Annual Report 2004
Development Cooperation Projects Co-financed with ODAs
Other Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Projects
Tamaro Foundation
Projects for the Street Children of Colombia
Training of Trainers Projects
The Diversity of the Foundation
In Brief
Annual Financial Statement and Efficiency Report 2004
Experiences – Guidelines for the Future I would like to introduce myself as the new president of the Limmat Foundation, and mention the new hopes and expectations I have formed since Hans Georg Rhonheimer resigned on May 8, 2004. My first thoughts are ones of gratitude: gratitude to our outgoing president, for both his long personal friendship and for his eighteen years of dedicated leadership at the Foundation. These were years of growth, each with its own unique challenge. This I know well because of my involvement with the Limmat Foundation since early in its history. But even as I feel this gratitude for the past, I am aware life goes on, which holds true for the Limmat Foundation as well. I am excited thinking of what the future holds, of the challenges the years ahead will bring. Many will take us unawares; some have already hinted at their arrival. But we here at the Limmat Foundation are well prepared to weather any storm. And so on May 8th I was able to say “yes” based on my confidence in the management team of the Foundation. I also have complete confidence in the competent and truly fine men and women of the supervisory board, board of directors, the sub-foundation boards, the expert commissions and the patronage committee. For the solidarity of each to the other and to the group, I am grateful. When I joined the Limmat Foundation, it was already more than a mere idea, the idea of a bridge symbolized by the logo, then as now, of “bridging worlds”: linking philanthropic generosity with professional project management. Signposts along the way were keywords such as social responsibility, helping people help themselves, and development. Then the Foundation was a young plant, with roots still fresh and tender. Today, it is firmly rooted, grown into an institution with considerable experience. Our own tradition constantly spurs us on to new ventures. Yet at the same time, it keeps us from constantly reinventing the wheel, which is a great comfort to me. Tried and true methods have long ago become the norm. “In the traditions of behavior, evaluation and endorsement,” writes Arnold Gehlen, “foundations were laid over the course of many years of experimentation, foundations which one need not constantly question, which pose no unreasonable challenges to the decision making process because they have become habit. […] This is a tremendous relief. […] For a changing nature (that of the human person), traditions stand among the very fundamentals of emotional health, they belong to the basics of culture.” In a similar vein, the way the Limmat Foundation has grown into an institution reassures us about its performance and frees us from “unnecessary challenges to decision making.” Development cooperation—thank heaven—is neither a monopoly nor a privilege of the Limmat Foundation. But development towards what, to what end? At this point, the proliferation of the buzz-word “non-governmental organization” (NGO) has robbed it of any real meaning. The term defines the involvement of the private citizen in negative terms. The very core and sine qua non of civil society is placed second to a reliance on the state and on politics. The credo of the Limmat Foundation—a credo integrally bound up with the Christian view of the person—focuses on the personal responsibility and initiative of individuals in the service of other individuals and their development as persons—anywhere, or in other words, globally: “Bridging worlds.” Certainly, this includes conquering hunger, illness and poverty as far as possible. It includes education, particularly vocational education. It also includes promoting the courage to take one’s life into one’s own hands—as well as to participate in the creation of the political community and the structures of society. Ultimately, a people’s expression of their dignity remains a local matter, and necessarily of their own choosing. All this presupposes specific attitudes and deportment in relation to family, to work, to other persons, to life in general. The creation of these attitudes and ways of interacting has never been a matter of indifference to the Limmat Foundation. When it comes to the sustainable effectiveness of its projects, the Limmat Foundation has always given this unequivocally Christian option primacy of place—and that made it easy for me to say “yes” on May 8, 2004. Hans Thomas President 3
Development Cooperation Projects Co-financed with ODAs ACTUAR-Famiempresas, Medellin (Antioquia) Vocational Training for Youth and Single Mothers
The social situation in Colombia has degenerated in recent years, not only because of the economic situation and the general impoverishment of the population, but also because of the armed conflict. Escalation of the aggressions has led to a great exodus of the rural population into the regional capitals and larger city centers. In this new setting, the displaced people, mostly farming families with only rudimentary education, try to eke out a living as casual laborers. The current, three-year project is directed at 3,000 youth, many of them single mothers. Without job possibilities, youth in particular are at risk of joining armed, illegal groups of political and social activists. The best alternative for bettering the quality of life of this at-risk population is intensive vocational education, so that the young people can rapidly enter the labor force. There is always high demand for qualified personnel in the service sector. Limmat’s partner organization ACTUAR Famiempresas is well suited to meet this challenge. This confidence comes from its twenty-year record of successful programs in vocational training and job creation through the foundation of small family enterprises. The educational model of • vocational training • training in the management of small family enterprises • marketing and sales advice • technological support (rental of machines and tools) has proven itself even beyond the country’s borders. First of all, a publicity campaign was launched in conjunction with the authorities of the economically weak community, so as to reach a large number of participants. The educational level and motivation of the candidates is determined through a professional selection process. Each training course lasts 200 hours: four hours a day, four days a week, for a total of two and a half months. These courses are held twice a year, which allows sufficient time for advertising and recruiting participants. ACTUAR provided the necessary infrastructure and technical staff so that the planned courses could begin in September. By the end of 2004, 125 course participants were already trained and introduced to the job market for careers in catering, elderly care, home health care, marketing, telemarketing and warehousing. An important and innovative characteristic of this project lies in the way it builds a network of solidarity. The graduates commit themselves—if they find suitable employment—to financing a course of study for another young person. ACTUAR therefore must make every possible effort to reach this goal. The inclusion of this solidarity component in the project has proven to have a very positive effect on the participants. On the one hand, it contributes enormously to their sense of self-worth, on the other, it gives them a concrete goal for their course participation. Another objective of this solidarity network is to ensure the sustainability of the project once external financing is pulled out three years from now. The SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation) in Bern is also supporting the project. Project costs (3 years) Limmat and SDC’s contribution Local partner and government programs
CHF 472,000 CHF 298,000 CHF 174,000
Fundacion Carvajal, Cali Training Center and Food Production Plant for Microenterprises
The Fundacion Carvajal is one of the best-known foundations in Colombia. It looks back on a multi-year, thoroughly successful record of activity in providing technical and financial support for the founding of micro-enterprises. A four-year project (2003-2006) funding the construction and operation of an educational center with facilities for food production will expand the offering for small businessmen and women. Many internally displaced persons with little or no education live in the Agua Blanca district of Cali. The new educational center annually provides 1,000 people with access to training in food production and the market-driven sale of their products, and thereby to personal economic security. An important component of the project is the yet-to-be-constructed laboratory, where the businessmen and women can, for a fee, certify the production and quality of their goods. This will enable them to enter new markets and increase revenues. In the first two years the planning and construction phases of the project were completed, as well as the recruiting and training of project coordinators. The goals were met on schedule which means that the educational center can begin operating at the beginning of next year. This challenging project has been able to count on the active support and financial backing of the Belgian government and the Belgian NGO ACTEC which is heavily involved in the vocational education of young people in developing countries.
