Easter Glory

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Eas t erGl ory Eas t erdawnsear l y,t r anqui l andbr i ght , Agl ow i naheavenl y,r adi antl i ght . Eas t erbel l schi mi ngi nt r i umphar er i ngi ng, I nechoi ngant hemsofangel s ’s of ts i ngi ng. T heear l ys pr i ngcr ocusandgol ddaf f odi l Ar es pr eadi ngf r es hbl os s omsonever ygr eenhi l l . Homi ngbi r dsnes t i ngi nt al l ,l eaf yt r ees I ns pl endorper f or mi ngt hei rr ar es ymphoni es . T hewonderofEas t erunf ol dsi ni t ss t or y, Pr ocl ai mi ngl i f e’ spr omi s eofet er nal gl or y. Hear t sover f l owi ngi nr ever encegi vevoi ce, “T heL or di sr i s en!I npr ai s e,wer ej oi ce! ” -El i s abet hWeaverWi ns t ead

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