Queensland we are lucky to live amongst some of the most beautiful landscapes and alongside truly unique diverse wildlife. Sadly, both the landscapes we adore and the wildlife we cherish are greatly under threat.
Australia is home to more than 500,000 animal and species, many of which are found nowhere else world. Devastatingly, Australia is also one of the leaders in mammal extinctions, and many of our species are at risk.
government, businesses and other conservation groups to develop policies to ensure the protection of our state’s natural heritage such as the Great Barrier Reef, mallee country, rivers and catchments, rainforests, mangrove and other coastal ecosystems. The Society is currently undertaking projects to protect and conserve brushtailed rock-wallabies, yellow-bellied gliders and platypus.
Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland (Wildlife Queensland) has been working for more than century to create positive change for Australia’s wildlife and our unique environment, and is the oldest, and most respected wildlife-focused conservation in Queensland, with 13 branches across the state.
Founded in 1962 by prominent Australians Judith Wright, Brian Clouston, David Fleay and Kathleen McArthur, the Society has played a part in each of Queensland’s major conservation issues, beginning with campaigns to protect important habitats such as Great Barrier Reef, the Hinchinbrook Passage and Island.
Wildlife Queensland works in cooperation with
As a community, non-profit organisation, we can only succeed with the support of people like you. We are truly thankful to those who choose to donate to us and to those who leave generous gifts in their Wills. Along with being the lifeblood of our organisation, gifts left in Wills to Wildlife Queensland ensure that our beloved wildlife has a voice and that these beautiful, unique creatures and their habitat will be protected for future generations to live alongside and cherish.
Our aim at Wildlife Queensland is to generate hope, and to create a future for our native wildlife that is bright. Together, with your help, we can create change and protect this unique environment that we all treasure - for generations to come.
All donations are gratefully received. For further information about Wildlife Queensland and to find out how you can help to protect and conserve Queensland’s native wildlife, please visit our website at www.wildlife.org.au, email us at or phone our office on 07 3844 0129.
B&L : Can you tell us about a highlight that occurred during the early days of your career that virtually changed your life and career ?
GARY : During the early days of my career, it was singing stage roles that came my way and I started working for a production company, the Rudas Organisation….Playing the Prince in various productions….It feels like such a cliché to say, but it was the applause from an enthusiastic audience that often brought a
have inspired and influenced you to try your luck in the uncertain world of showbiz?
GARY : It wasn’t anyone famous, it was actually my teachers at Drama school, that cemented my love for the industry, and gave me permission at the time, to chase my dreams. It was listening to their endless stories about their time as actors and seeing the love in their eyes for what they did, and the satisfaction that fuelled them, that pushed me forward.
: Yes, I guest-starred on The Young Doctors, Prisoner, and Special Squad in between stage gigs. During this time, I worked as a model, and in TV commercials. But as exciting as it was, I craved stability and the means to travel, which led me to a career as a flight attendant with Qantas.
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What are your plans for the next phase of your
GARY : I would like to continue evolving as an actor. After many years of flying and making lifelong friends, I’ve returned to my roots. I recently wrapped filming a guest role in the Netflix series “Son of a Donkey’’ playing once again-a-prince. However, this time the prince is far from the innocent character I played in Snow White. Let’s just say, he will have you shaking your head, but smiling all the same.
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Welcome to the latest edition of Bowling & Lifestyle Magazine. In this issue we continue the tradition of featuring the latest news from ‘’Bowls Australia’’
Plus, we are also incredibly honoured to once again have Australian Icon Tony Bonner AM as our guest writer. Furthermore, we are also extremely proud to feature exclusive interviews with cricket legend Brett Lee, actor/model Gary Daniels and acting powerhouse John Orcsick.
Special thanks to Bowls Australia, Catherine Colusso and Tony Bonner AM for their wonderful stories. Plus, a huge thank you to all the clubs, bowlers and businesses who have contributed stories, latest events and articles.
We really appreciate your input. We love hearing what is happening at your club. ‘’KEEP THE STORIES COMING.’’ Many thanks also to all our dedicated advertisers, who make this magazine possible. Make sure you send Bowling & Lifestyle Online Magazine to your friends and family to enjoy, or alternatively read our latest and past editions on ISSUU for FREE at https://issuu.com/sales.bowlingandlifestylemagazines Head on over to our Facebook & Instagram pages and give us a like/follow and support your only National Lawn Bowling Online Magazine. We appreciate the support.
From the team here at Bowling & Lifestyle Magazine. Please stay safe. Until next time…………….. Publisher | Rosslyn Wren
Advertising and Editorial inquiries: 0424 672 796 or email to rwren7@bigpond.com
Artwork and Design | Adele Dhillon
Copyright: All material appearing in this magazine is copyright. Reproduction in whole or part is not
At Kingsgate Village you can enjoy your independence while living among secure and tranquil surroundings. Our state-of-the-art centre has resort style facilities to suit your lifestyle:
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Retirement today is drastically different from previous generations. Today's over-55s are healthier, more active, and living longer than ever. Rather than the traditional model of retirement — downsizing and settling into a quiet, fixedincome lifestyle — many are determined to make the most of these years. They want to travel, renovate their homes, pursue hobbies, volunteer, help their families and more — all while staying in the community they love.
However, with longer lives comes the need for greater financial flexibility. Many of today’s retirees are finding that their superannuation, savings or government pension is not enough to fully support the lifestyle they want, and most of their wealth is often tied up in their home — something they have worked hard to secure. That’s where equity release comes in. A home equity release loan allows retirees to tap into the wealth locked in their homes without needing to sell the property, enabling them to live comfortably in their home for as long as they need.
A home equity release loan, also known as a reverse mortgage, allows over 55 homeowners to convert some of their home’s value into cash for other purposes — renovations, travel, a new car or caravan, funding in-home care or simply meeting day to day living expenses and more. Unlike traditional home loans, no proof of income or monthly repayments are required. Instead, the loan is typically repaid when the homeowner decides to sell, moves out or passes away. Home equity release loans in Australia are regulated and offer a no negative equity guarantee so that borrowers can never owe more than the value of the property.
Home equity release lender Inviva has helped hundreds of over 55s access the equity in their home to fund lifestyle and other needs. What makes Inviva different is that it will lend against home or investment property including holiday homes, and offers the flexibility of a line of credit so you only
pay interest on the funds you draw as and when you need them. You can choose to make no repayments or repay the loan at any time.
“Many of our customers have built up significant equity in their home, and releasing some of that wealth can substantially improve their lifestyle allowing them to enjoy retirement on their terms” said Inviva CEO Andre Karney.
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Palm Lake Resort Willow Lodge has undergone a significant transformation in recent years – and continues to evolve, to the delight of new and existing homeowners.
While this popular over-50s community lifestyle resort at Bangholme has history dating back to 1977, it received a bold and elegant upgrade with the opening of The Lodge Country Club last year. The Lodge is a magnet for likeminded homeowners who enjoy gathering to share artistic and creative interests, social gettogethers and sporting pursuits – all conveniently right on their doorstep.
The streetscape here is also continually evolving in a really positive way. Brand new, high-quality homes are being built all the time, bringing a modern spin to this historic established community. New homes each enjoy a bespoke design, to capitalise on the available site, solar
orientation, landscaping and more. Depending on when, during construction, the buyer finds their dream Willow Lodge home, there is scope for builders to accommodate that buyer’s preferences on some finishes and fittings.
New homeowners say they are excited to be joining an established community, under a proven and credible family-owned-company brand, in a shiny new abode, with facilities like The Lodge Country Club right on their doorstep.
On-site Caretakers, weekly activities, visiting medical services and easy access to nearby retail and essential services makes Palm Lake Resort Willow Lodge quite the package deal.
If you’re interested in finding out more about the over50s lifestyle on offer here, or to learn more about which brand new homes are coming on to the market next, we encourage you to Freecall 1800 974 981 and speak to the experienced team. You can also visit www.palmlakeresort.com.au to learn more.
In Queensland we are lucky to live amongst some of the most beautiful landscapes and alongside truly unique and diverse wildlife. Sadly, both the landscapes we adore and the wildlife we cherish are greatly under threat.
Australia is home to more than 500,000 animal and plant species, many of which are found nowhere else in the world. Devastatingly, Australia is also one of the world leaders in mammal extinctions, and many of our iconic species are at risk.
The Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland (Wildlife Queensland) has been working for more than half a century to create positive change for Australia’s wildlife and our unique environment, and is the oldest, largest and most respected wildlife-focused conservation group in Queensland, with 13 branches across the state.
Founded in 1962 by prominent Australians Judith Wright, Brian Clouston, David Fleay and Kathleen McArthur, the Society has played a part in each of Queensland’s major conservation issues, beginning with early campaigns to protect important habitats such as the Great Barrier Reef, the Hinchinbrook Passage and Fraser Island.
Wildlife Queensland works in cooperation with
government, businesses and other conservation groups to develop policies to ensure the protection of our state’s natural heritage such as the Great Barrier Reef, mallee country, rivers and catchments, rainforests, mangrove and other coastal ecosystems. The Society is currently undertaking projects to protect and conserve brushtailed rock-wallabies, yellow-bellied gliders and platypus.
As a community, non-profit organisation, we can only succeed with the support of people like you. We are truly thankful to those who choose to donate to us and to those who leave generous gifts in their Wills. Along with being the lifeblood of our organisation, gifts left in Wills to Wildlife Queensland ensure that our beloved wildlife has a voice and that these beautiful, unique creatures and their habitat will be protected for future generations to live alongside and cherish.
Our aim at Wildlife Queensland is to generate hope, and to create a future for our native wildlife that is bright. Together, with your help, we can create change and protect this unique environment that we all treasure - for generations to come.
All donations are gratefully received. For further information about Wildlife Queensland and to find out how you can help to protect and conserve Queensland’s native wildlife, please visit our website at www.wildlife.org.au, email us at wpsq@wildlife.org.au or phone our office on 07 3844 0129.
Ensure a future for your wildlife
Write your Will for FREE
Wildlife Queensland has partnered with Gathered Here, Australia’s top-rated Will-writing platform. Scan the QR code below or go to wildlife.org.au/bequests to write your Will for free in under 10 minutes.
Write your Will for free today
We’ve partnered with Gathered Here to provide our supporters a free and easy step-by-step online Will writing service.
In less than 10 minutes you can have a life-long impact on sick kids, with free and unlimited updates for life.
Scan the QR code to learn more or access our free Will writing service, or call our friendly team on 07 3606 6100 today.
As a mother, grandmother, and teacher, children have always been a focus in Glenda’s life. Now, through the gift she has left in her Will to the Children’s Hospital Foundation, helping sick kids like Ava is her legacy.
For Glenda, leaving a gift in her Will to the Children’s Hospital Foundation was a unique opportunity to share what she has with future generations to impact the lives of our “beautiful children”.
“I had been a regular donor to the Children’s Hospital Foundation. The more I learned about their wonderful work, the more my passion for supporting them grew. And leaving a gift in my Will was the logical next step,” shares Glenda.
While no gift can ever give back all that childhood illness takes away, the kindness people like Glenda show can help save childhoods and lives.
Glenda’s gift - and every gift left in Wills to the Children’s Hospital Foundation - will support groundbreaking research, help fund new and essential equipment, and provide on the ground support for every sick kid who comes through the doors of the Queensland Children’s Hospital.
Glenda’s generosity will help save more kids like Ava.
At just 7 years old, Ava was in grave danger of becoming what her oncologist calls one of the “lovely ghosts” of cancer - one of the children who can’t be cured.
What was first thought to be a virus turned out to be stage 4 neuroblastoma - a rare and aggressive form of brain cancer and was given less than a 50% chance of survival.
Traditional treatments weren’t working for her, and after a grueling regime of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, Ava’s chances of survival dropped to less than 30%.
After all other treatment options had been exhausted, Ava’s oncologist organised for her to take part in a trial at the Queensland Children’s Hospital that combined immunotherapy and chemotherapy.
Ava was one of the first children at Queensland Children’s Hospital to benefit from this innovative new treatment, offering new hope for a cancer-free future.
“By the third treatment, the cancer that was riddled in the hard parts of her bones had all gone,” said Tiffiany, Ava’s mum.
By giving even just 1% of your estate to the Children’s Hospital Foundation, after your loved ones are taken of, you could be the difference kids like Ava deserve.
Just like Glenda, you could give hope to families now and into the future.
“I would encourage everyone when writing or updating your Will to consider leaving a legacy to the Children’s Hospital Foundation. Every little amount helps, and you will become part of the fabulous family,” Glenda says.
Retirement communities aren’t what they used to be. Not so long ago, the term ‘retirement’ conjured images of ‘nursing homes but the growing population of baby boomers starting or preparing for retirement is changing all that.
