Salesian Magazine - Summer/Fall 2012 Issue

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Summer/Fall 2012




Leave a Legacy of Love and Hope…

A Legacy With Lasting Impact How one man’s generosity is making a difference for generations of disadvantaged youth . . . . . . . 5

Notes From the Field: A personal account by Salesian Lay Missioner, Anne Dauer . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Salesians in the U.S. and Canada: Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School, Washington DC . . . .16 Salesian Snapshots . . . . . . . . . 21 Rice Delivery Brings Excitement To Orphaned Children . . . . 26 A Second Chance At Life How a runaway child ended up on the path to a brighter future . . 28

Want to know who we are, where we began, and who inspires our work? Visit us at our website: We’ll send you to over 130 countries where the Salesians are working for the young, the poor and the abandoned. You will discover the many ways the Salesians offer a path for partnership.

Hope to see you soon!

And Help Make the World a Better Place. O

ne person, like you, can make a significant difference. Your decision to remember Salesian Missions in your Will can bring positive change to the future of thousands of needy children struggling each day just to survive. Our programs around the world are saving these precious lives… and helping to make the world a better place. By including Salesian Missions in your planned giving, your heart and soul are forever part of these good works. So consider leaving a legacy of love and hope that will live on in generations to come.

Please remember Salesian Missions in your Will…

2 LEFEVRE LANE, PO BOX 728 NEW ROCHELLE NY 10802-0728 TEL: (914) 633-8344

SALESIAN • Published Bi-Annually • Since 1950 • Salesian Missions, 2 Lefevre Lane, New Rochelle NY 10801-5710 Issue 266 • Summer/Fall 2012, Volume 64, No. 2 (Issn. 0036-3480)

Letter from the Editor Dear Friend and Partner in Mission! I am so grateful to our dedicated missionaries and good friends like you who help us bring smiles, joy and hope to poor children around the globe. Thanks to your generosity, we have been able to both expand and open new facilities that give these children the chance for a much brighter future. As youngsters gain a sense of worth and self-confidence, I know they wish they could personally thank each of you. In this current issue of SALESIAN, you will witness how your caring hands have touched lives as far away as Argentina, where our school is giving young people an opportunity for a quality education. For most of them, this is a dream come true. You will also learn about a unique Salesian high school in Washington, DC where at-risk youth can attend school and attain hands-on work experience. Then it’s on to India, Africa, South Korea, Sri Lanka and Slovakia where Salesians are endlessly working for the welfare of needy youth. As you read through these pages, please realize that all this amazing, lifesaving work would not be possible without you! Since times are financially difficult for many people throughout the country, I am especially grateful and humbled by your generous sacrifices. We cannot thank you enough for all the good you do and we will continue to pray for you and your loved ones. God bless you for your thoughtfulness! Sincerely,

Father Mark Hyde, S.D.B. P.S. For our online friends, please go to for the touching video about a homeless young boy helped by the Salesians in the Philippines because of the goodness and generosity of good people like you. Thank you for caring and sharing. SALESIAN



& receive!


The Salesians showed us how we could have income for life… and help the poor, too!

“They told us how the Salesian Annuity Plan could help poor children the world over. By investing a minimum of $5,000, we would receive a check from them on a regular basis for the rest of our lives! Not only that, but both our initial gift and the interest checks are tax deductible in part! “This gift is more than a lifetime investment – it brings us financial security and the satisfaction that our annuity will help the needy around the world for many lifetimes – long after we’ve been called to God. “Yes, the Salesians pay us a guaranteed rate of income, based on our age. We feel financially secure thanks to the Salesians.” – Salesian Annuity recipient Sum/Fall 2012

❏ Yes! Show me how I can help the children and myself!

