Bird Rehearsal

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FOR MY OWN LOVELY SONGBIRD, SALLY. —J.W. FOR THE BIRDS AND FOR BABY BOY JUDE. —S.I. Text copyright © 2024 Jonah Winter Illustrations copyright © 2024 Stacy Innerst Book design by Melissa Nelson Greenberg These images were created using a mix of acrylics, ink, pencil, collage, and digital. Published in 2024 by Cameron Kids, an imprint of ABRAMS. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available. This is an ISBN: advance, uncorrected proof. 978-1-949480-32-0

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ABRAMS The Art of Books 195 Broadway, New York, NY 10007

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R EHE ARSAL D R I B This is WORDS BYan advance, uncorrected proof. ART BY

Not for resale, duplication, or JONAH WINTER STACY INNERST reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.

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“Tweedle-dee. Toodle-oo. To-de-rear. Poodle-hoo.”

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“Ca-OOO cooo cooooo coooo.” “Ca-OOO cooo cooooo coooo.”

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“Pluck pluck pluck pluck pluck pluck-AHH.” [Art note: a hen clucks down the block, clearing her throat – after laying an egg.]

“Pluck pluck pluck pluck pluck pluck-AHH.” [Art note: the other hens cluck, able and willing backup singers.]

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“DEE-doot DEE-doot DEE-doot.” [Art note: an old song sparrow sings.]

“DEE-doot DEE-doot DEEEET doot doot doot.” [Art note: a young song sparrow sings, not quite getting the melody.]

“Pretty pretty pretty BIRRRRD . . . ” [Art note: the first cardinal sings, as if posing for a photo shoot.]

“Pretty pretty pretty BIRRRRD . . . ” [Art note: the second cardinal sings.]

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“Chick-a-dee-dee-dee.” [Art note: the first chickadee sings from a tree in the park.]

“Chick-a-dee-dee-dee.” [Art note: the second chickadee sings from another tree.]

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“CAW. CAW. CAW.” [Art note: the first crow bellows, alerting the other crows.]

“CAW. CAW. CAW. CAW.” [Art note: the other crows bellow, surrounding the hawk in nearby trees.]

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“NYAAAHHH!” [Art note: the first blue jay screams at the hawk in her nest.]

“NYAAAHHH! NYAAAHHH!” [Art note: the other jays jeer at the silent hawk]

“Erk erk erk erk erk erk erk erk ERK ERK ERK ERK ERK ERK ERK ERK!” [Art note: the Downy Woodpecker blurts – not to be outdone.]

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“HONK. HONNNNK. HONK. HONK HONK HONK. HONNNNK.” [Art note: the Canada Geese arrive.]

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“Quack quack quack quack quack quack quack.” [Art note: the first Mallard Duck.]

“Quack.” [Art note: the second duck.]

“Quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack.” [Art note: the first duck.]

“Quack quack.” [Art note: the second duck.] This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.

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“P-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-[clack-clack]-t-r-r-r-r-r-tk-tk-tk, phhhht . . . phhhht . . . p-t-k, p-t-k, p-t-k . . . ” [Art note: the starling crackles, channeling electric vibrations from the telephone wire.]

“Oh twee-diddle obeh-diddle pih-mil-dee OH de-LAAAHHH-diddlle-ee tweedle WOWooooo . . . !” [Art note: the house finch sings, going on and on and on – she’s got a lot to say!]

“LAAHH-dee-daddle-dee DEE DEE de-biddle-ee cheeeep de-widdle-ee WHEEEE . . . !” [Art note: in an unrelated incident, blocks away, another house finch intones]

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“Mine . . . ? Mine . . . ?” “PERC-O-LATER PERC-O-LATER PERC-O-LATER.” “PERC-O-LATER PERC-O-LATER PERC-O-LATER.” “Ca-OOO cooo cooooo coooo.” [Art note: the Mourning Dove sings on the windowsill as the day winds down.]