There’s growing resistance to anything that looks like, smells like or smacks of a nursing home or institution these days, and that’s a good thing. The youngest baby boomers turned 50 just a few years ago, and they’re looking for something completely different.
Lifestyle Villages where members enjoy private residences but share recreational or community spaces are becoming more popular. These developments attract younger residents – 55 or over – who are looking to downsize their maintenance but up-size their lifestyle with a community of likeminded individuals with whom they can feel in tune.
And here are four ways retirement communities are changing the face of retirement for the better:
Maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle is key to getting the most out of your retirement. Most of the new-look developments are located in enhanced lifestyle locations, so there’s plenty for you to do nearby and great infrastructure to help you take advantage of it.
Plus, with walking paths, community facilities, group fitness classes and more on site, they couldn’t be further from the image of the passive nursing home. With so many lifestyle options available to you, it’s easy to prioritise your emotional and physical wellbeing.
Just because you’ve retired doesn’t mean you’ve disconnected from the world. The latest communities realise keeping connected is crucial in today’s age and have built accessibility to technology into the fabric of their master plans.
That means there’s easy connectivity to the internet, giving you the ability to remain in touch 24/7 at the click of a mouse.
Today’s retirement communities are designed to make you feel more independent as you age, not less. This is in keeping with the fact that residents are more youthful than ever before. In fact, retirees not only feel younger, but they are also younger – the age of people living in these communities has dropped to a youthful 55 rather than the expected 65+.
Equipped with high-quality amenities, easy-access open spaces and proximity to transport options, the planned communities reinforce the feeling of self-determination and freedom that should be integral to retirement.
And while you’ll live in your own home, the supportive community of having like minded individuals around and security infrastructure like CCTV will make you feel as if someone is always looking out for you.
You might be considering a move to a retirement community because maintaining your current family home is taking up the time you could be enjoying a simpler lifestyle. And downsizing your maintenance also means you can enjoy substantial savings in the cost of living.
New 6-star energy-rated resort-style homes mean you’ll save more in energy costs straight off the bat (not to mention it’s designed to be kinder to the environment). You’ll also reduce fuel and car running costs with central layouts that make it easier to live, shop and thrive close to home.
Retirement communities are a radical rethinking of retirement – one that embraces the future of aging with gusto and creativity. They’re a return to more communal, more social living in keeping with a generation that has transformed our way of thinking so many times throughout the decades – and doubtless it’s not done yet!
An Encore Living community is all the above and more.
Courtesy of Tony Bonner AM
When WW2 commenced, Australian troops were sent to several of the world’s locations to support our allies in the defence of democracy.
The 1st Australian Machine Gun Battalion, 6th Division, were sent to North Africa, with private Moody, a member of that force. After their arrival and training in preparation for the impending conflict, Private Moody found a neglected stray Egyptian terrier dog that he saved and called ‘Horrie.’ It was of course, orders that no military personnel could have or retain any pets during a theatre of war. As the Australian troops at this stage were never to dedicated in following every rule and order, they of course kept the little fella. As the training had completed, and now patrols and conflict with the enemy were about to commence, Horrie became more than just a pet to Moody and the boys. He became an integral part of the unit, and seemed to sense aspects of the training. The war in North Africa was now on, contact with the enemy was now about them and Horrie was now using his senses to pick up the distant sounds of the German fighter and dive bombers heading their way, the boys would scramble for cover before the bombs hit or the aircraft’s machine guns strafed their position, saving many lives. Horrie was a
hero to the boys, not just merely a pet, a valued member of this Australian unit. Wherever Private Moody went, so did Horrie. From the battle fields of the Middle East and Crete, Horrie was there. He would stand patrol guard, hearing the enemy patrols, warning the boys again saving lives. This continued as long as the 6th Division remained in North Africa. However, the drums of war were getting closer to Australia, with the advance of the Japanese heading south toward Singapore, then New Guinea and onto Australia. So, the unit was called home to defend Australia.
There was no thought of leaving Horrie here in north Africa, like their mates in the Light Horse divisions, who’s trusty mounts never made it back to their green Australian fields. So a plan needed to be struck to smuggle Horrie home. They were to board the troop ship in the Mediterranean, travel home and disembark there, getting Horrie past the naval guards then the port guards once there. The trip home was not going to be easy, enemy naval supported by submarines lay in wait. The plan for Horrie’s travel was to be in private Moody’s backpack.
His mates would carry his personal kit, and Horrie in the backpack. The backpack was subtly redesigned for the little fella, and he knew not to make a noise or draw attention to this escapade. So the journey home started with no incident at all, from the enemy or the naval guards….the troop ship docked in Melbourne, the unit discharged to visit their homes in preparation for their next duty, to face the Japanese. Horrie was now safely at Moody’s home, no one really knew how or why Moody turned up with a dog, they just accepted it. There were a few who did know of course, Moody’s fellow soldier mates, and they were certainly not going to say anything…..Horrie had saved some of them, but beside that they all loved the little fella. So the boys went off to fight the now nearing enemy to the north. This was a bloody and brutal conflict, written about many times, Singapore, and New Guinea a part of our Anzac history and pride.
On the defeat of the Japanese, our boys, who could, returned home. Moody surviving and now back home in his Victorian township, thought it safe that Horrie, who had been waiting for him, could be openly displayed. So the two mates, man and dog were safe and free. Moody began to raise money for the Red Cross Charity with his little mate. This money raised helped the returned soldiers and their families that needed help, here was Moody and his war dog still being of service,
then bureaucracy struck…..someone had dobbed Moody in for having a dog that was an illegal entrant to our country…….bastards.
No one knows who, but officials were to come and get Horrie, take him to a place and put him down, shoot him. Of course there was an out crying of support for the little hero, he had been through many battles, saved many Australian lives in those battles….but to no avail…..the bureaucrats wanted Moody to bring him into them. Unless of course if he, Moody could think of a plan, and being a resourceful bloke, Moody did. He devised a plan, there was a council dog pound in the village, Moody wandered in, spotted a dog, that if not wanted by anyone was to be sadly put down, dogs in a pound are only kept for a short period before their fate is determined for them. Moody was saddened to be pushed to do this, take a life to save a life, but he chose this little fella to double for Horrie….that switch worked, Moody took this pound dog stray to the officials, said his farewells to Horrie, and left before the stray pound dog was to be put down.
It was difficult for him, extremely difficult, decisions of this nature are………
One hopes that the two mates then continued their journey, the Aussie soldier and his Egyptian war dog, wandered a free land that they both served in battle, I sure hope that. As a little boy we had a dog called Horrrie, after this brave little fella. I still think of Horrie, and his namesake.
Courtesy of Tony Bonner AM
Footnote : There are two books written on Horrie the War Dog, one published in 1945 and the other in 2013.
During the 2016 ANZAC DAY service at the Corryong Memorial Hall & Gardens, a statue of Horrie the War Dog was unveiled to the public. The statue depicts Horrie in a pose on a kerosene tin in Egypt. The backpack used to smuggle Horrie into Australia is now part of the Australian War Memorial’s collection.
Right at Home is your local, quality, in-home aged care and disability support provider, providing care and support that allows our clients to remain safe and independent in their own homes.
Right at Home have 49 offices in Australia throughout New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria and now also in the A.C.T.
Right at Home office owners aim to provide their communities with the best in-home care services, when and where you need them.
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Right at Home understand that care decisions for you and your loved ones are important. We believe in the Right ApproachTM, so we carefully match our carers and support workers to our clients and participants. A personal introduction to your carer or support worker helps to ensure that you feel safe and comfortable prior to the start of your service. Our caregivers are highly trained, screened and insured prior to entering a client’s home. Because every client is different, we adapt our services to suit the client’s specific needs with a custom
care plan. We also offer free supervisory visits to ensure carers are following the Right at Home customised care plan and meeting your expectations.
Planning and organising the right home care services for your loved ones can be a daunting task, so why not let the Right at Home team of highly trained and experienced staff guide you during this time of inevitable change. Chat to our friendly owners to find out how we can support you and your family. Call us on 1300 363 802 to reach your local office or visit us at www.rightathome.com.au
Right at Home is the naming rights partner of the Australian Jackaroos and supports the inclusivity and community connection that the sport of bowls provides. Click here to see the story on Bowls Australia website
Right at Home are leaders in quality homecare and support, delivering services that allow our clients to remain safe and independent in their own homes. Your local Right at Home family is ready to look after yours when you can’t. We have offices throughout QLD, NSW, WA, SA, ACT and Victoria, catering for government funded and private pay clients.
Right at Home are leaders in quality homecare and support, delivering services that allow our clients to remain safe and independent in their own homes. Your local Right at Home family is ready to look after yours when you can't. We have offices throughout QLD, NSW, WA, SA and Victoria, catering for government funded and private pay clients.
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Inaugural world number one Aron Sherriff has called time on his glittering 17-year international career with the Right at Home Australian Jackaroos.
Sherriff, 38, who was bestowed the sport’s first number one male player title at the World Bowls Series launch in June, has signalled his immediate retirement from the international arena, having amassed 429 appearances in the green and gold since his 2007 debut at a winning World Team Cup.
A Jackaroos stalwart, and one of the longest serving, Sherriff has represented Australia with distinction at four World Bowls Championships, for three golds, three silvers and two bronze medals across eight disciplines contested, and three Commonwealth Games, amongst a litany of other international campaigns at home and abroad. Commencing on the Central Coast before relocating to the Gold Coast, Sherriff is currently of Broadbeach Bowls Club, and has spent time at Club Helensvale, Ettalong Memorial Bowling
Club and Halekulani Bowling Club, where he first took up the sport at the age of 11.
A maiden World Bowls Championships’ gold medal in the men’s fours in Adelaide in 2012, and dual gold medals in the triples and fours on home Gold Coast soil in 2023 rank among many notable highlights.
In 2023, Sherriff completed a bucket list goal, securing the World Bowls Indoor Championships’ double, becoming the singles and mixed pairs titleholder.
Revered by teammates, fans and opponents alike, such was Sherriff’s dominance during a golden age for Australian Bowls, he was crowned Bowls Australia’s International Bowler of the Year for three consecutive years, 2012-2014, and on three further separate occasions in 2016, 2019 and 2023. Sherriff said that he felt the time was right to call an end to his international career and thanked those closest to him who had contributed to his journey.
“In making this announcement, I want to single out the people who have been instrumental in helping me reach the heights of my career, in particular, I want to thank my family – Mum, Dad, Todd and Katie – and more recently, Amanda, Zoe and Connor; all have significantly helped shape my journey,” Sherriff said.
“I also want to acknowledge those who have supported me both personally and emotionally, and recognise the clubs that have contributed to my progress, especially Halekulani and George Dawes, who first taught me how to play bowls, and now Broadbeach, who I look forward to representing into the future.
“And lastly, a shoutout to all the partners and brands who have supported me and my international pursuits over the years, and especially now, in Aero Bowls, Ace sunglasses, Niagara and NeoMax.”
Bowls Australia’s Performance Director and National Coach Gary Willis significant contribution to the Australian Jackaroos couldn’t be understated.
“Aron Sherriff has achieved the rarest of feats in the sport during a glittering and golden career donning the green and gold attire and is undoubtedly amongst the most well credentialed and renowned players to have ever graced the greens,” Willis said.
“Omar, as he is affectionately known, has left nothing out on the green and on behalf of Bowls Australia and the Right at Home Australian Jackaroos, we thank him for his significant contribution to the Jackaroos performances and Bowls in Australia over so many years.”
Bowls Australia congratulates and applauds Aron Sherriff on a scintillating international career and thanks him for his exceptional service to the at Home Australian Jackaroos.
• Date of birth: October 29, 1985
• Club: Broadbeach, QLD
• Cap number: 127
• Appearances for Australia: 429
• Debut: 2007 (World Team Cup, Tweed Heads)
• Commonwealth Games medals: Bronze –Singles (2014 Glasgow), Silver – Triples, Silver – Fours (2018 Gold Coast)
• World Bowls Championships medals: Silver – Singles, Bronze – Pairs (2008 Christchurch, NZ), Gold – Fours, Silver – Pairs (2012 Adelaide), Silver – Triples, Bronze – Singles (2016 Christchurch, NZ), Gold – Triples, Gold – Fours (2023 Gold Coast)
JOHN ORCSIK is a prolific screenwriter, director and successful actor, known for his work on stage, television and the silver screen, for the past 60 years. He has performed in countless Australian films which include The Man from Hong Kong, The Condemned and The Legend of Ben Hall.
John has also appeared in numerous television productions, including police dramas, Division 4, Homicide, and Matlock Police.