Send me more information about the returns and tax deductions I would receive under the Salesian Missions Annuity Plan. I understand that all personal information you receive about me will be kept absolutely confidential. (Minimum amount for a gift annuity is $5,000 and the minimum age requirement is 55 deferred to age 60, or age 60 for immediate annuity) AMOUNT OF GIFT CONSIDERED $ ___________ FOR SINGLE ANNUITY



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A Legacy With Lasting Impact How one man’s generosity is making a difference for generations of disadvantaged youth From humble beginnings, the Pascual Gentilini Agricultural School in San Jose, Argentina, has blossomed into a first-rate educational and training institution. Throughout the years, it has been credited for enabling thousands of disadvantaged young people to break free from the grip of poverty. The school would not be in existence today if not for the generosity and vision of one man – the school’s namesake – nearly one hundred years ago. In his will, Mr. Gentilini donated the land upon which the school is built. He stipulated that his gift should benefit the neediest children and that the entire project be left in the capable hands of the Salesians. Father Juan Guerra rose to the challenge and spearheaded the construction of the school. In 1931, he welcomed the first small group of students –



sons of poor farmers and immigrants. The children huddled together, timid and cautious of the path they would be taking. But soon, the caring gentle ways of the Salesians boosted their confidence and gained their trust. The boys were offered a safe home, an education in farming methods, and most of all, hope for the future. As word spread of the children’s success, so did requests for enrollment. The school began to expand and offer a greater selection of courses. In 1947, it intro-

duced a basic program of “Farm Manager” which later evolved into “General Agronomist”, an official certification still issued today. The Gentilini Agricultural School has come a long way. It now serves 209 students from impoverished families, supported by 40 teachers and 32 staff members. Technical training involves up to six years of study and includes lessons in community service, vegetable gardening, cooking, music, annual crops, cultivation of tea, fruit farming, zootechnics, beekeeping, cattle-raising, leadership training and social work.

One of our many eager students stands in front of the modern, well equipped school. However, it is always a challenge to cover the ever-growing cost of building maintenance, equipment and supplies.


Summer/Fall 2012

Students are enthusiastic about their educational opportunities and are eager to learn modern methods of farming combined with practical business management. When they graduate, they will return home with the knowledge and skills to not only improve their own lives, but those of their fami-

lies and neighbors as well. It’s the fulfillment of a dream made possible by the generosity of Mr. Gentilini and the dedication of many Salesian missionaries and lay people throughout the years. Like Mr. Gentilini, you too can leave a legacy of love and hope that will live on in generations to come. Please consider remembering Salesian Missions in your will. For more information, call or write to us or visit our website: Y

(Above) Field work gives hands-on experience in farming techniques to the students. .

(Right) Students gather together in front of one of the classroom buildings.



A Gift From You To Haiti‌ With Love! A warm, sincere THANK YOU to those of you who participated in our Haiti Banner Appeal. You took the time to write your prayer intentions and heartfelt messages on the cloth piece you received and returned to us. Now they are part of this beautiful, inspirational banner which will be displayed in a Salesian facility in Haiti. The youngsters who use this facility will always be reminded of your love for them every time they see the banner you helped create. God bless you for caring!

Thank You! 8

Summer/Fall 2012

What was once mud and straw... Millions of people throughout Africa, Central and South America, India and Asia are celebrating Mass and worshiping God in the most primitive conditions. Salesian missionaries are in desperate need of funds to build simple and decent houses of worship. You can have a Memorial Chapel built in honor of your favorite saint and dedicate it to anyone you wish – living or deceased. What a wonderful way to remember a loved one – and help the Lord’s most impoverished followers.

Is now this! Thanks to generous people like you!



