The Visit

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October 15-18, 2020 October 22-25, 2020 Virtual Event

THEATRE The Salem State University Theatre and Speech Communication department presents

The Visit

by Friedrich Dürrenmatt

Translated by Maurice Valency Director Sara Conlon Scenic Designer Matthew Emerson Costume Designer Jerry L. Johnson Lighting Designer Michael M. Harvey Sound Designer Matthew Emerson Props Masters Stacey Horne-Harper and Destany Foley Stage Manager Sara “Squish” Leger


CHAIRPERSON LETTER Dear Theatre Patrons, Welcome to the Salem State Theatre and Speech Department 20202021 season. As we all know, 2020 continues to be a turbulent year of pandemic, social injustices and a divided nation. We are living in uncertain times. I am so very worried about the health of our faculty and staff, our students, and our patrons. However, the theatre must strive to tell new stories, inspire and invigorate audiences. We open our season with Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s The Visit, a riveting, dark comedy about a scorned woman›s revenge, which explores the darkest depths of human nature. Adjunct professor, Sara Colon, is directing the play. The play was created and recorded in Zoom and is being shared via Vimeo. The second production of the season is Paula Vogel’s The Long Christmas Ride Home, offering a reminder that, for many people, the holidays are the most difficult time of the year. The play is directed by Professor Peter Sampieri, filmed on the Sophia Gordon’s Mainstage, and will be streamed via Vimeo. Next, for our third production, we are producing, Sophie Treadwell’s Machinal, considered one of the pinnacles of the American Expressionist theatre. The play follows the case of convicted murderer Ruth Snyder, the first woman executed by the electric chair in the country. The play is under the direction of Adjunct Professor Esme Allen and will be presented via Vimeo. Please follow Salem State’s Department of Theatre and Speech’s social media, as there may be a few more surprises in store for this season! Wishing I could see you all live and in person in the theatre, Jerry L. Johnson Interim Chairperson

DIRECTOR’S NOTES In March of 2020, I was approached to direct Salem State University’s production of The Visit. I was so intrigued by this play and had grand ideas on how to stage the production on the big and beautiful Sophia Gordon Mainstage. Little did I know, this would never come to fruition in the way I had envisioned. The gorgeous set design, the larger than life costumes, props, and beautiful lights our talented team had designed no longer had a home in the theatre. It was a huge disappointment. It felt like we were all going through a bad breakup of sorts. When the decision to move this production online was made, I was worried the cast would feel the same, and I’m sure a lot of them did. My heart broke for them. We have all spent the last 7 months at home, hoping for better days and some relief from the reality of our existence in a global pandemic. Our beloved students have already had to give up so many things in their life that brought them joy. And now we would not be able to perform in the theatre, together, safely, where some of us feel most ourselves? Devastating. After going through the stages of grief, I reread the play. I saw so many connections between our two towns and its people. Gullen, the fictional town in the play, was once a bustling town where its citizens were happy, healthy and thriving. At the start of the play, it is described as if “the plague” had passed through the town. HA! The first day I returned to Salem State’s campus, I was struck with the same feeling. There were no students laughing and rehearsing their lines in the hallways, the cafeteria was shut down and it was even easy to find parking! The connections between the two worlds and its people was striking. We are all yearning for things to go back to normal. We want to hug our friends and go to parties and do all the things that once brought us joy. What would we give, or do, to have that back again? Well, for the citizens of Gullen, they have been given that chance to make a choice. And for a huge price, they will get what they want. So begins their journey of morality, love, greed, and revenge to get what they want. For us, well, we made a different choice. We chose to carry on and not let this pandemic wreck our dreams, our passions, and most of all who we are. We saw a challenge and faced it. We committed to creating art together in a new way and to highlight what the theatre does best: shine a light on the human experience. We chose not to see the disappointment, but the opportunity to learn. We showed up. And most of all, when times got tough, we chose to not break up with one of our greatest loves: the theatre. Congrats to this incredibly resilient and talented team of artists. I am so proud to know you. Sara Conlon

TIME AND LOCATION 1956 in Gullen, (German translation: “manure”), a fictional town in Switzerland

SCENIC BREAKDOWN ACT I Scene 1: Train Station Scene 2: Golden Apostle Scene 3: Forest Scene 4: Golden Apostle Celebration/Offer ACT II Scene 1: Schill’s Shop Scene 2: Police Station Scene 3: Golden Balcony Scene 4: Burgomaster Office Scene 5: Sacristy Scene 6: Balcony Scene 7: Train Station ACT III Scene 1: Barn Scene 2: Schill’s Shop Scene 3- Forest Scene 4: Tribunal

SPECIAL THANKS: Ashley Preston, Karen Gahagan, and the entire cast, design, and management teams for being so hardworking, positive, and committed to producing this unique project. This production is made possible with the support of the Dembowski Family Theatre Endowment, Bernard and Sopha Gordon and the Gordon Foundation.

