Issue 20 ✦ Te Ao Mārama ✦ Te Reo Māori Version

Page 1



1 2 3 4

Ētita ✦ Mihi ✦

Kawe Pūrongo ✦





Ahurea ✦

Ahuatanga ✦ 5

11. He waka eke noa Janicka Tei

12. Ōtire - Ashleigh Putt Fallows

13. Motu Kairangi Mana Hokianga

14. Finding Tūrangawaewae India Jade Hinewai

16. Ki ngā Kaimahi, Ngā Kairangahau, ngā Pūkenga Māori Kelly Mitchell

17. To my whanaunga from different maunga

Grace Muldrock

22. Pūoro me ngā whaakaro Tūheitia Young

25.In pursuit of Manamotuhake Reni Broughton

30. Whaia te ara pau kaha Phoebe Sullivan

Tīwae ✦

32. Ngā Rangahautira

33. Te Hōhaieti o te reo Māori

34. Ngāi Tauira

7 8 Iwicopes ✦

Panga ✦

Ko wai mātou?

Ko te perehi o Salient nā Te Aka Tauira, engari ko te tūhaha i a mātou ki a rātou. Ko ētahi moni pūtea i a mātou o Te Aka Tauira, ara ko te Student Services Levy. He mema i a mātou o te rōpū Aotearoa Student Press Association (ASPA).

The views expressed in Salient do not necessarily reflect those of the Editors, VUWSA, or the University.

He take

Ko te take koe ki ngā pūrongo, me īmerā koe ki te etitā ( Kāore koe e pai mō ngā karere whakahoki, kātahi kā īmērā atu ki te tumuaki o Media Council (

Ka tuhi koe?

Ki ōu whakaaro ki ngā pūrongo? Ka tukua tōu tuhi reta ki te īmerā o Salient Me perehi i a mātou!

Whaia i a mātou

Pae tīhau: @salientmagazine


Paeāhua: @salientgram

Te pakihere rokiroki o Salient

Paeāhua: @salient_podcasts

Kiritapu Allan
05. Te
Appreciation Post
New Waiata
Gifted to All Blacks
Te Matatini
off Te Oneroa a
Hot Take in the Hub
Whale Harvested
Tohe 07.
Headline Junkie
09. Kuia, Moko Tessa Keenan 10. 18.3% Ruaputahanga Takiari
2 ✦ Te Ao Mārama

Whakarongohia ki te:

The Unedited Session Te pakihere rokiroki o Salient



Ki tōku maunga kaha - Taranaki.

Ki tōku awa tapu - Waitara.

Ki tōku tīpuna nui - Maruwharanui.

E tuku mihi au ki a koutou me taku whakaute me taku whakawhetai ki ngā hau e whā o te motu whanui. Ki te kore he aroha, he parau te otinga. He aroha whakatō, he aroha puta mai. Ka whakarauika tēnei karere mō ake tonu atu. Tēnā koutou e pānuitia i tēnei karere, ngā tangata o Te Herenga Waka, ngā uri o ngā hau e whā tēnei au e tuohu ake nei. Karawhiua!

Nōku te whiwhi nui ki te whai wāhi atu ki Te Ao Mārama hei ringa takatā, hei kaihoahoa anō hoki i tēnei tau. Me taku kī atu, kua pokea e ngā tāpirihanga ako, e ngā tāpirihanga mahi anō hoki. Engari, nā te awhina a ō tātou tauira Māori, ngā kaiwhakawhiti reo me te tīma o Salient i ea ai ngā mahi katoa i a tātou i te wā e tika ana. Nō reira au ka whakawhetai atu ki tēnā; he mihi nui ki ngā tāngata katoa! Mō te taha ki te whakawhetai, kāore e kore e whakawhetai ana ngā tāngata katoa ki tētahi mea, nē?

Mōku ake, e whakawhetai ana ki ngā mea katoa e mau nei e au i tēnei wā. Ahakoa he rerekē ngā āhuatanga me te aroaro o tēnei kōrero, 'Life isn’t always pink.' Engari, i te mutunga iho, he pai kia ora noa, nē, ktk. He nui ngā mea nō roto i Te Ao Māori e taea ai e tātou ngā tāngata Māori te whakamaioha pēnā i tō tātou ahurea whairawa, ō tātou tikanga, ō tātou toi, me tō tātou reo, tae atu ki tō tātou hononga ki Te Taiao. Heoi, nā te nui o ngā mahi he rite tonu taku kūare ki ngā mea

ātaahua maha kei mua i te aroaro. Ko taku whakapae, ehara ko au anake e pēnā ana; Ka ngaro atu ana tētahi mea, tētahi tangata rānei, ka mōhio koe ki tōna nui, ki tōna hirahira. Ka koingo taku ngākau ki tāku i kore ai e waha 'I love you', ki ōku mātua, i mua i taku wehenga atu. Kua whā tau rāua i tamō i tōku haerenga, mai i tōku taiohitanga tae atu ki taku pakeketanga. Anō nei he matihere hemonga kore.

Me uaua ka whakapuaki te tangata i tāna i ngākau reka ai, e kore rawa e whakapuaki rānei. Ehara i te mea he huakore nō tō whakapau kaha. Mena koe e mahi ana mō tangata kē, mōhou ake rānei; tēnā pea me whakamaioha i a koe anō, i te wā kua whakapaua me ngā mahi kua mahia e koe; mahue kē ngā whakaaro a tangata kē atu.

