupils from Pre-school through to Year 6 took part in a variety of musical pieces, featuring solo performances and choir singing, in addition to narrating and acting out the nativity story.

They learnt about The Stuarts’ eating habits and had the opportunity to play with old-fashioned toys that Guy Fawkes may have played with as a boy. To end the day, Year 2 enjoyed an interactive play on The Gunpowder plot where they were able to go on stage and participate in the theatrics.

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Café Rouge in Southgate kindly hosted our Year 3 pupils on 10th February for a fantastic afternoon of French culinary delights, including tasters of brioche, croque monsieur, tarte tatin, crème brûlée and a medley of drinks. We all enjoyed practising our French phrases and toasting each other: Santé! Et bon appétit! Mrs Kewley was so pleased with the good behaviour of our Year 3 pupils, and all pupils made a great effort to ask for their food and thank the chef in French. We even had lovely weather for the walk!

On 10th February, Pre-school went to Southgate Fire Station. Pre-school Lead Teacher Ms Andreou said: “It was a great day. The children got to use all of the equipment and had a go on the hose, rang the bell and learn more about all the things that firemen do”.

On 11th February, the Year 5 and 6 pupils attended a trip to the Royal Gunpowder Mills to learn more about Victorian Britain. The children were treated to four sessions that included workshops about Victorian holidays, Victorian toys, life in the workhouse and even a lesson in a Victorian classroom under the tutelage of a very strict mistress. Suffice to say, they soon gained a new appreciation for their Salcombe teachers!

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Our Reception children visited the Saatchi Gallery on 14th March. This was a wonderful opportunity to see a modern art gallery and how contemporary artists develop their pictures. The children behaved beautifully and they thoroughly enjoyed the visit.

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 enjoyed a French Workshop on the 27th March— ”Le Château”. There were giggles galore to be heard from our pupils (and staff) - thank you to our visitors from Onatti Productions for such an entertaining show!

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On the 27th February, as part of our curriculum enrichment programme, we celebrated the ‘100th Day in School’. This event supported the ethos of our school through various workshops designed to build citizenship, encourage critical thinking and promote team work – all of which was observed in abundance on this day.

Pre-Prep members of Mrs Kewley’s Spanish club, El Club Espanol, enjoyed our Spanish “Fiesta” on 11th February. Pupils took part enthusiastically in a fashion show, Flamenco dancing, and acting out La Corrida, a bullfight Ole!


Our Pre-school and Reception pupils were over the moon on Friday 13th June to welcome their fathers (and honorary fathers!) to a Fathers’ Day Assembly. Our dads enjoyed a continental-style breakfast, followed by a few celebratory songs, and finishing with a stay-and-play session (the dressing-up box was surprisingly popular!).






Our second annual Grandparents’ and Extended Family Tea was held on the 27th June, which was a lovely opportunity for our pupils to invite a relative to school who may not already be familiar with Salcombe. We welcomed our extended Salcombe family with afternoon tea refreshments, followed by a choir medley and a piano piece performed by Year 6 pupils in our Hall. After weeks of rehearsals and much hard work from all involved, the Preparatory School Play “Cinderella Rockafella” was held in the Windmill Theatre in Winchmore Hill on 2nd July. This end of the academic year performance is always a highlight for our Prep pupils, who are all given the opportunity to get involved in an acting, singing and/or backstage role. The end of year play also proved again to be a particularly emotional evening for our Year 6 leavers, and a fantastic memory of Salcombe for them to take away to their new schools in September.

Our delightful annual Pre-school Concert was held on the 3rd July this year, and featured our pupils acting out the story of “The Three Little Pigs” - in response to a popular request by our Pre-schoolers! Parents and staff very much enjoyed seeing the talents and hard-work of our Pre-school team being celebrated on this morning. The PTA Summer Festival of Music on 6th July was a fun extravaganza of entertainment which included an all day disco, a Sally Squiggle children's entertainer, a bouncy slide and various other games. We enjoyed the outside shows and demonstrations for all the family, including Bollywood and street dancing. The PTA also organised a variety of cuisine and set up an alfresco eating area where children and adults enjoyed lunch. In addition, a forever popular toy, sweet and bottle tombola was organised. A very big thank-you to our devoted PTA for all their time and efforts in setting up this wonderful event. Monday, 7th July saw our Reception classes performing their Summer Concert at the Pre-Preparatory School. Our pupils have been practising their parts as the world’s most charming Minibeasts—we very much enjoyed being taught all about them!

Miss Heywood’s Leaving Tea was held on the 8th July, as a fond farewell to our loyal Deputy Head of the Preparatory site. We celebrated Miss Heywood’s 25 years of service at Salcombe, and were joined by several alumni ranging from the 1960s through to the 1990s, in addition to a familiar face—Mr Ari Guha, who was Headmaster of Salcombe between 1999 and 2006.

All pupils and staff wish Miss Heywood an extremely happy early retirement and we hope she is able to return to Salcombe to visit soon.

Trips & Events continued

Year 6 pupils planned, organised and demonstrated some of their favourite science experiments in a special assembly for the Prep pupils on Monday 17th March, as part of the celebration for National Science and Engineering Week. A fantastic effort was made by all of the Year 6 pupils, who impressed the Prep school with their exciting, cool and clever chemistry tricks! On the evening of the 25th of March, our Year 6 pupils took to our new Hall stage for the first time to perform instrumental and vocal solos for our parents, as well as playing as a recorder ensemble, a Brazilian Samba band and singing as a choir. During the Gilwell Park trip, between 31st March to 4th April, Year 5 and Year 6 pupils enjoyed a whole host of outdoor activities, ranging from a zip -wire, to a giant swing, to archery—and built upon their very valuable teamwork skills in the process.