Project costs (4 years) Limmat’s contribution ACTEC and Belgian government contribution Local partner and government programs
€ € € €
850,000 120,000 480,000 250,000
Corporacion Accion por Bolivar, ACTUARFamiempresas, Cartagena CAFADE Educational Center
The opening of the CAFADE (Capacitacion Familiares Desplazadas) Educational Center was celebrated on March 11, 2004. The two-story building is an impressive sight, and has much to offer the population of the surrounding city. This festive event was great cause for celebration for all those present: government representatives and city officials, and many parents, youth and children who are the beneficiaries of the project. Two thousand people have taken part in the various programs offered by the center in this, its first year of operation. Educational courses, psychological and medical care, family therapy, gatherings for the elderly and the handicapped, and a variety of cultural activities offer support and solidarity to the multitude that has settled in the slums of Cartagena. The institution ACTUAR-Bolivar was founded 12 years ago by a group of Colombian businessmen to help the unemployed improve their chances in the labor market through education, and to facilitate the creation of small family enterprises through micro-lending. Since March 2004, 500 women have completed vocational training courses. Internally displaced, these women—many of them single mothers—had left everything behind and come to Cartagena with no prospects and no hope prior to encountering this program. CAFADE will continue providing three programs annually, each open to 200 participants. Enabled by training in various professions such as tailoring, food production and handicrafts, they succeed relatively quickly in earning an adequate living in a competitive marketplace, either as employees or as independent business owners. For those starting a business, courses in bookkeeping, marketing and quality control are very helpful. Often, this is the only serious education these women have ever had. Once a small family business is begun, ACTUAR provides those interested with access to a credit union and consulting to ensure that these first steps towards independence do not falter. These educational opportunities promote and stabilize a sense of self-worth. A more peaceful approach to conflict resolution within the family also has a positive impact on the children of these women, and facilitates a more humane cohabitation in the difficult environment in which they must live. The SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation), Bern, is also supporting this project.
Project costs (3 years) Limmat and SDC’s contribution Local partner and government programs
USD 560,000 USD 139,000 USD 421,000
Las Gravileas, Guatemala Mayan Women Receive Education in their Villages
In 2000, the Limmat Foundation supported the Women’s Educational Center for Handcrafts Las Gravileas. The average income of the women who participate in the Las Gravileas program and learn to produce textiles, ceramics and food goods is in general substantially improved. The women consider it an honor to come to the center, and accept the inconvenience of an often lengthy trip on foot. Nonetheless, Las Gravileas remains inaccessible to many of those interested. Therefore, instructors from Las Gravileas have begun traveling to various villages and offering courses there. This activity will be further expanded through the help of the new project which will establish training programs in various villages of the central Guatemalan highlands. These would annually accommodate 180 women, with the following set as goals: • Of the 180 women, 160 will complete the training program each year. • Within three months, 130 of the course participants will start a small enterprise, either individually or in small groups. • At the end of their training, the women will earn approximately € 70 monthly, and after a year this income will have doubled. By the end of the project, the cost of trainers and educational materials will be financed through proceeds from the program.
Project costs Limmat Foundation ICEP Vienna and BMaA (Austrian Government)
€ 124,800 € 28,500 € 96,300
Al Tilal, Beirut, Lebanon Educating Women from the Mountain Regions
Lebanon is facing a tremendous emigration problem. This problem is even more serious for the mountain regions, but the efforts of the government to promote the tourist industry are concentrated only on the capital city. In the summer of 2004, the local institution ALDEC, whose projects the Limmat Foundation has partially supported in the past, opened the Al Tilal educational center in one of the mountain areas for the inhabitants of the poorer regions. Currently planned are 48 courses a year for small groups (average of 15 participants per group) in a wide variety of subjects: hotel management, business management, computer science, and the basics of ecology, archaeology, etc. In addition, it offers counseling and support for small businesses operating in the tourist industry of the region. Course participants can also further their Christian education; the spiritual direction of Al Tilal has been entrusted to the Catholic Prelature Opus Dei. ALDEC was able to generate public financing for this project, as well as low-interest loans and local contributions. In addition to a gift of USD 100,000 in 2002, the Limmat Foundation made a final contribution of USD 175,000 in 2004.
Project costs (2001-2004) Spanish Government Limmat Foundation Local contributions
USD 2,246,000 USD 540,000 USD 1,486,500 USD 219,500
Centre FemmeEducation-Famille (CFEF) and CAFAS Kinshasa, D. R. of Congo
Education is the key to development. In the rapidly growing, partly rural outskirts of Kinshasa, the need for education is particularly acute. The social enterprise CECFOR—also sponsor of the Monkole Hospital—is building a new educational center in the Kimbondo Quarter which will provide continuing education for teachers and parents. A total of 2,700 people will attend courses annually, and will have practical opportunities to deepen their pedagogical and ethical learning. Particular emphasis is being given to the education of women, as well as to the cooperation of parents and schools in the education of children. The integrity, the solidarity, the value of the family, and what this means in everyday life, are the basis of the center’s educational approach. The new center will be built on a piece of land belonging to CAFAS (Centre Africain de Formation et d’Action Sociale), also an educational center supported by the Limmat Foundation. Future operational costs of CFEF will be locally financed.
Project costs Public co-financing (Valencia and Baleares) Local contributions Limmat Foundation Other contributions
€ € € € €
950,000 295,000 30,000 285,000 340,000
The Rhein Sub-foundation will also increase the € 340,000 loan granted in 2001 to the Education and Lecture Center CAFAS. The total loan now amounts to € 885,000. Board members Henri des Déserts and François Geinoz visited the newly constructed CAFAS Center in October 2004. This center for education and social interaction will be an important resource for the citizens of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in their attempts to create a more humane society. Included in its offering are: • Continuing education in various trades; • Seminars in ethics, social and professional issues, human rights, women’s rights, economics; • Continuing education for the associates of CECFOR. More than 1,000 people yearly will directly participate in the programs, which implies by extension a significant number of indirect beneficiaries.
Project costs (construction and furnishing) Public co-financing (France and Navarra) Local contributions Limmat Foundation Other contributions
€ 2,240,000 € 1,020,000 € 130,000 € 885,000 € 205,000
Other Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Projects Monkole Hospital, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
From October 23rd to 28th, board member Henri des Déserts and François Geinoz, executive director, visited the projects supported by the Limmat Foundation in Kinshasa. These are the CAFAS Conference Center, a home for abandoned children run by the Missionaries of Charity (of Mother Teresa), and the Monkole medical center for mothers and children run by the local charity CECFOR. Other than the many small, under-equipped health centers around Kinshasa, the Monkole Hospital offers the only 37 hospital beds available to the 250,000 inhabitants of the Mont-Ngafula quarter, which lies 20 miles from the center of Kinshasa. There are many illnesses in this region (sleeping sickness, malaria, etc.), and health indicators are highly disturbing: maternal mortality at 28‰, HIV prevalence at 6%. Although half of the hospital’s patients come from the lowest income levels, the hospital is for the most part able to cover its costs. Monkole has entrusted the spiritual direction of the hospital to the Catholic Prelature of Opus Dei. In addition to its main focus on maternal and infant health and outpatient services, Monkole also conducts other health initiatives: • A school for head nurses, with approx. 150 graduates to date. • Three social medicine outposts in poor districts. • Educational courses for doctors throughout Kinshasa. • Project for school health supported by the Limmat Foundation.
