Pathway to Your Heart - Inspirational Volume Sampler

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Show Me the Way Let me walk, dear Lord, I pray, In Your pathway through my life. I know if problems come my way I’ll overcome the trials and strife. Rose gardens surely line my road But thorns are part of these I know. I will encounter beauty there Yet thorns will touch me as I go. When You are guarding, guiding me Naught can ever make me stray. Find me worthy of Your grace; Walk with me‌ show me the way.

I count on You‌ my Father God, Depending on Your love; Relying on Your promises Of blessings from above. I praise Your Name and worship You, My life in Your command. Your Holy Spirit dwells in me; I walk in faith‌ I hold Your hand. Patience Allison Hartbauer

For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

You’re Always Here The road I see before me Has so many burdens to bear, But I know You’re always with me Leading me safely there. Oh, what joy floods my soul To know You’re always here, Your loving arms around me Taking away all fear. Thank You loving Father For guiding my faltering way, And being ever with me Each and every day. Dona M. Maroney

The Keeper of the Land How could someone look around At the beautiful sky and sea And still not find it in their heart To know our Majesty? How could someone be on hand For a baby’s miracle birth And not see the true Creator Of the Heaven and the earth? Nothing here that we can see Is foreign to the Lord… Every hair on our head is numbered; Every bird in the sky, adored. Take time to smell the flowers, Giving praise to the Keeper of the land… Thank God for life’s sweet blessings Formed with love from the Great I Am. Jill Lemming

Trust in the Lord and do good that you may dwell in the land and live secure. Psalm 37:3

Look Up! Look Up and Praise Him! Look Up! Look up and praise Him Who hangs the stars above. Praise the author of Creation And thank Him for His love. His love fills our lives with hope As sunlight fills the skies, Reminding us God answers prayers Each time a newborn cries.

God scattered seeds in Eden, That we might have today, The beauty He created In every Spring bouquet. Each season’s a reminder That everything in time Will bring about a harvest When Heaven and Nature rhyme. God showers us with blessings Wherever we may be, So that all of His children Behold His majesty! Clay Harrison

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