Smarty Marty Takes the Field

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For my daughter, Gracie. I hope during your lifetime you’ll experience a limitless world. Until then, know the belief I have in you has no bounds. —A.G. For Marlene Orrock and baseball on the radio. —A.O.

Text copyright © 2024 Amy Gutierrez Illustrations copyright © 2024 Anika Orrock Interview © 2024 ABRAMS Book design by Melissa Nelson Greenberg These images were created using a combination of ink and digital. Published in 2024 by Cameron Kids, an imprint of ABRAMS. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. Thisphotocopying, is an advance, uncorrected proof.

Not resale, duplication, or Libraryfor of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available. reposting. Please do not quote without ISBN: 978-1-949480-52-8 comparison to the finished book. Printed in China 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Cameron Kids books are available at special discounts when purchased in quantity for premiums and promotions as well as fundraising or educational use. Special editions can also be created to specifications. For details, contact or the address below.

ABRAMS The Art of Books 195 Broadway, New York, NY 10007

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Children’s Books

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Smarty Marty

takes the field " WRITTEN BY

AMY GUTIERREZ This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.


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It was the day of the big game. But this game was a little bigger than most because history would be made. It all began last Saturday . . .

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Smarty Marty knew everything about baseball, which was how she got her nickname. She was a meticulous scorekeeper and the town’s play-by-play expert, calling Little League games all season.

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This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to gave the finished book.view of the game. Calling and watching a lot of baseball Marty a bird’s-eye

She saw things many managers couldn’t because, well, they were busy coaching. Her brother, Mikey, played for Manager Mack, a Little League legend. This did not stop Marty from offering some feedback. “Hey, Skip—have you considered moving your pitcher up in the batting order, having him hit eighth instead of ninth?” Skip, short for Skipper, is a respectful term for the manager who, like a ship captain, leads a crew.

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“That’s interesting, Marty—why would that be helpful?” Marty pointed out that his pitcher was one of the faster base runners, and his current eighth hitter had a lot of “pop.” Pitchers almost always batted ninth, but why not use his speed?

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“Swap them and see if your run total increases. You always want ‘ducks on the pond’ when your power hitters are up, right?” “Ha! Yes, we do,” he said, laughing. “I like the way you see the game, Marty. You’d make a fine manager.”

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“That’ll be the day,” Marty said sarcastically. No girl or woman had ever managed a Little League game in their town. “Actually, I was thinking more like next Saturday,” said Skipper. He was in a pinch. Both he and his assistant coach were going to be out of town for the next game.

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“Me? Manage your team?” Sure, she loved to watch, score, and call baseball, but coach?

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“Whaddya say? You available?” “I’ll do it,” she blurted out before she could lose her nerve.

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News traveled fast, and by the time Marty was closing up the booth on Sunday, the chatter in the snack shack’s line had already started.

“What does a girl know about a boyy ’s sport?”

“She’s onlyy ever playyed softball!”

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Marty’s eyes stung. It wasn’t fair; she knew more about baseball than anybody . . . didn’t she?

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When Marty was low, she could always count on her family to pick her up— they were a team, after all. Mom, Dad, and Mikey had also heard the chatter, and before Marty could sneak off to her room . . .

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“Family meeting!” called her mom. Luckily family meetings came with ice cream. “Don’t listen to the gossip, Marty. The way you see baseball is what makes people love the game—you even got me to love it,” said Mikey. “Trying anything new is scary,” said Mom. “But we’re here, rooting you on. You’re not alone.”

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Being a girl in the world of baseball, Marty had dealt with people doubting her before. But this felt different. This time Marty was doubting herself. “I’m just not sure I’m brave enough to be the first,” she confessed.

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“Marty, if not you, then who?” said Dad, adding the cherry on top. He had a way of putting things in perspective. But before game day, she had to get through practice on Tuesday.

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As soon as Marty walked onto the field, a hush fell over the players. She knew if she tiptoed around the silence, the team wouldn’t respect her. “Well, let’s have it,” she quickly announced. “Start spilling. What are your concerns about me managing this week?”