You can make an individual gift to build a Memorial Chapel, or groups or organizations can pool their donations. If you wish, you can also specify in your will that a chapel be erected in your honor or for anyone you choose. SUM/FALL 2012 ❏ Enclosed is my gift of $15,000 to build a Village Memorial Chapel. ❏ Enclosed is my gift of $20,000 to build a Memorial Chapel in a remote and difficult area. ❏ Enclosed is my gift of $25,000 to build a Memorial Chapel in the most far removed

and neglected area. PLEASE CHECK ONE:




NAME: ______________________________________________________________

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Address _____________________________________________________________________________Apt. #______ City____________________________State _____ Zip _______ Email: _____________________________________

2 LEFEVRE LANE, PO BOX 728 • NEW ROCHELLE NY 10802-0728 TELEPHONE: (914) 633-8344 • Email: SALESIAN


Notes From the Field: A personal account by Salesian Lay Missioner, ANNE DAUER

Transforming the Lives of Needy Children at Don Bosco Deodurga, India When 5-year-old Peter arrived at Don Bosco Deodurga – a boarding school for some of the poorest children on earth – he clung to his older sisters, Mariamma and Shantamma, in fear. His only possessions were a pair of torn pajamas, two shirts with missing buttons and a pair of shorts. The girls had only two dresses each. 10 Summer/Fall 2012

Anne cherished her time working among the children, who radiated such joy when shown a bit of kindness and caring.

Poor families of Deodurga struggle for food and shelter. This simple hut and rudimentary tools are a common sight in the region.

Don Bosco Deodurga was about to become their new home and the Salesians made sure the children felt welcome and safe. It was only a matter of minutes before three big smiles appeared on their happy faces. It had been a long journey for the three siblings. They were born in one of the remote villages of Deodurga, located in the state of Karnataka in southern India. A recent study identified the region as one of the most undeveloped places in Asia due to extreme poverty, lack of education and archaic traditions. Most of the villagers are illiterate

in their own language and lack basic knowledge about hygiene, health and finances. Sickness, disease and death are common. Often an entire village can be stricken with the same fungal infection because all the mothers have washed their families’ clothes in the same puddle of muddy water. And, if a child becomes ill, chances are he or she will be denied proper treatment because the hospital is too far away and medicine is too expensive. Rats, poisonous snakes, stray animals and various insects further add to the risk and misery of living in these villages.


Good hygiene is critical in parts of the world where resources are scarce and diseases spread easily. Here, children are taught to brush their teeth with clean water supplied to the area.

Because parents are uneducated, they see no need for their children to attend school. This attitude traps newer generations into an impoverished lifestyle, and prevents them from ever getting the chance to leave their villages. When children are old enough, they are expected to work in order to help support their families. Girls, who are generally considered to be a burden, are married off at a young age. Peter, and sisters Mariamma and Shantamma are typical victims of this humanitarian tragedy.

12 Summer/Fall 2012

Their mother, Sivamma, was given up for marriage at the age of 15 to a 26-year-old unskilled laborer making 70 cents a day. The family was barely surviving when, two years ago, a series of disasters struck. A poisonous snake had crawled into their hut and fatally bit a fourth sibling while she slept. Soon afterward, heavy rains decimated the makeshift structure and the grieving family was left homeless on an annual income of just $223. That’s when the Salesians came to their rescue.

The family was given a spare of shoes ever in their room at a nearby church until a lives. Peter smiled ear-to-ear as he new home could be built. In addiopened his shoebox. tion, one of the Salesian priests The children are under the arranged to have the three schoolloving care of the Salesian misaged children attend Don Bosco sionaries, lay teachers and volunDeodurga for free, even though teers. They have made many the cost of the school is $270 per friends among their classmates child per year. and other boarders. And they are At first, the children’s father always seen laughing and joking. was skeptical of the generous Their futures now look bright. offer, fearing that the Salesians By the time they finish 10th grade, would demand money from him they will be literate in their own once they had possession of his language plus proficient in English children. But the Salesians gained his trust and the father graciously accepted. Today, Peter, Mariamma and Shantamma are thriving. Soon after they settled at the school, they were each given brand new clothes. Shantamma looked adorable in her red blouse and dark blue jumper and Peter stood proud in his new shirt, shorts and belt. The children each Anne with a few of “her girls” in the courtyard of the boarding school. received the first pair


and Hindi. They will have the opportunity to further their education and training so they can obtain decent paying jobs and break free from the cycle of poverty. It’s a wonderful testament of how the dedication of the Salesians, the generosity of caring friends, and the determination of impoverished children can transform lives and futures in a profound way.