“Ca-OOO cooo cooooo coooo.” “Tweedle-dee. Toodle-oo. Poodle-hoo.” [Art note: the robin sings again – as the light fades at dusk.]

“H-HOO-ah H-HOO-ah . . . ” This not is an advance, uncorrected proof. [Art note: the Great Horned Owl calls, long after dark.] Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without “HUH H’HUH HUH . . . ” comparison to the finished book.

[Art note: his mate responds from another tree.]


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[Art note: night, a brief mo This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.

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ht, a brief moment of quiet.] This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.

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“Tweedle-dee. Toodle-oo. Poodle-hoo.” “DEE-doot DEE-doot DEE-doot.” “Chickadee-dee-dee.” “DEE-doot DEE-doot DEE-doot.”



“Tweedle-dee. Toodle-oo. Poodle-hoo.”

“Chickadee-dee-dee.” “CAW. CAW. CAW. CAW.” “DEE-doot DEE-doot DEE-doot.”

“HONNNNK.” “Tweedle-dee. Toodle-oo. Poodle-hoo.”

“P-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-[clack-clack]-t-r-r-r-r-r-tk-tk-tk, phhhht . . . phhhht . . . p-t-k, p-t-k, p-t-k . . . ” “CAW. CAW. CAW.”

“NYAAAHHH!” “Pluck pluck pluck pluck pluck pluck-AHH.”

This is an advance, proof. “DEE-doot DEE-doot DEEEET doot doot doot.”uncorrected “Ca-OOO cooo cooooo coooo.” Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without “DEE-doot DEE-doot DEE-doot.” “Quack.” comparison to the finished book. “NYAAAHHH!”

“Erk erk erk erk erk erk erk erk ERK ERK ERK ERK ERK ERK ERK ERK!” “Pretty pretty pretty BIRRRRD . . . ”


“Ca-OOO cooo cooooo coooo.”

“PERC-O-LATER PERC-O-LATER PERC-O-LATER.” “DEE-doot DEE-doot DEEEET doot doot doot.”

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“Pretty pretty pretty BIRRRRD . . . “

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“PERC-O-LATER PERC-O-LATER PERC-O-LATER.” “HONNNNNK.” “Mine . . . ?” “Mine . . .?”

“Pluck pluck pluck pluck pluck pluck-AHH.” “Mine . . .?”

“Mine . . . ?” “Mine . . .?”

“Mine . . .?” “Quack.”


“Mine . . .?”


oo.” “Oh twee-diddle obeh-diddle pih-mil-dee OH de-LAAAHHH-diddlle-ee tweedle WOWooooo . . . ” “Chick-a-dee-dee-dee, chipp chirp, pretty pretty pretty BIRRRD, PERC-O-LATER PERC-O-LATER PERCOLATER, NYAHHH (!) . . . NYAHHH (!) . . . ribbit, ribbit, WA-OO WA-OO WA-OO . . . ” This DEE is an DEE advance, uncorrected WHEEEE . . . !” “LAAHH-dee-daddle-dee de-biddle-ee cheeeep Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without [Art note: The skycomparison lightens, a new the birdbook. rehearsal begins again] today, theand finished


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“Toodle-oo!” [Art note: the robin sings at the end of the day.]

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WHO’S WHO IN THE CAST AMERICAN ROBIN (“TWEEDLE-DEE”) Commonly seen in town and country, this early bird feeds on worms and berries. It used to be the first bird of spring in northern climates, but with climate change, it can now be seen year-round throughout most of America. MOURNING DOVE (“CA-OOO COOO”) This very common bird, frequently seen in pairs of a male and a female, can often be found in cities and towns, perched on windowsills and deck railings. It is very gentle and slow to move, making it easy prey for cats.

