Thank You, Day!

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Thank you, Colin & Veda! P.D.

Text copyright © 2023 Charlie Hopper

Illustrations copyright © 2023 Penelope Dullaghan

Book design by Melissa Nelson Greenberg

Published in 2023 by Cameron + Company, a division of ABRAMS. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available.

ISBN: 978-1-951836-70-2

Printed in China

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Cameron Kids is an imprint of Cameron + Company

Cameron + Company Petaluma, California

For Marj, Molly, Teddy & Will thank you all for your attention. C.H.

Hi! Could I have your attention?

Something I would like to mention I feel it falls to me to say:

Thank you, sky! You’ve been so blue! Shiny spots of sunlight, too, flashing, blinking, peeping through thanks, so much, for being you!

I’d like to single out the breeze: fresh and gusty, rustling trees, flapping clothes there on the line. Nice work, breeze. Just super fine.

Puffy clouds? You never rest! Always moving. Just the best! You change from snail, to rocket ship, to whale, to sailboat with a poofed-out sail! So much more than lazy fluff love to watch you do your stuff. High ten! “High five” is not enough.

Grass, you’re awesome. Yes, you are, cool and squishy superstar, soft and green between my toes, best friend of the garden hose. Your sweetness can’t be overstated. Mmmmmm . . . much appreciated.

Birds, I don’t know how you do it.

Flying like there’s nothing to it! Swooping, darting so, so thrilling. Chirping, peeping, warbling, trilling.

Landing on the patio. Sitting in a little row. Suddenly—whoops, off you go!

Perching high, hopping low.

Puddle splashing?! What a show!

Chef’s kiss: Mwah! Bravissimo!

Shout-out to the bees: Yay! Bees! With all your pollen expertise, buzzing all around the yard. You focus well! You work so hard!

What’s more, I thank you, honestly, for keeping far away from me. The yard’s your office, in a way. Thanks for sharing it today.

Oh gosh! You flowers! Bees’ best buds, dressed up in your fancy duds. Popping up so tall and bright beautiful, as you invite a swallowtail to just drop in! I love you all—where to begin?

Foxglove, tiger lilies, phlox, poppies on those twisty stalks

I squeeze, it talks! bobbing bluebells, nodding roses, coneflowers with spiky noses, blue hydrangea? Wow! Just wow!

Pssst! Sunflowers!

Thought I’d say: I see you

Following that mighty sun across the sky well done, well done!

And speaking of the mighty sun, going off to have some fun shining, blinding, smiling ball making all our shadows tall. Let’s hear it for the sun, you all!

Woot! Woot! Applause! Applause! Goodbye! Ooo! Orange-purple-pinkish sky! See you when the night is through— you never sleep, but we all do.

Once again, to say it clearly, I mean it totally sincerely: Thumbs up! Fist bumps! Kisses! Hugs! All you plants and rocks and bugs and anyone I didn’t mention thank you all for your attention. It just seemed like someone should say,

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