1 minute read
The average Salford family could save £720 a year by reducing their food waste!
Recycle for Greater Manchester is working with Salford City Council on a food waste campaign called Buy Keep Eat Repeat. It will help residents save money and support the environment by avoiding food waste.
Our research has shown that in Salford some residents are still putting food waste in their general waste bin and, on average, 75 per cent of that food waste is avoidable, which means it could have been eaten. When we look at the cost of producing, transporting and selling food products, food waste adds up to a lot of money and it has a big environmental impact.
Did you know that to keep food fresh your fridge temperature should be below 5°C? Or that there is an app called Too Good To Go, which you can use to giveaway in date unwanted food?
Visit recycleforgreatermanchester.com for tips on how to reduce your food waste, advice on planning meals, storing your food correctly, using up leftovers and recycling food waste in your food and garden bin or compost bin.
Follow R4GM on Twitter @recycle4gm or Facebook @Recycle4gm for more handy tips that could save the average family around £720 a year. Love Food, Hate Waste.