Hope Fills the Heart - Inspirational Volume Sampler

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Springtime Is a Gift When the cold and snow of Winter Has relinquished its bitter sting, My heart sings a song of happiness, For I know – soon comes the Spring. Springtime is a gift from God, To bring new life to the earth. It is a time when Nature awakens To replenish the earth with hope and rebirth. God sends the fragrant blossoms, Birds come winging through warming skies. Springtime is a season of joy and hope… His gift of love – to delight my eyes. Charles Clevenger

Give to the Lord the glory due His name! Bring gifts, and enter His presence; worship the Lord in holy attire. 1 Chronicles 16:29


Resurrection I see God in the wispy clouds That traverse ‘cross the sky, In hummingbirds that flit about, So quickly passing by; In morning sunlight, warm and fair, In songbirds’ lilting tune, In butterfly that’s just escaped Its miniature cocoon. God brings a resurrection, New life to all the earth; For Winter wrought a death-like sleep, But springtime brings rebirth. Rivers sparkle crystal bright And meadows dress in green, The fragrance of a lilac bush Make the breeze smell fresh and clean.


It’s as if God’s touched with fingertip And given life to death, And all of His creation Has taken in a cleansing breath – That’s cleared away the cobwebs And made the day shine bright, The shroud of Winter’s duskiness Has vanished in God’s light. Nancy Watson Dodrill


Hurry Up, Spring The day was gently ending As the curtain of night came down. Twinkling stars filled the sky, Or were they gems in God’s heavenly crown? Spring was just around the corner After a Winter of bitter cold. ’Twas then I spied a crocus Holding more joy than silver or gold. I’ve dreamed all Winter of getting out To run around in my bare feet; And when the first day of Spring arrives, That’s the way we two will meet. M. Elaine Fowser


The Blessing Side I live on the blessing side Where all the bounties flow, Where wonders happen every day, As I watch field lilies grow. They live on the blessing side, God gives them food and rain, I see their tendrils reach to the sky, They never once complain. For God gives everything they need, And nourishes every day, Such beautiful flowers to be admired In extravagant display. Norma Woodbridge

Life’s Sunrise and Sunset Have you ever watched the sunrise As it rose in the eastern sky, How it may slowly leaves the horizon That the mountains yield And new day their bounty for theapeople, and dawns on high? Have you ever been the hills great abundance. amazed by its beauty When the sun sets in the western sky, Psalm 72:3 How it leaves behind an array of color And recedes from its watchful eye? Now darkness is soon to follow, ’Tis the final hours of the day; When compared to the span of our lifetime, We’ll liken our days this way. So we must live each day to the fullest, And to God be faithful and true; From the time of our life’s sunrise Until life’s sunset is due. Hazel Yoho 11

When Lilacs Are Blooming Come see me when lilacs are blooming In springtime’s early light And smell the heavenly fragrance That lingers through the night. Come sit with me in the garden While day is sparkling new. Come share some tea or coffee and Tell me what’s new with you. Come visit while songbirds are singing Their springtime reveille And bees are gathering nectar In every flowering tree. Come share a passage of scripture, Perhaps a prayer or two, While all the lilacs are blooming And dawn is smiling at you.


Come sit with me in the garden This lovely time of the year, When faith is fresh as a daisy And hope’s abundantly clear. Come share these beautiful moments That I have come to love. Come visit when lilacs are blooming And God is smiling above. Clay Harrison


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