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Free adult education courses – start January 2022

Want to learn new skills, meet new people and make friends?
All courses are free to Salford residents aged 19 plus (terms and conditions apply) and last eight weeks unless otherwise stated.
First Steps courses for beginners
IT – search, shop and email safely
MSOffice for employment – Word, Excel and Powerpoint
Spreadsheets and databases Office work and admin Teaching adults Youth work Confidence building English – ideal for beginners
Planting seeds, saving bees, learning IT (four weeks)
Smart device photography – phone/ tablet or digital camera required
Maths courses (not certified) – learn the basics right through to being able to help the kids with their homework.
Next Steps – to develop your skills further
IT – online banking and saving, desktop publishing, photography and more
MSOffice for employment – learn more skills and how to use Access Working in Photoshop (some IT skills required) – learn or refresh your skills.
Book your place now. Call Janet on 07482 606808 or Paul on 07727 600298, email info@corinth-training. com or visit corinth-training.com
Corinth Business and Community Training C.I.C. is a not-for-profit community interest company, putting the learner at the heart of what we do.
Find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.