He mana nui tō te kōrero,“Thank you.” Mēnā koe he tangata kāore e kaha kōrero pēnā, whakangungua o pūkenga whakawhetai e hoa mā! Whakamānawatia ō hoa, arohaina tō whānau mō te āhua o tō whakatipu ki ā rātou taha. Ka mutu, whaimuri i tētahi rā roa me ngā mahi o roto, me kī atu ki a koe anō e poho kererū ana koe i ō whakatutukitanga. Ahakoa he iti, he nui rānei, he pounamu ngā mahi katoa, he pounamu hoki koe.

Chur, Huy

Salient is fuelled by:

01 ✦ ĒTITA
Te Huihui o Matariki Chi Huy Tran (he/him; Taranaki, Te iwi o Maruwharanui)

Tataitia rā ngā tatai whet te taiaroa pūareare o te rangi

Ka ringiha ai i te kete ko nga mata o te ariki, Tawhirimatea

Kite pihepihe nui o te pō

Whiriwhiria koe e nga ihi, wehi, tapu o te pō

Rokohanga atu ra koe, Tautoru, Rehua, Kōpū, Matariki

Tiraha, ka matai ai nga ika whenua kinga ika o te rangi!

He aha tēnei e hahaea nei te tārāuma!

E ko te pūkōnohinohi i te rirohanga atu o aku raukura

Kimihia rangahaua kei hea koutou ka ngaro noa?

Kite po uriuri kite po tangotango i a Hine-nui-te-pō

Ka whakatauki au i konei, auē, aue taukuri e!

Kei aku wehi, kei aku wana, kei aku whakatiketike, kei hea koutou ka ngaro noa? He aha ia i hikohiko ai te uira, i pāpā ai te whatitiri, i whakairia ai te ngaruru mai rangi ki tua o ngā hiwi maunga, i whati te marama, te ara ake ano? E ko te tūmatatenga ki te tau o taku ate!

Whakaauahi te tara o nga tihi maunga, me he maimai aroha i koro-pupú atu ai te puna o aroha mo koutou nga mate taruru nui o te wa, tae noa ki nga mate o te ra, o te wiki, o te marama, o te tau. Otira, kei aku huia kairangi, aku huia kaimanawa kua tiu, kua whakaangi kite komata o te rangi, ki te whanau marama hei ngore mō te kaka nui o te pō. Hei reira rā koutou tangihia nuitia ai e o mahuetanga iho, moteatea rawatia e o uri whakaheke, poroporoaki tonutia ai e ō iwi, ā mate noa.

E moe koutou ki te pae kaurera o maumahara, ka ora ai hei whakao-rioritanga ma matou ki ā matou tamariki mokopuna, hei kōrero whakahihi ki a ratou tamariki, hei korero whakamiharo ki a rätou mokopuna. Ko te aiotanga o te moe, ko te mariretanga o te moe ki a koutou e moe nei i te urunga te taka, te whakaarahia.


Nei ka noho, ka whakakao noa i ōku mahara mō ngā mate kei waenganui i a tātou katoa, mai i tēnā Te Ao Mārama ki tēnei. He huhua no rātou kāore au mo te whakahua ingoa kei mahue etahi ki waho. Heoi ano, ko nga mate katoa ka whakairihia nei ki to tatou nei pataka korero o Te Ao Mārama hei whakaarotanga ma tatou ka wherawhera i nga wharangi o to tatou taonga i runga i te mohio, i te wa i a rātou, ko rātou ngā kaituhituhi i o ratou whakaaro, ko rātou hoki i pānui i ngā whakaaro o tauira kē atu, me te aha, me pēhea e kore ai e kiia ai ko tātou ngā uri o rātou?

Kia tīkina atu e au te korero mo koutou.

Te toe o te waka e, te toe o te waka e. Ketekete atu ra, ketekete ana mai. Te tai rā, te tai rā E pari ana te tai ki whea? E pari ana te tai ki uta, e pari ana te tai ki tai, e pari ana te tai kite awa i Pikopiko i Whiti i Tawhiti nui, i Tawhiti roa, i Tawhiti pāmamao i te Hono i Wairua. Te urunga mai o te kauheke, kauheke kaumatua, he tipua, he atua. E pari ana te tai ki Hawaiki nui ki te hunanga o te tangata hokinga kore ki muri nei!

Tauarai o te pō ki a koutou te ope matai pō, tītoko o te ao marama ki a tātou te ope matai ao ki a tātou.


4 ✦ Te Ao Mārama 02 ✦ MIHI

Pūrongo Kawe



Kua rongo te motu mō te aituā i pā ki a Kiritapu Allan, nā whai anō tōnā rihainatanga, me te korenga ōna e whai anō i te tūru tōrangapū. Ko Kiri Allan, te Mema Pāremata mō Te Tairāwhiti, te minita mō te Manatū Ture, me te minita mō te manatū whakawhanake rohe. Nō te tau 2017 ia whakatau ai ki te ao tōrangapū, ki tā te Paati Reipa taha. Nā tēnei aitua, i pupū ake ngā kōrero mō te hauora hinengaro. Tokomaha ngā kaitōrangapū kua kōrero kē mō te tāmitanga o te hauora hinengaro i te ao tōrangapu. Engari, kāore e kōrerotia ngā tāmitanga ka pā ki te Māori e tū ana hei māngai i roto i tētahi whare Pākehā. Kua rongonui a Allan. Mai i tōnā whakamātūtū i te mate pukupuku, ki tōnā hāpai i ngā hāpori o Te Tai Rāwhiti i kahakina e ngā haumātakataka, kua roa a Allan e noho ana ki te aronga o te marea. Heoi, kua kino te āwai atu o te hunga pāpāho ki a ia. Hei tauira, ko tā Guardian hei whakatairanga i te aituā nei, 'The downfall of Kiri Allan: New Zealand wrestles with mental health debate'. Mārama ana te kite, e whakatauira ana tēnei i te momo hahani ka whiua ki te kaitōrangapū i te wā ka hapa rātou. Ka whakaranutia ō rātou āo o te kainga, me te āo mahi. Nō reira ko ngā hahani ka tau mai i ngā anga katoa, mai i te marea me ngā kaipāpāhō.

