Seeds for the Soul - Inspirational Volume Sampler

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Seeds for the Soul from the Salesian Collection

And behold, Jesus met them on their way and greeted them. They approached, embraced His feet, and did Him homage. Matthew 28:9


We Are Elated As friends we meet the Lord, the God, Greets now the created. At last, in person, we now embrace; How long, O Lord, we have waited. Finite human, Infinite God, Father, Son and Spirit. Embattled friend at last at home, In the arms of the Creator. Our hearts explode with joy ecstatic; How, O God, can we contain it? All the heavens now our home; Yes, O Lord, we are elated! John A. Gagliano

His left hand is under my head and his right arm embraces me. Song 2:6


A Work of Art Lord Jesus, I would work for You In servitude, in some small way. Perhaps a task for someone else, By action, not just what I say. So many people need Your help, And You could work through me. Lord, grant me knowledge to fulfill The task I would perform for Thee. The struggle many face in life Seems to pull them slowly down; They need a hand to lift them up, To help them stand on firmer ground.


Lord Jesus, grant me fortitude Where hidden dangers may lie. I need to convey the message; One cannot win if they don’t try. Help me reach out to others With courage, love and strength; If I can lead lost sheep to You, May I go to any length. No work’s too large, or small to do, God can guide each task we start; And when we do it all for Him, It becomes a work of art. Frances Culp Wolfe



Be Humble It’s when we’re down and weary And in the foils of life That we can count on others To help with woes and strife. In the midst of change and stress, One’s seldom at his best. The struggles are too much to bear; They put us to the test. It’s then we need to lighten cares And let our friends step in, Assisting us to carry woes We simply can’t begin To bear the weight of all alone. So welcome help! Indeed, The burdens shared will lighten loads; Permit goodwill and deeds. Ruthmarie Brooks Silver Say to the Lord, “My refuge and fortress, my God in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:2


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