Peace and Harmony - Inspirational Volume Sampler

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Heaven on Earth We need not wait… it’s right here, The Holy Bible makes it clear. Peace and joy we now receive Because we now do believe. Jesus came to live on Earth Through His very Holy Birth. The world is shown how to receive Heaven on Earth if we do believe. We must love our neighbor as ourself – This will give us heavenly wealth. A glimpse of Heaven is here to stay – We can enjoy it every day. Edna Massimilla

Because of this, I always strive to keep my conscience clear before God and man. Acts 24:16


Trusting Though the future’s veiled before me, I shall never know a fear; For the way is never lonely When my heavenly Guide is near. When I hear the breakers dashing On the misty shores of time, I just creep a little closer To my wondrous Guide divine… Then He speaks to me so sweetly, And we lovingly confide; Ah, it is a pleasant journey When you’ve Jesus for your Guide!


Often when the path is rugged, He will place His hand in mine, And my heart is thrilled with rapture When I feel His touch divine. Often when my feet grow weary, He looks on me with a smile, Gently lifts me to His bosom As a father does his child. And He tells me if I’m faithful, When I’ve passed this earthly way, He will lead me through the shadows To the light of Heaven’s day! Alice Hansche Mortenson


My Prayer for You This is my prayer for you: smiles when sadness intrudes, laughter to kiss your lips, hugs when spirits sag, friendships to brighten your being, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, comfort on difficult days, rainbows to follow the clouds, sunsets to warm your heart, beauty for your eyes to see, faith so that you can believe, patience to accept the truth, love to complete our life.


Revelation I’m often quite amazed how God reveals Himself to me In people I know and love, Even those I simply meet. It might be just a nice smile, A warm and friendly hello, A sincere hug or kind words Written in a little note, Help from a total stranger – All of these could only be Pleasant, unexpected ways God reveals Himself to me. Steven Michael Schumacher

Life’s Sunrise and Sunset Have you ever watched the sunrise As it rose in the eastern sky, How it slowly leaves the horizon And a new day dawns on high? Have you ever been amazed by its beauty When the sun sets in the western sky, How it leaves behind an array of color And recedes from its watchful eye? Now darkness is soon to follow, ’Tis the final hours of the day; When compared to the span of our lifetime, We’ll liken our days this way. So we must live each day to the fullest, And to God be faithful and true; From the time of our life’s sunrise Until life’s sunset is due. Hazel Yoho 11

His Sacrifice When I recall His sacrifice Upon the cross that day, I am ashamed for all my sins I commit along my way. I am not worthy of the love That He bestows on me, And with my many faults I bear, I cannot hope to be.


He always has inclined His ear To me in my prayers And in times of my distress, I call and find Him there. Though mortal sinner that I am And may forever be, He never fails to show His love And blessings unto me. Harold F. Mohn


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