"I've found what has gone on over the last few days really distressing for her," tā Todd Muller, he kaihanga ture mō te Paati Nahinara. I te tau 2020 i whakarerea e ia tōna tūranga kaiārahi, 53 rā noa iho te roa ki tērā tūranga, ā, nā wai rā ka puta tōnā whakamārama, nā te anipā i pā ki a ia. I mihia tōnā whakamārama e ngā pāti katoa o te Paremata. Ko Chlöe Swarbrick, he wahine toa o te Paati Kākariki kua kōrero ia mō ōna wā o te mate pāpōuri, o te aroreretini hoki. I whakararangihia e ia te nui o ngā arotake mo te ahurea me te whakatau “the environment doesn’t get the best out of people.” Ko te mate nui, kua whakatuturi ngā kaipāpāhō ki ngā painga i whakatutuki e Allan i te wā he minita ia. Mehemea me whai tautoko koe, tēnā waea ki Youthline ki 0800 37 66 33, kōrero ai. Ki Te Haika rānei, he kaupapa hauora hinengaro Māori, ki 0800 300 184.


Nō nā tata nei, whakomōhio atu a Wetini Mitai Ngatai ki te motu, ka whakamoea Te Kapa Haka o Te Mātārae-i-Ōrehu, ā, kāore te kapa e tū anō ki ngā whakataetae kapa haka. Nā Te Matarae-i-Ōrehu te ara i para ki ngā āhuatanga auaha maha o te Ao Kapa Haka. Nā Irirangi Tiakiawa Tāhuriorangi tēnei kapa i whakatū i te tau 1994.

He nui ngā tutukinga i ekea e te kapa. Ko rātou ngā toa whakaihuwaka o Te Matatini i te tau 2000 me te tau 2011. I whakatūria he whakaaturanga ki te taha i te NZ Royal Ballet i te tau 2001. I tū rātou ki te whakataetae whutupaoro o te ao 2018 me te huhua hoki o ngā kaupapa huri noa i te motu. Inā anō te nui o ngā tohutoa i riro i a rātou. He tauira rangatira rātou mō te whakatinana i tō whakapapa me te tū māia hei Māori. Ko tō rātou aronui kia āmiki te tū me tō rātou tangongitanga i kaha kitea.

Kua whakapuakitia e Te Mātārae-i-Ōrehu ā rātou whakamānawa ki te tini i tautoko i a rātou i roto i ngā tau. “He mihi tēnei ki ō mātou whānau, ki o mātou kaitautoko hoki, o mua, o nāianei hoki. Koutou kua tū tapatahi ki a mātou i roto i ngā tau. Ko tō koutou whakapono mai ki a mātou te au i tō ai i a mātou kia tutuki ai ngā whainga,” ko tā Wetini Mitai Ngatai. “He hiahia hoki ki te tuku i o mātou mihi whamānawa ki Te Matatini, me te ao Kapa Haka, i rūmaki, i hāpai i a mātou i roto i ngā tau. Nā tō koutou tautoko i tāea ai tā mātou whakatinana i te ahurea Māori ki te motu whānau, ki te ao whānui hoki."

E hia kē nei ngā whiwhinga i ekea. Toru tekau tau e whakamīharo ana i te tangata. Kua mātua whakaairohia te tuakiri o te ao kapa haka e ngā whakarerenga o te kapa nei. He tōnga nui, whakahirahira tēnei. Kua tae ki te wā kia tukuna te rākau ki te whakatipuranga kaihaka e whai ake nei.

11 Mahuru 2023 Perehitanga 20 03 ✦ KAWE PŪRONGO KAWE PŪRONGO
Ngā kōreo a Lucy Manuera Schrader (she/her; Te Aupōuri)


Kua kohaina e Te Matatini, tētehi waiata reo toru ki a New Zealand Rugby. I kohaina te waiata hou nei, ko ‘Kia Kino Nei Hoki’ te ingoa, ki te tīma Ōpango i tō rātou kēmu ki Otepoti. I whakarewahia te waiata nei i te 11 o Ākuhata, kia whakahāngai anō hoki ki ngā whakatairanga mo Te Marama Pūoro Māori.

Ko tā Selwyn Parata, te tiamana o Te Matatini, mā te waiata nei e whakamāori i te whakamahinga i te reo Māori. Nā te mahi tahi a Rob Ruha rātou ko Ria Hall, ko ngā toa whakaihuwaka o Te Matatini 2023 Te Kapa Haka o Te Whānau a Apanui, tēnei waiata i tuhi ki te reo Māori, te reo Wīwī, me te reo Māori. E turaki nei te waiata i ngā tauāraitanga o te reo kotahi. Ka whakamahia te waiata nei e NZ Rugby i a rātou ka haere ki te whakataetae whutupaoro o te ao. Ko tā Ruha, i te ngana rātou ki te whakapuaki i ngā āhuatanga ka rongo ai te kaitākaro i mua tata i te kēmu, ara i te manawa pā, te pēhanga me te ihi. He pērā i ngā āhuatanga ka rongo ai te kaihaka i mua tata i te ekenga ki te pae o Te Matatini, ki te ihi, te wehi, me te wana ka rāngona i te ao kapa haka.

