University Orchestra April 20, 2022 Salem High School Salem, MA
MUSIC The Salem State University music and dance department presents
All Mozart, All the Time! University Orchestra under the direction of Dr. Mary-Jo Grenfell Wednesday, April 20, 2022 • 7:30 pm • Salem High School
PROGRAM Overture to The Abduction from the Seraglio Divertimento for Strings in F Major, K138 “Salzburg Symphony No. 3” Serenade for Winds in C Minor, K388 Symphony No. 31 in D Major, K297 “Paris”
This program is presented in conjunction with Salem State University’s Center for Creative and Performing Arts. Out of courtesy to your fellow audience members and the performers on stage, please turn off cell phones and pagers, and do not text during the performance. The videotaping or making of electronic or other audio and/or visual recording of this concert or distribution of same is strictly prohibited.
Corinne Cothern
Madeleine Downs
David Estrada
Mike Elman
Fran Pierce
Alan Hawryluk
Gabriella Simpkins
Phil Mednis Rome Pozgay
Sk Rahaman
Erika Ding
Abigail Sykes
Cynthia Napierkowski
Judy Takata
Brenda Buckley
Arthur Barry
Nancy George
Brian Ferris Robert Nersasian
Alana Wilson
Heidi Despotopulos Steve Malionek
Cello Armania Boyd
Amy Everitt
Donna Murphy
Brian Helman
Herb Schurgin Bass Trumpet
Marcel Mavarez
Mark Napierkowski William Napierkowski
Conductor Dr. Mary-Jo Grenfell
Dr. Mary-Jo Grenfell is a professor of music in the Music and Dance Department at Salem State University. Along with teaching, she serves as the Music Program Coordinator and Coordinator of Applied Music. She holds degrees in music education and conducting from Colorado State University, University of Colorado, and University of Northern Colorado. Grenfell teaches a variety of courses at SSU, including courses in music history and orchestration, and she conducts the Chamber Orchestra and the University Band. She is an active performer, playing clarinet and saxophone in music ensembles around the North Shore.
Dr. Grenfell is the representative to the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) for Salem State University and serves as an evaluator for accreditation for NASM. Grenfell sat on the Board of Trustees for Rockport Music from 2009-2014 and was chair of the Education and Outreach Committee. Dr. Grenfell is a member of the College Band Directors National Association, Chamber Music America, North Shore Chamber Music Society, and the College Music Society.
DEDICATION Tonight’s performance is dedicated to the memory of Jim Dillon who played with the SSU Orchestra for several years. Jim was an engineer by profession but loved music and was an active performer on the upright bass in jazz and orchestra ensembles throughout his life. He always came to rehearsal with a smile and enthusiasm for making music with others. He was a fantastic role model to the students at SSU and personified the ideal of a life-long learner. You will be missed, Jim, but know that your spirit lives on in the music we make.
MUSIC FACULTY Peter J. Kvetko—chairperson, world music Mary-Jo Grenfell—music history, orchestra Philip A. Swanson—jazz history, brass Michael Testa—music technology
ADJUNCT MUSIC FACULTY Samuel Beebe—composition Amanda Berman—ethnomusicology Todd Clancy—guitar class Jean Danton—voice Krystal Demaine—music therapy Monica Duncan—clarinet Seychelle Dunn Corbin—saxophone Abe Finch—percussion Raymond Gonzalez—classical guitar, songwriting, music industry Eric Goode—tuba Diane Hastings—Celtic fi ddle Alan Hawryluk—violin/viola Aditya Kalyanpur—tabla Sanae Kanda—piano, music theory Jay Rinaldi—music technology Josh Schairer—bassoon Andrew Schiller—bass Lynn Shane—chorus Beverly Soll—piano, women in music Rob Taylor—music education Kellie Tropreano—voice class Anthony Wolff—jazz guitar Eileen Yarrison—flute Holly Zagaria – voice, music theory
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