Project for School Health Services Most of the inhabitants of Mont-Ngafula and Celembao have never visited a doctor, and in general have little experience with preventative medicine. In the context of the school health services project—now seven years underway, most recently with the support of the Limmat Foundation—this knowledge gap is being filled, thanks to the teachers and children in the schools. In 2004, the following was been achieved: • Health care instructors were trained through lectures (364 participants) and seminars (60 hours, 97 participants). • 12,400 children in the schools attended courses in health and prevention. • 7,140 children received medical checkups. • Four issues of the health periodical DOCTA (circulation 10,000) were published, and reached the families via the children. • Seven schools received urgently needed sanitation repairs (clean-up of water and sewer pipes, toilets, etc.). In 2005, the project will be expanded through the addition of HIV testing for youth.
School Health Services budget (1 year) Limmat’s contribution Local contributions
€ 67,000 € 38,000 € 29,000
The Limmat Foundation contribution includes a generous gift of € 13,700 from the Union Bancaire Privée (Zurich) and contributions from the Tamaro and Maria Cristina Sub-foundations.
Purchasing land Looking forward to future expansion of the hospital and its associated services (technical services, residence employees, parking and medical school), various neighboring parcels of land were purchased. The Limmat Foundation supported this project with a total of USD 150,000 in funds (2003-04).
Wavecrest Training Center, Lagos, Nigeria
The Wavecrest Training Center for Women in Lagos, offers a variety of courses, some of them up to the level of the national diploma. Numerous young girls from less privileged backgrounds are able to improve their economic future, thanks to this offering. For many years, Wavecrest has been able to mobilize benefactors in Switzerland through the Limmat Foundation.
Limmat’s contribution 2004
CHF 20,700
Murillo Foundation Centro de Formacion Empresarial para la Mujer – CEFEM, Condoray, San Vicente de Cañete, Peru Educational Center for Women Entrepreneurs CEFEM
Since 1963, the Center Condoray has been offering educational opportunities to underprivileged women. In all, 20,000 destitute women from the surrounding villages have bettered their quality of life and their economic situation thanks to the various development programs on offer. The spiritual direction of Condoray has been entrusted to the Catholic Prelature of Opus Dei. More than half of the inhabitants of Peru live in poverty, many without access to even the most basic infrastructure. The rural population suffers most from this. The object of this three-year project is the construction and furnishing of the new women’s entrepreneurial educational center CEFEM in San Vicente, 150 km south of Lima. Beneficiaries of the project are women who, thanks to a technical education, should be able to found a small enterprise that will financially support them and their families. The hope is that having their own income will promote self-confidence, which in turn will help them to overcome the social and economic discrimination that they encounter daily. The first year of the project involves the construction of a two-story building and the furnishing of the center, which should be operational by the end of March. During this same period, the educational program will be developed and the faculty selected, so that the classes can begin in April 2005. The Corporacion ACTUAR Famiempresas from Antioquia, which has over 20 years of experience in this field, has actively participated in phase one of this project, and CEFEM has benefited greatly from its know-how. Two hundred fifty indigent women will benefit annually from the project by receiving: • Vocational training in food preparation, textile production, or store ownership. The educational course will always include a component in small-enterprise management, so that the graduates will be qualified to run a micro-enterprise. • Access to micro-credit through a rotating fund. • Support in marketing, design and general management for existing or newly founded enterprises. Project efficiency will be measured according to the Social Welfare Index (SWI), a methodology developed by the Limmat Foundation. The basic data of future beneficiaries will also be analyzed according to the model of the matrix of social well-being.
Project costs (3 years) Limmat’s contribution Local partner and government programs
€ 663,000 € 476,000 € 187,000
Tamaro Foundation Scholarships in Italy In 2004, the Tamaro Foundation awarded six to eight students a total of CHF 76,800 in scholarship money for studies in Italy. Two students completed their studies, and in the fall four new stipends were approved. The women come from Albania, Cape Verde, Senegal, Hungary, Ukraine, Rwanda and Romania, and all are confronted with difficult living conditions in their native lands. They will return home upon completing their studies in order to give something back to their own people. The Francescane Missionarie di Maria are directing this program.
Emergency shelter for the homeless in Rome An older person unexpectedly loses his home; a woman leaves her home because of domestic violence; a poor family has not had a home for several weeks; a 17-year-old drug addict lives night and day on the street…. The social center of the Parish of Ss. Simon and Thaddeus in Rome-Torrenova has helped in 1,700 such crisis situations. In order to house those in need, the parish has transformed a farm building of 240 m2 into an emergency shelter which, under normal circumstances, can accommodate 10 persons. This project is successful thanks to the efforts of numerous volunteers. In addition to offering temporary housing, the center will offer a comprehensive system of support: accommodation in a family home, legal aid, contact with social services, etc.
Renovation and furnishing costs Limmat Foundation Local contributions
€ 213,000 € 21,300 € 191,700
Projects for the Street Children of Colombia ACTUAR Por Bolivar, Cartagena Kindergarten and Day Care Center in Nelson Mandela, Cartagena An Esmeralda Charity Golf Cup Project
With the opening of the CAFADE Educational Center (page 6), the kindergarten and day-care center for 90 children began operations as well. While the mothers attend courses in the center or pursue gainful employment elsewhere, their children are professionally looked after in the day care. Individually and in groups, they are challenged to grow by a staff of professionals trained in pedagogy. Three large rooms and a park are open to them. The Colombian Institute for Family Welfare subsidizes the cost of the meal program and the health care. Older children can avail themselves of leisure-time activities suited to children of all ages, in an attempt to keep them off the streets. Their creativity is encouraged through playing, reading, drawing lessons and arts and crafts. The organized activities are structured to help these uprooted children become comfortable with social interaction and to give them a sense of security, an awareness that even in this new setting, they are part of a community.