Ki te pirangi te whakarongo atu:



I kitea tētehi parāoa i Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē, kei te tonga o te pari o Maunganui, i te tuatoru o Akuhata. Nō muri i tōna kitenga, ka whāia ko ngā tikanga o Te Aupouri, i tautokona rātou e ngā ētahi atu iwi o Te Tai Tokerau. He mea nui te whai i ngā tikanga i te wā hauhake, i te wā nehu ai te tohora.

I tapaina te tohorā e ngā kaumātua, ko Waimahuru tōna ingoa, hei tohu i te wāhi i kitea ia. “Ko te mea nui ki ahau ki roto i tēnei mahi ki te kite i a tātou Ngāi Māori, i a tātou ngā tāngata whenua e whakamahi ana i tō mātou tino rangatiratanga” tā Te Kaurinui Parata, he uri o Ngāti Wai, ki a One News

Ko Niki Conrad, he uri o Te Aupōuri. I kōrero ia mō te ngaro o te mātauranga o te tohora, “I ngā wā o ōku kaumātua, nā rātou te whakaritenga mo ngā tohorā, heoi kāore i a mātou ērā mātauranga ināianei nā ngā ture pākeha mō ngā kararehe o te moana, aha atu, aha atu.

Ko ētehi o ngā tikanga mō te hauhake i te tohora he pēnei:

Kauwae: Te kōiwi pururua, te kōiwi hoki o te katoa. Ka whakamahia ki te hanga taputapu. He tino taonga mo ngā kaiwhakairo hei hanga taonga, i ngā momo patu hoki.

Niho: Ko ngā rei o te tohora, he mea āta whakairotia ki ngā taonga pēnei i ngā kakau tokotoko, ngā wahanga whaikīngi, ngā kī o te piana hoki.

Spermaceti: Ko te tino hinu o ngā tohora, he motuhake ki ngā parāoa. I ngā wā onamata, i whakamahia ki te whakakā ahi, ki te whakamaene taputapu hoki i te huringa o te ao ahumahi.

Wē parāroa: He maha te hinu kei roto i te pera o te tohora. Ka whakamahia hei hinu ahi, hei hopi, hei panipani, kia pupuri taonga hoki.

Kiri: Ka kaha whakamahia hei ārai, mō ngā kākahu rānei.

Kōiwi: He momo kirihau i ōnā rā.

Iaia: Ka whakamahia kia hanga taura, aho hī ika, me ngā kūpenga hāo ika.

Mīti: He kai, mēnā he hou tonu.

Mīmiha: He matū wākihi ka puta i roto i te puku o te parāoa, i te nuinga o te wā ka peia ki tai. I te nuinga o te wā ka hokona atu kia whakamahia hei hinu rautangi, hei kakara me ētahi atu momo panipani ki ngā whenua pērā i a Wiwi me Huiterangi.



He aha ōu whakatinanatanga o te aroha me te manaakitanga ia rā ia rā?

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Manate (he/him)
Carol (she/her) I go to McDonalds and I buy my roommate a cheeseburger.
I show it by texting my friends how much I appreciate them everyday.
Sometimes we bring the dog to the office and that kinda livens up the spirit of the whole team.
He uri tenei no Te Tairāwhiti Whanui)



Whai muri atu I te toru tau kati me te kaupapa wākari i te tau kua hipa, ka whakahokia a Te Huinga Tauira ki te kaha nui i te whakatūnga whā rā i Ōtautahi. Haere mai ana i ngā wāhi tata me te tawhiti ngā tauira Māori ki te whakarite i ētahi kaupapa e kore e whakapau i te inu. Ahakoa te whakapau i te whakapono whānuitanga, ko te whāinga matua o tēnei kaupapa he whakawhitiwhitinga whakahaere, ā, kāore e whai i te rapu i tētahi tāne Māori hei hoa.


Kua whakakotahitahia te whare noho a 'The Living Pā' mai i te tau 2021, ā, kāore i te whakapau kaha te tauira Māori ki te tatari ki tōna whakatuwhera. Kua puta ngā pātai e pā ana ki tōna whaiwhai, ā, kua whakamōhiohia ngā whakawhitiwhitinga e pā ana ki ngā whāinga o te whare wānanga. Ahakoa tēnei, ka whakarato te Living Pā i te whare kāinga e whai mana ana mō ō tātou tauira Māori me te whakapau i ō rātou oranga.



Kua whakatūria Te Hōhaieti o Te Reo Māori i tō

rātou kura reo tuatahi i te Kāmpu o Kelburn.

Ka whakapau kaha te kaupapa! I whiwhi hua pai te hōtaka i waenga i ngā ākonga me te iwi.

Whakatūpato tuatahi ki te whakamāoritanga o te reo i tētahi whare wānanga: kua oti!


It's election year everyone, and it's important that you get out there and vote! Your opinion is important, especially in a time where politicians are making comments about bombing whole groups of people.

You may not do politics but politics will DO you!

