CSR - Salewa

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social | responsible | sustainable

Dear Mountaineer, The name “SaLeWa“ is made up of the initial letters of “Saddle and Leather Goods“ and so it was that the first mountaineering products were lovingly made by hand 75 years ago. Today, all those years later, SALEWA still rises to the challenge of offering many people a mountaineering experience that is in harmony with nature. The Oberrauch family that took over SALEWA in 1990 is a long established, business family that has played an active role in the community with a clear system of values for hundreds of years. This culture of responsibility towards people and the environment is an integral part of the SALEWA Group today. A common spirit has grown, is carried by all staff and forms a common goal. Our customers today want more than just a technologically advanced product. They want to know how the product was made and who was behind it. They want the product to reflect their own value system. In this regard, I am particularly grateful for the many suggestions and ideas we have received from our motivated staff, critical customers, active dealers and far-sighted manufacturing partners. This network of knowledge drives our product development towards more sustainability – a task that never ends. For us, sustainability means responsibility towards both economic and ecological demands, at the centre of which we find our staff and the community where we live and work. Together we want to achieve sustainable quality – not just product quality but also retail quality. I hereby invite you to join us on this challenging journey, Kind regards,

Heiner Oberrauch Heiner Oberrauch, Expedition to Georgia, March 2010 3

SOCIAL | RESPONSIBLE | SUSTAINABLE ECOLO G Y • Careful use of our resources • Avoidance of emissions and water pollution

“In the past, economy and ecology were often seen as opposites. Today we realise that in a globalised world, everything is interdependent.“

• Development of products based on ecological design • Increased quality thanks to adherence to sustainability criteria • Optimisation and recycling of packaging • Energy efficiency in all production activities, buildings and measures

– massimo baratto, ceo


SOCIET Y • Maintaining interaction with numerous social groups worldwide


• Company culture with a human face •H igh degree of employee participation and responsibility in a staff-oriented environment

• Support for mountain rescue services, mountain guide associations and nature conservation organisations

• F amily-friendly facilities, flexible working hours, individual working time models

• Numerous SALEWA facilities such as its kindergarten, climbing hall etc. are also open to the general public

•O ptimisation of the reconciliation between professional and private obligations • Regional roots and social integration • S ecure and reliable jobs even in times of economic difficulty

mitarbeiter society

• Code of conduct maintained for all production partners worldwide in order to ensure that SALEWA’s social standards are maintained • Equal rights are promoted at all levels of society 5


“The ‘75 car-free days’ campaign gave us all a clear demonstration of what each of us can achieve with a bit of effort – and it was also fun.” – Constanze Bresgen, PR MANAGER & CSR PROJECT MANAGER

75 years is a long time, and a great deal has changed – such as the use of cars. Driving to work, usually alone, has become standard practice today, but that was not always the case. SALEWA’s “75 car-free days” campaign on the occasion of the company‘s 75th anniversary provided SALEWA staff with a reminder of this fact, and did so in its usual sporty manner. Working in teams of three, they managed to generate at least 75 car-free days for each team. Bicycling was the primary means of doing so, but they also relied on public transportation, in addition to forming numerous new carpools. 7


“I am very pleased to report that as of 2011, 32 children will be playing, learning and having fun in a kindergarten right here at SALEWA’s headquarters.” – Elisabeth Schwarzmayr, HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR

kindergarten The company’s kindergarten will not only be welcoming ‘SALEWA kids’, but also children from within the region. kids ON THE MOUNTAIN SALEWA is helping the children of employees garner their first experience on the mountain. With guided hiking tours, climbing courses and information on nature and the environment, the next generation is being provided with a variety of events and courses free of charge.

Climbing courses and hiking tours for our youngest 9


“For me, mountain climbing means adventure, and continuously trying to explore what I am capable of. Nothing else offers a more intense feeling of community or fellowship.” – Stefan Rainer, sales manager

In April 2010, the SALEWA staff exhibition took place on 5,047 metre high Mount Kazbek in Georgia. The ability to be able to rely on one’s partners without reservation in the all-important ‘rope team’ is but a small part of the challenge confronting the exhibition’s participants, yet it is an important one, and long ascents and descents are a time when visions of even greater excellence in collaboration and product development are born.

Expedition to Mount Kazbek, Georgia 11


“The doors to the family’s country estate in Tiers/ South Tyrol and to the SALEWA holiday villa in Gargano/south Italy are open to all.” – Ruth Oberrauch, Marketing salewa italy

The Oberrauch’s 15th century country estate is the ideal starting point for mountain hikes and climbing tours around Rosengarten, and just like the beach villa in Apulia, it is available to all SALEWA employees and their families for two weeks a year. SALEWA strives to support its staff’s active recuperation, experience of nature and exchange of ideas.

Holiday in Apulia and Tiers 13

“We go mountain climbing in practically any weather, and that is why nature conservation and protecting our climate are so important to us.” – roger schäli, SALEWA alpinxtrem team



“Together with the villagers, we have developed and implemented a concept. Now the village structures are working properly, and the villagers are positive about the future.” – Alexandra Letts, PURCHASING & PRODUCTION MANAGER

DRILLING A WELL SALEWA is designing and financing a five-year plan for sustainable village development in Elvira, a Bolivian village located at an altitude of 2,800 metres in the Andes. The plan’s first big component is drilling a well to provide clean water for drinking and hygienic cleaning. VILLAGE SCHOOL The construction of the village’s own school means that children do not have to undertake the difficult 12 kilometre trek over 1,500 metres of ascent each day. SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS Solar photovoltaic systems have been installed on the buildings for direct power supply – Elvira has been able to supply its own needs ever since.


