World Bulletin - Fall 2012

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Fall 2012

Prepared Exclusively for Special Friends of Salesian Missions

A Written Testimony Of How You Bring God-Saving Grace To A Troubled World

Shelter Don Bosco Provides A Safe Home For Street Children In India At the age of six years old, a little boy named Anil was separated from his family while traveling to Delhi, India. In a tragic turn of events, the youngster found himself suddenly living on the streets. But Anil was not alone. Sadly, he shared the back alleys, street corners and train platforms with hundreds of other homeless boys and girls. The plight of street children in India – as well as throughout the world – is dismal. Many turn to drugs in a desperate attempt to dull their pain and escape from the harsh realities of their lives. Begging for food, clothes and money is not enough to make ends meet. Inevitably, most children turn to crime as a way to secure

their basic necessities. The desperate struggles of street children in India are sobering reminders that many of society’s most precious and vulnerable citizens have been left behind during the country’s rapid expansion and rise of wealth. But the Salesians have not forgotten! Shelter Don Bosco provides a

safe and happy home for children like Anil. It’s a place where hungry and tired youngsters are welcomed with open arms … a place for a hot meal, a comfortable bed and the loving attention of caring adults. On any given day, the shelter radiates with laughter, dancing and games – a heartwarming testament of how the Salesians are making a meaningful difference in the lives of each and every child. This year, Shelter Don Bosco celebrates its 25th Anniversary. In that time, an entire generation of street children have turned their lives around and are now happy, productive young adults. Just like Anil. He’s thriving in the 12th grade and wants to be a math teacher someday.

This Month’s Child

Name: Age: Home:

Joseph 5 Years Old Sierra Leone

When the Salesians first met Joseph a few years ago, he looked very sad and despondent. He never knew his parents – they abandoned the family when Joseph was a just a baby. He and his brothers were initially raised by their grandmother. But she suffered an illness that left her paralyzed and unable to care for the young boys. Instead, the brothers banded together, quit school, and devoted all their energy and time toward helping their beloved grandmother while also fending for themselves. The ordeal was more than Joseph could bear and he hoped

and prayed for something better. Thankfully, he discovered a Salesian center with programs and activities for impoverished children while wandering through the neighborhoods. It was an encounter that saved his life! Today, Joseph is back in school and spends much of his free time at the center. He is very intelligent and brings much happiness and joy to everyone around him. His life story is one of a miraculous transformation made possible by the dedication and love of the Salesians and the generosity and kindness of caring friends like you.

This Month’s Call For Prayer Please pray that poor and needy children and families around the world are blessed by the Christmas miracle of the birth of Jesus. In this season of giving, we must not forget those who need our gifts the most.

In Pakistan...

In Malta.. Young people struggling to make the transition from impoverished childhood to productive adulthood have a better chance thanks to the new Mamma Margaret House in Sliema. The building – which was donated to the Salesians from the Maltese government – contains seven apartments which will provide a home and stability for a group of troubled youngsters with nowhere else to turn. “We are not open to anyone who decides to leave home to find cheap lodging,” explains Fr. Savio Vella. “We have to be sure that these young people intend to build their own future and to prepare to live independent lives.” If all goes as planned, and enough donations are raised, necessary renovations to the building will be completed by 2014, just in time to celebrate the bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco.

Students and staff at the Don Bosco Technical Centre in Lahore – which consists of Christians and Muslims learning and working side-by-side – have joined together to construct a new building that will expand opportunities for everyone involved. The steel structure is 1,400 square meters in size, large enough to accommodate 100 people and a wide variety of metalwork machinery. The project delighted everyone in the small Salesian community because it demonstrated how students from different religious backgrounds can accomplish a common goal. It also provided proof that the Salesian investment in training and equipment over the last few years is paying off in a big way, as graduates become well-qualified technicians, obtain good jobs, and lead productive, responsible lives.

In Sudan... The Salesian community in Tonj is expressing its heartfelt appreciation for a life-saving shipment of essential supplies made possible, in part, through the generosity of caring friends like you who support our work. The large container – about the size of a tractor-trailer truck – was filled with food and medicine badly needed by impoverished villagers.

The Salesians overcame many obstacles during the delivery of the container, including difficult roads, treacherous weather and the threat of hijacking and theft. “We are very glad that the food and medicines arrived at this crucial time when the demand is at its peak,” wrote Fr. Rayen Ferrington. “I am very grateful to you for this kind and generous gesture shown toward us.”

Missionary of the Month: In Memory of Fr. Alvino Beber We m o u r n t h e r e c e n t passing of Fr. Alvino Beber, but we honor and celebrate his inspiring life as a Salesian Missionary. Fr. Beber was completely dedicated to those less fortunate, even later in his vocation. While in his late 50s, he founded the first Salesian house in Angola at Dondo, where he was directly involved in its construction.

During times of violent civil war, Fr. Beber opened his doors and provided safety for 400 refugees. He also supplied water, food and medicine to the innocent victims. Many families credit Fr. Beber for rescuing them from certain death. In his half-century of service, Fr. Beber touched the lives of countless poor and suffering people. Today, his legacy is

preserved by the Salesian centers he helped build and the expressions of gratitude by the children and families he saved.

May God Bless You this Christmas… and Always Dear Friend, You make Christmas special for so many needy children and families around the word. I speak for all our missionaries in expressing my deepest gratitude for your kindness and generosity. Thanks to you, Christmas Day will bring live-saving medicine to a sick child, nutritious food to a starving family, and the opportunity to

attend school for a young s t u dent looking to break free from the grip of poverty. Of course, these and other gifts made possible by your support are not limited to one day – they occur 365 days a year. But in this season of giving, as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, I want to wish you and your loved ones

the warmest wishes for a blessed Christmas and prosperous, healthy New Year.



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