Enrol to vote at

8 ✦ Te Ao Mārama 03 ✦ KAWE PŪRONGO

Kuia Moko

Ngā kōrero a Tessa Keenan (she/her; Te Ātiawa)

He wā ōna ka nui hoki taku te wā e pau nei i a au e titiro ana ki te whakaata me kore e kitea koe

He nui rawa taku hoihoi i a au e whakahoki maitai ana, ā, ka rongo i ngā kōmore e nekeneke ana i te kawititanga o te ringaringa.

Ka pūioio ana ōku monamona nō te putanga atu i te takurua kāre e monokutia ana e au. Ka pā taku ringa ki ngā hākorukoru.

Pērā i te mirimiria o aku kanohi ki ō ringaringa, ki ō pāpāringa. E popori ana ko koe kē ahau e tū nei me tō kahu ānewa māwhero.

I te taha o te awa, otirā, ko te tamaiti e oma ana ki a koe, e ui nei i ngā pātai miriona.

Mehemea ka puta taku kōrero i taku puku tonu, ā, ka wetekina taku arero i te ngau a mataku, he pērā taku tata ki a koe i tō nohonga mai ki taku taha i te kai o te pō.

Katoa, i ēnei wā, kei te ngana ahau, Kia tutuki te iti rawa, te mihi ki a koe.

Katoa, i ēnei wā, nāu nei au.

He wā ōna, ka nui rawa te paunga o te wā i a au e titiro ana ki te whakaata, ka kitea koe.

Ka pukukata ahau ki ngā paki a taku tungāne, ā, ka rangona tō reo e paoro ana i ngā pātū.

Ka pakari ana taku tinana me te kore i wherū, ka mārohirohi taku oma. Ka pāhi i te toa me te kāmuri.

Pērā i taku whakaatu atu ki a koe ngā wāhi katoa i haere ai au E popori ana ki tūtakina ai tāua kia ui au i ngā pātai miriona.

E pā ana ki te ao e noho nā koe, orua tonu, te noho ngū ki te taha o te awa me te mātaki i a koe e whakaripiripi kōhatu ana.

Mehemea ka whakaaro ake au ki te āhua o tō kupu, ko taku hiahia kia pērā ināianei tonu nei. Kei te tino tata koe ki tēnei ao nōku ka waiata, ka ngana rānei ki te whakapai.

Katoa, i ēnei wā, nāhau ahau i whakamahara ko wai rā ahau. E manako ana, he rā tōna, ka mihi au ki a koe, ā-tinana nei.


ote whitu karaka i te ata, e whitu tīkiri me he hau tonga.

Ka haoa ngā pukapuka, ngā pēke me ngā momoho i ia rā

Hei tēnei ata ka māka pukamahi, ka whāwhai huri i te rūma

E whakarite pīkari ana i mua i ngā mahi a te kura hei poipoi i ā rātou tauira

E whakatipu ana i tētahi rāngai tauira taumano

He nui nō ngā nekehanga i te karaehe e whakakāngia ai te whakamahana e te ringa mahana

He rūma makariri, pōuriuri kua toarihia i te mana

Tō mātou kaitautoko here kore tuatahi me

ōna tāera whakaako urutau hei āwhina i a mātou ki te whakatinana i te pito mata ake nō mātou

Ko ngā tohu momoho i runga ngā mahi hei whakakipakipa i a manawareka me ngā kupu āwhina hei āwhina i a koe ki te eke panuku.

Katoa ngā moni āpiti i whakapauhia ki ngā pene papa mā me ngā tina whānui.

Ko te wā i whakapauhia i muri i te kura ki te whakakoi pene rākau, te whakarite whakaaturanga, te mahi tāpatu, me ngā kupu tohutohu i tukuna i ngā āhuatanga katoa o te ao mārama.

Kua mārama, ehara rātou i te kaiako anake, he whaea kēkē, he matua kēkē, he hoa.

✦ ✦ ✦

II ngā rā onamata, whakatika atu ai ō tātou tūpuna ki tētahi haerenga whakahirahira. I hōea Te Moana nui a Kiwa ki te rapu kainga hou. Nā ngā whetū, me te au o te moana i ārahi i a rātou kia tutuki ngā wawata. Ko te mea mīharo katoa, ahakoa rerekē katoa te wā i wehe ai, ngā ara i whaia me te tere o te rerenga o ngā waka katoa, i te mutunga iho, i tau ki te wāhi ōrite. E tāea ana te whakataurite i tēnei hāerenga o ō tātou tīpuna, ki tō tātou āo o nāianei. He rerekē katoa te āhua o tō tātou takahi i te whenua, ō tātou pūmanawa me ō tātou whainga i te ao nei. Ka tauritea ki ngā whainga mō te reo, ngā tohu whare wānanga, aha atu, aha atu, he rerekē tō tātou hīkoi i te ao, heoi ko te ahunga, he ōrite.

Kia tikina te whakatauki; he waka eke noa. Tapatahi ana tātou i tēnei waka. Tērā ngā wā, ka rāngona te mokemoke me ngā aupēhitanga, me he au moana e tō atu ana i a koe. Ka whawhai tonu koe kia neke whakamua, heoi auare ake. Heoi anō, ko te kura huna, tē noho mokemoke, he kai hoe anō kei reira i te āo i te pō. Ahakoa kei waka kē pea ētahi, ko tātou katoa e hāpai ana i a tātou kia ū ai ki uta. Ahakoa kāore e kitea, kei reira, e āki ana.

