Degree candidates and guests with commencement tickets will be able to park in all available university parking lots. Prior to coming to the ceremony, please review the commencement parking map.
Candidates should arrive at the O’Keefe Complex promptly at 8:30 am. Late arrivals may not be admitted to commencement activities. If candidates need to leave the arena after checking in, they must show the index card and a hand stamp for re-entry.
Check-in will take place at the main entrance of the Gassett Fitness and Recreation Center. Commencement staff will assist the candidates with lining up in the Twohig Gymnasium and will guide them to the seating area on the rink floor. There is no secure storage for personal belongings at the O’Keefe Complex, so please plan accordingly.
At check-in candidates will receive a colored 3 x 5” index card with a number. Keep this card with you at all times. The card will be presented on stage just prior to the announcement of your degree. It is also important that once candidates are placed in order in the gym by commencement staff, the candidates must remain in that position. Because students’ names will be called in the order of the student lines, failure to maintain the correct place in line or present the card on stage will disrupt the orderly procession of students across the stage. Staying in order in the student lines will help family and guests follow the program to see when their student’s name will be called. Once a student has presented their card on stage, their name will be called and the student will proceed across the stage to be congratulated by a university academic leader and professionally photographed.
Students who have completed their degrees in May 2023 will receive their actual diploma by mail during the summer following the ceremony to allow for all academic honors and requirements from the Spring term to be credited. For information on diploma delivery schedules, visit salemstate.edu/graduation.
• The unique bar code on each ticket allows only one entry to the event. The first copy of an e-ticket (if there are multiple copies made) to arrive at the event will gain entry after scanning and validation. If additional copies of a ticket are presented, that individual will be denied entry.
• Tickets are non-replaceable if lost or stolen and should be handled as you would any other valuable or cash. In addition, the sale of commencement tickets is prohibited.
• Tickets need to be printed in actual size and only one ticket on an 8.5” x 11” piece of paper.
• If you try to shrink/enlarge the ticket size the barcode will not scan at the door and it will delay your entry to the venue.
• For best results, please print tickets on white paper using sufficient toner to avoid delays in scanning your tickets.
We ask for your cooperation before, during and after the ceremony in helping us to present a program to your family and friends of which we can all be proud. Please remain in your seats until the ceremony is concluded.
Honors cords will be distributed at commencement check-in to undergraduate seniors graduating with a cumulative grade point average of 3.300 or higher as of the end of the spring 2022 term and who will have earned at least 60 credits in residence at Salem State University by the end of the spring 2023 term. For a complete description of the honors categories, please visit our academic catalog and review the academic policies section of the catalog.
Every guest entering the facility must have an admission ticket. For the safety and security of everyone, please be aware that all bags are subject to inspection prior to admittance. Small purses are permitted once checked by security personnel. However, items such as bags, backpacks, briefcases, laptop computers and tablets, balloons, strollers, baby carriers, baby car seats, and wrapped packages of any kind are prohibited. Other than bottled water, food and beverages are prohibited. Anyone carrying prohibited items will be turned away. There is no secure storage for personal belongings at the O’Keefe Complex, so please plan accordingly.
A commercial photographer with a special high-speed camera will take two pictures of each student, 1) posed, prior to them crossing the stage, and 2) on the stage with the University President or Provost. For more information, contact Grad Images, the professional photographer on site, at (800) 261-2576, online at gradimages.com , or by email at ecc.giservice@gradimages.net with any questions. No private photographers will be allowed on the floor or near the stage.
Please be aware that since September 2011, Salem State University is a tobacco-free campus.
Share your graduation excitement – join the conversation at #SalemState23

Information for Graduate and Undergraduate Degree Candidates of Maguire Meservey College of Health and Human Services
For your reference, please keep this resource available. Final clearance for graduation comes in an email from the registrar’s office. This brochure is sent to students who apply to graduate.
Visit: salemstate.edu/commencement
Email: commencement@salemstate.edu
Salem State University Commencement will take place on Friday, May 19, 2023 at 10:00 am in the O’Keefe Complex, 225 Canal Street, Salem. For directions, visit salemstate.edu/maps.
Students who have completed all degree requirements during the summer 2022, fall 2022 and those completing their requirements by May 2023 will be eligible to participate in commencement. In addition, students who will complete their requirements during the summer 2023 term may participate if they meet specific guidelines. For complete information, visit salemstate.edu/graduation.

Bertolon School of Business and College of Arts and Sciences Majors and Programs awarding degrees on Friday, May 19:
• Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, Healthcare Studies, Healthcare Studies and Spanish, and Occupational Health Studies
• Bachelor of Nursing
• Bachelor of Social Work
• Master of Science in Criminal Justice, Nursing, and Occupational Therapy
• Master of Science in Nursing
• Master of Social Work
Download Salem State’s Navigate App for Commencement updates. It’s free in the Apple Store or Google Play. If you are not able to download or need an accessible version, visit the Desktop Website. Log into your Salem State account and click the Navigate link on the black bar on top of the screen.