However, his role as Detective Mike Georgiou in the police drama “Cop Shop’’ soon garnered a huge following and John quickly became one of the show’s most popular cast members. It was during this time that John met and married his ‘Cop Shop’ co-star, Logie-award winning actress Paula Duncan. (Australia’s sweet- heart) Unfortunately, John and Paula divorced in 1998.
They have a daughter, (actress) Jessica Orcsik, who has also appeared in many Australian and International films and television productions. In 1994 John started a film and television acting studio, after receiving a request from Industry professionals. (The Film and Television Academy) (TAFTA) offers a wide range of workshops and short courses taught by professional actors, directors and casting directors.
B&L : Congratulations John on your extraordinary career and numerous achievements relating to your showbiz journey. Can you recall coming to Australia with your family ?
JOHN : Yes, we came to Australia in 1951, I was about 6 or 7 at the time, and did not speak a word of English.
B&L : Where were you born, and what happened when you and your family arrived in Australia ?
JOHN :I was born in Austria, My parents and family came to Australia as refugee immigrants. When we arrived in Australia, we disembarked in Perth, and taken to an immigration facility.
B&L : How long was the family at the Immigration Facility.
JOHN :We were at the facility for about 3 months before moving on…………
B&L : Were you educated in Perth and how old were you when you left Perth ?
JOHN : Yes, my brother and I were both educated at a catholic school in Perth, however I subsequently left Perth and moved to Melbourne when I was 22.
B&L : Why did you leave Perth and move to Melbourne ?
JOHN :I left Perth because I knew I couldn’t go any further with my career in Perth.
B&L : What were your aspirations for the future as a child.
JOHN : During a Vocational session in primary school, I was asked a similar question. I proudly announced “I’m going to be a film star.’’ I was ten at the time.
B&L : How did your parents react when informed of your intentions to pursue an acting career ? JOHN : My father was an architect and assumed
B&L : Are there any other family members in showbusiness and did you have a mentor growing up ?
JOHN : There is no one in my family in showbusiness. Although, my English teacher in Perth encouraged me to follow my Thespian dreams.
B&L : Can you tell us about your early acting journey in Melbourne ?
JOHN : In the early days, I was a contract actor for 2 ½ years with The Melbourne Theatre Company, before joining Crawford Productions.
Crawford Productions fortunately resulted in countless roles in police dramas which included HOMICIDE, DIVISION 4, MATLOCK POLICE and COP SHOP.’’
B&L : Your role in “COP SHOP’’ as Detective Mike Georgiou garnered a huge following, and you quickly became one of the show’s most popular cast members. During this time you met, married and divorced your “COP SHOP’’ cast member multi-award-winning actress Paula Duncan.
B&L : Are you still in contact with Paula Duncan?
JOHN : Yes Paula and I are great friends. I played Paula’s love-interest in a project we starred in together called “Paradise Beach’’ on the Gold Coast in 1994……
B&L :You started a film and Television Academy on the Gold Coast in 1994. Can you tell us what inspired you to start the Academy ?
JOHN : My inspiration to start the Academy was to share my insights and provide support to Film and Television students across Australia and help nurture local and international actors.
B&L : Do you have any regrets and would you have done things differently now with the advantage of hindsight ?
JOHN :I don’t think so.
B&L :What is next on the agenda for John Orcsik?
JOHN : Focus on the Academy.
After a year of relentless campaigning, Republican Donald Trump has won the Presidency in an ‘’astonishing victory’’ against Democrat’s presidential nominee Kamala Harris.
Americans are calling the 2024 victory as the ‘’greatest political comeback of all time.’’
Unfortunately, many have also described Trump’s victory as a leap into the political unknown. In the past many people have also raised concerns relating to Mr. Trump’s career being politically dead, after he lost the presidential election in 2021 to Democrat Joe Biden. However, Trump has prevailed against all odds, overcome numerous obstacles that many thought impossible, survived several alleged criminal charges, which included conspiracy to defraud the US and conspiracy against the rights of citizens, two assassination attempts, and a smear campaign which was allegedly spear-headed by the Democrats, who ran a campaign based on lies and misinformation.
Furthermore, the reality is Americans have now rejected the past four years of the Biden administration and Democratic ideology which has resulted in Trump
winning a majority in the Senate and control in the House of Representatives.
During Mr. Trump’s victory speech, he gave strong indications of his plans for the next four years, which include such areas as trade and climate policy. He also outlined a wide-ranging agenda that consists of traditional approaches to taxes, regulation and cultural issues, and vowed he would also be taking action on immigration, the economy, inflation and the war in Ukraine.
He then thanked the American people for the extraordinary honour of being elected 45th and 47th president of the US.
He promised every American citizen, that he would fight for them and their families with every breath in his body every single day. He then highlighted the fact that he would not rest until he has delivered a strong, safe and prosperous America that our children deserve.
Trump is set to return to the White House in January 2025.
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While most spine pain occurs as a part of the normal degenerative ageing process-it can also be a warning sign of cancer, infection, autoimmune disease, or a structural problem causing pressure on the spinal cord/ nerves
Our spines are comprised of a number of joints around the spinal cord and nerves. As we age, changes occur as the joints wear out resulting in inflammatory processes such as osteoarthritis. The joints and tissues can also become overgrown and compress a neural structure, which is called spinal stenosis. Failure of the joints to hold the bones in position can result in slippage and deformity. These are common characteristics of conditions such as spondylolisthesis, kyphosis, or scoliosis.
• Dull, burning, or sharp pain-which can be confined to a single spot or cover a large area.
• Arm/leg numbness or tingling
• Sharp, shooting pain that radiates from your neck and your arm.
• Sharp shooting pain that radiates from your lower back to your buttocks, and down your leg (sciatica)
• Stiffness in your neck or back
• Difficulties with walking and balance
• Difficulties with coordination
• Loss of bladder and bowel control, with weakness in both legs are important symptoms that require immediate medical attention.
You should see your general practitioner for a medical and physical exam. They may obtain a CT scan and /or an MRI scan to assess your spine. CT/MRI produces pictures of bones, joints, ligament, the spinal cord and spinal nerves. Sometimes other tests are needed such as bone scans and specialised x-rays.
If you experience back or neck pain it may simply improve with some rest. Over the counter medicines such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, may also help alleviate discomfort. Activity should be modified to avoid movement that exacerbates pain. Physiotherapy, acupuncture, and massage therapy are beneficial.
Low-impact exercise programs may improve range of motion, increase muscle strength, and improve flexibility and mobility, increase endurance, and improve pain. Weight loss and improving one’s core strength are also useful.
A surgeon can advise on further treatment if the above suggestions haven’t improved the pain and your quality of life.
Your surgeon can assess your imaging and recommend cortisone steroid injections that can alleviate some forms of neck, back, arm or leg pain.
An appropriate surgical operation can also significantly improve pain, mobility and quality of life.
Because symptoms, imaging findings and causative factors can vary significantly, a surgical procedure must be tailored for you.
A traditional spine surgery procedure involves an incision along the backbone. The surgeon moves muscle and soft tissue aside to gain access to the bones of the spine and the spinal cord.
Minimally invasive techniques involve a smaller incision and special microsurgical instruments, through which the surgeon operates on the spine. Minimally invasive techniques may be able to shorten recovery time and reduce the risk of complications.
These approaches allow the surgeon to trim
away overgrown bone, ligament and joint tissue to decompress the spinal cord and spinal nerve. Some operations (for example those that help control the conditions spinal stenosis or sciatica) employ a decompression technique and at times may also require a fusion. The latter involves a surgeon placing titanium screws and rods to stabilise the spine and cause adjacent vertebrae to fuse.
There are minimally invasive ways to perform this type of surgery, and can even encompass advanced technology such as GPS-like tracking systems and robotics. If performed for the right indications, surgery can be effective in 80-90% of patients.
Most patients are mobilised either on the same or following day of surgery, as early movement has been shown to be be beneficial.
You may be reviewed by a physiotherapist to provide advice on stretches, exercises and activities. Sometimes health professionals will design a rehabilitation program to meet your needs. The type of program will depend on the procedure you underwent and your level of mobility.
The goal of back and neck rehabilitation is to help you return to your highest level of fitness and independence and improve your overall quality of life.
Courtesy Dr Raj Reddy, MBBS, MS, FRACS
Dr Raj Reddy is a neurosurgeon with special interests in complex & minimally invasive spine surgery, paediatric neurosurgery, and brain tumour surgery.
Raj manages all neurosurgical conditions, both cranial and spinal. He has a special interest in spine surgery, with foci on minimally invasive techniques as well as complex reconstructive surgery. The focus of his cranial surgery is in the management of intracranial tumours, trauma , and craniofacial operations; both adults and paediatric patients
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Dr Peter Wilson is a specialist neurosurgeon with a focus on endoscopic skull base surgery, complex spinal surgery and cranial / spinal tumour surgery.
Peter is committed to maintaining the highest level of clinical and operative care of his patients, and is constantly striving to improve his practice by perpetually evolving in pace with the latest in medical advancements.
His clinical interests include:
• Pituitary disease
• Trigeminal neuralgia / hemifacial spasm
• Spinal sagittal balance
• Benign and malignant brain tumours
Suite 3, Level 7
Prince of Wales Private Hospital
Barker Street, Randwick NSW 2031
P (02) 9650 4132
E enquiries@brainspine.com.au
W. www.brainspine.com.au
BOWLING & LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE recently had the enormous privilege of chatting with Doctor Raj Reddy about the things that are important to him: his family, his extraordinary career and the impact that COVID has had on society.
Dr Raj Reddy is a dedicated neurosurgeon who strives to achieve the best possible outcome for his patients. His commitment to them is paramount; his ultimate goal is “to help patients return to their highest level of fitness and independence, and improve their overall quality of life’’. He is currently the Head of Department of Neurosurgery at the Prince of Wales Public. He also holds appointments at Prince of Wales Private, St Vincent’s Private, and The Sydney Children’s Hospital.
Doctor Reddy’s special interests include complex and minimally invasive spine surgery, paediatric neurosurgery and brain tumour surgery. He manages all neurosurgical conditions, both cranial and spinal. The focus of his cranial surgery is in the management of intracranial tumours, trauma and craniofacial operations in both adults and paediatric patients.
Raj graduated from Sydney University in 1999. He commenced his internship at Westmead Hospital and spent the following years working in general surgery, before commencing his neurosurgical training. He completed this in 2009, becoming a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons.
B&L: Congratulations Raj on your extraordinary career. Why did you become a neurosurgeon, and are other family members in the medical profession?
RAJ: Yes, my father is a GP in the Liverpool area so a career in medicine became an appealing choice for me. However, I think my parents were disappointed that I became a neurosurgeon! They wanted me to be a physician, since the life of a surgeon can be demanding.
B&L: What led you to follow the brain and spine path?
RAJ: The brain defines us, and I find operating on the brain technically and intellectually challenging. Challenges motivate me, and bring out the best of my abilities.
B&L: What was your second option if you were not successful in this field?
RAJ: I am good with my hands, so I could have become a chef, mechanic or a carpenter.
B&L: How does your family feel about your success as a surgeon and the dedication to your work?
RAJ: Being a surgeon is challenging, there is no room for complacency and mistakes. My parents and my partner are very proud of the work I do for the community.
B&L: Any plans for marriage and children?
RAJ: The short answer is yes. Unfortunately our plans have been temporarily put on hold due to COVID.
B&L: What motivates you to continue doing what you are doing?
RAJ: I want to make use of my skills and do as much good for the community as I can.
B&L: Can you tell me about your association with the other doctors in BrainSpine and how that came about?
RAJ: I am an only child; I’ve always seen the bond and strength siblings have. Hence, developing a group of doctors with a similar mindset has many positives. We brainstorm difficult cases, and manage each other’s patients when one of us is away.
B&L: What is the most common ailment you observe in your patients?
RAJ: I work in both the public and private sectors; therefore, I deal with everything that occurs in the public sector, mainly trauma and cancer, and mainly degeneration issues in the private sector.
B&L: Who do you admire in the medical field and why? Did you have a mentor?
RAJ: Yes, Doctor James Drake from Toronto because he is neurosurgical royalty, vastly skilled, and experienced – yet is grounded and acknowledges his limitations.
B&L: What is your advice for a healthy mind and body?
RAJ: Balance, moderation, and remaining active.
B&L: What are your thoughts on the COVID crisis and how should we be dealing with it?
RAJ: Unfortunately, the situation is very difficult for the public to understand, because of the changing data. The data does not change because it's wrong, it changes because we are continuously learning more about this disease. Also, the authorities' messaging is not as clear and straightforward as it could be.
B&L: People seem hesitant about receiving the jab because of side effects (blood clotting) from AstraZeneca.