CAST (in order of appearance) First Blind Man/Reporter/Athlete.............................................. Jules Andrade Painter............................................................................................Kenny Bonilla Pastor...................................................................................... Stephen Caliskan Third Man............................................................................................ JJ Castillo Anton Schill.................................................................. Michael Shifty Celestin Fourth Man.................................................................................. Davianna Cora Pedro...............................................................................................Juaquin Cruz Teacher.................................................................................Ryan Richard Doyle Daughter....................................................................... Madeleine Grace Howe Frau Schill................................................................................. Catherine Janos Policeman........................................................................................... Ben Joyall First Man................................................................................... Christian Kinney Doctor........................................................................................... RĂŠmani Lizana Claire Zachanassian.................................................................. Michelle Moran Son.............................................................................................. Jordan Mitchell Mike/Truck Driver........................................................................ James Norling The Station Master................................................................ Rachael Schuster First Woman..................................................................................Carolina Soto Second Man/Max........................................................................ Kenny St Fleur Second Woman/Conductor................................................................Holly Rust Burgomaster........................................................................... Christopher Vega Second Blind Man.....................................................Faith Antoinette Williams Bobby.......................................................................................... Anthony White

PRODUCTION PERSONNEL Assistant Director........................................................................... Mish Pothier Assistant Stage Managers..................... Camryn Cottuli and Abigail Tavares Assistant Lighting Designer................................................... Jasmine De Leon Assistant Technical Directors...................Abigale Feinstein and Adam Sorel Assistant Scenic Designer......................................................Isaac Goldbaum Company Deputy........................................................................Anthony White Costume Shop Supervisor............................................................Becca Jewett Staff Assistant Technical Director..................................................Tim O’Toole Technical Director...............................................................................Stu Grieve Video Editing.......................................... Michael M. Harvey and Mish Pothier

ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Center for Creative and Performing Arts Director................. Karen Gahagan Project Manager.......................................................................Angelina Benitez House Manager and Production Coordinator..........................Ashley Preston

CAST Jules Andrade (First Blind Man/Reporter/Athlete) is a sophomore pursuing her Bachelor of Fine Arts in directing. This is her first mainstage role at Salem State University. Previous credits include Alice (O Beautiful), Stage Manager (Our Town), Peter Pan (Peter/Wendy), and Hanna Solo (Henry IV, A New Hope). Kenny Bonilla (Painter) is a junior pursuing his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in theatre performance. Previous credits include Guy Montag (Fahrenheit 451), Son (Gunplay: A Play about America), Mr. Mushnik (Little Shop of Horrors), and Count Claudio (Much Ado about Nothing) Stephen Caliskan (Pastor) is a sophomore pursuing his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in theatre performance. Previous credits include Malcolm (Bedroom Farce), The Narrator (The House of Blue Leaves), Ellard (The Foreigner), and The Wolf (Into the Woods). Awards: International Thespian Society Festival Superior Rankings (2017, 2018), International Thespian Society Acting Scholarship (2018).