Project costs (2 years) Limmat’s contribution (incl. ECGC) Local partner and government programs
USD 150,000 USD 70,000 USD 80,000
ACTUAR Por Bolivar, Cartagena Educational Center for Youth An Esmeralda Charity Golf Cup Project
The counselors for the older children are assisted in the task of providing free-time activities by students from a private middle school. This educational center is an expansion of the existing CAFADE Center. It will serve specifically to help educate the young inhabitants of the surrounding slums. Together with their families, they have been driven from the outlying country into the sprawling suburbs, looking for safety and employment. Finding a place for all these laborers is very difficult. With no prospect for gainful employment, and with no structure in their daily life, they are constantly confronted with their poverty. This frustration can easily express itself in violence, and ultimately end in criminal behavior. This center has the capacity to educate 550 young people annually. In classrooms and stateof-the-art workshops, students receive first-rate instruction in the clothing industry, carpentry, handicrafts, baking and pastry making, accounting, and cosmetics. Having successfully completed studies designed to meet the needs of the local job market, the graduates are much sought after as trained personnel. Their education also equips the youth to create a micro-enterprise, if they so desire. ACTUAR is a national leader in the education of micro-entrepreneurs, and manages a successful micro-credit system that has helped many an idea become reality and many a young person take their first steps into independence. Each new enterprise is carefully examined for its long-term viability before it can participate in this lending system. The City of Madrid is supporting this project with a gift of USD 100,000.
Project costs (1 1⁄2 years) Limmat’s contribution (incl. ECGC) Local partners and government agencies (City of Madrid)
Fundacion Hogar de la Luz, Cali Las Palmas – a Home for Young Girls An Esmeralda Charity Golf Cup Project
USD 230,000 USD 40,000 USD 190,000
The new Las Palmas residence began operating at part capacity in December of 2004. Forty new girls happily joined the forty girls ages 3-17 (who until now were living in the Montebello House) in this newly constructed home. The team of caregivers was expanded so that the 80 foster children, all either abandoned or orphaned, can experience an uncomplicated childhood and youth in a family setting. The former residence, Montebello, will in the foreseeable future be turned into a vocational training center for boarders and day students. For 17 years, the Fundacion Hogar de la Luz has been helping girls of all ages acquire a good education and embark on a future of self-determination. The Rotary Club Cali and the Colombian Institute for Family Welfare are helping support the home. This guarantees the long-term continuation of the project.
Project costs (1 1⁄2 years) Limmat’s contribution (incl. ECGC) Local partner and government agencies
USD 155,000 USD 75,000 USD 80,000
LATIN (Linea de Atencion Infantil), Cali Emergency Helpline for Children
Children are often the first victims of poverty and social tension. In Colombia—as in many other countries—there are many institutions dedicated to the welfare of children. But what is often lacking is the bridge between the individual child in need and the appropriate agency. The emergency hotline for children, telefono amigo, is trying to build this bridge. It was first introduced in Cali as a pilot project, according to a successful model used in India: organizing the technical equipment (hardware, software, switchboard), and creating a team of social workers and a network of institutions active in helping children. The newly incorporated, tax-exempt organization CorpoLATIN has received a toll-free telephone number: 106. This number was publicized with advertising targeted at children and through workshops in the schools of various slums. Since the end of August 2004, it has been operational 18 hours a day (from 7 a.m. to 1 a.m.); the goal is to extend this to 24 hours. The telephone center, staffed by a team of competent and motivated psychologists, social workers and child educators, devotes itself to solving the problems of all children and teenagers in need, regardless of their social or economic status. Roughly 85% of the phone calls are handled directly by hotline personnel. The remaining 15%, however, require external intervention. Cooperation with the appropriate institutions has proven to be decisive in these difficult cases. Over 160 various agencies, both public (police, legal, social, etc.) and private are involved in the network, and are regularly in contact with the hotline through workshops and other events. An evaluation of the experiences to date has shown that Colombian children are suffering from the violence and conflict so prevalent in their land, and that a targeted strategy is required to help alleviate this suffering. Particular care has been given to the education and extended training of the team (all women). Violence on the streets and in the family, abuse, disorientation, and abandonment are afflictions the counselors regularly confront. A quiet voice and genuine interest help the children feel that they are taken seriously, and make it easier for them to accept the help offered by the social agency competent to solve their problem. Not every child can just pick up the phone and share his or her problem. At times, they speak about themselves in the third person. Often, several attempts are necessary to build the trust necessary for an effective counseling session. Experience, patience and skill are required in understanding the ambiguously articulated cry for help and giving the children courage.
Project costs (2 1/2 years) Limmat’s contribution Local partners and government agencies
USD 250,000 USD 100,000 USD 150,000
Fundacion Hogar Juvenil, Cartagena Building and Furnishing a Kindergarten An Esmeralda Charity Golf Cup Project
The new kindergarten for 180 three-to six-year-old children from the poorest city sectors has had a promising and successful year. The projected goals were met thanks to an intricate schedule of programs, and the wellbeing of children and their families significantly and holistically improved. The kindergarten is open effectively whenever a mother needs its services. The laborers who make use of it, primarily single mothers, know that in the kindergarten their children are well cared for. In addition to being challenged educationally, with an eye to their future elementary education, the children also profit from the cafeteria’s nutritional program, funded by the Colombian Institute for Family Welfare. Many parents are simply unable to adequately provide for their families. As a result, many children do not have a normal physical and spiritual development. Other supporting programs help strengthen and advise the parents in their formative role. Informational evenings in the auditorium cover topics such as health and nutrition, child abuse, aggressive behavior in school, promoting the cultural development of the child within the family and the community. Follow-up discussions with the psychologists help transmit values that foster the development of the children and the life of the community as a whole.
Project costs (3 years) Limmat’s contribution (incl. ECGC) Local partner and government programs
USD 175,000 USD 85,000 USD 90,000
Fundacion Servicio Juvenil, Galerazamba Boarding and Agricultural School An Esmeralda Charity Golf Cup Project
In the presence of many prominent guests, the opening of the new Bosconia Caribe center took place on March 11, 2004. Here in Galerazamba, a city on the Caribbean coast between Cartagena and Barranquilla, the Fundacion Servicio Juvenil has built its new boarding and educational center. Once again Fr. Javier de Nicoló—35-year director of the Fundacion Servicio Juvenil—made aware of how much there is still to do for the children living on the street without shelter or prospects. One hundred twenty former street children who have already completed the first phase of the Bosconia program, many of them hard-cases resisting socialization, live here in freedom. Here too rules the principle that the youth choose of their own accord to live in a boarding school outside of the city, where they can receive an education and vocational training. The Fundacion Servicio Juvenil was able to purchase roughly 50 hectares of land in this rural setting, land highly suited for agriculture and animal husbandry. In the adjacent training center consisting of classrooms and workshops, the children complete their schooling and learn a trade. As educated farmers, agricultural machinery mechanics, electricians, etc., they will later easily enter the work force. Proceeds from the sale of their farming produce should cover a portion of the center’s operational costs. The Belgian government and the Belgian NGO ACTEC have given substantial financial support to the project, and the Colombian Mario Santo Domingo Foundation has committed to financing the lion’s share of the operational costs.
