2 minute read
Making a difference in Salford
Public health Community Champions are local community organisations making a real difference to people’s health in Salford – and you could be one too. Salford City Council’s public health team is building a network of Community Champions to help local people get the right health and wellbeing information into their communities, such as the importance of vaccinations. There are many benefits to becoming a Community Champion organisation or a volunteer and many different opportunities for people to help.
Salford CVS
Salford CVS has volunteer opportunities to support local charities, voluntary groups, and social enterprises. Find out more by visiting www.salfordcvs.co.uk/i-want-volunteer
The Yemeni Community Association, based in Gladstone Road, Eccles serves all communities and all ages, including newly arrived asylum seekers and refugees and helps with welfare and digital needs. Contact them at 07788297171 or info@yca-manchester.org.uk or find them on Facebook www.facebook.com/YcainManchester
Women with Wings support women whose English is not their first language, to get jobs, education, or start a business. Their enterprise centre at Hulton District Centre in Little Hulton provides space to learn new skills through workshops, training and networking. Contact them at 07466 380 504, or email hello@womenwithwingsgroup.org or visit www.womenwithwingsgroup.org
Salford d/Deaf Community Gathering is a network providing social activities and drop-in support sessions to help with mail reading, making phone calls, booking interpreters and support to contact other organisations. Contact them on WhatsApp, by text or voice at 07799 118968 or Salforddeaf@gmail.com or visit Langworthy Cornerstone, Liverpool Street. You can also find them on Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/salforddeaf
If you run a community group that supports underserved or ethnically diverse communities in Salford and would like to establish better links into health programmes, please get in touch with our Salford City Council’s public health inequalities improvement support officers:
• Asma Milad – asma.milad@salford.gov.uk
• Lynn Wanyetse – lynn.wanyetse@salford.gov.uk
Thank you to all public health Community Champions for supporting your communities in Salford.