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“The whole town is talking about you and us, sayying we’re gonna lose because we have a girl coach,” said the pitcher.

“I mean, what can you teach us that we don’t alreadyy know?”

chimed in the shortstop.

This is an advance, uncorrected proof. the one that really hurtor came from the catcher— Not forAnd resale, duplication, the same position Marty played in softball, reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.

“YYou don’t even playy baseball. You’re not qualified.”

Marty took a breath. Here was her chance to get the team to believe in her.

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She looked at the pitcher first.

“I’d like you to think more about how you’re going to get past the second inning on Saturday. If you spent more time locating your fastball, you’d walk fewer batters and go deeper into games, giving your team a chance to win.” This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.

Next, the shortstop. “What can I teach you? Let’s start with your defense. Get your feet into position to field the ball, and don’t just rely on your hands. Move your feet, and you’ll get the ‘hop’ you want. That’s key.” SmartyMartyTakesTheField_rtp_interior.indd 18

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And as for the kid who claimed she wasn’t qualified . . .

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“Because I’m a girl, I’ve never had the chance to become qualified . . . until now. Managing this weekend will help make me qualified. If you’re never given an opportunity to try, how can you become qualified? Maybe that’s something, as a boy, you’ve never had to think about.” SmartyMartyTakesTheField_rtp_interior.indd 19

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She turned to address the entire team.

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“Here’s what I can promise you: I’ll be prepared. I’ll play you at a position that best fits your skill set. And I love baseball . . . just like all of you.” Their eyes met with hers, and she saw they were listening.

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“Now grab a throwing partner and start warming up your arms.” Marty pulled down her cap so they couldn’t see her smile. Maybe she could do this after all.

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Later that week, Marty’s dad surprised them with tickets to a big-league game. They settled into their seats on the right field line—Marty’s favorite spot.

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Two aces were squaring off, and Marty loved a good pitcher’s duel, but her focus was on the first-base coach, who happened to be the first female coach in Major League Baseball. At the top of the seventh inning, Marty heard a very particular crack of the bat.

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“That sounded like it might be gone!” yelled Mikey.

But it wasn’t gone. It was foul and headed straight for Marty. With glove in hand, she reached up and snagged it out of the air. The crowd went wild, but one voice came from the field.

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“Hey, nice catch!” called the first-base coach.

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Marty froze. SHE was talking to Marty. This is an advance, uncorrected proof. “You made that look easy!” Sheresale, continued, “Do you play?”or Not for duplication, reposting. Please do not quote without comparison the finished “She manages!” Mikey jumped in astoeveryone stood up book. for the

stretch. Marty’s face turned redder than the licorice she was eating. “Well,” said Marty, “I haven’t yet—Saturday’s my debut. I’m pretty freaked out; a lot of people are doubting if I can do it.” “Yep. That’s how it was for me too, but we need more kids like you out here—so go prove �em wrong, Skip,” said the coach, reaching up for a high five.

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Skip. Hearing the nickname felt good. But would she earn that title from her team?

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When game day finally came— Marty was ready to take the field. Lucky cap, check! Lineup, check! Scorecard, check!

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Now all she needed was her players, and they were just starting to arrive. “Hey, Mar—I mean, Skipper,” said the catcher as he took his spot.

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Marty let her smile shine bright. “Hey, yourself. Let’s play some ball.” Whatever the final score, she’d already won.

