Blessed Beyond Compare - Inspirational Volume Sampler

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Just a Prayer Away If life just seems to pass you by And the days seem like years, Remember you have a friend in God And He counts every tear. When things go from bad to worse And life just isn’t fair, It’s nice to know you have a Friend, Someone Who really cares. Sometimes it’s hard to understand Why our burden is so great Or why we have to be the one With the heart that always breaks. So, when you’re sad and lonely And you need a Friend today, Remember, help is very close – It’s just a prayer away. Chet Stanhope

Continue Your kindness toward Your friends, Your just defense of the honest heart. Psalm 36:11



A Song Within My Soul Oh, help me, Lord, to sing Thy praises More and more each day… Even though I’m growing weary Along life’s rugged way. The many years You’ve given me Are beginning to take their toll… Oh! But I’m so grateful to You, dear Lord, That You put a song within my soul. So, I’ll sing as long as I’m able But I’ll need Thy help all the way For my heart to keep beating and my lips repeating The words and music each day. Then, when my time on earth is done And I’ve reached my heavenly goal… I’ll give thanks again to Thee, God’s Holy Son, For putting a song within my soul. Lou Ella Cullipher


Devotion A vigil light burns through the night And there in daytime too, In honor of Thy Sacred Heart, Remembered by so few. So scorned, so pierced and broken That Thy Precious Blood did flow Out of a Heart of Mercy So Thy child, in love, might grow. Though Thou knowest our indifference To Thy burning zeal for men, As oft we do betray Thee, Thou invitest us again. Oh, give us conscious moments Whence our thoughts will turn to Thee And memories of Thy sufferings Will ever present be. Michael H. Wiley 10

The Gift of Life The gift of life is a miracle That only God can give. We must live each day with passion – As we have only one life to live. The gift of life is a treasure, More precious than riches untold. Each minute, each hour of every day God keeps us in His loving fold. I thank Him for His abiding love That He so freely bestows. I thank Him for His mercy – My transgressions and faults, He knows. I pause to pray at the close of day: “Have I lived this day as I should?” Each day, I count my blessings – For I know that God is good!

Life’s Sunrise and Sunset

Clevenger Have youCharles ever watched the sunrise As it rose in the eastern sky, How it slowly leaves the horizon And a new day dawns on high? Have you ever been amazed by its beauty When the sun sets in the western sky, How it leaves behind an array of color And recedes from its watchful eye? Now darkness is soon to follow, ’Tis the final hours of the day; When compared to the span of our lifetime, We’ll liken our days this way. So we must live each day to the fullest, And to God be faithful and true; From the time of our life’s sunrise Until life’s sunset is due. Hazel Yoho 11

Lord, I Come to You Lord, I come to You each morning While the sun is shining bright, In faith, knowing You hear my prayer And will make everything all right! I come to you at noontime Asking for daily bread, Digesting Your Word While my hungry soul is fed! I come to You in the evening, With prayer of thanks and praise For all the things You’ve done for me Throughout this trying day.


I come to You when I’m happy, I come when I’m feeling sad, I come when I’m weary, I come to You when I’m glad! I come to worship You, Lord, I come humbly to pray, I come because I love You And I need You every day! Millie Torzilli

Humble yourself the more, the greater you are, and you will find favor with God. For great is the power of God; by the humble He is glorified. Sirach 3:18-19


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