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The illustrations for this book were created with watercolor, gouache, and colored pencil.

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ISBN 978-1-4197-5727-3
Text © 2023 Chris Clarkson
Illustrations © 2023 Annalise Barber
Book design by Natalie Padberg Bartoo
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For Ava. Keep dreaming. Keep creating. Keep being wonderful you. —C.C.
To God, my friends, and my family. I love you all. —A.B.By Chris Clarkson

It snowed today and that made me think of you.

Daddy says that on snowy days, and sunny days, and in-between days, every time I feel sad, I should make a list.
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My top favorite things to do with you.

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ONE: Pickling peppers and onions and sprouts.
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TWO: Planting daisies in the garden and plucking blueberries from patches.
THREE: Driving in your car and listening to our favorite songs.

FOUR: Cheering louder than Mommy and Daddy at football games: “Go, Benjamin, go!”
FIVE: Building sandcastles on the beach.
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But also, dolphin watching with super binoculars, and snowflake catching with frozen tongues.
Flying kites, spinning around and around, carousels and bumper cars and funnel cakes,

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and falling asleep on your shoulder while you played the piano.

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The piano misses you. I do too.
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Where did you go, Benjamin?
Are you playing hide-and-seek?
Are you playing that game we played in Granny’s pool?

The one where I shut my eyes and yelled “Marco!”
and you yelled “Polo!” when I got really really close?
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I tried to find you in your room.

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I tried to find you in the bathroom.

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I waited on the porch, and on the tire swing.

I waited on your bed.

I’m still waiting for you to say “Polo!”
Where did you go, Benjamin?
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I try not to get sad. But Daddy says that it’s OK for big boys to get sad too.
Mommy found my list of favorite things to do with you. She said that I should pick five. Five!
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That’s just not enough. There are at least five hundred HUNDRED things that I love to do with you!
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ONE: Sliding all over the house with socked feet.
TWO: Playing hide-and-seek in sunflower fields.

THREE: Eating your lemon ice cream when mine melted.
FOUR: Catching the Big Dipper in our hands.
FIVE: Knitting fall sweaters and drinking yucky apple cider.
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But my all-time best and favorite thing to do is think about how happy I was when you hugged me so tight and told me that I was your favorite surprise.
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Mommy and Daddy have lists too.

Daddy loved it most when you laughed.
And Mommy loved it most when you danced.
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This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.
It makes me so happy to hear their top favorite things too.

It rained today and that made me think of you. Mommy says that on rainy days, and sunny days, and in-between days, I should look at my list, my eight hundred hundred HUNDRED favorite things to do with you, and remember every moment. This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.

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Every moment that made me love you.
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