RAJ: All vaccines can have side effects; however, the benefits of vaccination far outweigh the rare risk of side effects. It's better than getting COVID.
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Researchers at WEHI have identified a promising new two-in-one treatment that not only targets and destroys an aggressive form of brain cancer, but also helps the immune system develop a lasting defence against it. This dual-action approach uses a specific immunotherapy known as CAR T cell therapy to treat gliomas, an incurable brain cancer with few treatment options.
The pre-clinical findings have revealed the therapy's ability to eliminate glioma cells and its potential to strengthen the immune system to prevent future tumour growth – two significant advances that could revolutionise the way these lethal cancers are treated in the future.
• WEHI researchers have found a specific immunotherapy could hold promise for treating gliomas, an aggressive form of brain cancer with limited treatment options
• The new study shows that CAR T cell therapy not only kills glioma cancer cells, but can also provide lasting immunity and reduce the likelihood of tumour recurrence in pre-clinical models
• The findings could transform the way gliomas and other cancers are treated in the future
In Australia, one person is diagnosed with brain cancer every 5 hours. There currently is no cure and current therapies for severe brain cancers like gliomas are largely ineffective, leaving patients with few options.
CAR T cell therapy is an innovative new approach that involves isolating a patient’s immune cells, engineering them to become “super killer cells” and then re-infusing them into the patient to fight their cancer.
While CAR T cell therapy has shown promise for brain cancer treatment, finding the right proteins to target on brain cancer cells has been a major hurdle.
The WEHI-led study has revealed a protein called EphA3, found on the surface of high-grade glioma cells, could be a key target for CAR T cell therapy.
Lead researcher and laboratory head at WEHI, Professor Misty Jenkins AO, says the potential impact of this discovery is profound on many levels.
“This new way to treat gliomas could offer a potential lifeline for patients,” Prof Jenkins, also head of the immunotherapy program at The Brain Cancer Centre, said.
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“Our research has shown that EphA3-targeted CAR T cells can effectively seek out and eliminate glioma cells, both in lab tests and animal models.
“This therapy not only targeted and killed the cancer cells, but also triggered a long-lasting immune response, preventing future tumour growth.
“We never expected a two-in-one breakthrough that could offer such life-saving possibilities.
“This is a significant development because gliomas are incredibly challenging to treat, and current options are limited.
“Most importantly, this could mean longer survival times for patients and improved quality of life, giving hope to those affected by these aggressive cancers.”
Prof Jenkins said CAR T cell therapy was opening up new pathways for brain cancer treatment.
“CAR T cell therapy is clever because it uses a patient’s own immune cells and engineers them to recognise and kill the tumour, with no long-term side effects,” she said.
“The tricky nature of brain cancer means that traditional methods don’t work – chemotherapy is ineffective, and radiation kills cancerous and healthy brain tissue.
“This recent discovery is further evidence that immunotherapy is a powerful force that can help overcome many cancer challenges that were previously considered insurmountable.”
The project team is hopeful that future clinical trials for EphA3-targeted CAR T cell therapy could lead to the development of a treatment that not only kills and halts cancer growth, but also provides lasting immunity.
As the research advances, there is hope that partnerships with biotech companies and investors will help bring this innovative therapy to patients as quickly as possible.
“The possibility of providing patients with a longlasting immune response against their cancer is a game- changer, offering a significantly better outlook for patients and their families,” Prof Jenkins said.
“The potential to revolutionise brain cancer treatment – like what has been achieved for other cancers – makes this a truly exciting time in the field of cancer research.
“As we stand on the brink of transforming brain cancer treatment, we are not just aiming for better outcomes – we’re striving for a future where the words “brain cancer” no longer carry the same fear. The journey ahead promises breakthroughs that will redefine hope for patients around the world.”
The research has been supported by many collaborators, key partners and major funders, including the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), The Brain Cancer Centre, the Robert Connor Dawes Foundation, the Isabella and Marcus Foundation, the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF), Cure Brain Cancer Foundation and the Zoe Stanley Research Program (Zoe’s Fight Foundation).
The study, “EphA3-targeted chimeric antigen receptor T cells are effective in glioma and generate curative memory T cell responses”, is published in the Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer (DOI: 10.1136/jitc-2024-009486).
WEHI authors: Leesa Lertsumitkul, Melinda Iliopoulos, Stacie Wang, Alexander Davenport, Ryan Cross, Misty Jenkins.
About WEHI (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research)
WEHI is where the world’s brightest minds collaborate and innovate to make life-changing scientific discoveries that help people live healthier for longer. Our medical researchers have been serving the community for more than 100 years, making transformative discoveries in cancers, infectious and immune diseases, developmental disorders, and healthy ageing. WEHI brings together diverse and creative people with different experience and expertise to solve some of the world’s most complex health problems. With partners across science, health, government, industry, and philanthropy, we are committed to long-term discovery, collaboration, and translation. At WEHI, we are brighter together.
Find out more at www.wehi.edu.au
Courtesy of Tony Bonner AM
I had first heard of this relatively unknown Northern Queenslander many years ago, when discussing WW1 soldiers who had served our country with distinction, and not recognised for their achievements, which set them apart. I had recently completed the powerful and emotional WW1 TV mini-series ‘THE ANZACS’ and chatting about the man I played (Captain Armstrong) with a military friend, who mentioned several servicemen of the past. My friend additionally mentioned a man of the highest calibre, a rifleman (correctly identified as a sniper) Billy Sing. A Queenslander and proud Australian. What I have written is about him Billy Sing, son, soldier, husband and to me a hero.
Billy Sing was born in 1886 in Clermont, Queensland, dying in Brisbane 14th May, 1943. The cause of death being a ruptured aorta. Billy was 57. Billy’s life found him as a drover, Kangaroo shooter, coal miner and shearer. He was a hardworking North Queenslander, always an exceptional shooter. As with many farmers of the time, the Sing’s packed their own ammunition cartridges, Billy would be given several cartridges by his father to hunt for the family’s food supply, rabbit, kangaroos, duck etc, the main food source. Billy learnt very early in life not to waste his cartridges, shoot to kill was his aim, ‘hit what you aim at Billy’ were his orders ‘Don’t waste the bloody cartridges,’ always rang in Billy’s ears. Billy learnt to be as one with his weapon, which was to see him honoured by his country, and held in high esteem by our future enemy. Billy also helped with the family’s market garden and milk deliveries, his target shooting also won prizes at country- fairs and competitions, helping to put food on the table.
When WW1 broke out in 1914 Billy rushed to join up, in fact he was amongst the first of the Queenslanders to do so, being accepted into The 5th Light Horse Regiment. After training, The 5th Light Horse Regiment, was sent to Egypt in December 1914. On arrival there, they agisted their horses to then go onto Gallipoli (Turkey) in 1915 to fight as infantry in that landing in ANZAC Cove. Amongst these soldiers was the Australian writer Ion Indriess, who described Billy as ‘a chap with dark hair and a black moustache.’ Billy was by now a crack rifleman after their training period in Egypt. He was to be a sniper because of his ability with the rifle.
After the hellish Gallipoli landing, Billy set about his task
as a sniper. Each morning before dawn, Billy and a spotter, would crawl out of their trench into the battlefield to find ‘a spot’ that gave him a view of the enemy, with his spotter who would find enemy targets for Billy of an unsuspecting Turkish soldier. At these times Billy would reflect on his father’s words, ‘hit what you aim at Billy don’t waste a shot’ and Billy didn’t. Snipers were an integral part of a platoon squad, the safety of their comrades depended on Billy stopping a Turkish sniper killing or wounding them. It was a cat and mouse game. The Turkish sniper’s intentions were to cause fear and havoc amongst the Australians, so Billy needed to stop them. One of the many ‘nicknames’ Billy had was ‘The Assassin.’ He was mentioned in many military despatches the officers would send back to HQ. Not only for his ability to eliminate the Turkish snipers, but for his bravery just to get into the positions on the battle ground to allow him to do his job, to save his men, his spotter was also to be highly thought of as he needed to follow Billy.
It was Billy’s call to where they set up each morning in the battlefield, so the enemy never knew where they would be… Cat and Mouse.
The great Turkish military commander, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk had such praise and respect for Billy, that he also mentioned him in his reports as a brilliant tactician in the art of war. Ataturk summoned the best of his snipers to eradicate Billy, try as they may, there was no success for them, again Ataturk noted in dispatches the ‘unquestionable’ ability of this
Australian sniper. The documented hit kills of Billy during the Gallipoli campaign was 201. This number was to increase when The ANZACS, The Lighthorse men withdrew from Gallipoli in December 1915, leaving 8,141 Australians, who will be remembered. To then, head back to Egypt to check on their horses and then prepare for the horrors of the European trench war in Belgium and France that lay before them. Let me say that most of the deaths, on all sides in Gallipoli were from the shrapnel expelled from the artillery fire, artillery not only from army batteries, but also the navy’s shelling.
After their arrival in Egypt to rest, then be sent to either the Middle East, to once again meet the Turkish forces in Palestine, or onto the trenches of the European campaign. This was March 1916. Once there, Billy continued his sniper duties, now with a growing reputation for his bravery and skills. This time it was the German troops he faced. Billy was now in The 31st Battalion, with a major battle at Polygon Wood about to erupt.
Billy suffered a bullet wound to his leg, a ricochet in March 1917 that unfortunately killed his spotter….
He was sent to England for treatment and \recovery. During his recovery he met, and married a waitress, Elizabeth, on June 29th 1917.
To me, Billy should have returned home a hero, at least recognised for his bravery under fire, the lives he saved both during the Gallipoli and the trench warfare, but alas that was not to be…he returned alone. There is no evidence that Elizabeth was with him. There are records that show, she had two children in Scotland, by two different fathers.
Billy was not in great health, both physically and now emotionally, a medical report when he arrived home on November 23rd 1918, noted he had gunshot wounds in his left shoulder, back and leg, also signs of gas’s poisoning in his lungs from the trench campaign. His work now back home was guard duty at a submarine base, he was to be discharged from the military due to war wounds. Records show he had a crack at sheep farming, and gold digging, however he was slipping and starting to drink. No one knows if Elizabeth ever followed Billy back to Australia, some say she did, but missed the green of Scottland, not the dust and heat of Queensland. Later records show she came to Australia in 1925 with two children, to settle in Paddington, NSW.
For Billy, sniper hero, mentioned continually in military despatches, by not only our officers, but the commanders of our enemies at the time. He was awarded the DCM the Croix de Guerre (Belgium) but his wounds and now excessive drinking were taking their toll on this warrior. The final period of his life was racked with chest, heart and back pain, with the drinking to soften his pain physically and emotionally. Billy Sing (DCM) died alone in a boarding house, West End, Brisbane, May 1943. Buried in the War Cemetery (Keaton) Brisbane QLD.
God bless you Billy Sing, God bless you...
Courtesy of Tony Bonner AM.
Off the back of this year's ‘Beanie for Brain Cancer’ campaign, the Mark Hughes Foundation (MHF) has announced a $1m investment to bring two of Australia’s leading brain cancer research centres together in their mission to accelerate progress towards a cure.
The MHF Centre for Brain Cancer Research at the University of Newcastle and The Brain Cancer Centre based in Melbourne have formed a partnership to help find solutions sooner.
With brain cancer the leading cause of cancer death in children, and in adults aged under 40 in Australia, this powerful partnership will pool resources and combine research efforts to pursue better outcomes for brain cancer patients.
Established by Mark and Kirralee Hughes, after the former Newcastle NRL player was diagnosed with a high-grade brain cancer in 2013, the MHF is this year highly focused on collaboration.
Chair and Director of the MHF Centre for Brain Cancer Research at the University of Newcastle, Professor Mike Fay, is passionate about working together to find a solution.
“We know we can’t do this alone and in 2024 we are focusing on expanding and deepening our research partnerships to fast track a solution for brain cancer,” Professor Fay said.
Due to the enormous success of the 2024 campaign, and in particular the support of the NRL through the Beanie Round, the $1m MHF announcement includes the establishment of a National Collaboration Seed Fund to support a series of shared projects aimed at addressing immediate collaborative research needs.
Mark Hughes said bringing together brilliant leaders, experts and innovators was key to solving the brain cancer puzzle.“By embracing a ‘one team’ mentality where competition gives way to collaboration, we will make progress in the fight against brain cancer,” Mark said.
The Collaboration Seed Fund’s first project will support the MHF Centre to become an official collaborative partner of The Brain Cancer Centre’s Brain Tumour Registry Australia INnovation and Translation Registry (BRAIN Registry).
Established with the intent of supporting a broad range of collaborative research projects and to link datasets and research endeavours, the BRAIN Registry is the first large clinical cancer registry dedicated to brain tumour patients in Australia and New Zealand. It captures clinical data on patients diagnosed with brain tumours, from diagnosis and throughout their brain cancer journey.
