Brighter Days to Come - Inspirational Volume Sampler

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There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens. Ecclesiastes 3:1


Welcome April Welcome April, child of Spring, Give our hearts a song to sing – Bid the world awaken do, Lend us precious skies of blue. Time to dress the naked trees, Send a gentle springtime breeze. Welcome April, come right in, Let the lovely Spring begin – Blooming tulips, grass of green, Nature’s oh-so-magic scene, Tiny raindrops, gentle showers, Miracle of birds and flowers. Winter moments are no more, Spring is knocking on our door. Golden sunshine warms the earth, Welcoming the Spring’s rebirth. Cloudsteps charm the skies of blue – Dearest April, we love you. Garnett Ann Schultz Therefore, you shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength. Deuteronomy 6:5


The Glory That Is Springtime Frosted crocus in the garden Are harbingers of Spring, Awaking from their Winter dream To hear the robins sing. The daffodils and tulips Are yawning everywhere, Waiting for those sunny days That warm us like a prayer. We’ve had our fill of ice and snow And set some record lows. We’re anxious now for warmer days And the promise of a rose.


We’ve had our epiphany, Enjoyed the holidays, And now the Lenten season Fills every heart with praise. New leaves appear on barren trees; The grass is turning green, And throughout the countryside Bluebirds have been seen. It’s a time of resurrection From Winter’s chilling gloom, For the glory that is springtime Recalls an empty tomb! Clay Harrison


Forever Free When trials and temptations Start to come your way, Get down on your knees To Jesus and start to pray. He will never leave you; He promises to stay. So, just remember, sinner, Your sins are washed away. Now that you have done this, New joy comes every day, Because you simply talked to God; For He will show you the way. Donna Knapp Walrath


Now Now is the time for a new beginning, Ridding ourselves of all doubts and fears; Time to move on with faith and courage, Time to let go of all grieving and tears. Seeking new paths with joy and daring, Talents and gifts we are sure to find. We’re helping those who need compassion, Negative thoughts are now all left behind. God is our refuge – the spirit will lead us And every stress will soon disappear; All is replaced with love and believing, God’s Holy Word makes everything clear. Now is the time for a new beginning, Knowing through faith – all things we can do. No longer burdened with pain and sorrow, Jesus, our Lord, has made all things new. Have you everM.watched the sunrise Edna Massimilla As it rose in the eastern sky, How it slowly leaves the horizon And a new day dawns on high? Have you ever been amazed by its beauty When God, in the beginning, When the sun sets in the western sky, created man, He made him behind an array of color How it leaves subject to his own free choice. And recedes from its watchful eye? Sirach 15:14 Now darkness is soon to follow, ’Tis the final hours of the day; When compared to the span of our lifetime, We’ll liken our days this way. So we must live each day to the fullest, And to God be faithful and true; From the time of our life’s sunrise Until life’s sunset is due.

Life’s Sunrise and Sunset

Hazel Yoho 11

This, I Pray Let me be more loving, Lord, To those that I find… Who stand in need of love And have need of mine. Let me touch lives, Lord, As I pass this way… Give me caring words that You would have me say. Let me be more humble, Lord, Take away all foolish pride… Use me in Your service, Be my daily guide. Let me be forgiving, Lord, When it’s asked of me… Just as I’m forgiven When I ask it of Thee.


Let me be more giving, Lord, Of all that I possess… For it all comes from You Via Your Heavenly Express. Let me overlook, Lord, The likes of bigotry… And jog my mind to remember To always look to Thee. And when I cross over, Lord, Over on the other shore… Where Love shall reign forever, And sin will reign no more… Let me enter in, Lord, On that final Judgment Day; May I live with You forever – This is the humble prayer I pray. Ranza Devereaux


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