God bless you all!


The Salesian Lay Missioners is a faith-based volunteer program that offers a unique opportunity to serve the poor children of the world. We sponsor domestic and international placements and require a 1 or 2 year commitment.

If you would like more information about this life-changing program, please write to:

Salesian Lay Missioners Attn: Adam Rudin 2 Lefevre Lane New Rochelle NY 10801-5710 Or visit our website at: or email us at: slm@

14 Summer/Fall 2012

Father Hermann Schulz runs a youth center and shelter that serves dozens of orphaned and neglected children. He is 73 years old. Who will take care of the children next?

Father Hermann Schulz has devoted his life to helping children and families in most need. He founded the Youth Homestead in Lithuania to provide loving care to a community of children who have been victims of violence, poverty and hunger. DOZENS OF CHILDREN RELY ON FATHER SCHULZ EVERY DAY. BUT HE CAN’T CONTINUE HIS WORK FOREVER. Fortunately, we have many eager young men and women to fill his shoes. But they need your help to take the next step. The Salesian missionaries and volunteers of tomorrow require financial assistance today for their education, training, housing, meals and travel … all the necessities for their journey to the Salesian family.

The next generation of needy children is depending on us. CAN WE DEPEND ON YOU?

❏ YES, you can count on me! Enclosed is my gift to ensure that future generations of needy children can get the care they need from dedicated Salesian missionaries and volunteers:


❏ $15 ❏ $25 ❏ $100 ❏ Other $______________ ❏ I am interested in learning more about planned giving opportunities. ❏ I have included Salesian Missions in my will. ENCLOSE CHECK, MONEY ORDER (PAYABLE TO: SALESIAN MISSIONS) OR CREDIT CARD INFORMATION:




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Name ___________________ Address ______________________________________________________Apt._____ City__________________________________________________________ State _________ Zip ________________ Email__________________________________________________________________________________________ MAIL TO: SALESIAN MISSIONS 2 LEFEVRE LANE, PO BOX 728 • NEW ROCHELLE NY 10802-0728

Salesians In the U.S. And Canada the first Salesian missionaries set foot in California. The going Inwas1897, tough and slow – but the spirit of Don Bosco was with them and work progressed. Today over 335 Salesians are present and working with the young throughout the United States and Canada. 2009 saw the merging of the Salesian Eastern U.S. and Canadian Provinces. The hope of the Salesians in both countries is that this union, based in New Rochelle, New York will provide a more effective means of expanding Salesian works for the young and needy in North America.

Do You Believe In Miracles? Disadvantaged students from Washington, DC say “Yes!” submitted by Father steve shafran, s.D.B.

Four years ago, it was just a concept in need of great faith and determination to succeed. The Salesians of Don Bosco were about to open a new high school in partnership with the Archdiocese of Washington, DC. It would provide at-risk young people from low-income families

16 Summer/Fall 2012

the opportunity to attain a quality education combined with invaluable business skills and experience. The school would follow the nationally acclaimed Cristo Rey model which combines a Catholic college preparatory curriculum with an innovative corporate Students at morning briefing, before starting work at work-study program. the prestigious Jones Day Law Firm in Washington, DC. Don Bosco Cristo Rey opened its doors in the Fall of the willingness of the Washington 2008 to more than 125 financially business community to hire the disadvantaged but highly motistudents. vated young men and women. It “People who loved the mission was a celebration of hard work smiled politely and said to come and determination back in a couple of on the part of the I marvel at what years when things turn Salesians who hired around,” explains Fr. has taken place an entire faculty, Steve Shafran, the renovated a 50-plus around me… founding president of year old building and the school. “We made a - Fr. Steve recruited a 9th-grade promise – we had a 9th class of deserving students. grade class. I had no Plan B. While hopes were high, the What would I tell these brightlooming clouds of the worst ecoeyed students and their enthusinomic recession in decades threatastic families?” ened the school’s very existence. But miracles do happen! Despite The school’s success depended on the challenges, the school exceeded