“Our partnership with The Brain Cancer Centre is an invaluable opportunity made possible by the strong, ongoing support of Mark and Kirralee Hughes of the Mark Hughes Foundation,” Professor Fay said.
Devonport and Burnie, Tasmania have been confirmed as the host of bowls’ showpiece ‘state versus state/territory’ national event in 2025.
With the support of the Tasmanian Government, via funding from Events Tasmania, the State has secured the two-week long festival of bowls known as The Nationals, which incorporates six of the sport’s most revered competitions and no less than 31 national titles.
The 2025 edition of The Nationals will be staged from November 12 to 27, with Devonport Country Club set to host five of the six events, alongside
Burnie Bowls Club, which will stage the Australian Para Nationals.
Featuring a variety of events encompassing all ages and abilities, the Nationals spans junior, open-age, senior, para and open events, with more than 650 competitors across 15 days of competition.
Tasmanian Minister for Sport and Events, the Honourable Nic Street said securing the event was a coup for Tasmania.
“The Tasmanian Government is pleased to be supporting Bowls Australia for its 2025 Bowls Australia Nationals championship in Devonport and Burnie,” Minister Street said.
“Bowls is a popular sport for people of all ages and ability in our community, and the Nationals are a fantastic way to celebrate bowls while having some healthy competition.
“We look forward to welcoming the competitors and spectators to the state in 2025.”
Bowls Australia CEO Matthew Kennedy said the sport was excited about staging the Nationals, which attracts the country’s best bowlers, in Devonport and Burnie.
“Tasmania will be a fantastic host of the sport’s pre-eminent state-and-territory competition and we’re very grateful for the support provided by the Tasmanian Government and Events Tasmania to be able to bring this now-combined version of this significant Australian sporting event to Devonport and Burnie for the first time,” Kennedy said.
“Bowls Australia also acknowledges and is appreciative of the support of both Devonport Country Club and Burnie Bowls Club for the delivery of the event.
“The staging of this event will showcase the strength of bowls in the Apple Isle, complement the great work and achievements of Bowls Tasmania, and continue to raise the profile of the sport in the region.
“Both clubs, Devonport and Burnie, are incredibly
enthusiastic to showcase their venues and the region and will provide a great experience for the players and spectators, both local and those visiting from interstate.”
Devonport Country Club General Manager Brett Kerr said the Board, staff, members and volunteers of the club were thrilled to be staging the event in 2025.
“Everyone connected to and involved with the Devonport Country Club is thrilled to be hosting Bowls Australia’s Nationals in 2025,” Kerr said.
“The whole Club is looking forward to staging a very successful event, which will bring national focus to both the Club and to the city of Devonport.”
Burnie Bowls Club President Danny Patmore said his club was proud to be contributing to the delivery of the coveted event by hosting the Australian Para Nationals component.
“We are thrilled to be hosting the 2025 Para Nationals and are committed to delivering an exceptional event for all participants,” Patmore said. “Our team is excited to showcase Burnie’s hospitality and enthusiasm for the sport, ensuring this event is a memorable experience for everyone involved.
“We look forward to welcoming players and spectators from across the country and celebrating the best of bowls in our community.
“It’s a fantastic opportunity for us to highlight Burnie Bowls Club’s dedication to the sport and our commitment to supporting local and national events.”
The 2025 Nationals will encompass the Australian Champion of Champions, Australian Under18 Championships, Para Nationals, Australian Senior Sides Championships, Australian Sides Championships and the Australian Championships events, held from November 12-27.
We are giving one of our readers the opportunity to win a double pass to see the iconic rock musical “JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR’’ @ The Capitol Theatre in Sydney, Tuesday the 12th November, 2024 @ 7PM. To be in the draw, send your email to bowlsplus1@bigpond.com WINNER WILL BE ADVISED BY EMAIL
“JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR’’ has succeeded in wowing audiences for decades. The much loved, award -winning production features lyrics and music by internationally acclaimed music mega stars ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER & TIM RICE.
JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR made its on-stage debut on Broadway in 1971.
By 1980, the musical had grossed more than $237 million worldwide. The rock opera ran for over eight years and held the record for the longest-running musical in London’s West End history, before it was eclipsed and overtaken by the musical “CATS.’’
The concept of the production is loosely based on the final weeks of Jesus Christ’s life, as seen through the eyes of Judas, who is dissatisfied with the direction in which Jesus is steering his disciples.
Joining the cast in Australia will be globally renowned comedian, singer and writer Reuben Kaye, who will be playing the role of Herod, while the rock theatrical star Peter Murphy will portray Pilate. They will be joined on stage by Michael Paynter as Jesus, Javon King as Judas, and Jimmy Barnes’s daughter Mahalia Barnes as Mary.
The award-winning musical has been reproduced regularly around the world in the years since it’s first appearance.
One of the most memorable tours was the 1992 Australian Arena tour, which featured sell-out performances by music powerhouses John Farnham, Jon Stevens, Kate Ceberano and John Waters.
The iconic production arrives in Australia in November, 2024. Tickets on sale through Ticketmaster. Additional tickets for the summer performances have just been released due to overwhelming demand...
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You can continue helping rescue and rehabilitate individual animals, like Sally the 2-year-old elephant calf who was entangled in a poacher’s snare when we rescued her and airlifted her to the IFAW-supported Wild
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You can be a lasting part of our fight against illegal wildlife trafficking, such as training and equipping wildlife rangers to intercept traffickers, investigate crime scenes and ensure proper care for living animals seized as part of prevention operations.
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Bowls would appear on the Paralympic program on seven occasions from 1968 to 1996, with Australia notching up eight gold medals, a tally which sits as the nation’s fifth highest across all sports at the quadrennial event.
A man who is entrenched in those golds is New South Wales’ Eric Magennis, who managed to win three across his stellar career on the green.
Left with a broken spine and in a wheelchair after a tragic motorbike accident in his younger years, the determined athlete would not let his disability weigh him down as he strived to make his mark on the international sporting arena.
Introduced to bowls at a rehabilitation centre in 1968, it was love at first roll for the New South Welshman, who took to it like a duck to water.
Shortly after taking up the sport, he was selected for the 1970 Paraplegic Commonwealth Games.
“I was up at a rehabilitation centre and there was a bowling green on the premises,” he recalled.
“There was an option to give bowls a go, so I tried it and I liked it.”
“I competed in a few other sports, and then I was selected for the 1970 Commonwealth Games in Edinburgh, where I would win the gold medal in the men’s pairs with Jim Newton.”
A competitive individual, Magennis would try his luck at a plethora of sports on top of his bowls commitments, before he was selected for the latter for his maiden Paralympic Games in Heidelberg, Germany.
It is safe to say that the elation was palpable when he realised that his passage to Europe was guaranteed.
“I loved any sport I could play, but I really loved bowls and I learned all of the tricks of the trade,” he said.
“I gained advice and coaching from many of the state players that had been there and done everything, they were great coaches.
“The powers that be selected athletes to try different sports in the Heidelberg trials to essentially see how good we were, so I took part in wheelchair basketball, archery, snooker, weightlifting, obstacle courses and the 100 metre sprint.
“You had to compete in six to eight different sports to be eligible for selection, it was hard work but extremely enjoyable.
“When I got the selection I was very happy, I really couldn’t contain myself.”
Selection was just the beginning for the then 34-year-old, who was about to embark on a remarkable journey in becoming one of Australia’s greatest ever para bowlers, paving the way for the current greats that represent the Right at Home Jackaroos.
Having not medalled in bowls’ inaugural appearance on the program, Australia was looking for a spark, which would come in the form of Eric in the men’s singles event.
again taste ultimate glory as they defeated Brazil’s Robson Almeida and Luiz Carlos Costa in the final.
Up against Great Britain’s John Ure in the final, Magennis would claim a lead late before netting a three on the final end to take a 21-15 victory and become the sport’s first ever Olympic or Paralympic gold medallist.
He describes the ceremony and his homecoming reception as two of the proudest moments of his life, but there was one item given to him that he discarded almost immediately.
“They pulled out the podium and wheeled us up there before presenting us with our medals and a bunch of flowers,” Magennis said.
“I looked at the flowers and scratched my head and thought that they had to go straight in the bin because there was no way they would be allowed on the plane or through customs.
“The ceremony was extremely special, as was my return to Sydney where my mother was waiting at the airport and she said, ‘You have just won a gold medal.’ That was magnificent.”
Fast forward four years to Toronto 1976 and Magennis was again donning the green and gold regalia in his bid for further success on the grandest of stages.
Partnering Bruce Thwaite in the men’s pairs, he would once
Unable to defend his singles title after falling in the third round, Magennis was not about to leave North America empty handed, winning with the final bowl of the deciding end.
“The club was just north of Toronto and we had an amazing time up there, but I lost in the third round of the singles by one shot,” he recounted.
“We were down with the final bowl of the last end and we got it with the last bowl, I looked down at Bruce and told him that we had just won the gold medal.”
There was more glory to come eight years later when a third gold medal would arrive for the then 46-year-old at Stoke Mandeville in 1984.
With many events across the competition held in New York City, bowls would be held in the United Kingdom with ample facilities already in place.
His discipline would be the men’s paraplegic pairs with fellow three-time gold medallist in Queensland’s Roy Fowler. They would overcome their compatriots in Ken Moran and Wayne Lewis in the final.
That tour would see Magennis meet two extremely notable members of history, one of them now sits as the current British monarch.
Continued on page 54
For decades group travel has been one of the most popular forms of travel available for like minded friends. For more than 20 years, Groups Tasmania has been providing Clubs and groups from all over the world the opportunity to explore our wonderful State without the pressure of having to plan an itinerary or book everything themselves. Group touring is about being shown around by locals and really capturing the essence of the destination. It means seeing the famous attractions but also wandering off the tourist trail. So much more than just a coach tour, you’ll experience the culture, meet the locals and savour the wonderful food.
Our well-balanced tailor made itineraries are designed with the traveller in mind. We put great effort into getting the right balance between organised touring and free time, after all it is a holiday! We include all the essential sights that others consider “optional extras”, while providing plenty of time for you to explore & discover.
The best way to see the spectacular island state of Tasmania is on board a well appointed coach, with different sizes available depending on the number in your group. Let your experienced and knowledgeable coach captains do the driving while you relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
Tasmanian roads are renowned for their appeal to car and motorcycle enthusiasts, with its natural topography allowing for long sweeping roads through undulating hills and magnificent scenery.
Tasmania is a popular destination for educational tours with its history, scenery and perceived isolation from the rest of Australia playing a major role in drawing schools to Tasmania for a memorable life experience.
Opening in February 2000, Groups Tasmania was established as a Nationally Accredited Tourism Operator by David Luttrell with a vision to provide excellent service in the expanding market of coach touring. Tasmanian owned and operated, Groups Tasmania offers comprehensive knowledge and experience of holidaying in your Natural State. David and Brett are true Tasmanian’s with both having in excess of 25 years specifically selling Tasmania as a holiday destination and we would love you to benefit from our knowledge and to share our passion for Tasmania.
We specialise in itinerary planning for every kind of group from schools to car clubs through to senior community groups and everything in between! We can arrange your travel arrangements including flights, Spirit of Tasmania, accommodation, meals and attractions in Tasmania.
If your organisation is looking at Tasmania as a destination for its next conference we can also assist with day tours and pre or post conference tours.
Basically if you have a group that is looking to travel to Tasmania then Groups Tasmania can be your one stop shop and most importantly help you put together a memorable trip. 12 Nichols Street, Kings Meadows Tasmania 7249
Phone: 0409 857892 (David)
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Website: www.groupstasmania.com.au
To be in the draw, send your email to bowlsplus1@bigpond.com
DUTY NOBLY DONE is a superbly written historical book of exceptional calibre, which addresses the horrors of war.
The book, an extraordinary true account of 11 members from one extended family, (The Holloways) who served in the Australian Imperial Force during the Great War of 1914 - 1919, as they embark on a treacherous journey from which they are unlikely to return.
The author Adam Holloway, a direct descendent of the Holloway family uses personal letters, diaries and family memories to recreate the tension and horror experienced by the men.
The story portrays the Great War in meticulous detail, and how it felt to fight in the worst conflict the world had known. Adam skilfully takes the reader into the lives of each of these men.
The men, all young and confident were eager to affirm the justice of their cause and keen to experience the comradeship of battle.
However, they did not expect to be plunged into an overwhelming nightmare of fear and despair, coupled with the uncertainty of survival.
This epic story highlights the bravery, love and sacrifice that occurred in the First World War.
