1 minute read
Scams - stop, think and say nothing
Stop, think and say nothing if you’re contacted unexpectedly by someone asking for your personal or financial details or for an unexpected payment.
It could be a scammer phoning, texting or emailing to trick you into confirming personal information or getting hold of your banking details so they can steal your money or your identity. It's called phishing.
Salford City Council’s trading standards team received over 70 reports of phishing scams last year with fraudsters claiming to be from PayPal, eBay, Amazon, banks, Royal Mail, mobile phone companies, TV Licensing, internet companies and local and central government.
If you have any doubts hang up or don’t reply and contact the organisation which claims to have contacted you through their official phone number or website. Avoid using details given to you by the person contacting you as these could be fake. Legitimate organisations will welcome you checking.
Scammers selling items will pressurise you into acting quickly and not telling family or friends about your ‘transaction’ in case they spot the scam. Don’t let anyone rush you. Please report any scam to Action Fraud via www.actionfraud.police.uk or calling 0300 123 2040 Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm.
Friends against Scams has information and a quick course on how to protect yourself and family and friends. Please visit www.friendsagainstscams.org.uk