Project costs (1 year) Limmat’s contribution (incl. ECGC) ACTEC and Belgian government contribution Local partner and government programs
720,000 40,000 180,000 500,000
Fundacion Servicio Juvenil, Cali Bosconia-Pacific Center for the Care and Education of Street Children An Esmeralda Charity Golf Cup Project
In Buenaventura on the Pacific coast, the biggest port in Colombia, the Fundacion Servicio Juvenil is establishing a new center for street children. The complex consists of a day care (patio), a boarding school for 60 children and a vocational school. Here, 400 street children will find acceptance and nurturing. Here, they can take the first steps toward reintegration into society, and continue through their completion of a vocational training in an environment specially created for and suited to them. In the patio, caregivers look after the street children and provide them shelter in a safe, ordered environment. They receive warm meals, have the opportunity to shower and, if necessary, seek medical attention. They experience an alternative to their life on the street and begin to learn about socialization. Drugs and weapons are strictly forbidden. Older children more deeply affected by a longer tenure on the street, above all former drug addicts, are able to live in the boarding school. In the vocational school and workshops, they have the chance to learn a skill. In particular, trades related to fishing and boating are promoted since these are so widespread in this region. But training in other vocational sectors is also available. Construction of the complex will take two years to complete (2004-2005). The opening is planned for the middle of 2005. The Belgian government and the Belgian NGO ACTEC, as well as the Colombian Institute for Family Welfare, are also participating in this project.
Project costs (2 years) Limmat’s contribution (incl. ECGC) ACTEC and Belgian government contribution Local partner and government agencies
€ 700,000 € 80,000 € 320,000 € 300,000
YMCA (Asociacion Cristiana de Jovenes – ACJ) and Club Activo 20-30, Cali A New School System for Children Working on the Street
For many years now, the YMCA has been actively engaged on behalf of the child laborers in Colombia. In addition to offering a wide range of free-time activities, their main focus is providing children a flexible framework within which they can receive care and education. Often these children are forced to earn money, either to support themselves or help support their families, and they spend their whole day on the streets. Working as porters, shoeblacks or hawkers, they go anywhere they might earn even the smallest sum. Normal development, a regular school career or meaningful free time activity is impossible under these circumstances. Having dropped out of elementary school, they have no future hopes of escaping their poverty. In 2004, this project bought a centrally located building and constructed schoolrooms where 300 children and youth have access to a school system that takes into account their difficult living situation. The pedagogical model is based on the experience of the Escuela Nueva model, an open school system that for the last 20 years has been very successfully implemented in rural areas. The instructors do not teach according to a set timetable to which the students must conform. Rather, they act as tutors, and the children, each with the appropriate books, can learn at their own pace. Personal success experiences awaken in them the joy of learning, and bring to light abilities and talents. By making up the schooling they have missed, they become aware that it is never too late to learn, and that going to school can save them from their ever-growing marginalization. The project includes a component of job-oriented technical studies, which will enable swift integration into the work world. SENA (Colombian Institute for Professional Education) will supervise a large portion of the vocational education. Only an education offers these youth hope for a better future, and a chance to overcome the dual subjugation of poverty and disadvantage.
Project costs (1 1⁄2 years) Limmat’s contribution Local partner and government programs
USD 230,000 USD 90,000 USD 140,000
9th Esmeralda Charity Golf Cup
For nine years, the Limmat Foundation has organized the Esmeralda Charity Golf Cup to benefit the street children in Colombia. We have the privilege to receive the hospitality and support of the most beautiful golf courses in Switzerland and southern Germany. Thanks to the committed participants of the tournament and the generous sponsors, it is very gratifying what has been accomplished so far. As a result, 2,400 children and youth who had lived on the fringes of society are now offered care and education, stepping stones to a new life of dignity and selfworth. Six hundred fifty contestants took part in six qualifying tournaments. The six winning teams competed in the tournament final for the grand prize: a trip to Colombia and entry in various golf tournaments there also benefiting the street children. The VIP tournament for sponsors and friends of the Limmat Foundation, played parallel with the final, ended this season of golfing most satisfactorily. All CHF 115,000 in proceeds will be put to use in the following two projects: • Upgrading an educational center for disadvantaged youth in Cartagena (p. 15). • Constructing a day care and educational center for 400 street children in Buenaventura on the Pacific coast (p. 19). A sincere “thank you” to all the generous sponsors of the events: Schroders Private Bank, Zürich; Pyramide Klinik am See, Zürich; Christinger Partner AG; Spanish Tourist Board; Golf.Lifestyle; Swiss Golf Hotels Group; Bay Hill; Paul Mitchell; Caran d’Ache; Lindt & Sprüngli; Mac; Artigiano; Kanebo; Dior; De’Shama and Château Ziltener. The wonderful prizes they donated guaranteed an exciting finale to each event. Heartfelt gratitude goes to the Airline Avianca, Colombia, and the Hotel Santa Clara, Cartagena, for providing airfare and hotel accommodations in Colombia for the champions. Many thanks also, in the name of the street children, to all the directors of the Payerne, Maison Blanche, Schloss Langenstein, Goldenberg, Lipperswil, Steisslingen, Engelberg and Heidental golf clubs. Their personal involvement contributed, as always, to the excellent organization and high spirits on the golf course.
Training of Trainers Projects Residenza Universitaria ILSE, Milan
A New Student Center for Women University education is becoming ever more specific, and requires prerequisite specialization. Interdisciplinary knowledge and experiences are highly prized there, where it is a question of applying theoretical knowledge to practice. In recognition of this, the Associazione Centro ILSE intends to build a place where, in addition to specialized courses, students can receive the corresponding “broader background” that is so helpful. To this end, the Residenza Universitaria ILSE, currently under construction, will offer 35 young women students a college-like education center in the vicinity of the prestigious universities of Milan. The basic structures of a university setting such as lecture halls, a library, conference rooms and computer labs will also be available to roughly 100 external students. The infrastructure, however, only forms the material space for the educational project of the organization; human, cultural and social education will also be promoted. To this end, ILSE will offer a broad range of activities: language courses, interdisciplinary seminars, introduction to public figures. The students will be supported in their studies through a tutoring system, and encouraged to take part in solidarity initiatives, both in Italy and elsewhere. Finally, the young women will have the opportunity to deepen their faith, offered by the Catholic Prelature of Opus Dei. The shell of the building was completed in May 2004. The Limmat Foundation supported this project in 2001 with a gift of € 238,000, and has now made a further contribution towards furnishing the center.
Limmat Foundation contribution
Language School Almasaran, Almaty, Kazakhstan
The Foundation for the Development of Culture (FRK) is building a language school in Almaty. The three-story, 2,060-square-meter new construction will provide many classrooms, a library, a computer room and living quarters for instructors. The FRK is planning language courses for youth and adults, primarily in English and German, and also other courses to help the language students improve their chances in the labor market. The Limmat Foundation is making a substantial contribution towards the construction costs, while future operational costs will for the most part be financed locally. In this report year, a final payment of USD 143,000 was delivered.