Adam Holloway, an avid student of Australian military history from a young age has always had a strong connection to the First World War. Adam is a proud great-grandson of an Anzac and equally proud son of a Vietnam veteran.
Adam’s great-grandfather was a cousin of Corporal Frank Holloway (a war hero) who fought in the first world war. This connection to the First World War has subsequently made an enormous impact on Adam, who feels the story of the Holloway family is extremely relevant.
Ironically, Adam has also served his country and community on the frontline, he was a police officer for 16 years and has seen society at its worst. Unsurprisingly, Adam now runs DND BATTLE TOURS, which is dedicated to providing Aussie guests with personally crafted group tours through Australia’s WW1 battlefield history...
For further information relating to DND BATTLE TOURS. PLEASE VISIT THE DND BATTLE TOURS WEBSITE. www.dndbattletours.com.au | @dnd_battle_tours
Mermaid Beach accommodation – Tucked among swaying palms and landscaped gardens, Montana Palms offers a number of fully self-contained, self-serviced apartments featuring two bedrooms and two bathrooms plus air conditioning, laundry facilities and free Wi-Fi. External onsite amenities include an extra-large swimming pool, spa and barbecue facilities, and when it’s time to explore, you’ll find the beautiful beach and a host of renowned cafes only a short, flat stroll away.
Excellent apartment with everything you need. There is secure onsite undercover parking with a fantastic pool and spa onsite and only a 2 minute walk to the beach and shops. Only about 15 minutes’ walk to the big Pacific Fair shopping mall and short walking distance to plenty of good restaurants around the place. Just across the street is a mini golf place called (Putt Putt) which was a great family fun. I will recommend 100% Montana Palms for your family stay destination.
We could not fault anything, the swimming pool and bbq facilities And landscapes were very well maintained, and Steve and Julie were always courtesy professional and friendly. We would certainly recommend this resort to holidaymakers or residents. We will certainly be back David6611
Sydney, Australia
There are so many reasons to consider a Norfolk Island holiday. Situated a short two hour flight from Brisbane & Auckland and two and a half hours from Sydney, we are mid-way between Australia and New Zealand.
The beauty of the Island is renowned with its tall, majestic pines, high rising cliffs, green undulating valleys, lush rainforest and brilliant turquoise waters over coral reefs. So many arriving visitors are simply astounded by the beauty they find providing countless photographic opportunities. The island has long been a source of inspiration to painters and artists.
Our little island is packed full of things to see and do. World Heritage listed Kingston will take you into the history of turbulent convict years and today’s vibrant Norfolk culture (born out of the infamous mutiny on the Bounty) all of which can be explored via tours, displays and even a chat with a friendly local. Encounter our pristine environment via swimming, reef snorkeling and rainforest walks. Our cafes and restaurants offer delicious, fresh, seasonal meals and local art, crafts, toys, shoes, and tax-free items are also among shopping highlights.
Many of our visitors experience a feeling of ‘coming home’ perhaps to a way of life they knew from years ago with a relaxed pace, a
Within a breathtakingly beautiful environment experience snorkelling in turquoise waters over coral reef, soaking up history in a World Heritage listed area and exploring a unique local culture.
From Polynesians, to convicts to the descendants of the Bounty mutineers, you’ll find museums, tours and spaces to just wander and soak up the stories.
sense of quiet, genuine friendliness, attention to life customs and community. On Norfolk there exists a safe place to gently ‘reconnect’ with yourself, loved ones or friends. At the same time this intriguing island has so much on offer that if you choose, you’ll be very well entertained – and busy!
Pristine, clean, green and abundant…
Whether you are in or on the water, a 4WD tour, a National Park walk or simply out and about, the beauty of our unspoilt environment surrounds you.
Fresh, seasonal – and tasty!
Islanders have always lived off their home grown fresh, seasonal produce. Restaurants advertise today’s fishing catch, likely be served with vegetables harvested that day.
Midway between Australia and New Zealand, Norfolk Island is ‘Pacific Paradise’ for bowlers!
Renowned as one of the friendliest you’ll find anywhere, Norfolk Island Bowling Club's slogan is: “there are no strangers in this club, only friends you haven’t met”. With such a warm welcome, it's easy to see why bowlers of all skill levels are drawn to these annual tournaments.
The Club is located in the heart of town, with cafés, shops, accommodations and the airport all 5 mins away! Disembark, collect your bags and be on the green within an hour! You'll find that there’s no such thing as "stuck in traffic" on Norfolk, in fact the island has no traffic lights and only three roundabouts.
It won't take you long to slip into ‘Island mode’, which is ‘easy, easy, easy’. Even locking your car during play is treated by the local members as strictly optional! Whether in a group or flying solo, you'll find premium play, as well as plenty of socialising on and off the greens!
Book today with Norfolk Island Travel Centre !
Annual Norfolk Island Bowling Tournaments:
South Pacific Pairs 14-23 February 2025
An open competition with mens, womens or mixed pairs.
brisbane 15-22 FEB 2025 • 7 nights from $2,009pp
sydney 14-23 FEB 2025 • 9 nights from $2,299pp
Christian-Bailey Agencies Bounty Bowls 2-11 May 2025
The Bowling Club’s longest standing signature fours event.
brisbane 3-10 MAY 2025 • 7 nights from $2,149pp
sydney 2-11 MAY 2025 • 9 nights from $2,599pp
NIO Classic Triples 15-24 August 2025 – Tournament will
host mixed teams with a minimum of five qualifying rounds.
brisbane 16-23 AUG 2025 • 7 nights from $2,199pp
sydney 15-24 AUG 2025 • 9 nights from $2,499pp
In a heartwarming turn of events, the Central Coast Council has granted Terrigal Bowling Club a 10-year lease extension, securing the future of this beloved community hub. This decision marks a triumphant chapter for the Club, which has been at the heart of Terrigal's social and recreational life for over 70 years. Terrigal Bowling Club CEO and bowler, Craig Fairweather, expressed his gratitude over the Council’s decision. "We are profoundly grateful to the Central Coast Council for granting us this 10-year lease extension. This decision not only secures our future but also ends a period of great uncertainty for our members. For years,
our bowlers have faced the stress of short-term lease renewals, which cast doubt on the stability of our beloved club.” This extension comes after a turbulent few years for the Club. In 2021, the Central Coast Council considered reclassifying the land on which the Club sits, with the intent to sell.
This move was met with significant backlash from the Club and community with a change. org petition campaign launched “Council Cash Grab Threatens 70 years of History” leading to a reversal of the decision within 24 hours. Club members were overjoyed by the news. Chairman of the Board and Bowling Club
member Alex Cameron expressed how much the club means to him “I've been a part of this place since my mum sent me down to get fish and chips in the '70s, and it’s where I met my wife, Aileen, through playing bowls,” “Over the years, we've celebrated, mourned, and supported each other like family. It’s more than just a club; it’s a small country town within Terrigal, where everyone knows your name and has your back. This 10-year lease extension means the world to all of us." he said. Ladies Bowls President Lyndall Hegarty agreed “It is a very special place where people come from all over to play because of the community we’ve built here. For me, it’s all about the people - the friendships, the camaraderie. It’s a well-run club, and this lease extension is incredibly important to all of us who call this place our second home."
Long-time Bowler Ron Court shared his thoughts: "Without this place, I’d go crazy. It’s my outlet and social hub having lost my wife who was such a wonderful bowler herself.”
Another long-time Bowler since 1989 the locals fondly refer to as “Noisy” said “We’ve all been through so much together and there really isn’t much else in Terrigal specifically for seniors” he said. Robynne Small, Lady’s Bowler added “If this club ever closed, it would be like
losing a family. We’ve all become the closest of friends through bowls, but it’s so much more than that. It’s the social connection, the support system - especially for some of our members who are over 90. Clubs like this are vital for both mental health and physical wellness."
The Club’s journey from the brink of closure to this moment of celebration showcases the resilience and unity of the Terrigal community. The support from members, local media, and community groups played a crucial role in securing the Club’s future. -CONTINUES“Thanks to the Council's support, we can now focus on growing and enhancing our community offerings without the looming worry of what next year might hold.
To celebrate the lease extension, we are currently looking at installing a children’s play area which will be a first in Terrigal for our young families to come and enjoy,” Fairweather concludes. Terrigal Bowling Club now looks forward to a bright future, continuing to serve as a vibrant hub for sports, social activities, and community events. T
he Club invites all members of the community to join in the celebrations and look forward to the next decade of memories and milestones.
Riverstone Bowling Club in New South Wales, sadly now defunct, would display Magennis’ name on its walls to honour the contribution made by the international star to the sport and the country, making him extremely proud.
In fact, many of his medals and uniforms are on display at the Riverstone & District Historical Society and Museum for viewing, donated kindly by Magennis himself.
“I played many times with Roy, he was a good bowler and we had a great understanding.
“That tournament I met someone who was called Prince Charles back then, he came over and talked to the Australian side and about an hour later I met Margaret Thatcher.
“When I returned home from Stoke Mandeville, the club was as proud as punch, they put my name on the honour board, it really was a good club.”
Magennis would move on to Taree Leagues and Landsdowne Bowling Clubs for the remainder of his bowling days until he suffered an untimely stroke around 20 years ago.
Now living in Karingal Gardens, Magennis remains extremely close with his sister, Barbara, who makes the
trip to see him twice a week.
It is a relationship he values endlessly, they see each other twice a week when she makes her way to the nursing home for a visit.
Another relationship that holds true in his heart is bowls, a sport that he adores to no end and one that he would dearly love to see back on the Paralympic program, as well as at the Olympics.
The 86-year-old believes such an inclusive sport belongs on the biggest stage
“Anybody that has got a disability can play bowls,” Magennis said.
“I would love to see bowls back at the Olympics and Paralympics, it would be absolutely fantastic.”
In addition to his three Paralympic gold medals, Magennis would take home a trio of Commonwealth titles in a career for the ages.
“I’m now 86, I’ve had a damned good life and I wonder if they play bowls in heaven.”
*Photos provided by Riverstone & District Historical Society and Museum
In 2004, The Carrington Hotel was acquired by a private consortium of Australian businessmen who shared keen interest in the heritage and historical significance of the hotel. Some now reside in the Blue Mountains and are hands-on in daily operations.
In recent years, The Carrington has been sensitively resorted to its former grandeur, capturing the elegance, charm, and ambience of yesteryear. Kirkpatrick’s Italianate design remains the hero, undiluted by contemporary improvements.
Described as a ‘labour of love’ this magnificent property offers 65 spacious rooms and suites. Manicured gardens designed by the renowned Paul Sorensen feature the original Bunya and Monterey Pines as planted in the early 1900s.
The premier Cocktail Bar and Lounge are open to the public, featuring recent carpeting replicated to match the original
floor coverings.
The restored Grand Dining Room is replete with original features such as reeded glass chandeliers. A significant Victorian Buffet contains silver serving utensils monogrammed by various hotel owners dating back to the early 1900s. Updated with modern amenities, the Grand Dining Room remains one of the few Victorian Dining Rooms still operating to this day.
The storied history of Australia's oldest operating resort-style hotel continues.
Today, The Carrington proudly welcomes locals along with domestic and international visitors to step inside an extraordinary part of Australia's heritage.
Stay, play and explore the beautiful Blue Mountains with two nights’ accommodation and discover gourmet delights of local and native Australian ingredients with a memorable dining experience in one of Australia’s last remaining Victorian Dining rooms.
Stay midweek from $579 for two people. Includes 2 nights’ accommodation with breakfast.
2-Course Dinner for two in the Grand Dining Room. Devonshire Tea for two.
Tour the West Australian Coastline, kALBARRI, SHARK BAY, NINGALOO REEF AND KARIJINI INCLUDES Carnarvon Space and Technology Museum, Ocean park aquarium, Glass bottom boat snorkeling tour
12 Day Broome to Broome $4490
Explore the gibb river road including El Questro, manning falls, Galvans Gorge and Bell Gorge. also Includes Mitchell Falls helicopter flight and visit the Bungle Bungles Mimbi caves and more.
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Put on your hiking shoes, have your swimming gear handy and get ready for breathtaking Kimberley and WA scenery, endless gorges, and Aboriginal culture as you tour with Kimberley Safari Tours - the specialists in the Kimberley and Gibb River Road Tours. We have fantastic Broome to Broome Kimberley Tours and we also have Perth to Broome Tours via Karijini, and the magnificent WA coastline. Explore the best of Kimberley and WA with the experts. Kimberley Safari Tours is a family-based business passionate about our beautiful state and our rich culture and history. Tour in small groups (typically 16-19 people) in modern, 4WD air-conditioned coaches, built for the tough Kimberley conditions. Journey with experienced guides ready to inform you at every corner. Comfortable camping (stand up tents, 70mm mattresses, pillows, comfy chairs with back / arm rests) with accommodation, park fees and most meals included. Travel to the spectacular and remote Mitchell Falls and the impressive and ancient Munurru Rock Art Sites (few operators go to the Mitchell Plateau). Visit the impressive Wolfe Creek Crater (few tour operators regularly visit this).
