2019 Christmas Book Sampler

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Joseph, Guardian Patron of the working man, Dear Joseph, you were there To be the spouse of Mary; And Jesus, in your care, His heavenly Father placed Him; How blessed you must be! For God to put all that on you! Responsibility‌ You humbly took upon yourself And gently carried all; A loving husband to your wife, Accepting God’s great call.


A carpenter by trade were you – You taught it to His Son; But through your dreams you knew that He, The Boy, Messiah would come. A man of deep devotion, You raised this Boy to be The Savior of each one of us For all eternity. Ruthmarie Brooks Silver


For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him. John 3:17


An Old-Fashioned Christmas Let’s have an old-fashioned Christmas, What a day of delight it will be, Hanging wreaths of spruce and cedar, Bringing home the fresh, green tree. Candlelight shines by each window, Sprigs of holly on mantel and door, Spicy-sweet smell of gingerbread cookies, Pies and puddings baked by the score. Bright sleds skim frozen hilltops, Velvet snowflakes in radiance beam, Ice skaters glide like quicksilver In the moonlight’s golden gleam. Make it an old-fashioned Christmas, May each waiting heart feel the glow That grows with the ringing of sleigh bells Drifting over the soft-silvered snow. Elisabeth Weaver Winstead



His Marvelous Birth The angels are singing, It’s a glorious night. The shepherds beholding An awesome sight. The Magi are traveling, Following a Star Not knowing their destination, Or where they are. All to behold the Baby King, Born in a stall, His love to us bring. Come all ye people Who inhabit the earth, Fall on your knees And shout “Glory” For His marvelous birth. Dona M. Maroney


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