For a wor�h� �rew: M� �ail�inds—Mom and Dad Sal�y dogs—Bonnie, �a�k, �o, an� ironically, �e�i Ship’s company—R�an, �a�rina, an� �heir �u�ure lil’ hands The cap�ain who keeps i� all afloat—Pat, �y risin� �i�e, compass, an� an�hor —S.S. For Pepper, �y a�ven�ure pup. —F.L.
Text copyright © 2023 Stephanie Staib Illustration copyright © 2023 Fiona Lee Book design by Melissa Nelson Greenberg Published in 2023 by CAMERON + COMPANY, a division of ABRAMS. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available. ISBN: 978-1-951836-54-2 Printed in China 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CAMERON KIDS is an imprint of CAMERON + COMPANY CAMERON + COMPANY Petaluma, California
�tephanie �tai�
art b�
�iona �ee
onnie lass an� �ark sailor on a �ark ship tethere� �o a pier rise an� �all, �rush an� ru�, and pro�ise no �oring mooring.
Loosen lines, plunge spot�e� pa�dles in�o har�or �lue, free hair� hull, launch �urr� �erth, hoist the mainsail, hol� �ast the mainsheet, cas� of�.
Clipper, skipper, one and the same, put out to sea.
Bonnie lass and bar� sailor take �he helm, min� �he �ind vanes high, point and mar� �he �ourse, whisker-rig�ing b� �he �a�homs, leash can�as �oat to �ast, harness the air, wag up �oam� �a�e with �luf�y rud�er af�, set sail, sail a�a�.
Lap the sal�y fro�h, sni�f miz�en stern, sneeze at briny breeze, froli� in the s�ells, chase sea tales—
nipping gulls, kissing fish, gna�ing sharks, tug�ing s�uid— pon�er �hales, befrien� �hem all.
Bonnie lass and bar� sailor on a �ark ship s�ope a�andoned islan�, spy treats upon the bea�h, dig a� sinkin� sand, fet�h treasure �rom benea�h, beg and plead the cla�s and o�s�ers reveal �heir stories �eep.
Heel �he rising tide, lis�en �o the win�, sul� at shrin�ing shore, unmoor. Wat�h the whi�e�aps, pro�e�t the loyal keel, trained to sound the bells and the bar�s as stranger waters near, as stranger groun� appears.
Bonnie lass and bar� sailor clang bells, bar� alar�s, grip lines, cleat ropes, gri� �eeth, anchor �oes and cla�s, all han�s and paws on dec�!
Bat�en �o�n the haunches, ha�ches, keep �rou�le at bay, no �i�e for tri�ks, sha�e this stub�orn s�orm, she� �he squall astra�, don’t give up the ship!
Tra�e win�s for fair �eather and follo�ing seas, open scuppers, s�a� �he �e�k, �op �he slob�er, soa� in sun and sal� air �rom the bow tha� �indly dries a bonnie lass and a bar� sailor.
When �ind spills �rom sails, sun sli�es �rom s�y, bonnie lass and bar� sailor on a �ark ship curl in�o a life ring or room� ra�t, mat�ers not. Float— gulls nap, fish snoo�e, sharks slum�er, s�uid dro�se, whales �rea�—
and dri�t bac� �o home port slip in�o the slip, sleep.
S�I� �L�N� a�t: �o�ard or at the bac� of a ship all han�s on �e�k: a �all for all mem�ers o� a ship’s cre� �o come �o the dec� �o wor� or help
mooring: a place to �ie a �oat
bea�on: a person or �hin� used to �arn or �uide ships in �angerous �a�er
s�upper: �rain or spout allowin� �a�er on the dec� of a vessel �o flo� over�oar�
cas� of�: �o lea�e the shore
s�ipper: �he �aptain of a ship or boa�
cleat: a �e�i�e for securin� a rope or line
slip: a place �o doc� a �oat
clipper: a �ast-sailing ship of the nineteenth cen�ury
spill the win�: relieve pressure or le� �he �ind out o� sails
fair �eather an� �ollowin� seas: a �are�ell for a safe sea �ourne�; �hen the win� an� �he �a�es flo� in the same �ire�tion
s�uall: a su�den s�ron� �ind or shor� stor�
fatho�: a unit for measuring the dep�h o� �a�er, e�ual to � �eet (1.8 meters)
s�a�: �o wash �he �e�k o� a ship, �i�h a wet clo�h or �op
hat�hes: �he �o�er �or an opening on a ship
tether: �ie or fas�en a line to an o�jec�, su�h as a boa� or an animal, �o pre�ent dri�tin� �u� still allow movemen�
hel�: �he handle or �heel �hat con�rols �he direc�ion in �hich a ship or �oat tra�els
tra�e win�s: �ons�ant win�s tha� �low fro� east to �est, �o�ard the e�uator
hoist: raise or lif� �he prin�ipal sail o� a �oat on the mainmas�
unmoor: �o loosen, un�asten, or release a boa� fro� so�e�hin� at�a�hin� it to land or �o the bot�o� of the sea
hol� �ast: �o remain �irmly secured to �he rope or line �hat con�rols �he an�le �y whi�h the mainsail is �rim�e� an� se�ure� line: a leng�h o� rope use� �o conne�t or �asten a marine �essel to �o�k, pile, �har�, �uoy, shoreline, or sea �o�tom with an anchor mainsheet: a rope or line tha� �ontrols the angle b� �hich �he �ainsail is �rim�e� an� se�ure�
wake: �he �a�e tha� spreads �ehind a boa� as the vessel �o�es �orwar� whi�e�ap: �a�es �lown �y the win� �hat have whi�e a� �heir �ops win� �ane: a �e�i�e tha� �easures the direc�ion o� �he �ind
a s�all sailing ship �i�h three or �ore mas�s
M�i�s�i�s M�i�m�s