Experience WAs magnificent Ningaloo Reef and walk in the Gorges of Karijini on our Perth to Broome Tours. Enjoy camp oven meals, explore gorges, be refreshed swimming in plunge pools and waterfalls, and ponder over ancient rock art. Walks are carefully planned so they are achievable for active travelers of all ages. Defibrillators, First Aid trained staff, remote communication, and safety equipment for peace of mind. Join Kimberley Safari Tours, a family run business, for the adventure of a lifetime!
Kimberley Tours, 'Broome to Broome' depart May through to August
'Perth to Broome' departs May (combine with our Broome to Broome tours at a reduced price
Founded in 2014 Kimberley Safari Tours has a goal and desire to enable others who perhaps don’t have access to a 4WD and camping equipment, to experiences the Northwest of Western Australia in particularly the Kimberley and the Gibb River Road in a comfortable group setting. In October 2023 the business changed ownership to Glenn and Jaye Ursino who are committed to continuing to provide the great comfortable camping tours.
We are a small family business run by a husband a wife team. Each tour has a tour leader and tour guide/helper to assist the tour leader and guests. We intentionally keep our business at its current size so we don't lose the family touch.
To share our love for the Kimberley through the provision of high quality small group comfortable camping tours, predominantly Kimberley Tours, at an affordable price for active travelers of all ages.
All people are created as equals and are treated with respect and honour. The land and its creatures have been created for humanity to care for and cherish. We only take photographs and create memories whilst leaving no trace of our presence. We value fun, culture and doing things well.
Over the years Britain’s Royal Family has endured numerous royal dramas, scandals and health issues which have caused concern throughout The Monarchy and The Commonwealth.
However, despite the numerous dramas that have plagued the monarchy, it remains of immense value to Britain. The institution generates millions of dollars each year, as well as giving British subjects a sense of continuity and identity.
Unfortunately, in recent years there has been a growing voice of opposition to the Royal Institution, especially amongst the younger
generation since the death of Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles III ascension to the throne.
It seems that many Brits are asking “what is the point of the Royal Family’’ and “WHAT IS NEXT ON THE AGENDA FOR THE BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY?’’ Fortunately, Royal supporters feel it is highly unlikely that the UK will abolish the monarchy in the near future. Recent polls are indicating that 63% of Britons have a favourable opinion of Charles III and believe The Sovereign acts as a focus for national identity which gives a sense of stability and continuity, while supporting the voluntary service The Royal Family deliver.
However, 2024 seems to be one of the worst year’s for the Royal Family thus far, with several historical dramas, made through a series of bad judgments by numerous members of the royal household resurfacing. …..
In early 2024, King Charles III underwent a medical procedure after being diagnosed with an “enlarge prostate.’’ During The King’s procedure a separate issue of concern was noted. Subsequent diagnostic tests identified a form of cancer. The Palace later announced that the King would be stopping all ‘public-facing-duties’ in order to commence his “chemotherapy treatment.’’ Fortunately, Charles was able to make his first major public appearance since his cancer diagnosis at the Easter service held at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle on the 31st March 2024.
Thankfully, Buckingham Palace later announced the King would resume public-facing duties after making good progress with his cancer treatment.
Shortly after the King’s revelation, Kate, The Princess of Wales underwent a “planned’’ abdominal procedure, and was not seen in public for several months. Following concerning speculation about her condition and whereabouts, The Princess shared devasting news on the 22nd March 2024. The Princess informed the world through social media, that she was also diagnosed with cancer and was undergoing “a course of preventative chemotherapy.’’
Unfortunately, Prince Andrew’s past indiscretions continued to resurface throughout 2024. In 2019, Prince Andrew was accused of sexual abuse by Virginia Giuffre, who was an underage victim of sex trafficking by convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. Prince Andrew denied all allegations.
Later that same year, The Prince agreed to a sit-down interview with BBC journalist Emily Maitlis. The Prince was defensive during the interview and expressed little empathy for the victims. His stance ultimately hurt his cause. The interview was watched live by 1.7 million Britons and resulted in an enormous backlash from the public and media. Four days after the broadcast, Buckingham Palace announced that Prince Andrew would be stepping down from all royal duties for the foreseeable future.
A monetary settlement was reached in 2022 for his accuser Virginia Giuffre. As a result, the late Queen Elizabeth II unfortunately stripped Andrew of all his military affiliations and royal patronages. Prince Andrew is still creating drama by his refusal to leave Royal Lodge in Windsor, despite continuous efforts from King Charles to get him to downsize.
ROYAL LODGE in Windsor is a huge royal residence currently occupied by Prince Andrew and his ex wife Sarah Ferguson. The present structure dates back to the 19th century and was expanded in the 1930’s for the then Duke of York (the future King George VI)
The home consists of 30 rooms, including seven bedrooms.
In January 2020, Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle announced their plans to step down as senior Royals, and relocate to California to pursue financial independence. According to Royal sources, the couple were frustrated that the late Queen Elizabeth II stopped them developing their “Sussex Royal’’ brand.
The move prompted a barrage of savage criticism from the British press, who labelled the couple as “self-serving and disloyal.’’ However, not deterred by the onslaught of criticism, the couple has since defied traditional protocol by publicly criticising the Monarchy. Initially in their explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey, where they accused the Monarchy of racism, neglect and bullying pertaining to Meghan’s requests for help, relating to the state of her mental health.
The numerous allegations from the couple were followed closely by Harry’s memoir “SPARE.’’
Unfortunately, Harry once again criticised his family relentlessly. Despite all the family dramas, the Monarchy has been able to endure and thrive throughout the ages. Only time will tell if this continues to be the case, with King Charles now head of the family business.
Bowling and Lifestyle Magazine had the opportunity to take a trip down memory lane with Actor/model Gary Daniels. We reminisced about his extraordinary career thus far, and of course discussed Gary’s plans for the future...
B&L : Hi Gary, can you tell us about the early days of your career ?
GARY : Yes of course, I started my journey at The Ensemble Theatre, where I spent my Saturdays in Junior Drama classes. I eventually left school to pursue my dream and joined Hayes Gordon’s full-time drama course at The Ensemble.
B&L : Were you able to work while you were attending the drama course ?
GARY : Yes, during my studies, I landed roles in “How Sleep the Brave’’ and “The Fantasticks.’’ (my first professional musical and drama. After graduating from the drama course, it led to more shows like “Roman Scandals’’ and touring productions of “Snow White’’ and Cinderella, where of course, I played the Prince.
B&L : Was there a certain Icon in the Showbiz world that you admired that may have inspired and influenced you to try your luck in the uncertain world of showbiz?
GARY : It wasn’t anyone famous, it was actually my teachers at Drama school, that cemented my love for the industry, and gave me permission at the time, to chase my dreams. It was listening to their endless stories about their time as actors and seeing the love in their eyes for what they did, and the satisfaction that fuelled them, that pushed me forward.
B&L : Can you tell us about a highlight that occurred during the early days of your career that virtually changed your life and career ?
GARY : During the early days of my career, it was singing stage roles that came my way and I started working for a production company, the Rudas Organisation….Playing the Prince in various productions….It feels like such a cliché to say, but it was the applause from an enthusiastic audience that often brought a tear to my eye. There are many highlights during this time, however one that stands out is when I played the Leader of the Jordanaires in “Elvis’’ the stage Musical at The Capital Theatre.
B&L : Any other highlights you would like to share with our readers ?
GARY : Yes, I guest-starred on The Young Doctors, Prisoner, and Special Squad in between stage gigs. During this time, I worked as a model, and in TV commercials. But as exciting as it was, I craved stability and the means to travel, which led me to a career as a flight attendant with Qantas.
B&L : What are your plans for the next phase of your life ?
GARY : I would like to continue evolving as an actor. After many years of flying and making lifelong friends, I’ve returned to my roots. I recently wrapped filming a guest role in the Netflix series “Son of a Donkey’’ playing once again-a-prince. However, this time the prince is far from the innocent character I played in Snow White. Let’s just say, he will have you shaking your head, but smiling all the same.
B&L : Why do you think you are so successful in securing “the prince roles’’ ?
GARY : I was tall and dark at the time, I had a huge singing voice, so I was very lucky for the opportunity to audition, and secure numerous “prince roles.’’
B&L : Do you get nervous at audition time ?
GARY : Audition time can be stressful, however there is always a level of excitement involved.
B&L : Looking back on your career now, do you have any anguish relating to your career, and would you approach situations in a different manner, if you had the chance again ?
GARY : When I stepped away from the industry, it was the most difficult decision, it was one that I did actually anguish over…….should I ?
Shouldn’t I ? As with any artist , that life changing break, could be just around the corner……….
But in the end, it was job security that won over.
Although I don’t have any regrets, there are moments when I wonder…..what if ?...........
B&L : Over the years you have met some incredible people, is there one individual that created a lasting impression?
GARY : One of my mentors and teachers at Drama school was Lorrae Desmond, who starred in “A Country Practice.’’ She was a kind and incredibly talented artist, that encouraged and coached me…I will always think of her with warmth.
B&L : What aspirations do you have for the future and what would you like to achieve professionally in the next 5 years ?
GARY : I would like to continue evolving as an actor. I feel extremely lucky for this second opportunity which will allow me to continue to prosper in this industry which I love.
I regard the opportunity as a blessing.
B&L : Are you full of optimism regarding future career opportunities ?
GARY : Yes I am optimistic, my life and career has come full circle, and I’m eager to see what’s next.
Australia is facing a severe housing crisis. Pensioners are living in their cars; single parents and their children are couch surfing. Following the skyrocketing cost of living in Australia, this crisis not only highlight the inadequacies in our current housing policies but also the need for a Federal Human Rights Act that protects Australians’ right to adequate housing.
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), the number of people classified as homeless has been increasing steadily since 2006.
With Australian wages no longer keeping up with the cost of living, accessing stable housing is increasingly now a luxury not everyone can afford.
There are several causes of the housing crisis in Australia including:
• Housing is a commodity. Housing has increasingly been treated as a means to make money, rather than as a basic human right. This has led to speculative investments and inflated property prices.
• Australian wages have not kept pace with the rising cost of living. This disparity has pushed many into rental markets, driving up rental prices and reducing the availability of affordable housing.
• Lack of legal protections – Without a federal law that guarantees everyone’s right to adequate housing, Australians face an increasing lack of secure, stable and accessible housing. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare data shows there has been a decline in the proportion of social housing households, dropping from 4.7% of all households in 2013 to 4.1% in 2023.
Without a Human Rights Act, government policies are not obligated to respect human rights. It’s the reason why today’s Australian housing policies aren’t focused on the fact that housing is a human right. Instead, they’re designed to promote investment.
With a Human Rights Act, people suffering rights abuses like homelessness could challenge injustices. It would give everyone a tool to challenge and remedy those abuses, creating a fairer future.
In 2008, Finland introduced a human-rights based policy aimed at ending homelessness. It focussed on placing community members in stable, long-term accommodation, rather than short-term accommodation. Today, there are almost no rough sleepers in Finland.
In Australia, Queensland, Victoria, and the Australian Capital Territory have Human Rights Acts but none of them explicitly protect the right to adequate housing. State Housing Acts also regulate the management of social housing, however there is no specific legal right to housing in any Australian laws or the Constitution.
have used state human rights acts to secure their right to
In Queensland, a single mother who had experienced domestic violence successfully challenged her eviction using the Queensland Human Rights Act. The woman’s former partner had damaged their rental, leading to an eviction notice. With the help of Tenants Queensland, she was able to transfer the tenancy into her name, securing the home for herself and her children.
Australia does provide various forms of housing assistance and support programs to help people access affordable housing. These include things like public housing and rental assistance. But the programs on offer don’t come close to meeting the need.
And in spite of these programs, too many people are still suffering from homelessness. In these cases, the state is failing in its obligation under international law to protect our right to adequate housing.
The right to housing is enshrined in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), a treaty adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1966. Article 11 imposes obligations on state parties to take steps to realise the right to adequate housing.
‘Adequate housing’ means more than just a right to shelter. It’s the right to access decent housing, which is defined by several factors:
• Legal security of tenure
• Availability of services, materials, facilities and infrastructure,
• Affordability and accessibility
• Habitability
• Location and cultural adequacy.
a party to this treaty, Australia has an obligation to ensure the affordability and accessibility of housing, including focusing on protecting the human rights of our most vulnerable.
