
Salem State University’s Master of Education (MEd) in Library Studies offers students the opportunity to earn an MEd while earning initial certification as a Massachusetts Library Teacher K–12.
We prepare our students to become innovative and creative school librarians by introducing best practices, new ideas in the field, and avenues for the pursuit of excellence. Resources for knowledge acquisition, literature K-12, information literacy, management of the school library, and library design are just a few topics covered in our courses. Through fieldwork and practicum experiences, students have hands-on experiences in the field.
The online, asynchronous format of the program allows students the flexibility to take courses where they live, without travel hardships. Instructors in the program are recognized throughout Massachusetts and the United States as leaders in school librarianship.
Our targeted 36-credit curriculum is designed to provide students with the skills and confidence needed to be school library teachers. The curriculum for the library studies program includes six (6) core courses in library science, three (3) courses in educational theory and literature, one (1) media course, a semester-long supervised practicum and seminar for the library teacher.
We offer the opportunity to progress from your preliminary license through your professional license within one program. As soon as you pass your MTELs (state teacher tests), you can apply for your preliminary license and begin your career as a school librarian. Once you have completed your core classes and practicum experience, you will be endorsed for your initial license.
Upon completing your MEd and finishing at least three years of teaching under your initial license, you will be eligible for your professional license. This means that graduates of our program can complete all licensure requirements without needing to pursue additional coursework.
The library media studies program is completely online. Required courses are offered on a rotating schedule. The program can be completed either full-time or part-time as is best determined by the student and the timing of courses taken. After students are admitted to the program, a meeting with the program coordinator will help define the plan of study and completion date, setting the student on a path to success. Of course, all plans of study are flexible as life changes occur.
There are 75 observation hours required through three courses, 300 required practicum hours through the Practicum course (LBS 900 P), and a required Practicum Seminar (LBS 900 PS), taken in conjunction with the Practicum.
Many who hold professional Library Teacher licenses in Massachusetts have the knowledge and skills needed to successfully obtain licensure in other states. School library jobs remain unfilled due to the lack of certified and qualified candidates. The field of school librarianship always needs new and energetic candidates to help our school-aged children be successful in school and in life. Graduates of our program have a high employment rate, and many have more than one job option.
This program is designed for those students who hold a master’s degree and are looking to become certified as a library teacher all levels. Our goal is to prepare our students to become innovative and creative school librarians through the introduction of best practices, new ideas in the field and avenues for the pursuit of excellence. Resources for knowledge acquisition, literature K-12, information literacy, management of the school library, and library design are just a few of the topics covered in our courses.
The online, asynchronous format of the program allows students the flexibility to take courses when they can without travel hardships. Instructors in the program are recognized throughout Massachusetts and the United States as leaders in the field of school librarianship.
Our targeted 15-27-credit curriculum is designed to provide students with the skills and confidence needed to be school library teachers. The curriculum for the licensure-only program includes seven courses and a semester-long practicum and practicum seminar. Students who enter the program with specific course competencies taken prior to admission may be eligible for a reduction in the overall number of credits in the program.
The library media studies licensure-only program is completely online. Required courses are offered on a rotating schedule. The library media studies licensure-only program can be completed either full-time or parttime as is best determined by the student and the timing of courses taken.
After students are admitted to the program, a meeting with the program coordinator will help define the plan of study and completion date, setting the student on a path to success. Of course, all plans of study are flexible as life changes occur.
*MTELS are waived as an admissions requirement through Spring 2026.
*Passing score on the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) Communication and Literacy, both the reading and writing subtests.
*Passing score on the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) Communication and Literacy, both the reading and writing subtests.
For Massachusetts residents, each credit costs $464.30,* which includes tuition and fees. For non-Massachusetts residents, each credit costs $559.40.* The MEd program is 36 credits, and the initial license program is 27 credits. For assistance funding your graduate education, options such as financial aid, graduate assistantships, employer reimbursement, tuition remission, and veteran’s benefits may be available. Visit salemstate.edu/tuition for more information.
*Tuition and fees subject to change.
Apply: salemstate.edu/apply Financial Aid: salemstate.edu/finaid
Email: gradadmissions@salemstate.edu For accommodations and access information, visit salemstate.edu/access.