CHICKEN (“PLUCK PLUCK-AHH”) This domesticated bird is commonly found in barnyards, backyard chicken coops, and chicken-processing plants, where it is raised for its eggs and as food for humans. SONG SPARROW (“DEE-DOOT”) This bird is well named, as it sings its heart out all day long, always in a pattern of notes it has either invented or adapted from some other song sparrow’s call. It is one of the most common birds in North America. NORTHERN CARDINAL (“PRETTY BIRRRRD”) One of the most beloved of all birds, the cardinal is also one of the most common. The males have bright red feathers, always looking as though they are ready for their close-up.

CAROLINA WREN (“PERC-O-LATER”) The wren is a tiny bird with an enormous voice and almost no neck. Its main call is a pattern of repeating notes, but it can also This is antoadvance, uncorrected proof. make a harsh scolding noise show its BLACK-CAPPED CHICKADEE dissatisfaction—such asNot whenfor a squirrel, a resale, duplication, or (“CHICK-A-DEE-DEE”) person, or another bird gets too close One of the tiniest of all birds, it can reposting. Please do not quote without to its nest. hang upside down while it eats—just like comparison to the finished book.finches do. AMERICAN GOLDFINCH (“MINE?”) This songbird is found in both city and RED-TAILED HAWK country, and feeds on thistle seeds and (SILENT & MENACING) the seedpods on birch trees—and at finch An enormous bird with a broad wingspan feeders. The males have bright yellow and powerful talons, this bird is strong feathers and a black mask during enough to carry small mammals—such as mating season. kittens, rabbits, and small dogs. Because red-tailed hawks feed on baby birds, you can often see one being chased by other birds, who dive-bomb it midair. Red-tailed hawks are usually silent but sometimes make a shriek or a cry.

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WHO’S WHO IN THE CAST AMERICAN CROW (“CAW”) A large and common bird found in town and country, the crow is the smartest of all the birds, thought to have the intelligence of a seven-year-old human. Like humans, crows feed on dead animals. Unlike humans, they never cook them first. BLUE JAY (“NYAAAHHH”) A relative of the crow, the blue jay has a harsh call and can be very aggressive when it feels threatened. It sometimes makes a shriek like a red-shouldered hawk.

MALLARD DUCK (“QUACK”) The most common ducks in North America, mallards, like all ducks and geese, are always found in or near bodies of water, whether in town or country. EUROPEAN STARLING (“P-T-T-T-T-T-T-T- CLACK-CLACK”) Like the mockingbird, the starling mimics other birds’ songs. In cities, they can often be found on electric wires, making electronic crackling and ticking noises.

HOUSE FINCH (“LAAHH-DEE-DADDLE-DEE”) Originally from the American Southwest, the house finch was brought illegally to DOWNY WOODPECKER the eastern United States by pet-shop (“ERK ERK ERK”) owners, who then released them into The downy is the most common the wild to avoid fines. Their songs are woodpecker and, therefore, the one amazing—they seem to have memorized the you’re most likely to see, especially in a vocal inflections of humans and speak in city. You’ll probably hear it before you This is an advance, uncorrected proof. long, emotional sentences and paragraphs! see it, though—not its call, but the taptap-tap of its peckingNot on the wood of for resale, duplication, or dead or dying trees or wooden poles as it GREAT HORNED OWL reposting. Please do not quote without searches for small insects to eat. (“H-HOO-AH”) comparison to the finished book.This bird is the largest of all the North American owls. Like most owls, it is CANADA GOOSE nocturnal, sleeping most of the day and (“HONNNNK”) hunting and singing at night. And it makes a Frequent visitors—and often unwanted barking noise! ones—to fields and parks near you, these waterfowl will arrive in huge flocks during migration seasons. Though beautiful, NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD Canada geese can make quite a mess— (“CHICK-A-DEE-CHIRP, PRETTY BIRRRD, watch where you step! Also, don’t get PERC-O-LATER, NYAHHH! RIBBIT, WA-OO”) too near them, as they can be aggressive. Mimicking other birds’ songs and sounds of the world, mockingbirds can serenade you in a dazzling concert that can go on for hours—even in the middle of the night!

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