Kei reira hoki he hunga e arahi ana i a tātou, pērā i tā ngā whetu arahi i ō tātou tūpuna. Ahakoa kāore pea e kitea, kei reira rātou, e hoe ana i te waka, e hāpai ana i te waka. Ko te mātauranga me ngā kōrero tuku iho ā ō tātou tūpuna āno hoki e whakamuramura ana i te ara whakamua mō tātou

Engari kei wareware i ngā kaihoe o tō waka. Ko tō rātou aroha me tō rātou tautoko te hau e pupuhi ana i ngā rā o tō waka kia kōkiri whakamua. Ko te aroha me te tautoko tērā a ō tātou whānau me ō tātou hoa. Ngā mea e hāpai, e arahi ana i ā tātou, ahakoa pea tō tātou kuare. Kei roto rātou i tō waka. Ko rātou ka hiki i te hoe i te wā o te ngoi kore. Ko rātou e urungi ana i te waka i te wā o te kōtiti. Mō ētehi, ko te eke i te waka anake te whainga, ka mātua i tēna.

Nō reira, i a tātou e hoe ana i moana o te ora, kia ita te mau ki ērā i tō taha. Utua te aroha ki te aroha. I a koe e whakatere ana i ngā wai karekare o te ao, kia mau ki te kotahitanga, arahina e ngā whetū, kawea i te au o te aroha o tō hapai-ō.

11 Te Ao Mārama ✦
Ngā kōrero a Janicka Tei (she/her; Kūki Āirani, Ngāti Kahungunu)

Ōrite: taurite, ōrite.

I tipu ake au ki Murihiku, i roto o Ngāi Tahu (Kāi Tahu). Ahakoa te hanga kore o te Māori, me te heahea o te kaikiri, e ora tonu ana te ahurea Māori ki reira. 15 paihēneti noa iho o ngā tāngata he Māori, nā whai anō te pōhēhē rā, kua kore te ahurea Māori. E Māori ai te tū, ka mate ki te whakatinana i ngā whakaaro horapa kino.

Kīhai au i tipu i te taha o tōku iwi, tōku hapū me tōku whenua. Neke atu i te 17 tau ahau e noho tawhiti ana i te wā kainga. Mahue tōku haere ki te marae, te ako i ngā tikanga o tōku iwi, ngā karakia, ngā waiata, te reo me ngā mahi whakawhanaunga.

He Pākeha au taku pōhēhē. Kāore he āhua tō te Māori. Heoi ko ngā whakaaro haukume, ka matapae te tangata ehara au i te Māori. He nui aku tāonga Māori me aku mahinga kaupapa Māori, he pērā anō hoki taku kawe i ngā taonga me ngā kaupapa o taku whakapapa nō Ūropi.

He takatāpui au (he mea ohorere ki ōku hoa). Kāore au e kaha kōrero mō tōku tuakiri, nā te uaua. He uaua te kōrero mō te tuakiri Māori Pākeha me te hōkakatanga. He uaua te whai ki te whakatipu i tō tuakiri Māori, heoi ka uaua ake ki te tāpirihia tō whai māramatanga mo tō hōkakanga. Ka uaua kē atu ki te whakaako, ki te whakamārama i ēnei āhuatanga ki tangata kē atu.

I te ao o te rangatahi, ko te ao whānui kei te kapu o ō tātou ringa, heoi kua kokorahotia te tuakiri, te āhua me te ahurea Māori anō hoki e ētahi. He āhuatanga takahi tangata i te nuinga o te wā.

Nā ēnei ahuatanga kua rongo au i toku ake raparapa me te anipā ki tōku ake tuakiri. Ka taka ngā whakaaro, ehara au i te Māori tūturu. Kāore au i te mōhio ki te reo. Kāore au i te mōhio ki ōku whenua. Kāore au i te mōhio ki tōku iwi. Kāore taku hanga i te Māori. Kāore ōku hononga ki ētahi takiwā. Ka pēnei rawa nā ngā kōrero ka whiua mai i runga ipurangi.

He nui ngā Māori e whakaaro pēnei ana, heoi me kaua. He aha i pēnei ai ngā whakaaro, kia tānoatia ō mātou ake tuakiri? Kaore i te taurite mātou mana ki te pāpori, ā, i ētahi wā kāore i te taurite ki a tātou anō. Ahakoa tērā ko tangata kē kei te whakatau mai ko wai he Māori. Kāore he hua o tēnei waiaro, me ēnei kare ā-roto. Nā ēnei kare ā-roto kua anipā rawa au ki te whai i te reo, ki te haere ki kaupapa Māori, ki te haere ki ngā kaupapa ā-iwi hoki. Nā whai anō kua rāwahotia au me te mea nei ehara nōku tōku tuakiri Māori. Ka tōia atu anō au kia tawhiti ake i tōku tuakiri Māori.

Kia pono aku korero, ahakoa ēnei āhuatanga katoa, e mōhio tonu ana ahau ki tōku reo me ōku tikanga. Kei au tōku hāpori Māori ki Murihiku, ā, ko au hoki tētehi o ngā kaikaranga, kaitātaki o tō mātou kapa haka. E mōhio ana ki a mātou kōrero, a mātou kaupapa whakahirahira. Ko ōku mahi, he mahi hāpai, whakahiki i ngā tangata, me tō tātou ahurea Māori. Heoi, ko te mea nui, e mōhio ana au ki tōku whakapapa, tōku whānau, ōku tīpuna. Kei te rongo hoki au i a rātou. E mārama ai te tangata ki au, me ahua pai ōku whakaaro e pā ana ki ahau anō, kia whakaū, he hua ōku. He hua anō hoki ōu. He hua anō hoki tō tēnā, tō tēnā ahakoa ngā rerekētanga me ngā

whakaaro pōhēhē a ētahi atu.