JJ Castillo (Third Man) is a junior pursuing his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in theatre arts with a concentration in directing. Previous credits include New Rochelle Ensemble (Ragtime), Pippin (Pippin), and Mitch Mahoney (25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee). Michael Shifty Celestin (Anton Schill) is a sophomore pursuing his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in theatre performance. Previous credits include Old Major (Animal Farm), Pepper (Mama Mia), Black Stache (Peter and the Starcatcher), Martha/Emergency tone/Gang/Man (Gunplay: A Play about America), and Conrad (Much Ado about Nothing). Winner of 2018 Doug Ingalls monologue contest. Davianna Cora (Fourth Man) is a sophomore pursuing the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in theatre performance. This is her first performance role at Salem State University. Juaquin Cruz (Pedro) is a junior pursuing his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in theatre performance. Previous credits include, The Messenger (Much Ado about Nothing), Orcus (She Kills Monsters), Ms.Roj (The Colored Museum), Judge Hathorne (The Crucible), Uncle Henry (The Wiz), and Floyd Barton (Seven Guitars). Awards: Theatre Legacy Award (Boston Arts Academy). Ryan Richard Doyle (The Teacher) is a senior pursuing his Bachelor of Fine Arts in theatre with a concentration in performance. Previous credits include David Kolowitz (Enter Laughing), Jack (The Stand or Sal is Dead), Younger Brother (Ragtime), and Nick (Bedroom Farce). Awards: METG Doug Ingalls Scholarship Audition Honorable Mention (2017). Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival Region 1 Irene Ryan semifinalist (2018), KCACTF Region 1 Irene Ryan finalist (2019), and KCACTF Richard Maltby Musical Theatre nominee (2020). Madeleine Grace Howe (Daughter) is a sophomore pursuing her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in theatre performance. This is her second role at Salem State University. Previous credits include Arlene Fletcher (O Beautiful), Cinderella (Into the Woods), Mrs. Potts (Beauty and The Beast) and Judas (Godspell).

Catherine Janos (Frau Schill) is a senior pursuing her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in theatre performance. This is her third role at Salem State University. Previous credits include #46 (The Wolves), Tina (She Kills Monsters), and Emma (Stupid F**king Bird) Ben Joyall (Policeman) is a senior pursuing his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in theatre performance. This is his fourth production at Salem State University. Previous credits include Adam (Rough Crossing), Gun Store Owner/Buffalo Bill/Gym Man (Gunplay: A Play about America), Shrek (Shrek the Musical), and Gaston (Beauty and the Beast). Awards: Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival Region 1 Irene Ryan Nominee (2017 and 2018) Christian Kinney (First Man) is a sophomore pursuing his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in performance. Recent credits include Nightfall with Edgar Allen Poe (Salem State University) and Hubie Halloween (Netflix). Rémani Lizana (Doctor) is a senior pursuing her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in theatre performance. This is her third role at Salem State University. Previous credits include Dogberry (Much Ado about Nothing), Simone/Friend/Black Woman (Gunplay: A Play about America), Linda Ryan (O Beautiful), Officer Lockstock (Urinetown: The Musical), Mrs. Gardner (Carrie), and Matron Mama Morton (Chicago). Awards: Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival Region 1 Irene Ryan nominee (2018). Michelle Moran (Claire Zachanassian) is a sophomore pursuing her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in performance. Pervious credits include Brooke Wyndham (Legally Blonde), Actor (Gunplay: A Play about America), Jan (Bedroom Farce), and Bernadette (Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons). Jordan Mitchell (Son) is a sophomore pursuing their Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in directing. This is their second role at Salem State University. Previous credits include Lenny Ryan (O Beautiful), Linus (You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown), and Billy Boy Bill (Urinetown). James Norling (Mike/Truck Driver) is a senior pursing his Bachelor of Arts degree in theater with a minor in music. This is his first role at Salem State University Company. Previous credits include Ensemble (Once on this Island), Guy (Check Please), Cobweb (A Midsummer Night’s Dream), Soren/Guitarist (Stupid F**king Bird), and every role (Aladdin: The Musical, One person show).

Rachael Schuster (The Station Master) is a sophomore pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in theatre performance and a Bachelor of Arts degree in English, along with a minor in film studies. Previous credits include Female Swing (Much Ado about Nothing), Joe Harper/Young Fool (Big River), Anybodies (West Side Story), and the Chorus (Sophocles’ Electra). Carolina Soto (First Woman) is a sophomore pursuing her bachelor of fine arts degree in playwriting. Recent acting credits include Regina (Recovery), Sondra Janaleris (O Beautiful), Marisa (Memoirs of a Snitch), Haunted house staff (Hubie Halloween). Awards: Massachusetts Educational Theatre Guild Sherwood Collins Playwriting contest winner (2019) Kenny St Fleur (Second Man/Max) is a sophomore pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in theatre performance. This is his second role at Salem State University. Previous credits include Cinderella’s Prince (Into the Woods), John Jasper (The Mystery of Edwin Drood), Judge Turpin (Sweeney Todd), and Pepper (Mama Mia). Holly Rust (Second Woman/Conductor) is a sophomore pursuing her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in theatre performance. Previous credits include Bunny Flingus (The House of Blue Leaves), Hope (Urinetown), Farrah (She Kills Monsters), and Glory/Marvelyn (Almost Maine). Christopher Vega (Burgomaster) is a senior pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in theatre performance. Previous credits include Much Ado about Nothing, Gunplay: A Play about America, Ragtime, Harvey, and A Free Man of Color. Awards: Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival Region 1 Best Partner Award (2020) and Irene Ryan Finalist (2019). Faith Antoinette Williams (Second Blind Man) is a sophomore pursuing her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in directing. This is her first mainstage role at Salem State University. Previous credits include Brenda Waters (O Beautiful), Caroline (I and You), Dolly Levi (The Matchmaker), and Mrs. Van Daan (The Diary of Anne Frank). Anthony White (Bobby) is a senior pursuing his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in theatre performance. This is his fifth role at Salem State University. Previous credits include The Beast (Beauty and The Beast) Kenickie (Grease), Alan (This is a Test), Les Goodman (Monsters Due on Maple Street), Rapunzel’s Prince (Into the Woods), Achille Alcibiade (A Free Man of Color), E.J Lofgren (Harvey), Booker T. Washington (Ragtime), and Trevor (Bedroom Farce).