Total construction and furnishing costs Limmat Foundation Local financing and other contributions
USD 2,250,000 USD 2,100,000 USD 150,000
University Hospital CBM, Rome
Over the past five years, the Limmat Foundation has supported numerous projects of the Campus Bio-Medico (CBM) in Rome. In addition to a provisional hospital, a research program (20 internationally financed research projects) and a university (670 students at the medical faculty) have been gradually established. The actor Alberto Sordi gave the CBM a 44-hectare lot in Trigoria, south of Rome. Initially, a nursing home was built on this site. In 2006, the definitive building complex will be opened there, consisting of a polyclinic (330 beds, 18 operating rooms, 70 outpatient stations), the educational facility (30 auditoriums, 10 labs) and the research facility (9,000 m2). The future operational costs of the clinic will be locally financed. The groundbreaking ceremony took place on November 30, 2004. The vice-secretary of the Italian head of government, Gianni Letta, praised the spirit of CBM: “Here, attention is paid not simply to illness, or the number of beds, but rather first to the person in its entirety, body and soul. This is not always the case at universities or hospitals.” For his part, Bishop Javier Echevarría remembered how his predecessor as Prelate of Opus Dei had urged the foundation of CBM, and how St. Josemaría had begun his pastoral work among the hospital patients of Madrid. Over € 100 million of the project budget is already secured, in part through subsidies. Still, it has seemed worthwhile to the Limmat Foundation to replace part of the costly bank financing with an interest-free loan of € 6 million. The second half of this amount was disbursed in 2004.
Ilama Center for Women’s Education, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
The University Center Ilama in Tegucigalpa has set itself the ambitious goal of giving its women students a program of supplementary education. This happens primarily in the form of a training program for trainers, which is particularly important for the women. Each year, through this program, 1,240 young women from the poorest strata of society will be offered a future of improved prospects. In the mid-90’s, the Bernina Sub-foundation granted its local partner AHPE, Honduras, a loan of USD 525,000 for the construction and furnishing of the Ilama Center. A ten-year repayment plan had seemed realistic, on the basis of the promise of local donations. But because of Hurricane Mitch (1998), the social needs of this already poor country have multiplied tremendously. Since then, it has been difficult to mobilize local donations for the AHPE. The Sub-foundation decided, therefore, to irrevocably donate the balance of the loan (USD 355,000) to the AHPE, so that the final equipping of the center (lecture hall, landscaping, etc.) can be completed as soon as possible.
The Diversity of the Foundation Maria Cristina Sub-foundation: Help for Mothers in Need
Among the goals of the Maria Cristina Sub-foundation is the “defense of values such as the protection of life—from conception to natural death—and the family.” In this report year, initiatives in support of pregnant young women were emphasized. These women are often abandoned and see no way out. Giving these expectant mothers a new outlook on life for themselves and their children involves accompanying them every step of the way. An opportunity to learn a trade which would support a woman and her small family could go a long way in reducing financial worry. The support centers offer initial counseling through a hotline, housing for mothers in crisis, vocational training and employment services.
Canton Lucerne (Ja zum Leben) Buenos Aires (Pro Familia Argentina) Nigeria (Human Life Protection League)
Thessaloniki: A Home for the Homeless
The former train station of Thessaloniki is home to many persons living there in squalor and misery. Most of these are immigrants, but many Greeks also suffer from the extreme poverty and marginalization. Women, often with small children, suffer in particular under these circumstances. The Missionaries of Charity (of Mother Teresa) have purchased a piece of land nearby, on Tsontou Street. There they plan to build a house that can shelter 18 homeless women with their children. The first step will be to help the women with their basic needs, and then—after their sense of self-worth has been strengthened—to offer them a chance for a new beginning. Construction on the home began in the fall of 2004.
Budget (lot and construction) Limmat’s contribution Local contributions
Boys’ Town, Rome
€ € €
537,000 300,000 237,000
Thanks to an endowment fund, the Limmat Foundation has been able to support the Information Technology School at Boys’ Town outside of Rome for many years. Boys’ Town is a children’s village that since World War II has given a home to orphaned and abandoned children. The younger children learn word processing, spreadsheet analysis and computer presentation, while the older ones attend classes in computer aided design and programming. Courses in IT are also held at Girls’ Town. A total of 1,050 class periods in information technology were taught, with an average of 12 students per period.
Costs for the academic year 2003-04 Limmat Foundation Local contributions and other donations 24
CHF 17,000 CHF 7,000 CHF 4,000
€ € €
43,000 27,000 16,000
St. Katharina Hospice, Frankfurt
The Hospice Society St. Katharina, Frankfurt, has set itself the goal of improving the care of the seriously ill and dying and of the people close to them. For this purpose, they have built an inpatient hospice with nine beds, where the terminally ill are given all that they need during the last days of their lives: special nursing, psychosocial and spiritual support and palliative care. Their relatives are integrated into this program. The hospice sponsor, St. Katharina, consists of the Catholic and Evangelical Sisters of the St. Katharinen- and the Weissfrauenstifts. Substantial renovation of the 500m2 facilities began on August 9, 2004. The hospice will be dedicated in the spring of 2005.
Budget (renovation costs) Limmat Foundation Subsidies and local contributions
Contribution to the Offenbach Clinic
Institutional cost-cutting now often leads to cutbacks in medical staff, despite the rising number of patients. To help maintain the level of patient care in oncology at the Offenbach Clinic, the Limmat Foundation was able to finance two physician positions, thanks to a special earmarked gift.
Limmat’s contribution 2004
Jepa-Limmat Foundation: Researchers from Developing Countries
€ 1,400,000 € 200,000 € 1,200,000
The Jepa-Limmat Foundation, a Sub-foundation of the Limmat Foundation, has dedicated a total of CHF 23,000 to supporting researchers active in project groups in Italy and the USA. • University of Trento, Agricultural Science: researchers from Costa Rica and Mongolia; • University of Trento, Hydropower: a researcher from Kirghistan; • Florida Atlantic University, Photovoltaic System Engineering: a researcher from Guatemala; • La Sapienza University, Rome, Liver Transplantation: two researchers from Kazakhstan. Ten years of experience show that the researchers supported by these grants return home and make important contributions to their native lands.
Karl Lukas Honegger Patronage Exhibit in Genoa, Cultural Capital of Europe
Exhibit in Dübendorf
On May 22, 2004, an exhibit of Karl Lukas Honegger’s work (1902-2003) was opened at the Residenza Universitaria delle Peschiere, Genoa, by Davide Vinziano, president of Genoa 04 (Cultural Capital of Europe for 2004). A dozen friends from Switzerland were also present. The exhibit ran through July 3. This was the first time that works of the artist have been exhibited in Italy, a land to which he looked for his inspiration for thirty years. On August 14, 2004, a new exhibit of Karl Lukas Honegger’s work opened at the Galerie im Bettli, Dübendorf. The artist would have turned 102 on this day. Gallery owner Frieda Höhn, who knew him well, gave the laudation. On November 20th, this same gallery hosted its traditional Christmas exhibit, this time featuring four artists, among them Karl Lukas Honegger.