Cristo Rey has grown to over 300 students in all four grade levels. Businesses throughout the Washington area provide jobs for every student, allowing each one to work five full days per month in entrylevel clerical positions. The money they earn pays a portion of their education. During the Linda is a valuable asset at a nearby corporate complex last school year, stuwhen not attending classes at Don Bosco Cristo Rey. dents raised over $2.2 everyone’s wildest expectations. million through the Corporate Adjustments were made to comWork Study Program in support of pensate for the poor economy, captheir own educations! ital improvements were put on hold, the faculty got creative with the job teams, and an emphasis was placed on giving each student the most attention possible. Most importantly, a steady stream of small donations from caring friends enabled the fledgling school to struggle through the first few years. Deronte, aiming toward a profession in law, Today, Don Bosco is shown here doing research in the law library.

18 Summer/Fall 20127

What’s more, 100% of the 2012 graduating class has been admitted to college and were awarded over one million dollars in merit and needs-based scholarships. The spirited young school is off to an encouraging start – but much more work remains in the years ahead! In order to be financially sustainable, The students are highly motivated and appreciative of the enrollment needs to extraordinary opportunity offered to them. grow to 500 students with an additional 12,000 square feet that there are many people who for more classrooms, science labs, a want to join our efforts to supkitchen, resource center and an area port the school and help us confor counseling. More business tinue the miracle.” involvement is also necessary to “I marvel at what has taken accommodate the school’s growth. place around me,” reflects Fr. Steve. “We also need to find a way “I am honored to have been called to pay down the original $2.5 milto be part of this miracle, to work lion capital loan that accrued with dedicated educators and to from the renovation of the eleserve young people who want the mentary school we took over to tools that will help them break the make Don Bosco Cristo Rey a cycle of poverty.” reality,” explains Fr. Steve. “I We urge you to view the new know we have some great chalvideo of Don Bosco Cristo Rey at: Y lenges ahead, but I’m hopeful


SPECIAL GIFTS FOR YOU AND THOSE YOU LOVE… Snuggle up in our SALESIAN THROW! Specially designed for Salesian Missions, it prominently features our mission logo. Knitted of extra-heavy acrylic yarn, this generous throw measures 50”x 60” and is available in navy or burgundy (please specify on request form below). Suggested offering for each Throw is $58 .00 . (FREE SHIPPING!) BURGUNDY NAvY

Quality ST. JOHN BOSCO PORCELAIN MUG for your coffee or tea features a classic painted portrait of the Salesian founder. The reverse side has an inspiring quote to lift your spirits throughout the day. Suggested offering for our Don Bosco Mug is $15 .95 . (FREE SHIPPING!) YOU MAY ALSO ORDER THESE ITEMS ONLINE AT: SUMMER/FALL 2012

2 LEFEvRE LANE, PO BOX 728 NEW ROCHELLE NY 10802-0728 (Please print carefully)



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20 Summer/Fall 2012

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Salesian Snapshots ... a scrapbook of stories from around the Salesian world sLOVAKIA: The experience of DOMKA DOMKA (Association of Salesian Youth Domka) is one of the biggest youth organizations in Slovakia. It has more than 8,000 members, mainly children and young adults, in 32 centers throughout the country. Trust, friendship and education form a strong bond Devoted to educating between the youngsters and the compassionate youth, this Salesian venture volunteers of the DOMKA program. began here in 1991, during a time of dramatic change in Slovakia DOMKA is open to everyone toward democracy. longing for friendship, developEvery day, hundreds of volunment and a strong community teers invest their time, effort and experience. Although the young talents to DOMKA. Activities people are the primary focus, adult offered include sports, art instrucmembers of Domka and young tion, social and educational profamilies are also welcome. All grams, camps, music concerts these groups come together to and more – all the while displaying build a multigenerational educaSalesian values. tive community.


