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New Youth Zone coming for Salford
Salford is to get its own brand new, state of the art Youth Zone
The multi-million pound centre for eight to 19 year olds (up to 25 for those with additional needs) will open seven days a week and support approximately 4,000 young people.
It is thanks to a new partnership between Salford-born businessman Fred Done, Salford City Council and Manchester based charity, HideOut Youth Zone
The new Youth Zone will take two years to develop and is expected to be based near Salford Crescent train station and the University of Salford.
Salford-born businessman Fred Done said: “Having been born and raised in Salford, I know just how much young people in the area would benefit from the opportunities available through a Youth Zone. I have had the pleasure of supporting HideOut Youth Zone in Gorton to open its doors to thousands of local young people, across Manchester and now it’s time to take this to Salford and change the lives of many more.”
Greater Manchester already has five Youth Zones where members can choose from over 20 activities every night from sports to creative arts, music, drama and employability training for just 50p per visit and £5 annual membership.
Trained youth workers and dedicated volunteers will be available every day for guidance and support, creating up to 70 full and part time jobs and up to 100 volunteering opportunities.
Salford City Mayor Paul Dennett said: “A huge thank you goes to Fred Done for his generous donation, without which the likelihood of delivering a Youth Zone for Salford and investing further in youth services simply would not be possible. It is so fitting that Fred, who started business in Pendleton in the 1960s, will make a difference for future generations in the area”