A Human Rights Act: addressing Australia’s housing crisisAmnesty International Australia What’s next?
We’re closer than ever to protecting all our human rights in law. A Labor-led Parliamentary Committee recently recommended the government legislate a Human Rights Act. Amnesty is calling on the Albanese government to accept that recommendation and legislate a Human Rights Act to protect all our human rights – including our right to housing.
Now, we need the Albanese government to agree to the inquiry recommendation and commit to legislating a Human Rights Act.
To get them to commit to legislating an Act, Members of Parliament need to hear that their constituents support a Human Rights Act and want them to legislate one.
For 60 years Amnesty International has campaigned for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all. We believe everyone is entitled to live in a world where their human rights are recognised, realised, and protected. At the very core of Amnesty International is the belief that the actions of each individual can make a difference. What better way to demonstrate this than by making a gift in your Will and helping to transform the future for the better?
Organising your Will is a way to ensure that everything you have stood for in your life, everything you believed in and cared so deeply about, lives on for the next generation. A Will is more than a piece of paper, it is absolutely vital to preserving and protecting the fundamental rights that underpin everything else we hold dear. When you choose to make a gift in your Will to Amnesty International, our promise to you is to continue to uphold our shared values long into the future. We are proudly independent and non-partisan, which means gifts in Wills are critical to our work. We rely on the generosity of our supporters to help us search out the facts, expose what’s happening and rally people
together to pressure governments and those in power to respect human rights.
It’s more important than ever to hold on to what you believe in, and what you know is true. No matter the size of your gift, it’s a way of ensuring that the struggle to uphold our shared values of freedom, equality and justice will continue in the world we’re leaving our children and grandchildren.
Your gift to Amnesty International will help safeguard a future world where human rights are respected, defended and upheld. It’s a gift that will ensure that your values will live on for your loved ones and across generations to come.
For more information call Naomi Vaughan on 08 8110 8103 or naomi. vaughan@amnesty.org.au or visit www.amnesty.org.au to find out more
We’ve partnered with online Will writing platform Gathered Here, who host a free and easy step-by-step online Will writing service. Scan the code to write your Will for free today.
Donald Trump’s unprecedented election win of 2024 will go down in political history as a remarkable global moment. However, there are several questions now being asked, as to why so many voters decided to vote for Trump. One theory that is gaining momentum and reaching mammoth proportions is the fact that Kamala Harris’s short campaign, was doomed from the moment Joe Biden stepped down so late in the race. Plus, the massive surge in inflation, coupled with rising prices and open borders during the Biden administration ultimately drove voters to Trump. Unfortunately, the number of people crossing into the US without authorisation had risen dramatically during the Biden administration. The magnitude of Trump’s victory was a clear sign that American’s were fed up with the Biden Government, while Trump’s approach to economic and immigration issues came across as ‘’ far more favourable.’’ During the Democratic campaign Biden attempted to toughen his stance on immigration, which was deliberately aimed at addressing the situation. Unfortunately, this endeavour proved to be problematic for the Biden administration, Trump had already made the issue a major part of his campaign which made a significant impact on voters.
Donald Trump was born in 1946 in New York, he is the fourth of five children. The family lived in the upscale community of the Queen’s Borough in New York City. The family was regarded by many, as members of Manhattan’s wealthy elite. Donald’s father (Fred) was a prominent member of Brooklyn’s Democratic Party, who owned and operated a successful real estate company, which developed properties for middle-class white families in Queens, Brooklyn and Staten Island. Donald, who was influenced by his father’s wealth and success began his business career while still at university. He started investing in Philadelphia real estate. Upon completing his undergraduate education in 1968, he returned to New York and joined his father’s business full time. Starting work at the end of 1968, Donald excelled at his father’s real estate company which owned middle-class rental housing in New York City. In the early 1970’s Donald helped expand the business, buying properties outside of New York City. In 1971 Donald was made company president and by the mid-1970’s The Trump Organization had branched into Manhattan skyscrapers. Over the years Trump’s primary business has been real estate ventures including hotels, casinos and golf courses. However, he purchased the ‘’Miss Universe Organization’’ in 1996 for an undisclosed amount and then sold it to talent agency WME-IMG in 2015 for a reported $28 million. Trump appeared on the reality show ‘’The Apprentice’’ as host in 2004, the show was immensely popular and generated a massive amount of interest. Trump hosted the series for the first 14 seasons. Today, the estimated value of Donald Trump’s business is $6.68 billion.
B&L : Congratulations Brett, you have had a hugely successful cricket career and Australia is extremely proud of you and all you have accomplished. Can you tell us about your early family life. Where were you born and raised and what school did you attend ?
BRETT : I grew up in a family environment that shared the love of all sports. We grew up in the Shellharbour suburbs of Oak Flats and Mount Warrigal. I am the second of three sons. My older brother Shane is a former cricket international and my younger brother Grant previously played cricket for New South Wales U-19. My brothers and I attended Oak Flats High School.
B&L : Wow, your parents must be very proud of you and all you have achieved.
BRETT :My parents are proud of all three boys.
B&L : You have indicated in previous interviews that you credit your parent’s genes for your sporting skills. Can you explain and elaborate?
BRETT : My mother was a sprinter and my father is a metallurgist, who taught me that it’s all about having the “RIGHT MIND SET’’ and to “NEVER GIVE UP.’’
I think I have inherited all their good genes.
B&L : Would you say that both your parents were your mentors ?
BRETT : Yes absolutely. My parents were very supportive.
B&L :Who or what inspired you to pursue a sporting career, and what motivated you to try your luck and embark on this remarkable cricket journey ?
BRETT : My older brother Shane. We played cricket together as kids, in front of our house using a tennis ball and the garage door as the “wicket-keeper.’’ I was about eight or nine when I fell in love with cricket………..
B&L : You are recognised around the world as one of the fastest bowlers of your generation. At what speed do these cricket balls travel ?
BRETT : I was clocked at 161.1 km/h in 2005 when we were playing against New Zealand.
I broke Jeffrey Thomson’s record of 160.45 km/h when Australia played against the West Indies in Perth in 1975. Jeffrey’s delivery was the fastest recorded delivery at the time.
B&L : You are the recipient of numerous awards which include The Bradman Young Cricketer of the year award in the year 2000. Over the years you have also become a cult legend and regarded as one of the fastest and most exciting pace bowlers in history. What advice would you give youngsters who dream of following in your footsteps.
BRETT : I always tell the kids “you have to have a dream, establish trust and be yourself.’’
“It doesn’t matter if you win, lose or draw, the most important thing is you go out there and give it your best,’’
B&L : Is it safe to say that you have had a long-term love affair with India ?
What year did you visit India for the first time ?
BRETT : I visited India for the first time with Australia’s U19 squad in 1994. Unfortunately, because it was my first overseas trip, I got very home sick. I was also studying for my HSC at the time.
B&L :How many times have you visited India and what are your thoughts relating to India now ?
BRETT : I have visited India over 150 times, India is a special place, I love the people, they are kind, friendly and generous.
B&L : Can you recall your first Bollywood movie experience, would you like to tell our readers about this particular accomplishment ?
BRETT : Yes, I made my acting debut in 2015 in a film called “UnIndian.’’ The film (a romantic comedy) is set in Australia and directed by Anupam Sharma (Sharma is an Australian film maker of Indian origin) The movie was widely acknowledged and well received worldwide.
B&L : How did you cope with the leading man role with limited acting experience ?
BRETT : I had made several TV commercials in Australian and India prior to this movie. When the opportunity presented itself and I was offered a part in the movie “UNINDIAN’’ I was under the impression it was a cameo role. I was very surprised when I realized it was the leading man role.
B&L :In 2019 you performed in The Masked Singer Australia, as a parrot. Did you enjoy that experience and how did that happen ?
BRETT : Again, the opportunity presented itself, and I thought “why not.’’ I don’t usually get involved with reality shows, but I liked the concept of the show and thought it was exciting.
B&L : Can you tell our readers about your involvement as ambassador with a number of charities ?
BRETT : I am the founder of (Mewsic) which provides music therapy to children suffering from cancer. I also support “The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) “The Salvation Army,’’ “The make a wish Foundation’’ and “Ronald McDonald House.’’
B&L :What does Ronald McDonald House do and what is your involvement with Ronald McDonald House ?
BRETT : Ronald McDonald House supports seriously sick kids and their families. The families that stay at Ronald McDonald House are away from their home and their support systems. The house provides them with support to ensure they can concentrate on what is important, their sick child, while their child is receiving lifesaving treatment. I help with the fund-raising and also help raise awareness for these sick kids and their families. Even though the situation these families are in pulls at my heart strings, I try and put a smile on their faces.
B&L : What are your plans for the future ?
BRETT : I will continue to work with my charities and also work at Fox-Sports as a sports commentator. Plus, continue playing with my band (Six & Out)
B&L : Sounds great, who else is in the band ?
BRETT : My brother Shane and former NSW cricketers Brad McNamara, Gavin Robertson and Richard CheeQuee.
B&L :Wishing you all the best for the future Brett, and thank you for your time…………..
Pennant Hills Bowling Club, located in Sydney’s north west, has been a staple in the community for years. However, like many small clubs, it has recently faced significant challenges.
The club has struggled with an ageing membership base, rising costs, and the burden of covering its activities, including green contractor expenses.
But instead of viewing these challenges as insurmountable, the club saw an opportunity to revitalise its programs and grow participation, ensuring it could continue to serve the local greens for years to come.
One of the key figures in this transformation is Ian Moyes, a passionate bowler and a lecturer/tutor at Western Sydney University. As a member of the Bowls Committee at Pennant Hills, Ian has been instrumental in developing strategies to not only sustain the club but also to engage a younger demographic while continuing to provide quality programs for existing members, many of whom are older.
In response to the club’s challenges, Pennant Hills introduced the Jack Attack competition—a fun and fast-paced social version of bowls designed to attract new participants.
Jack Attack is a unique format that simplifies the game, making it more accessible for beginners and younger players while maintaining enough competitive elements to keep experienced bowlers engaged.
After the success of its first competition last year, where 30 players participated over a four-week period, the club saw significant growth.
Ten participants from that initial competition became full bowling members, including a 27-year-old and a 32-year-old, a major win in attracting younger members. The success of the program was not only a boost for Pennant Hills but also a template for future competitions.
Ian Moyes had been working closely with Brett Hughes, who had successfully run similar programs at other clubs in Sydney, including the NBC Sports Club. Drawing from these experiences, Ian tailored the Jack Attack format to fit Pennant Hills’ needs.
The response from the community was overwhelmingly positive, as the club successfully created a fun, social, and inclusive atmosphere that appealed to both current members and newcomers alike.
This year, the club has taken the Jack Attack competition to new heights. Recognising the potential of the event, Seven Hills RSL stepped in to provide critical support by waiving the $10 green fees for participants, a gesture that has allowed the club to reinvest these funds into prize offerings, enhancing the competition’s appeal.
Additionally, local businesses have gotten involved, donating weekly prizes and showing their support for the club’s efforts to engage the community.
These partnerships have helped make the event more exciting and rewarding for participants, further encouraging new bowlers to join in.
With the backing of Seven Hills RSL and local businesses, the second iteration of Jack Attack has seen participation grow, with 32 participants signed up this year.
The growing interest in the competition is a testament to Ian’s vision and the club’s determination to adapt to the changing landscape of bowling.
Pennant Hills has made it clear that Jack Attack is not just a one-off event but a key part of its long-term strategy to attract and retain new members.
The competition provides a low-pressure entry point into the sport, offering newcomers the chance to experience the game in a relaxed, social environment.
For the club, the hope is that these new participants will eventually transition into full bowling members, ensuring the club’s continued growth and sustainability. The success of Jack Attack at Pennant Hills represents a shift in how smaller clubs can adapt to modern challenges. By embracing innovation and fostering community partnerships, the club has not only increased participation but also created a welcoming space for players of all ages and skill levels.
Ian and the team at Pennant Hills Bowling Club have demonstrated that with passion, creativity, and community engagement, even the smallest clubs can thrive.
As the Jack Attack competition continues to grow, Pennant Hills Bowling Club is poised to become a model for other clubs facing similar challenges. Through perseverance and a commitment to inclusivity, the club has found a way to balance the needs of its older members while attracting a new generation of bowlers, securing a bright future for the club and the sport of bowls in Pennant Hills.
In the years to come, the continued success of Jack Attack could serve as a blueprint for how other struggling clubs can revitalise their programs, engage younger demographics, and ultimately thrive in an everchanging sporting landscape.
Pennant Hills Bowling Club’s journey is a reminder that even in the face of adversity, community spirit and innovation can turn challenges into opportunities for growth and renewal.