Ōrite: taurite, ōrite.

Ngā kōrero a Ashleigh Putt-Fallows (she/her/ia; Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Whātua, Tūhoe)

Motu Kairangi

Ngā kōrero a Mana Hokianga (he/him; Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Kahungunu)

Ko Maatai Moana te maunga

Ko Te Au a Taane te wahapuu

Ko Paraa te roto-kura

Ko Ngāti Tawhirikura, Ngāti Te Whiti, me Te Matehou ngā hapū

Ko Te Ātiawa no runga Motu Kairangi

Kia whakaahuatia e au taku ngākau reka ki tōku whakapapa ki a koe mā te kōrero.

Nō roto i te takiwā whānui, i te takiwā ātaahua o Te Whanganui a Tara, ka takoto ake tētahi rohe tino whairawa ā-ahurea Motukairangi, he wāhi ātahu manuhiri. Nā te kanorau o ngā paewhenua, te hītori me ngā auahatanga o tēnei wāhi whakatautau e kiia nei ko The Miramar Peninsula, kua noho ia hei whakatauira i te motuhaketanga o Te Whanganui a Tara.

I ōna wā, he paewhenua haumako, he paewhenua tikitū a Motukairangi me te maha hoki o ngā tipu kākoa taketake me ngā kararehe taketake, ā, he kāinga mō ngā iwi me ngā hapū maha.

Kua nohoia tuatahitia Te Whanganui-a-Tara e ngā iwi maha i takea mai i ngā tīpuna taiea, arā, ko Waitaha, ko Te Kāhui Tipua, ko Ngāti Mamoe, ko Ngāi Tara, ko Rangitāne, ko Kāi Tahu, ko Ngāti Kahungunu, ko Ngāti Ira anō hoki. Waihoki, katoa ēnei iwi Māori he hononga whakapapa tāukiuki ki ō tātou tūpuna a Rauru rāua ko Awanuiārangi katoa tātou ko “Te Whānau a Toi Te Huatahi”.

Heoi anō, ko te āhuatanga tino whakatautau pea o Motukairangi ko tōna hapori auaha. Kua rongo horapa i te ao a Miramar, koia te “Wellywood” o Aotearoa, hei kāinga mō te hunga auaha o Wētā Workshop me Wētā Digital, kua mōhitia mō ā rātou mahi ki ngā kiriata rongonui pēnā i a The Lord of the Rings me Avatar. Kua maringi tēnei whakaawenga auaha ki roto i te ahurea o te hapori, nō konā i hua mai ai ngā whare pikitia motuhake, ngā whare whakairi toi, me ngā whare kai kanorau kia ngata i ia tako, i ia mariu.

Hei whakakapinga, ko Motukairangi te mauri o te poapoa o Te Whanganui-a-Tara he whenumitanga nahanaha o te taiao, te hītori me te auahatanga. Mā ngā paewhenua mīharo, te hiranga ā-hītori, me te hapori ngangahau e kite ai te āhuatanga whīwhiwhi o te taone. Mēnā rānei e kimi ana i te manaakitanga, i ngā mōhiotanga hītori, i te whakaawenga auaha rānei, e tū ana a Motukairangi hei tohu o te ātaahua me te kanorau e tautuhi ai i te katoa o Te Whanganui-a-Tara.

Kupu āpiti:

Ko ngā iwi o tō mātou whakatōpū ko te whakaminenga o Te Ātiawa o Ngāti Tama, o Ngāti Mutunga, o Ngāti Maru, me Te Ātiawa, ko Taranaki, ko Ngā Ruahinerangi, 'ko Ngāti Ruanui, ko Ngā Rauru.



He aha tēnei mea te tangata Māori, i tipu ake ai i tētahi ao Pākehā? Kua raru tēnei pātai i a au i ngā tau tata nei, i ahau e aru ana i tōku tuakiri, e ngana ana ki te pohewa i tōku tūranga marika i te ao.

Ko Tainui te waka

Ko Wainui te awa

Ko Kapuārangi te maunga Ko Ngāitai te iwi

Ko Tōrere te marae

Ko India toku ingoa

Nā tōku māmā, he whakapapa Māori, he whakapapa Kōtirana ōku, ā, he whakapapa Pākehā nā tōku pāpā. Ahakoa i tipu ake ahau i Aotearoa taiāmio ai i te whānau o tōku māmā, kāore ōku tino hononga ki tōku ahurea Māori i ahau e tamariki ana. I āhuatia tōku māramatanga, tōku kore māramatanga rānei o te tikanga, e tōku tamarikitanga. I kuraina ahau ki tētahi kura tino Pākehā, kāore he akomanga reo Māori, kāore hoki he kapa haka. He tino iti te mātauranga e pā ana ki Te Ao Māori.

Mō te nuinga o tōku oranga, kua kawea e au te taumaha o te hononga kore. I takea mai i ngā wheako ake o tōku māmā, he uri o ngā whakatupuranga i pāngia e ngā ture i aukati ai i Te Reo Māori. Kāore tōku koroua i hōatu te reo me ngā tikanga ki āna tamariki; nā rātou kē tō rātou ahurea i kimi i tā rātou i pai ai, ā, katoa rātou i pēnei i tōna ake wā. Ināianei, ko au hoki tēnā e kimi ana i taua mātauranga.

