The Salem State University School of Social Work is pleased to invite faculty, students, community social workers and internship supervisors to a series of workshops! Massachusetts social workers will receive 1.5 CEUs per workshop attended, at no cost. Pre-registration is required. To register, scan or click the QR code for each workshop. Please contact Barbara Cox with questions at
Military Culture For Faculty and Internship Supervisors
Monday, November 4, 11:30 am–1 pm | Zoom
With Barbara Cox MSW, LICSW and Wilfredo Melendez MSW, LICSW What are common stressors and aspects of military culture among military families? How do deployment cycles among Guard, Reserve and Active Duty members impact immediate and extended family members? How can faculty and internship supervisors support military members, veterans and their families? This presentation is qualitative in nature, not statistical or clinical.
Barbara Cox, an Army brat, served as a licensed social worker at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, where she was a Family Advocacy Outreach Manager for the U.S. Air Force, and taught and administered the Social Work Program for UMUC-Europe in Partnership with Salisbury University. Barbara has been a volunteer for the U.S. Army Reserves as a Family Readiness Group chair and served as a full-time social worker at the Massachusetts National Guard as a Military Family Life Consultant.
Wilfredo Melendez serves as Deputy Program Manager, Military2VA Post 9/11 Case Management Program (M2VA), Boston VA Former POW Advocate, and Boston VA Medal of Honor Recipient Coordinator/Advocate. He completed his MSW after serving in the U.S. Army in Afghanistan in 2010–2011 and Iraq in 2005–2006.
Trauma-informed and Culturally Responsive Supervision
Wednesday, November 13, 11:30 am–1 pm | Zoom
With Dr. Melanie Sonsteng-Person and Lea Vugić LICSW In this interactive workshop, participants will acquire essential knowledge and skills to prepare early-career clinicians to work with diverse clients and communities. Participants will critically reflect on their personal and professional experiences and how these shape the relationships with interns. Next, participants will be equipped with specialized awareness, knowledge, and skills needed to provide trauma-informed and culturally responsive supervision. The session will conclude with problem-based learning, allowing supervisors to apply their newfound insights to a case study.
Dr. Melanie Sonsteng-Person is an Assistant Professor at Salem State University where she collaborates with students and communities to identify and address the mental health effects of institutional trauma and racism. Her work emphasizes a liberatory praxis that intertwines her research, teaching, and activism. Lea Vugić LICSW, is a social work practitioner, supervisor, educator, and researcher whose framework is
rooted in her multi-cultural experiences. Over the past decade, she has worked with diverse clients and students implementing culturally-andtrauma responsive approaches across all modalities.
Integration for Social Workers
Monday, November 18, 11:30 am–1 pm | Zoom
With Dr. Katherine Walbam
Sensory processing differences are experienced when a client’s brain registers sensory input more or less intensely than typically developing peers. Up to 17% of the population experiences SPD, which can affect a client’s movements, emotions, and behaviors. This presentation will describe what SPD is, considerations for social workers, and treatment strategies.
Dr. Katherine Walbam is an Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work. She received her PhD at Simmons University, as well as certification in Clinical Practice with Children and Adolescents through Boston University, and was a fellow in the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) Program at Children’s Hospital Boston. She practiced with children, adolescents, and their families for 20 years before moving to higher education.
The Anxiety Puzzle: An Introduction to the Neurobiology of Anxiety
Friday, January 10, 11:30 am–1 pm | Zoom
With Jeff Driskell PhD
Community Social Work with Undocumented Immigrants
Thursday, January 23, 11:30 am–1 pm | Zoom
With Isabel Sangeun Lee PhD and John Edwards
Wellbeing Enhancement and Burnout Prevention to Ensure Career Longevity
Tuesday, February 11, 5:30–7 pm | Zoom
With Lydia Ogden PhD
Culturally Responsive Social Work Practice with Latinx
Tuesday, February 25, 11:30 am–1 pm | Zoom
With Yvonne Ruiz PhD