2017 Christmas Book Sampler

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Joyful and Triumphant


His Birth Glorious singing fills the sky And shepherds shout with joy. Mary hums a lullaby As she cradles her Baby Boy. A brilliant Star Guides three great kings As they cross the desert, Their gifts to bring. God’s precious Son Has come to earth, Shout glory hallelujah For His miraculous birth. Come let us adore Him, Our great and mighty King. Singing loud hosannas, Let the joy bells ring! Dona M. Maroney

Therefore the Lord Himself will give you this sign: the virgin shall be with Child, and bear a Son, and shall name Him Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14 3

The Ultimate Gift The spirit of Christmas fills the air, It’s a season like no other, A time to celebrate with family and friends; The festive mood brings hearts together. Christmas trees glow with sparkling lights, Inviting family and friends to gather ‘round; To spread cheer and joy to everyone… A happy time Forwhen God love did abounds. Pretty packages tied up with bows not send His Add drama to into this joyful Son the season. But God gave His Son – the ultimate gift, to –condemn To pardonworld our sins that is the reason.

the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him. John 3:17

Charles Clevenger


Blessings of the Season I have new decorations for Christmas, But they’re really not for show, Because they are here inside me, Right in my heart, you know. Some for grace and mercy. Some for joy, hope, love, Planted by God’s Spirit, Directly from above. When I think about presents, Christmas trees, reindeer, and snow, My heart rests at Calvary, The terrible price, His woe. I have new decorations for Christmas, They are really not for show, Seen only by faith, so important, Oh, the lengths to which God would go! Norma Woodbridge They were over joyed at seeing the star… Matthew 2:10


Little Jesus, Don’t Cry The brightest of holidays, The best of the season, For the birth of a Child, A newborn’s the reason. And Oh, what a Baby! Truly rare… Truly fine, The Savior of Man, Son of God…Most Divine.


There He lies, heir of Heaven, Bathed in starlight of gold, So tiny… So helpless, In rough cloth ’gainst the cold. Little Child… Little Child, Little Jesus, don’t cry, You’re safe and You’re warm And Your Mama’s nearby. How soft are her kisses, How gentle her humming; Bright angels surround You, See the crowds that are coming. Shepherds and Wise Men, And their animals, too! The sheep and the camels Press close for a view. As protected… adored On this night so sublime, You alone know the truth Of a far different time. Do not tell!... Do not tell! Of that cross on the hill; That moment will pass But Your love never will. Bea Lotz 7


The Most Exciting Time of Year Snowflakes are silently falling From snow clouds high above, On this night of the Savior’s birth, When hearts are filled with love. By dawn’s first light, the hillside Will wear robes of white; A remarkable transformation In the silence of the night. But this is a night of miracles When earth receives her King, When all things old are new again While we’re remembering. We have heard the Christmas story Retold throughout the years And to know how much God loves us Still brings us to tears! It’s not the gifts we remember most But all the love we share When we worship in His name And feel His presence there. It’s the most exciting time of year Even when we are apart, For the spirit of the season Keeps us all young at heart. Clay Harrison 9

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