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When I first created Smarty Marty back in 2012, the hurdle she tackled then was knowledge of the game and gender stereotyping. In 2012, the idea of a female coach, in uniform and on a Major League Baseball field, was beyond my wildest dreams. Since then, we’ve been battling a pandemic, polarizing politics, and civil unrest across our nation. We are, in no uncertain terms, immersed in a time of turmoil concerning women’s rights. But with the fiftieth anniversary of Title IX in 2022 and the opportunity to witness leaps of progress for women in professional sports, I found renewed inspiration and a new storyline for our smart girl, Marty. This story has many muses:

Photo credit: In Her Image Photography


My daughter, Gracie. Together we watched women run for president, a woman become vice president, a woman become the Speaker of the House, the first woman take the field as an MLB coach, women become coaches in the NFL and NBA, and on and on. Gracie now believes there are no limits to her dreams, and that, as a mother, is the greatest gift of all. A very important message in this book is how some men have helped women advance. My guys—my husband, Paul, and my son, Zachary—have never wavered in their support for me. I’m also fortunate to have worked alongside two of the best broadcasters (if not the best), Duane Kuiper and Mike Krukow. Their support throughout my career helped me navigate extremely difficult times and stick with it. My dad, who never put me in a box and never counted me out. “If not you, then who?” is a line inspired by the unconditional support of the first man I ever loved, my dad. This is how I feel about Smarty Marty—and every young is Ifan advance, girl and boy out there withThis a dream. not you, then who? uncorrected proof. And finally, Alyssa Nakken, the first female coach in Major League Baseball.or It’s an honor I hold dear to have been Not for resale, duplication, her first interview after shereposting. shattered the glass ceiling and thequote San Francisco Giants’ coaching staff. And to the Please dojoined not without other women who are crushing it in MLB as coaches, managers, GMs, and so many more positions—thank you.

comparison to the finished book.

The Wingers logo was hand drawn by Amy’s son, Zachary Gutierrez.

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AN INTERVIEW WITH ALYSSA NAKKEN Amy Gutierrez: As the first woman to coach in Major League Baseball, you have become a true role model for people everywhere—especially girls who love sports. Who were your mentors or heroes, and how did they help shape who you are today? Alyssa Nakken: I appreciate that honor, and I also believe that everybody, regardless of role or accomplishment, is a role model for people everywhere. We should all be aware of our actions, our comments, our habits—we are all consciously and unconsciously learning from each other as human beings. I was certainly inspired by various athletes who performed on the highest level, but the most consistent impact came from the people who were intentional at every practice, played with heart, and showed leadership capabilities in our team huddles and at practice. My parents are natural athletes who have never taken the abilities of their bodies for granted—they move them daily and fuel them appropriately. It was apparent to me at a young age that I would never be able to reach my highest potential if I didn’t take care of myself and show up each day feeling as good and strong as possible. I was also inspired by my best friend, Carly—we met when we were two and are still inseparable. She has kept me on the right path—she has supported me, inspired my humility, made me laugh, and is the one I can go to about literally anything. She never makes me feel weak or inadequate. A true hero, really. AG: What do you love most about your position as an MLB coach? AN: What I love most is the competition and the intention of getting a clubhouse filled with people from completely different backgrounds and with various life experiences to work together to perform at our highest level—every single night. AG: There’s a lot of responsibility that comes with being a trailblazer. What do you believe has been the biggest challenge of being the first woman to join an MLB coaching staff and the first woman to coach in an MLB game? AN: Quite honestly, my biggest challenge has been working through my own insecurities. The term impostor syndrome is something I think we can all relate to in some aspects of our lives. The last few years, it’s been something that’s challenged me a little more than I would like, but I also appreciate it, because it’s making me stronger and helping me This is an advance, uncorrected proof. reach my highest potential.

professional sports look like to you? AN: Well, I don’t believe we will ever have a perfect world, but I do strive for leveling up our world throughout our lifetimes. The culture of professional sports, in my mind, is one of inclusion and one in which we celebrate who these athletes are off of the field or court, in addition to their athletic abilities. AG: What is the best piece of advice you’d offer to someone who wants to follow in your footsteps or, like you, put themselves out there to be “the first” to do something? AN: Don’t believe everything you think.

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Photo credit: Amy Gutierrez

Not for resale, duplication, or AG: Even as we celebrate how far women have do not quote without reposting. Please come in professional sports, there’s still work to be comparison done. In a perfect world, what does the cultureto of the finished book.

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