In Brief Health centers in a rural setting, Enugu, Nigeria: The Limmat Foundation granted a gift of CHF 10,980 for the operation of three rural health centers with outpatient clinics in twelve additional villages of the Enugu region. These projects will be directed by Sr. Ndidi Ezeh, of the Catholic Institute for Development, Justice, Peace and Caritas. A film from Susanna Tamaro: On September 23, 2004, the day finally arrived: Nel mio amore, the first film of Susanna Tamaro, opened in Italian theatres. Shortly after being widowed, Stella begins to remember her unhappy marriage. Her authoritative husband had never accepted their son, particularly when, as a fifteen-year-old, the child began an intensive quest for God. It all ended with the tragic death of the youth. In response, the dead boy’s sister began to distance herself from and then soon abandoned her family. Now she is the only hope for consolation for the lonely mother. This film is based on the second story of the book Answer Me (Anchor Books, 2003), the rights to which the author has donated to the Limmat Foundation (cf. Tamaro Foundation). A course in demography at the La Sabana University (Bogota), Colombia: From the 13th to the 17th of September, Limmat’s executive director François Geinoz held an intensive course for twenty professors of the La Sabana University (Bogota, Colombia). Exactly ten years after participating in the Cairo Conference on population, he was able to show that many of the demographic fears of that time have not come to pass. Particularly disturbing now, rather, are the impending population implosion and the aging of Europe. Course participants gave presentations on the demographic trends of select developing countries. In most of these countries, including those in Latin America, fertility has sunk to levels similar to those of Europe 35 years ago. Scouts for Social Enterprise, St. Gallen/Cairo: The student organization Start at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) has launched an initiative aimed at raising student awareness on the topic of social action. The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship and the Limmat Foundation will be partnering with the Scouts of Social Change in this endeavor. One of the main project outreaches consists of placing HSG doctoral students in social projects operating in developing countries. Thanks to support from the Swiss Postal Service, Dr. Fabien Lammoth will spend several weeks in February/March 2005 working with Sekem in Cairo. The social enterprise Sekem pioneered biological agriculture in Egypt and is now able to fund hospitals and schools with its profits. The Limmat Foundation is supporting this initiative with a grant of CHF 5,000.
Annual Financial Statement and Efficiency Report 2004 The Annual Financial Statement of the Foundation (project center and sub-foundations) was written and revised according to the recommendations of the Swiss GAAP FER. In the following we publish the Annual Financial Statement of the project center. Balance sheet
ASSETS Liquid assets and long-term deposits Receivables Prepaid expenses and deferred receivables Receivables from sub-foundations Current assets Real estate Securities Non-current assets
12/31/2004 CHF
12/31/2003 CHF
3,965,712.07 93,308.42 9,691.00 0.00 4,068,711.49
7,526,824.01 141,692.82 9,600.65 48,838.09 7,726,955.57
2 1
2,806,000.00 12,407,323.56 15,213,323.56
2,806,000.00 10,409,720.63 13,215,720.63
93,461.50 13,438.60 13,741.15 120,641.25
0.00 4,430.95 13,025.75 17,456.70
Total Assets LIABILITIES Payables to sub-foundations Payables Deferred revenue and accrued expenses Short-term borrowed capital Mortgages Provisions Long-term borrowed capital
2 3
130,000.00 1,730,000.00 1,860,000.00
130,000.00 1,600,000.00 1,730,000.00
Earmarked funds
100,000.00 17,233,277.82 -31,884.02 17,301,393.80
100,000.00 17,118,231.51 115,046.31 17,333,277.82
Original Endowment Capital earnings Annual result Foundation capital as of Dec. 31 Total liabilities
Notes I. Goal of the Limmat Foundation The Limmat Foundation acts exclusively for non-profit ends within and outside of Switzerland, namely, any kind of support for the needy, both individuals and non-profit institutions (art. 3 of the Foundation Charter).
II. Statement of principles for financial reporting The statement of principles for the financial reporting can be found at
III. Line item explanation of the balance sheet 1. Liquid assets and securities Securities are valued according to current market value. Therefore, on the liabilities page, a provision for market price fluctuation will be shown (cf. note 3).
2. Real Estate (in CHF) Rosenb端hlstrasse 32, 8044 Z端rich (Foundation domicile) Furniture Rosenb端hlstrasse Jugendheim Tschudiwiese, 8897 Flumserberg Total
Book (carrying) Insurance/Replacement Date of latest value 12/31/04 (current) value appraisal 2,070,000.00 100,000.00 636,000.00 2,806,000.00
2,489,600.00 250,000.00 777,000.00 3,516,600.00
23.03.2004 01.10.2003
130,000.00 130,000.00
The current market value of the real estate was not ascertained. The Tschudiwiese property in the Flumserberge (canton of St. Gallen), was made available to the Kulturgemeinschaft Arbor (KGA) for educational seminars.
3. Provisions There is a targeted provision for currency fluctuations of approx. 12% of the invested assets (net current assets + securities). As at year end 2004, CHF 1,700,000 (increase of CHF 100,000) corresponds to 10.4% of the invested assets. In 2004 was created a provision of CHF 30,000 for the renovation of the house Rosenb端hlstrasse 32.
4. Earmarked Funds The earmarked funds, which were by the Project Center, have been transferred as at 1.1.04 to adequate sub-foundations, in order to concentrate the Project Center on administrative tools.
5. Capital Original endowment: CHF 100,000 on 3/13/1972. Capital earnings do arise from donations, but for the most part are a result of the financial gains (less administration costs) of the Foundation (project center) since 1972. Organizational capital (Project Center) is not intended for projects, but for the infrastructure of the foundation.