CREATIVE TEAM AND PRODUCTION STAFF Sara Conlon (Director) is a Northshore based actor, director, and theater educator. She earned her Master of Fine Arts in Acting from Pennsylvania State University and a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre from University of New Hampshire, is one of the founding members of The Mortar Theatre Company in Chicago, Illinois, and currently teaches in the Theatre and Speech Department at Salem State University and Northern Essex Community College. Recent projects include O Beautiful at Salem State University (director), The Veterans Play Festival at Salem State University (actor/ director), Random Acts 14.75 at The Actors Studio of Newburyport (director) Reaping at The Actors Studio of Newburyport (actor), Kate Hamill’s Pride and Prejudice (actor) at The New Hampshire Theatre Project and Rabbit Hole at The Seacoast Repertory Theatre (actor). Sara lives in Amesbury, Massachusetts with her husband and two children. Camryn Cottuli (Assistant Stage Manager) is a sophomore pursuing her Bachelor of Arts degree in technical theatre. Her recent stage management credits include O Beautiful (Salem State University), Nightfall with Edgar Allen Poe (Student Theatre Ensemble), and A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Student Theatre Ensemble). Destany Foley (Student Props Master) is a sophomore at Salem State University pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in technical theatre. Previous credits include props run crew for Spamalot (Pro Event), props run crew for Gunplay: A Play about America (Salem State University), Props Master for A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Student Theatre Ensemble), Production Assistant for “Haunted Salem Live” (Travel Channel), Assistant Props Master for Much Ado about Nothing (Salem State University), Props Master for Nightfall with Edgar Allan Poe (Student Theatre Ensemble) and Props Master for Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons (Salem State University). Destany will be the Props Master on the upcoming spring 2021 production, Machinal. Isaac Goldbaum (Assistant Scenic Designer) is a junior pursuing his Bachelor of Fine Arts in scenic design. His previous Salem State Theatre Department credits include Ragtime (Asst. Scenic Designer), Top Girls (Asst. Scenic Designer), and Much Ado About Nothing (asst. Scenic Designer) with the Salem State Theatre Department. He has also worked on A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Scenic Designer), Nightfall with Edgar

Allan Poe (Scenic Designer) for the Student Theatre Ensemble at Salem State University. His upcoming projects include Dead Man’s Cell Phone for the Student Theatre Ensemble and Machinal for the Salem State University Theatre Department. Other credits include Radium Girls (Asst. Scenic Designer), Dido and Aeneas (Scenic Designer), among other shows in Western Massachusetts. Stacey Horne-Harper (Props Master) is a graduate of the University of Delaware Professional Theatre Training Program. She spent seven years as the properties carpenter at the American Repertory Theater. She would like to thank her family for all of their incredible support. Sara Squish Leger (Stage Manager) is a junior pursuing her Bachelor of Fine Arts in stage management along with a minor in graphic design. Her previous stage management credits include First Year Lab 2020 (Salem State University) and Assistant Stage Manager for Much Ado About Nothing and Ragtime (Salem State University). Adam Sorel (Assistant Technical Director) is a junior pursuing his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in the technical option. Recent credits include Much Ado About Nothing (Salem State University), A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Student Theatre Ensemble) and Gunplay: A Play about America (Salem State University). Abigail Tavares (Assistant Stage Manager) is a sophomore pursuing her Bachelor of Arts degree in technical theater. Recent stage management credits include A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Student Theater Ensemble) and Nightfall with Edgar Allen Poe (Student Theater Ensemble). Matthew Emerson (Scenic Designer and Sound Designer) is an Associate Professor of Lighting and Set Design. New to Salem State University, Matthew comes from North Carolina where he was active as a designer in regional theatre, film, display design, and product design. Matthew holds an MFA in Scenography from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Previous Salem State design credits include Top Girls and Much Ado about Nothing.

