Dare to Be Daring

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This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.

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2023/6/4 13:51

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DaretobeDaring_int_RTP_5-31-23.indd 3

2023/6/4 13:51

For Jen Rofé, who dares me to be daring every day —C.L.W. For David Soman , who dared me to paint daringly —L.C.

The art for this book was made with gouache and colored pencils. Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been applied for and may be obtained from the Library of Congress. ISBN 978-1-4197-6067-9

This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Text © 2024 Chelsea Lin Wallace Not for Illustrations resale,© 2024 duplication, or An-Li Cho Book design by Heather Kelly reposting. Please do not quote without Published in 2024 by Abrams Books for Young Readers, an imprint of ABRAMS. All rights reserved. comparison to the finished book. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. Printed and bound in Malaysia 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Abrams Books for Young Readers are available at special discounts when purchased in quantity for premiums and promotions as well as fundraising or educational use. Special editions can also be created to specification. For details, contact specialsales@abramsbooks.com or the address below. Abrams® is a registered trademark of Harry N. Abrams, Inc.

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2023/7/20 13:47

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Abrams Books for Young Readers New York

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2023/6/22 09:30

Today, I will dare to be daring when I get to the playground to play.

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2023/6/4 13:51

My eyes will not peek, but I’ll certainly shriek in a will-I-come-down sort of way.

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2023/6/4 13:51

Today, I will dare to be daring. There’s something I’ve longed to let free.

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2023/6/4 13:51

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It might shake as it floats in a flutter of notes, but the sounds they will hear will be me!

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2023/6/4 13:51

Today, I will dare to be daring. It is something I’ve wanted to try.

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2023/6/4 13:51

No sidelines for me—I’m jumping in, whee! I’ll dodge it, I’ll duck it, I’ll fly!

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2023/6/4 13:51

Today, I will dare to be daring. I will . . .

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DaretobeDaring_int_cx1prf_6-16-23.indd 12

2023/6/22 09:30

This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. No, I can’t. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.

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2023/6/22 09:30

Today, I will dare to be daring. You say this is pea and beef stew?

This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without It’s finished book. comparison to the

GRE E N and it’s


DaretobeDaring_int_cx1prf_6-16-23.indd 14

2023/6/22 16:37

It moved!

And it’s slimy!

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I ate something new!

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2023/6/22 16:37

Today, I will dare to be daring. My mistakes will not chase me away.

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2023/6/4 13:51

With every finesse, even when it’s a mess, I’ll create something new as I play.

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2023/6/4 13:51

Today, I will dare to be daring. I will . . .

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DaretobeDaring_int_cx1prf_6-16-23.indd 18

2023/6/22 09:30

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Nope, still can’t.

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2023/6/22 09:30

Today, I will dare to be daring. I’ll ask first—make sure it’s OK.

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2023/6/4 13:51

I’ve dreamed of this feeling; my heart, it is squealing. “Does he sit? Does he shake? Can he stay?”

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2023/6/4 13:51

Today, I will dare to be daring. My belly’s in tangles, it’s true.

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2023/6/4 13:52

That paste tastes like candy!

This suck tool is handy!

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A trip to the toy bin, woo-hoo!

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2023/6/4 13:52

Today, I will dare to be daring. I will brave to the basement below . . .

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2023/6/22 09:30

No, nope, not happening.

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2023/6/22 09:30

Today, I will dare to be daring; it might hurt if I get turned away.

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2023/7/19 18:34

But I’m going to try, even while I’m still shy.

Hi. Could I possibly play?

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2023/6/22 16:43

Today, I will dare to be daring. I may topple and tumble and flop.

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2023/6/22 10:43

But the second I’m at it, my soul is ecstatic! This is daring that’s worth every . . .

DROP. This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.

DaretobeDaring_int_cx1prf_6-16-23.indd 29

2023/6/22 10:43

Today, I will

DA RE TO BE DA RING . I will B R AV E to the basement alone.

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2023/6/4 13:52

The shadows, I’m wary because they are scary, but I’ll try to find . . . What was that groan?!?

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2023/6/4 13:52

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2023/6/4 13:52

*CLICK* This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.

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2023/6/4 13:52

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2023/6/4 13:52

OH , IT ’ S YOU!

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2023/6/4 13:52

It’s our light that we shine that is daring. It glows when we set our fears free. So tomorrow, we’ll dare—our fears better beware as we shine for the whole world to see.

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2023/6/4 13:52

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2023/6/4 13:52

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2023/6/4 13:52

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2023/6/4 13:52

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