2018 Christmas Book Sampler

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We Three Kings


He Arrived The animal shelter housed the Holy Family That important night… When from Mary’s womb Came the pure, expected Light. Where more lowly can a place be found For the Savior to lay His head, But in a stable – A watering trough for a bed. Yet the shepherds were informed in the night Where the Messiah lay. Quickly they went to worship Him Without delay. What wonders did Mary ponder in her soul, As she searched His face… His Majesty, the Word made Flesh, Born in this meek and humble place? Barbara Joan Million


Triumphant Joy to me is Christmas time, As I hope for falling snow, To window shop and see the lights In all its festive glow. To hear the children’s laughter, See the enthusiasm in their eyes, While they’re For patiently God did awaiting, With wonderment of that surprise. not send His of year, We celebrate this time Sonofinto For the birth ourthe risen Savior, worldoftojoy condemn Singing songs to feel Him near, As His love us never wavered. the for world, but in

order thatBoucher the Sheila Hayes world might be saved through Him. John 3:17



God’s Baby Poor and lonely shepherds Out on a hill one night, When the heavens opened wide And shown a glorious light‌ And there appeared in the heavens Angels from on high, Shouting and singing glory As they floated in the sky.


“Good news, good news,” they shouted, “To you, from the Great I Am. You’ll find His blessed Baby Boy In a manger, in little Bethlehem. Go and find God’s Baby Lying in a manger stall, Then fall on your knees and worship The Savior of us all.” Dona M. Maroney



My Wishes to You May the songs that were sung on the hillsides Near Bethlehem long ago Echo this Christmas morning And set our hearts aglow With love for the Christ Child bearing The sins of the world and its woe; May our songs with the angels’ mingle Sweet, thro’ the drifting snow. Rev. Thomas Foy


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