Jerry L. Johnson (Costume Designer) has designed for: Harlem School of the Arts, Columbia University, Phoenix Theatre Ensemble, Jean Cocteau Repertory, and Flux Theatre Ensemble. Jerry’s Broadway work includes: Disney’s Lion King, Disney’s Little Mermaid, Jersey Boys, Phantom of the Opera, Cinderella, and Rockette’s Christmas Spectacular. While working in fashion, he was the Production Coordinator for: Marc Jacobs, Alice + Olivia, and Thakoon. His regional theatre credits include: The Santa Fe Opera, Opera Theatre of Saint Louis, Papermill Theatre, Idaho Shakespeare Festival, Great Lakes Theatre, Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festive, Arkansas Rep and the Contemporary American Theatre Festival. Internationally, he worked for ETA Hoffman theatre in Bamberg Germany. Previous Salem State design credits include Macbeth, A Free Man of Color, Poison of Choice, Uncommon Women and Others, Gunplay: A Play for the Moment, and Much Ado About Nothing. Michael M. Harvey (Lighting Designer) is an Associate Professor of design at Salem State University where he teaches and designs scenery and lighting. Previously he spent four years at Southern Utah University where he served as Assistant Professor and Director of design and production. He taught scenic and lighting and sound design, as well as designed scenery, lights, and sound for the department of theatre arts and dance. He spent eight years teaching and designing at Central Lakes College in Minnesota. He also spent two years teaching at the University of Southern Indiana, where he served as scenic designer and technical director. Among his professional credits are scenic coordinator for the Opera Company of Philadelphia; scenic designer for Spamalot at North Shore Music Theatre; scenic and lighting designer for several Primedia Inc. television productions; and production manager for both the New Harmony Theatre in New Harmony, IN, and Capital Repertory Company in Albany, NY. Michael holds a Master of Fine Arts in Scenic Design and Theatre Technology from Wayne State University in Detroit, MI.

THEATRE AND SPEECH COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT Celena Sky April Esme Allen Brianne Beatrice Bryn Boice William Cunningham Sara Conlon Matthew Emerson James J. Fallon, Professor Emeritus Myrna Finn, Professor Emerita Stuart Grieve Thomas J. Hallahan, Professor Emeritus Michael M. Harvey Elizabeth Hart, Professor Emerita Jane Hillier-Walkowiak Stacey Horne-Harper Alex Jacobs Becca Jewett Jerry L. Johnson, Chairperson Julie Kiernan Matthew Korahais Christopher Morris Tim O’Toole Ashley Preston Jill Rogati Peter Sampieri Vera Sheppard, Professor Emerita Richard Snee Allen Vietzke Whitney L. White, Professor Emeritus Patricia Zaido, Professor Emerita

The Kennedy Center The Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival, part of the Rubenstein Arts Access Program, is generously funded by David M. Rubenstein. Special Thanks to The Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust for supporting the John F. Kennedy Center of the Performing Arts’ Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival. Additional support is provided by The Honorable Stuart Bernstein and Wilma E. Bernstein; and the Dr. Gerald and Paula McNichols Foundation. Kennedy Center education and related artistic programming is made possible through the generosity of the National Committee for the Performing Arts. This production is entered in the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival (KCACTF). The aims of this national theater education program are to identify and promote quality in college-level theater production. To this end, each production entered is eligible for a response by a regional KCACTF representative, and selected students and faculty are invited to participate in KCACTF programs involving scholarships, internships, grants and awards for actors, directors, dramaturgs, playwrights, designers, stage managers and critics at both the regional and national levels. Productions entered on the Participating level are eligible for invitation to the KCACTF regional festival and may also be considered for national awards recognizing outstanding achievement in production, design, direction and performance. Last year more than 1,500 productions were entered in the KCACTF involving more than 200,000 students nationwide. By entering this production, our theater department is sharing in the KCACTF goals to recognize, reward, and celebrate the exemplary work produced in college and university theaters across the nation.

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