Visit salemstate.edu/commencement or email commencement@salemstate.edu or call 978.542.GRAD (4723)
Each graduating student who indicated their intent to attend a commencement ceremony and who received notification from the registrar’s office that they are eligible to participate in commencement, may reserve commencement tickets to their assigned ceremony. Beginning on Wednesday, April 12, 2023 students may reserve tickets by visiting salemstategrad.universitytickets.com.
Please help us make our large events as healthy and safe as possible. All on-campus activities are subject to the Salem State University health and safety protocols. Please be aware that protocols may be adjusted due to changing circumstances. If needed, updated protocols would be found on the Salem State website. At this time our university events are mask flexible and we encourage our participants to follow public health guidance to protect yourself and others.
Students and/or guests experiencing symptoms on the day of the event are expected to access testing and not to come to campus and to stream the event online if they test positive or need to care for their health. If anyone has mild symptoms and has tested negative for COVID we encourage them to participate remotely or wear a high quality mask if they participate in person.
By attending you attest that you and all individuals in your party:
• Have not tested positive for COVID or been told to isolate within the past 5 days.
• Will mask if you’ve been diagnosed with COVID within the past 10 days and have not had 2 negative rapid COVID test results, 48 hours apart.
Entry to the O’Keefe Sports Complex:
All family members and guests must have a valid bar-coded ticket to be admitted to the O’Keefe Sports Complex, including all children and guests with disability seating requests. There will be no exceptions. The arena will open one hour prior to each ceremony.
• Please be aware that all bags are subject to inspection prior to admittance
• To exit the arena, all guests must present their ticket. Guests must show the same ticket for re-entry.
• Regardless of the weather, guests are strongly encouraged to wear coats and dress in layers as the main garage doors will remain open during the ceremonies to increase air flow in the arena.
• Any guest who arrives once the ceremony is in progress will have restricted seating options and may be directed to the upper level of the arena.
1. Visit salemstategrad.universitytickets.com on Wednesday, April 12
2. Enter your Navigator username and password
3. Select your ceremony
4. Select the number of tickets for your ceremony (up to four for students)
5. Indicate if any of your guests need accessible seating accommodations. For more information, contact disability services at commencement-access@salemstate.edu or 978.542.6217 (TTY: 978.542.7146), video phone: 978.910.0167, or visit Berry Library, room G20, no later than Monday, May 1, 2023.
6. Print or email your tickets to your guest(s)
Individuals needing accommodations for accessibility, such as sign language interpreters, wheelchair access, ground level seating, will be able to request this service through the ticket reservation process. For more information, contact disability services at commencementaccess@salemstate.edu or 978.542.6217 (TTY: 978.542.7146) (video phone: 978.910.0167) or visit the Frederick E. Berry Library and Learning Commons, room G20, no later than Monday, May 1, 2023.
During the ceremonies, staff who speak Spanish and Portuguese will be wearing buttons to make themselves visible and accessible to guests who could use language support. Please email commencement@salemstate. edu to let us know that members of your party would like assistance at the ceremony, so that we may staff accordingly. Advise your guests to look for the buttons these staff will be wearing when they arrive.
During commencement ceremonies, a non-ticketed, family friendly, satellite viewing location will be available on nearby North Campus at 1 Meier Drive. Ample seating is available in air-conditioned Veterans Hall in the Ellison Campus Center, the satellite viewing area. Your guests can see you graduate through the same big screen image that’s shown in the O’Keefe arena. After you cross the stage, your guests from satellite seating can meet you on the athletic field where the recessional ends, even before your guests in the arena are able to exit the building. The ceremony will also be available via webcast. ( livestream.com/ SalemStateUniversity )
All candidates participating in commencement exercises must wear proper academic regalia. Caps and gowns are provided to students who are eligible to participate in commencement at no additional cost. Students may pick up their cap and gown at the bookstore starting April 12, 2023, through May 17, 2023.
Please contact the bookstore at salem@bkstr.com with any questions.
In the week before commencement ceremonies, graduates can pose for professional photographs in their regalia and celebrate safely with guests. Appointments for small groups of graduates will be available at 15-minute intervals. Students will be able to choose up to ten guests to accompany them and photograph or video their graduate up close at this event. There is no charge for the professional photographs.
At Graduation Portraits, undergraduate and graduate students will:
• be awarded a special Viking Strong cord to honor your perseverance and resilience;
• choose a friend or family member (or a university official) to announce your name;
• walk across the ceremonial stage in your cap and gown;
• be professionally photographed with family and friends;
• receive a coupon for a free 5 x 7 photograph (no purchase necessary).
Location: Sophia Gordon Center for the Creative and Performing Arts. Graduates and their guests check-in at their appointment time in the Callan lobby, (the landing at the bottom of the ramp to the Sophia Gordon lobby) on North Campus (note: the Sophia Gordon Lobby is exit only for this event).
Date: graduates may sign up for an appointment in April to pose for a photograph in cap and gown and with guests on Friday, May 12 from 11 am-8 pm .