sOUTH KOReA: Olympic Champion funds a school in south sudan Kim Yu-na, the Olympic and World Figure Ice-Skating Champion, has given a generous donation to the Salesians to open a school in South Sudan. The Salesians are raising funds in this new African State to build elementary schools. This past Spring, Kim Yu-na visited the Salesian Provincial House in Seoul and met Fr. Vincenzo Donati and Bro. Giacomo Comino, both Salesian missionaries in Southern Sudan. She donated $59,000 to personally finance the building of one of these schools. “I had a chance to visit Togo a year ago as part of an effort to win support for Korea's bid for the Winter Olympics and I felt the need to help out children there," Kim told them. "I want to offer what little support I can," she added. Fr. Donati thanked her profusely and said one of the schools will

22 Summer/Fall 2012

Kim’s generous donation to the Salesians will improve the lives of many Sudanese children.

be named after Kim and asked the athlete to come visit the school after it is completed. The Salesians’ focus is on building only elementary schools in this region, aiming to give the young children a solid core on which to grow. South Sudan is an independent country scarcely a year old, where the wounds of civil war are still open – and a future can be built only by starting with the young.

sRI LANKA: Refugees Get “New Beginnings” For Sri Lankan refugees who fled a vicious civil conflict in their own country, there is little choice but to seek safety at refugee camps in India. Many do not have the resources to Thanks to the Salesian program in India, return to Sri Lanka, and young Sri Lankan refugees can learn the skills many are fearful to return that enable them to become self-sufficient. to their devastated home country. During the war, many empowers refugees with valuable who tried to return faced abductraining and support so they can tion by the army or rebel groups. secure decent jobs that will To make matters more difficult, enable them to better care for most refugees lack the essential their families and work toward skills needed to find anything but brighter futures. hazardous and low-paying work The New Beginnings program in India. is the only full-time vocational “Imagine a young refugee technical training program for from a far-flung encampment with Sri Lankan refugees in southern little hope for any job, much less India. Program administrators financial security,” explains Fr. estimate that 80 percent of the Vincent Thamburaj, a Salesian students from the first graduatmissionary who oversees the “New ing class were able to obtain Beginnings” program in India. employment due to the educaThis innovative program, tion and support received by the developed by Salesian Missions, Salesians. Y


What Inspires You?

Cast your vote for the cover design of our January 2013 Salesian Inspirational Book! His Love Endures

His Love Endures

His Love Endures

For over 20 years, friends like you have cherished our collection of inspirational books. They have brought peace, comfort and joy to millions of people. They have been distributed in nursing homes, prisons, schools and of course as gifts to good people like you who support our work.

Now, we want to give you the chance to tell us what inspires you. Here’s how:

Choose your favorite book cover by visiting :

In addition to helping us make a meaningful decision, you will find that our new website features many inspiring stories of how your support is transforming the lives of needy children, families and communities around the world. If you are unable to access our website, you can cast your vote by mailing the form below.


I am inspired by the cover checked:

His Love Endures

His Love Endures

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Please vote today! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 24 Summer/Fall 2012


Share the Joy of Christmas and the New Year ... For For yourself, yourself, aa loved loved one... one... or family and friends! friends! Our new and very popular publications– “The King of Glory” and our “2013 Angel Datebook” – are now available. Each book comes with a mailing envelope so you can send them to friends and loved ones. Share the joy and inspiration of the Christmas Season and the New Year. Send your request today for these beautiful books. Simply fill out the form below, indicate your choice and the quantity desired. The suggested donation is $1.00 for each book. For faster processing, call in your order or order on-line.

