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To Roxie, who brings love, glamour, and pug fur to everything she touches — S.B-Q. For Roxie and all her cute puggy-ness, and for Sudipta —the ten-year wait was worth it, my friend! — L.H.
The illustrations and textures in this book were rendered by hand with paint, pencil, and ink, then collaged together in Photoshop. Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been applied for and may be obtained from the Library of Congress. ISBN 978-1-4197-5605-4 Text © 2022 Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen
Illustrations © 2022 Leeza Hernandez Book design by Heather Kelly Published in 2022 by Abrams Books for Young Readers, This is an advance, uncorrected proof. forsystem, resale, duplication, orany means, stored in Not a retrieval or transmitted in any form or by mechanical, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, reposting. Please do notrecording, quote without without written permission from the publisher. comparison to the finished book.
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Rox e Loves Adventure
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Written by
Illustrated by
Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen
Leeza Hernandez
A brams B ook s for Young Readers New York
Rox ie was a pug with style, Both elegant and classy. S he lounged upon her throne and smiled, So happy, spoiled, and gassy.
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Her treats were kept on hand all day, Displayed on silver dishes. Her humans let her have her way. They saw to all her wishes.
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P ugs like her were meant to be
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S he was made for lu xury— S he wasn’t built to struggle.
One day, Rox ie woke at dawn, S he needed . . . well, you know.
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Her humans were still snoring on, Bu t she just had to go.
S he couldn’t dawdle anymore— S he had to take a walk. S he rushed ou t through the doggy door . . . Bu t didn’t hear it lock.
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S he spied a spot behind a bush, Soon Rox ie felt relief.
This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book. Bu t when she gave the door a push, S he stopped in disbelief.
It wouldn’t move, no matter how S he
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Soon, sweat was beading on her brow. S he scowled and shou ted . . .
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How long would she be trapped ou tdoors? Her humans couldn’t help. Rox ie heard their distant snores. “I’m on my own!” she yelped.
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No bed! No bowl! No ball! No treat! No daily manicure! No fuzz y slippers for her feet! How could a pug endure?
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Desperate to escape the
S he looked for some way back.
S he spied a window and she smiled—
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Her humans left it
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Bu t pugs were never built to jump! Their legs were far too stumpy. S he tried, bu t landed on her rump— Her failure made her grumpy.
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Just then, a mail truck crossed the road, And Rox ie knew for sure That there’d be boxes to unload— Perhaps an open door?
Bu t pugs were never built for speed! The truck soon backed away. Her racing skills could not succeed, Especially not today!
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Rox ie slumped down in the grass, Accepting she had failed. S he spied her humans through the glass— That’s when she heard them wail!
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“They need me!” Rox ie finally saw. “I must find some way back!”
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S he pushed the boxes with a paw And saw how they were stacked.
Though pugs were never built to climb, That didn’t mean a thing! S he would not q uit! No, not this time! “I’ll give that bell a ring!”
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The first box wasn’t all that bad. S he pulled herself up q uickly.
The second one made Rox ie sad—
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The third one left her sickly.
Bu t nothing would prevent this pup From summiting thatproof. tower! This is an advance, uncorrected Not for resale, duplication, or Just one more box! S he clambered up reposting. Please do not quote without With her finished last ounce of power. comparison to the book.
the doorbell chimed
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As Rox ie’s strength was failing. Her effort was supremely timed— Soon, she fell over, flailing.
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This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.
Rox ie could not q uite recall W hatever happened nex t. S he woke confused, abou t to bawl, Bu t then grew q uite perplexed.
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S he was no longer in the wild Bu t home with all her stuff. Filled with pride, she sweetly smiled— S he’d proven pugs are tough.
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Then fizz y drinks and tasty treats Were served at Rox ie’s pleasure. With fuzz y slippers on her feet, S he felt both loved and treasured.
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This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.
S he nestled into bed that night, Her heart filled with elation. The world ou tside held no more fright And needed exploration!
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P ugs like her were meant to be Indulged—that much was true. S he was made for lu xury, Bu t for adventure, too.
Rox ie rose before the dawn. S he leaped up ou t of bed!
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Her humans were still snoring on. “I don’t need them!” she said.
S he’d face whatever came her way,
WOLVES This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.
“I know that I’ll be brave today— Bu t first . . .
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. . . what will I wear?” This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.
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