WOOD STOVES All of the households have been equipped with efficient, environmentally friendly wood stoves. This has resulted in better and more consistent nutrition. NEW MEDICAL FACILITY The new medical facility is the ideal complement to the hospital, located 43 km away. 17


“SALEWA lives by and for the mountains. I‘m very pleased that we are able to provide support for the outstanding activities performed by dedicated individuals and associations in each country.” – jacek grzedzielski, ceo SALEWA poland

SUMMIT BOOKS Summit books testify to the bond between people and nature, and are an integral part of mountain culture. That is why SALEWA supports the South Tyrol Alpine Club with new summit books and boxes. bergrettung SALEWA provides numerous organisations with the technical know-how with which they can help free accident victims from the most threatening situations. SALEWA also supports a number of organisations with donations, including: TOPR Zakopane (PL), Salzburg and Tyrol Mountain Rescue (A), REGA (CH) and Berchtesgaden Mountain Rescue (D). Support for activities promoting nature conservation and safety in our mountains 19


“Regardless of whether it is in Bolzano or Hong Kong, it is the people that make SALEWA – they are the essence of its success.” – Alexandra Letts, Purchasing & Production Manager

As an international producer of goods, we are not only obligated to those in our direct vicinity, but also to the people at our suppliers who are giving their all each and every day. That is why the SALEWA Group has established clear guidelines to ensure that people are dealt with in a fair and sustainable manner at our own locations, as well as at the operations run by our business partners.

CHILD AND FORCED LABOUR Children are our future, and they are an asset deserving of protection. That is why we enforce a minimum age of 15 for personnel at all production facilities. In addition, we do not allow any forced labour. All infringements of these rules are dealt with directly (warning, prosecution, and cancellation of orders). PAYMENT AND WORKING HOURS We believe that dealing fairly with one another is the foundation for maintaining our high standards of quality. That is why we only work with companies that pay wages commensurate with the work being performed (no less than the average for the sporting goods industry) and whose working hours are not excessive (no more than 60 hours per week or 12 hours per day). HEALTH AND SAFETY The SALEWA Group only works with companies whose international safety standards guarantee their employees’ health. DISCRIMINATION Every person deserves the same opportunities. It is our belief that religion, skin colour, gender, nationality and other personal factors should have no bearing on employment; this should be determined solely by the quality of the work itself. ENVIRONMENT The environment is the basis for everything we do, and protecting it is a neverending process. We strive to promote this process on a daily basis with new environmentally friendly innovations, and we expect the same from our partners. That is why strict compliance with all applicable environmental guidelines and laws is a necessary prerequisite for working with SALEWA. 21

“The climate belongs to all of us. Yet each individual is also a part of the solution. The environment is everyone’s concern.” – Stefan Rosenkranz, brand manager SALEWA equipment


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“We produce more electric power than we consume. Our excess power covers the electricity needs of some 400 households.” – massimo baratto, ceo

The new SALEWA company headquarters in Bolzano will not only be a pioneer in architectural and social standards, but also in terms of ecology. The building’s roof is comprised of a state-of-the-art, KlimaHaus-certified photovoltaic system with a total annual capacity of approx. 2,000 megawatt hours, making it the largest solar energy producer in South Tyrol.

The new SALEWA company headquarters in Bolzano 25

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The SALEWA Group operates international branches at eight locations. For good collaboration, brainstorming and the sharing of marketing, sales and product ideas, close, interdisciplinary collaboration is an important component of sustainable success. Since 2007 SALEWA has been promoting its international conferencing systems for presentations, work-

“We have networked all of our company locations with high-quality videoconferencing systems. This has allowed us to save 50,000 kilometres of car travel and 140 flights.” – Reiner Gerstner, Group Brand & Marketing Director

shops and daily meetings, saving some 18 000 litres of fuel, equivalent to eliminating 45 180 kilograms of CO2 emissions each year.

Videoconferencing system at all SALEWA locations 27

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“I owe it to my children to use our resources carefully. We utilise old PET bottles to produce our new Ecoloft sleeping bag filling.” – bernhard schnaus, Product manager Equipment

Starting with the 2010/11 season, SALEWA will be saving more than 50,000 kilograms of polyester granulate as a result of its use of Ecoloft, an environmentally friendly sleeping bag filling that boasts outstanding insulating properties. It is produced from 100% recycled materials and can also be fully recycled at the end of the product’s lifecycle. In addition, its service life has also been extended, making sleeping bags excellent examples of sustainability.

SALEWA Ecoloft sleeping bags – made of 100% recycled materials 29

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“Working with high-quality materials that are also sustainable is a challenge – and it is one that we love.” – Massimo Pasqualotto, Product Manager Textil

cotton made in africa The Cotton Made in Africa project works closely with African cotton producers. The programme involves clear guidelines for the use of water, fertiliser and pesticides, as well as for such things as children completing their schooling within the region in which the cotton is grown. SALEWA is proud of its collaboration with Cotton Made in Africa and its resulting ability to use sustainable materials of outstanding quality in its products. bamboo This giant grass is an extremely fast growing (as much as one metre a day) and long-lasting renewable material that is a truly sustainable resource. Bamboo textiles are also very pleasant to wear and very resistant to washing.

Cotton Made in Africa

alpineskin AlpineSkin is a mountain climber’s skin. The use of gentle materials such as Dryarn results not only in improved individual performance, but also helps to maintain the alpine environment thanks to environmentally friendly production and good recyclability.


Cerro Torre Valley, Patagonia, pic Š: Hansi Heckmair Concept & Artwork: www.pascher-heinz.com

social | responsible | sustainable salewa Via Negrelli, StraĂ&#x;e 6, 39100 Bolzano, Tel: 0471/242600, www.salewa.com, responsible@salewa.com

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