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ISBN 978-1-4197-6503-2

Text © 2025 Travis Jonker

Illustrations © 2025 Ruth Chan Book design by Heather Kelly

Published in 2025 by Abrams Books for Young Readers, an imprint of ABRAMS. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher.

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For teachers, who can relate —T.J.
To the creative, adaptive, and fun-loving friend in all of us —R.C.


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Abrams Books for Young Readers

New York

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I love being first in line. Who doesn’t?

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I can make everyone go fast.
I can make everyone go slow.

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I can suddenly stop and make everyone crash.

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Oh, the power!

I’ve become an expert at getting in line first.

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The fast walk. The slow run.

The fast run.

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Observe . .

The shortcut.

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The shoulder tap and slide.

Thank yooou!

The desperate plea. The arm gate.

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The crackerjack. The pippity-pop.

The tuff mudder. The okey dokey.



The feral troll. This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.

The barrel roll.

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The obstacle course.

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But I suppose I took it too far.
You may not be first anymore!

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I was banished to the end of the line.

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The VERY end of the line.

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If I couldn’t be first . . .
. . . caboose would have to do.

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But there was a problem. My skills for being first didn’t work anymore.

I failed over and over again.

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I was just about to give up when I realized something.

I had to learn new skills.

Opposite skills.

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Line up for the park!

Slowly, I developed my arsenal.

The turtle walk.

The step back.

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The cloak of invisibility.

The “After you.”

The “No, no, no, I insist, after you.”

The “Just tying my shoelaces.”

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The “Ugh! I just can’t get this knot out of my shoelaces.”

The “I’m just admiring this generic motivational poster as if Picasso himself drew it!”

Day after day after day, I got better at being last.

Soon, I was an expert again.

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This caboose was THE caboose. Caboosin’ it up.

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But I took it too far.

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You may not be caboose anymore!

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I was crushed.

I couldn’t be first. I couldn’t caboose.

I couldn’t understand. I straggled to the middle of the line.

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It took time, but this old caboose learned some new tricks.

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The confident stroll.

The overconfident stroll.

The black hole.

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The joyful skip.

The helicopter.

The last-second lunge.

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The overhead plunge.

Now I’m happy in the middle.

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The EXACT middle.

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