5 minute read

Concept Generation

7.1 Concept Generation

The next step after solidifying.


The project must provide visitors with enjoyable views in order to be successful. Consequently, the project site provides visitors with a wonderful view of the landscape and a strong sense of identity. The topographical elements: The topography is the most powerful aspect of the site, the orientation, and the climatic aspects are considered.

A space program was the game boarding process. Starting from the macro scale, the relationships of the units were analyzed as individual buildings. This process then resulted in a deeper analysis. of the spatial relationships in each building. After several iterations, the final design of the master-planned site was configured.

Given that this project is located in a remote location of the walled city and based on the site analysis, incorporating this program into one single building would not fit into the context of the surrounding environment. Due to this, the program was divided into several different buildings, based on their functions. This decision allows for a more intimate experience to be had throughout the resort evoking deep thought and a mental transition as one departs from their housing unit and meanders through the desert to get deference experiences.

7.2 Conceptual Design Development

In honor of the eternal preservation of “ Manhattan of the desert; Shibam...

Creating an eco-resort in line with sustainable development goals that should reflect the unique culture, heritage, and natural beauty of the Shibam and Hadhramout in Yemen. The project must provide visitors with enjoyable views in order to be successful. Consequently, the project site provides visitors with a wonderful view of the landscape and a strong sense of identity. The topographical elements: The topography is the most powerful aspect of the site, the orientation, and the climatic aspects are considered.

Given that this project is located in a remote location of the walled city and based on the site analysis, incorporating this program into one single building would not fit into the context of the surrounding environment. Due to this, the program was divided into several different buildings, based on their functions. This decision allows for a more intimate experience to be had throughout the resort evoking deep thought and a mental transition as one departs from their housing unit and meanders through the desert to get deference experiences.

Creating a semi-replicating space has an important role in providing climatic comfort conditions and the continuity of visual communication with the surrounding environment. Due to the slope of the land, this resort is built in steps. In such a way that the roof of the unit is a yard for the upper unit. Also, the paths of the resort pass by the sides and roofs of nearby chalets.

Articulation of massing and integration of architecture and landscape to offer magnificent views overlooking the historical city. Formation of an integrated, layered terrace community with associated three dimensional spatial experiences. The rooms contain lower windows closer to Mashrabiya It consists of two parts the external part is wooden faced with decorations, and part internal of window shutters can open and close to control, this unique design will help on the entry of air into spaces with blocking direct sunlight and to increase the control by making behind Mashrabiy a white curtains punctuated the air and toreflect the sun’s rays. The upper windows open when you need to do high-speed air movement by pulling hot air out of the building.

The project must provide visitors with enjoyable views in order to be successful. Consequently, the project site provides visitors with a wonderful view of the landscape and a strong sense of identity. The topographical elements: The topography is the most powerful aspect of the site, the orientation, and the climatic aspects are considered.

Given that this project is located in a remote location of the walled city and based on the site analysis, incorporating this program into one single building would not fit into the context of the surrounding environment. Due to this, the program was divided into several different buildings, based on their functions. This decision allows for a more intimate experience to be had throughout the resort evoking deep thought and a mental transition as one departs from their housing unit and meanders through the desert to get deference experiences.

Creating a semi-replicating space has an important role in providing climatic comfort conditions and the continuity of

Articulation of massing and integration of architecture and landscape to offer magnificent views overlooking the historical city. Formation of an integrated, layered terrace community with associated three-dimensional spatial experiences.

- The design solutions and materials for the units will be integrated with the site, with the masses complementing the mountainous terrain to give it a dramatic appearance. In addition, Shibam’s cultural heritage will be incorporated into the design.

- As in the symphonic, the main facades have a continuous horizontal and vertical rhythm.

- The exterior decoration around the windows is a simple frame, and most of the decorations on the windows and doors are designed of wooden panels.

- Architectural structures provide psychological content and beauty through their naturopathic touch, creating harmony with the environment and simplicity and flexibility in shaping the environment, as well as enhancing cultural experiences and social traits.

- Harmony and compatibility between the elevations and the simple decoration on the outside and inside of the formation. There are a variety of shapes for the holes on the frontages’ surfaces, but they all have rectangular openings.


(2Bedrooms), Capacity: 6 people, No. 4 units


Capacity: 8 persons, No. 5 units.


One unit type A

One unit type B



One unit type B

Two units type C

3D Section with Details.


The method of selecting the clay used in the manufacture of mud brick is very important and is done by experienced builders. The chopped straw is also mixed with the clay and the mud bricks are left exposed to the sun for a few days until it becomes solid.

Worker is preparing mudbrick

Perspective from the Vally

2022, https://www.publicationcoach.com/johanna-schneller/.


June 1, 2023, https://www.123rf.com/photo_6940140_man-making-bricks-by-hand.html.


The roof consists of the timber of the trees Sidr and placed palm fronds or branches of some other plants and then placed on it cloth such as cloth tent to act as water insulation and placed above the mud.

The Palm is the main source for the production of household supplies and is involved in the construction materials of the houses of the plantation, along with some plants and trees from the local environment.

Due to the limited use of the external openings and their small size, the internal heat can be maintained properly when increasing outside temperatures in the morning and decreasing them at night.

7.12 Exhibition Boards



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