
The Salem State University Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages is a dynamic interdisciplinary program that is designed to prepare students to teach multilingual learners (MLs) in a variety of settings both within the United States and overseas. Our program offers a unique collaboration between the English and secondary and higher education departments, drawing on faculty expertise from both departments and between the College of Arts and Sciences and the McKeown School of Education. Our faculty hold doctorates in the fields of applied linguistics, culture and literacy, and second language acquisition. They have vast experience as Fulbright scholars, Peace Corps volunteers, public school teachers and administrators, and consultants on curriculum development for institutions within the United States and overseas. Our strong partnerships with local schools allow for pre-practicum experiences with highly qualified teachers in the region, many of whom are also alums of our program.

Our Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) is designed to prepare students to teach multilingual learners in a variety of settings. We offer two tracks: licensure and general. Students who wish to pursue a K-12 teaching license in ESL in Massachusetts may choose to follow our licensure track option which includes a supervised 300-hour student teaching practicum in a K-12 setting. Students who wish to pursue careers in adult or community agencies, or language schools in the United States or overseas, may choose to follow our general track option which includes a field experience component similar to a practicum. General track students are required to complete a supervised field experience in a community agency or a language school offering ESOL classes.
EDS/ENG 792, 728, 722
EDS 799
Context and Culture in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
A two-semester Methods sequence targeted to teaching goals
Teaching Reading, Writing and Vocabulary to ELs
Research in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
A practical combination of theory and practice, our core curriculum emphasizes linguistics, language acquisition, lesson planning, theories and methods of teaching, assessment, and research. A robust sequence of methods courses allows students to fine-tune their teaching practice. Electives allow for further exploration in areas such as sociolinguistics; teaching grammar, composition and literature; digital writing; classroom management; or technology in the classroom. The licensure track capstone experience provides a student teaching practicum and an accompanying seminar. A thesis option is also available for qualifying students.
We also offer certificate and initial licensure only programs for those wanting to obtain advanced credentials but not wishing to pursue a full MAT. The Graduate Certificate in TESOL provides students with a strong foundation in TESOL and may be applied toward the MAT if desired. The licensure only program is designed for students seeking initial licensure and/or training in teaching English as a second language. For full details visit salemstate.edu/graduate.

• Experienced faculty with expertise in second language acquisition, writing and literacy, teacher education, sociolinguistics, and extensive field experience both in the United States and overseas.
• Flexible licensure and general track options to meet a variety of professional needs with practicum and/or field work components that enable students to gain practical professional experience in the field.
• Licensure-track option includes a 300-credit hour practicum that meets the licensure standards of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Placements are made in collaboration with the McKeown School of Education to ensure the most appropriate placement in an ESL setting at a K-12 school.
• General track option includes 50-hour fieldwork opportunities within college or community adult ESL programs, including Salem State’s own non-credit ESL program.
• Credit hours: 33.5-35 credits depending on track followed. Online and hybrid course formats available, depending on the courses.
• Full-time students typically complete this program within 1.5 – 2 years. Part-time students typically complete this program between 2.5 – 4 years depending on the number of courses taken per semester.
According to the U.S. Department of Education, 10.6% of U.S. K-12 students and 10.5% of Massachusetts students were classified as multilingual learners in the fall of 2021. The need for fully trained ESL teachers is high. Graduates in the MAT Licensure track and certificate program have gained employment as ESL specialists in K-12 schools throughout the region. Graduates of the general track program have gained employment at adult and community ESL programs. Examples include Berklee College of Music, Boston Center for Adult Education, Pathways, Inc., Catholic Charities, North Shore Community College, and Middlesex Community College.