On May 9th, we welcomed back an alumna who left Salcombe at the end of Year 6 in 1999. Dr Muhundhakumar is now a GP and a member of BUOS, an association which helps to raise awareness about eye health amongst primary school children. Our former pupil kindly led Eye Health Workshops for Year 4—6 pupils on this day. A big thank you to Dr Muhundhakumar for taking the time to run the workshops.

Several of our Year 6 pupils also attended Bancroft Schools’ Science Fair on the 20th March as part of the celebrations of National Science Engineering Week. This was an ideal opportunity for our pupils to find out more about Science beyond the primary curriculum and to take part in the hands on Science experiments that were organised by sixth formers - a fabulous experience for the children. Year 1 enjoyed a day out to the Butterfly World in St Albans on 28th March. The children were fascinated by all the different butterflies. A great day was had by all! We would like to thank all parents who came to help us on the trip. On April 3rd, Year 3 visited Cockfosters and North Southgate Synagogue. The children discovered how Jewish people pray and worship inside a Synagogue, and found out all about the Seder plate and special foods that Jewish people eat at Passover. They also learnt about the different features and objects inside the Synagogue building. The children were so well behaved and very confident at asking and answering questions. Our Year 6 choir sang beautifully at the inaugural Cognita Festival of Music at St John’s Smith Square in London on the 30th March. The Performance was wonderful and words do not describe the immense sense of pride that the parents and teachers all felt when they took to the stage for their 12 and a half minute medley.

Our Year 1 and Year 2 Mothers’ Day Assembly was held on the 1st of April. The children sang lovely songs and read very touching poems. It was a very lovely assembly and we were very proud of how the children sung and we were most impressed by how they spoke so clearly and confidently. Year 2’s History topic on The Gunpowder Plot and Castles culminated a visit to the Gunpowder Mills and Mountfitchet Castle in June. The children found their visit to Mountfitchet Castle to be lots of fun and a great way to round off a very popular topic.

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We have further increased our PE provision for our Pre-Prep pupils this year, with the children enjoying 1 and a half hours a week of developing their throwing and catching, Football, Cricket and Athletics skills. Our pupils have shown great enthusiasm during their sessions, with a particular highlight of the year being Sports Day on Friday, 20th June. Year 2 pupils also recently attended the Enfield Council multi-sports afternoon, where opportunities abounded to try a variety of sports—some of which were familiar, and some completely new. The Pre-Preparatory School programme is continuing to demonstrate how our pupils learn and consolidate the basic PE skills, in readiness for the competitive team sports played in the Prep school. We heartily congratulate all our Pre-Prep and Prep pupils on their PE and Sports success this year.

Sports Achievements


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Our U11 Basketball team came 1st in the Enfield Basketball Tournament in February, and retained their title as Enfield Basketball champions for the second year running, which again qualified the team to play in the London Youth Games in July.

The U11 Football team has seen an eventful season. The team fought hard in the Enfield League and made the semi-finals of the Enfield Small Schools Cup.

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Our U11 Hockey A team also came 1st in the Enfield Hockey Tournament in February and retained their title as Hockey champions for the borough of Enfield, which also qualified the team to play in the London Youth Games in July.

U11 Athletics Team—in June, our team came 3rd out of 12 schools in the Enfield Quadkids competition. This is a team event with 4 boys and 4 girls competing in 4 different events. All the children had to complete a 75m sprint, 600m run, vortex throw and standing long jump. Three children made it to the finals of the Enfield Athletics Competition – an extremely impressive achievement.

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On a very sunny Wednesday 11th June, the Prep school children went to Saracens for their athletics afternoon. The children competed in four events (sprint, vortex throw, javelin and standing long jump), against the other the children in their year group. It was a great chance for the children to put skills learnt during their PE lessons into a competitive environment. All the children participated well and tried their hardest. The afternoon was rounded off by a house relay which was won by Claremont. Friday 20th June was a great day for our Salcombe families to join together in an afternoon of traditional Sports activities, including various throwing events, hurdles, long-jump and egg-and-spoon races. Pupils from Pre-school through to Year 6 enjoyed competing in their Houses for points. The hard-working winners of the House Cup will be announced during Prizegiving on the last day of term.



Our U11 Netball team came 1st in the Enfield Netball Tournament on March 6th. Our Netballers have played 26 matches this season, and only lost one of them! Here some of our Netballers (left) are shown in their new Netball kit, which was kindly donated by our PTA.



The U11 Cricket Team participated in the Enfield tournament on Monday 19th May. The conditions were perfect for a thrilling day of cricket. When the dust settled, Salcombe finished in second place, losing only by the narrowest of margins. It was a fantastic effort by all and well done to all the boys for their silver medals.

U11 Rounders Team have won all their matches played so far this Summer. A very big well done to the players!

2014 Leavers We wish our Year 6 pupils the very best of luck and happiness as they leave us to start new adventures in their secondary schools this September. Destinations of Leavers Aldenham Ashmole Academy* Dame Alice Owen’s East Barnet Enfield Grammar*# Friern Barnet Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls Henrietta Barnett Highlands King Edward’s School (Bath) ~ Latymer* Palmers Green High # ~ Queenswood # St Albans School for Boys ~ St Albans High School for Girls St Martha’s # Southgate The Dwight School, London * denotes a Music Scholarship or Subject Award # denotes a Sports Scholarship or Subject Award ~ denotes an Academic Scholarship

Salcombe has had an increase in the number of scholarships and awards received this year (pupils pictured), despite the competition for selective school places across the borough continuing to be extremely high. Nearly 80% of our pupils gained their 1st choice school this year, with 10 scholarships or subject place awards granted in total—a fantastic achievement.

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