(actual size of books is 4” X 6”)

Summer/Fall 2012 Please send me the following books. My donation of $__________ is enclosed. (SUGGESTED DONATION IS $1.00 FOR EACH BOOk. MINIMUM REqUEST SHOULD BE FIvE


“The King of Glory” “2013 Angel Datebook”

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These books are always in great demand and supplies are limited. So be sure to request them today! Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. Inspirational Books Dept. HB 2 LEFEvRE LANE, PO BOX 728, NEW ROCHELLE NY 10802-0728

Send our new Christmas Book instead of an ordinary card!

Request these books on line at: SALESIAN 25

Rice Delivery Brings Excitement To Orphaned Children


he exuberant children at the Kasisi orphanage in Zambia scrambled with outstretched arms to receive a plate of a new delicacy – fortified rice! The taste delighted them, as it was a big improvement over their usual bland cornmeal. In total, the Salesians coordinated and paid for the transportation of two 40-foot containers of food to Zambia – which was enough to provide 551,232 life-sustaining meals. The project was done in collaboration with Cross International which donated the rice and Numana, a nonprofit organization that produced the meals. Cooperation between nonprofits was

26 Summer/Fall 2012

The rice arrives by large tractor trailers, but small vans are used to deliver this lifesustaining food to remote villages.

essential to ensure that every aspect of the project could be completed. The packaged rice will offer simple, nutritious food to needy children and their families. The meals consist of rice, soy protein, freeze-dried beans and 21 vitamins and minerals proven to help the immune systems of malnourished people. Thanks to the Salesian’s involvement in the project, the fortified rice reached the following places in desperate need for food: • All 7 Salesian Houses in Zambia that serve disadvantaged children, including four technical

schools in Chingola, Lufubu, Mansa and Kazembe. • A hospice for AIDS sufferers run by the Boromeo Sisters in Chilanga, Lusaka. • A hospital in Mpansha, Archdiocese of Lusaka, which also runs a hospice for the terminally sick. With sticky faces, hands and full mouths, 1,000 children at the Kasisi orphanage expressed their appreciation with an enthusiastic “zikomo!” (thank you!) to each volunteer handing out the plates of rice. With the continued support of our caring friends, the Salesians can provide many more nutritious meals to the children and families who need them most. Y


A Second Chance At Life How a runaway child ended up on the path to a brighter future eorge was only three years old when his mother died. He has no memory of her, but he still bears the emotional scars from the years that followed. His father would bring home countless “step-mothers” who often disapproved of the young boy. Yelling and screaming were common and George became a frequent victim of verbal and physical abuse. No longer able to bear the pain and suffering, George ran away from home at the age of 14. He ended up homeless, struggling to survive on the dangerous and gritty streets of Nairobi, Kenya. Despite a lack of food, safe shelter and caring adults, George always felt he was still better off than living back at home – that’s how bad it had been. “I used to sleep on the streets or the verandas of the shops and wake up in the morning to go and hustle, pick up whatever I could to eat, and then at night I would collect beer cans from bars and sell them, carry luggage for people, beg,” recalls George. “Sometimes I would earn up to Sh500 ($5.87) and if one can use the money wisely things can be right.”


28 Summer/Fall 2012

The resourceful young man in Nairobi, a rare privilege. would also negotiate with Now at the age of the night watchmen, 18, George is setting his George is setting sights on a bright especially those guarding his sights on a future. “I have many restaurants, who would give him the leftovers. It bright future… visions and I have put was a bare existence that them into categories. I lasted for three long months. want to study hard and become a Then George’s fate changed, lawyer and at the same time I want thanks to an encounter with a social to nurture my talent and become a worker and volunteer from Don top musician,” he explains. Bosco Boys, a Salesian program for He is also extremely grateful to street children. They found George the Salesians for the second chance wandering the alleys of Nairobi and he was given to lead a happy and fulreached out to him. filling life … one made possible by George accepted their invitation the dedication of everyone at Don to join Don Bosco Boys and the Bosco Boys and the generous supexperience has transformed his life. port of our friends. Y Today he is attending school and pursuing his God-given talents in music and dance. In fact, George recently participated in the Kenya National Music Festival – the country’s largest talent show – and won first prize honors in the folk dance category. He was among a group of elite performers invited to meet the George (in purple jacket) is congratulated by friends after President at the State House his deserving win at the Kenya National Music Festival.