Profit and Loss Account Note
2004 CHF 305.00 0.00 0.00 10,549.00 16,167.00 27,021.00
2003 CHF 374,697.00 1,817,133.75 20,800.00 12,047.10 21,061.89 2,245,739.74
0.00 0.00 0.00
-378,153.35 -328,145.25 -706,298.60
9,629.38 -36,282.05 -26,652.67
7,524.56 -34,430.28 -26,905.72
-155,401.00 -18,625.30 -174,026.30
-161,820.00 -15,438.98 -177,258.98
Total project costs
Statement of Foundation Activity
-472,528.00 -13,983.50 -37,037.80 -29,293.90 -25,860.05 -22,541.56 -601,244.81
-490,498.74 -8,614.16 -43,303.94 -9,828.20 -23,508.95 -20,308.43 -596,062.42
34,170.00 -42,349.32 -8,179.32
34,386.65 -45,182.64 -10,795.99
55,921.18 64,416.82 120,338.00
73,958.71 122,907.56 196,866.27
Bank fees, commissions, deposit fees
Market-value adjustment for securities Market-value adjustment for currency Net market-value adjustment
545,333.37 -184,903.15 360,430.22
1,546,775.42 280,340.66 1,827,116.08
17,268.45 17,268.45
15,000.00 15,000.00
1,861,941.68 -130,000.00
-1,368,457.50 -1,585,000.00
323,436.86 194,186.58 2,249,565.12
307,878.32 211,794.89 -2,433,784.29
General contributions Contributions for earmarked funds Internal contributions Contributions from public institutions Project-related contributions for administration Contributions and fundraising
6 7
Contributions to projects: project center Contributions to projects: from earmarked funds Net cost of external projects Internal gifts Familie und Erziehung Publication: revenues Familie und Erziehung Publication: expenses Net cost Familie und Erziehung Human resource costs Travel and representation costs Indirect project costs
Human resource costs Travel and representation costs Informational material and conferences Information technology and office machines Financial audit General office and administration costs Administrative costs
Rental income Real estate expenses Net real estate expenses Statement of Administration Earned income on liquid assets and long-term deposits Securities earnings Financial Earnings
Financial Result Earnings from services to third parties Other Results Annual Result before Allocation of Funds Variations in funds Variations in provisions Sub-foundation contributions to the project center: -according to project expenditure -according to capital or financial result Total Allocation of Funds Annual Result 30
4 3
IV. Comments to Some Items of the Profit and Loss Account 6. Contributions from public funds Contributions for administration costs received from government agency co-financed projects: CHF 4,500 from the SDC and CHF 6,049 from the Belgian government (via the Belgian NGO ACTEC).
7. Project-related contributions for administration These are a percentage of donations allocated for administration costs or contributions earmarked for administration.
8. Familie und Erziehung The publication Familie und Erziehung is a direct project of the Limmat Foundation, in contrast to projects that are carried out by local partners.
9. Human Resource costs Human resource costs totalling CHF 627,929 are allocated under indirect project costs (CHF 155,401 for time spent on project activity) and administrative costs (CHF 472,528). All employees (4.5 full-time positions) are employed with full benefits. The members of the Board do not receive compensation.
V. Further disclosures Founder: The Limmat Foundation was founded in 1972 by Dr Arthur Wiederkehr (Z端rich, +2001). Compensation: Members of the Board of Directors receive no compensation from the foundation. The are reimbursed only for travel costs and other foundation-related expenses. Volunteer work: Friends of the Foundation also provide non-compensated services such as project visitation and collaboration. This volunteer labor amounted to approximately 505 work hours in 2004. Related organizations: The Limmat Foundation is independent. Close contacts are maintained with partner organizations, but this independence is nonetheless safeguarded. The Limmat Foundation is also a member of proFonds, the umbrella organization for philanthropic organizations in Switzerland.
VI. Efficiency Report In the following, a series of graphics will illustrate and analyze the consolidated achievement of the Limmat Foundation. Contributions of the Limmat Foundation according to Project Category (without loans) HA Humanitarian aid DC Development cooperation OCDE Philanthropic projects in industrial countries
in 1,000 CHF Project type Care of needy children Care of needy persons HA Education of former street children Education of educators Care of needy children Care of needy persons Vocational education for adults Vocational education for youth Medical care Various small projects DC Education of educators Care of needy persons Vocational education for youth Medical care Various small projects OCDE
497 26
Continent South America 106 106 57 472 93 7 440 170
436 21 203
2 3
Europe 285 285
311 5 316 468 32 118 212 17 847 1,449
Total 106 285 391 57 969 119 7 878 194 514 5 2,744 468 32 118 212 17 847 3,982
Type of projects according to contribution volume 2004
Education of educators Health care of the needy Care of children / former street children Vocational education V
Project volume 2004 (8,4 Mil CHF) Breakdown of financing 2004 only projects supported by donations 26%
Limmat: CHF 3,827,982 SDC (through Limmat): CHF 155,000 Local partners ODA (public co-financing) Other
Project-Center: Financing of the Administration costs (2004) CHF 783,450 total, incl. project management 34%
Sub-foundation contributions for project work Sub-foundation contributions according to capital or financial result Project center contribution
The project center covers that portion of the expenditure that is not covered by sub-foundation contributions.
Contributions of the Limmat Foundation for projects and project-related contributions of the sub-foundations to the project center: in 1,000 CHF Contributions to external projects New loans Foundation projects Total
Project Contributions contributions for Administration 3,982 171 4,806 152 72 0 8,860 323
Contributions Received and Expenses for Fund Raising and Communication: in 1,000 CHF Contributions received 2004 (gross) Human Resource costs for fundraising, PR & communication Average annual donations received 2000-2004 32
% 1,401 152 2,311
% 4,3% 3,2% 3,7%
Financial highlights of the Limmat Foundation (Project Center and sub-foundations) in CHF 1,000 Contributions received Loans repayed Total income for projects Contributions to projects Loans granted to educational projects Total for project support Return on Investments: 10-year average
2004 1,501 4,868 6,369 4,054 4,807 8,861 9,4%
2003 3,862 2,932 6,794 4,128 12,377 16,505 6,3%
2004 45 64 14 4,5 12
2003 46 64 16 4,8 10
5-yr average 2,300 4,600 6,900 3,200 6,500 9,700
Operational highlights Number of ongoing projects Countries in which the Limmat Foundation has funded projects Countries with ongoing projects Full-time employees Sub-foundations within the Limmat Foundation
Board of the Foundation, Management and Patronage Committee The Board of Directors numbered 9 members as of December 31th, 2004: Dr. Hans Thomas (president, since May 2004) Elisabeth András Henri des Déserts Prof. Umberto Farri Dr. Cédric George Marguerite Juon Sabina Manassi Dr. Franz X. Stirnimann François Geinoz (Secretary and Executive Director) Appointment to the Board of the Limmat Foundation takes place every three years (election year: 2004). The 2004 Annual Board Meeting took place on May 8. The three Commissions of the Board (Projects, Finance and Communication) hold also a meeting in September. Decisions about the projects were made by the members responsible for the sub-foundations. Management of the foundation is the responsibility of the project center: François Geinoz (Executive Director), Dr. Franz Benito (Administration) and Juan J. Alarcon (Project Director).
Patronage Committee The Limmat Foundation has a Patronage Committee which includes the following persons: • H. I. & R. H. Archduke Rudolf of Austria • Prof. Ernst-B. Blümle, founder of the Research Institute for Management of Nonprofit Organizations, University of Fribourg • Prof. Luis Fernando Cruz, President, Fundación Carvajal, Cali, Colombia • Jean-Pierre Hocké, former UN commissioner for Refugees • Dr. Mark R. Hoenig, Managing Partner, Egon Zehnder International • Nicolas Imboden, former delegate of the Swiss Government for Trade Agreements • Dr. Arthur Loepfe, member of Parliament (CVP) • Ueli Maurer, member of Parliament, President of the SVP • Prof. Edouard Owczarczak, CEO of Management Joint Trust • Susanna Tamaro, author • Dr. Alfred Wiederkehr, lawyer • Pirmin Zurbriggen, gold medalist Olympic Games