Count Your Blessings - Grant a Wish! The Salesians work in over 130 countries. Just imagine, then, how many of our missionaries write to tell us of their hopes and dreams, trials and successes. Maybe, as you count your blessings, you could grant a wish. God bless you! Fr. Mark

Wishes of the Month

• Salesians in Argentina. The Pascual Gentilini Agricultural School is in constant need of training materials, supplies and equipment to help prepare poor youth for a way to support themselves and their families. See pg.5.

• Our Salesian Lay Missioners program, is in need of funds to support the volunteers during their 1 - 2 year commitment to help improve the lives of poor youth in our global missions. See pg. 10.

• Father

Steve Shafran, president of the Don Bosco Cristo Rey School in Washington, DC, asks your help to continue the miracle of the high school that leads disadvantaged teens out of the cycle of poverty. See pg. 16.

• The Salesians pray for your help to continue delivering fortified rice meals to malnourished children in Africa and throughout the world. See pg. 26.

• Street Children in Nairobi, Kenya find a safe home and bright future with the Salesians’ Don Bosco Boys Program. Please help! See pg. 28.

Grant a Wish Reply Form


YES, I want to help make a wish come true for Salesians and the children and families they serve. I am enclosing my donation of:

❏ $7 ❏ $10 ❏ $25 ❏ Other $_________ for the life-saving works featured in this magazine and all the other Salesian programs that benefit the poor and needy. ENCLOSE CHECK, MONEY ORDER (PAYABLE TO: SALESIAN MISSIONS) OR CREDIT CARD INFORMATION:




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signature panel on back of card) EXP. DATE (MO/YR)

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This is a Gift From You!


WE RESPECT YOUR PRIVACY‌ In our efforts to raise additional funds to support our worldwide work for the poor and needy, we periodically make your name and address available to other mailers. These include similar charitable and humanitarian organizations and also companies which offer services and products that we think you may be interested in. We are extremely selective in choosing the organizations and companies we associate with in this way. If you prefer not to have your name and address made available for this purpose and/or you want to modify any mailing preferences, please call, write or email your request to: Attn: Donor Relations SALESIAN MISSIONS 2 LEFEvRE LANE, PO BOX 728 NEW ROCHELLE NY 10802-0728 TEL: 914-633-8344 Email:

Thanks to all of you who returned

the pewter pieces from our mailing earlier this year. We were able, once again, to create another beautiful pewter chalice to use in our chapel. Each chalice is used here at Salesian Missions for one year, then sent to one of our mission chapels. Each chalice is a symbol of your love and dedication for poor youth and families around the globe. May God bless you for caring.



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If you receive duplicate copies, or your name or address is incorrect, please notify us. Thank you.

❏ I wish to donate this item to Salesian Missions. ❏ I wish this item to be sent to my home.



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Sum/Fall 2012




❏ IN LOVING MEMORY ❏ IN HONOR OF ❏ $525.00 for Mass Kit without engraving. _______________________________ ❏ $540.00 for Mass Kit with engraving. _______________________________ ■ ■ ❏ SEND CHECK (TO SALESIAN MISSIONS), M.O. OR CHARGE: ■

…in memory of a loved one, for a new priest or for the missions. This beautiful Mass Kit comes nestled in a sturdy protective carrying case to allow a Priest to safely bring Eucharistic adoration Signature X ____________________________________________ EXP. DATE (MO/YR) to even the most remote locations. Name _____________________________________________

MASS KIT – A Wonderful Memorial Gift…

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