I ahau e pakeke mai ana, i pūrangiaho mai te iti o tōku mōhio, kātahi ka pokea e te āmaimai, te whakamā me te wehi. Ahakoa taku ngana ki te ako i Te Reo, kia whakawhānui hoki i ōku mātauranga, kua pōhauhau tonu mēnā au ka āhei te whakatau he hononga tōku ki tētahi ahurea kāore i āta mōhiotia e au. I whakaraerae ahau ki ngā arotoka Māori, ā, nā ōku mataku i whakapono ai ahau e kore au e whai tūrangawaewae. I pōhēhē au ko au anake e whawhai ana i tēnei pakanga o te tuakiritanga. Heoi anō, he raru nui tēnei i takea mai ai i te tāmitanga i te nuinga o te wā, ki te tokomaha o ngā kākano maha. Ehara i te mea he māmā te mōhio ki tō ake tūrangawaewae i tēnei ao ki te hiahia te porihanga ki te tautuhi, ki te tapa, ki te whakanoho i a koe ki tētahi pouaka rānei. Engari, he haerenga roa te aru tuakiritanga, ā, he pai ki ahau ki tūhono tēnei āhuatanga ki tā te tangata rapu Tūrangwaewae.

He huatau tēnei e tautuhi ana i tō te tangata whakamanatanga, i tō te tangata tūāpapa, kia whakarato ai he tūrangawaewae mōna. He whakaahuatanga o tō tātou whakapono me tō tātou āhurutanga nō roto i a tātou anō, ā, ko wai tātou, nō hea tātou anō hoki. He wāhi te tūrangawaewae, he tangata te tūrangawaewae, he aurongo te tūrangawaewae, he kāinga te tūrangawewae, he aha atu rānei e hono ai koe ki tō whakapapa.

Ahakoa e kimi tonu ana ahau i tōku ake turangwaewae, kua akona e au, ko tētahi wahanga o te kauawhitanga ki tō ahurea me tō tuakiritanga, kei te āhua tonu o tō kaha ki te whakahē i ngā mea e pīrangi ana ki te here, ki te tautuhi rānei i a koe. E kore e tōmuri rawa ki te whai hononga, timatahia tō haerenga Tikanga, ā, tīmatahia te ako i te reo o ō tīpuna.

Nō reira, mehemea e ngaro tonu ana koe i te moana o pōhauhau, o āmaimai, tēnei au e āki ana i a koe kia mānu tonu, mau ai ki te manako, ā tōna wā, pēnā i ō tātou tīpuna ka tau marika tātou ki uta nā te mea he tūranga mōhou i tēnei ao.

14 ✦ Te Ao Mārama 04 ✦ AHUREA
Ngā kōrero a India Jade Hinewai Grigson (she/her; Ngāitai)
14 ✦ Te Ao Mārama

Ki ngā Kaimahi, ngā Kairangahau, ngā Pūkenga Māori

Nau mai e ngā kaitiaki o te matauranga, ki te whakarauika i nga whetū o te akoranga, ka whakarangatira, ka whakanikotanga i te huarahi mātauranga mo āpōpō. Ko te matauranga he puāwai whakapakari, he hua whakatupu i te hinengaro, hei rangatira i te ao e whakapau kaha ana ki te whakarauika, ki te whakarangatira i te hunga whai whakaaro.

Hei whakamihi tēnei tuhinga i ngā pūkenga Māori i roto i ngā whare wānanga. I te otinga o taku tohu, kua whai whakaaro au ki a rātou i whakatakoto ai i te ara mā tātou kia oti ai ō tātou tohu, me pēhea hoki te whakapuaki i ō mātou whakawhetai ki a rātou. Ko ētahi pūkenga matua me ētahi tauira pērā hoki e kōrerotia ki raro rā. Waihoki, ka whakapātari au i a tātou e koke whakamua ana ki te whai whakaaro me pēhea tātou e whakamihi ake ki aua pūkenga.

Ko Annie Te One tētahi o ōku kaiako tuatahi i te whare wānanga, ā, i tū a Te Nia Matthews hei taku kaituruki i taua wā. Ko rāua ngā whakatupua o te whakaaro, e kore au e ngaro he kākano i ruia mai i a Rangiātea. I whakaako mai rāua i a mātou i ngā mahi Māori o mua, o naiānei hoki, arā me kōkiri ō mātou mōtika, ka mutu ka ākona me pēhea te wānanga mō ngā tūraru o nāianei ki aua mōtika.

I reo Māori ai au nā Awanui Te Huia rātou ko Matua Mike Ross, ko Vini Olsen-Reeder, ko Karena Kelly. I a au i ō rātou karaehe, ka whakaatu mai a Awanui i ngā āheinga, ka ako mai a Matua Mike me pēhea te noho mauri tau i a au e ako ana, me ētahi āhuatanga hou o taku Waikatotanga. Waihoki ka huaki a Vini i te kūaha kia mōhio ai mātou me pēhea te whakamahi i ō mātou pūkenga, e whakaatu ana i a mātou ki ngā mahi e wātea ana mā mātou, ā, i akiaki ia i a mātou kia pērā. Nā Karena te whakaaro i whakatō ki roto i a au, he taumata kē mō tō tātou nei reo e tatari ana kia ekengia, ka akiaki ai ia i a mātou kia eke ki taua taumata rā.

Ko Carwyn Jones rātou ko Māmari Stephens, ko Luke Fitzmaurice ko ōku pūkenga ture Māori. Ko Nōpera McCarthy rāua ko Riana Te Ngahue aku kaituruki tuatahi. Nā rātou i whakatū ngā wāhi haumaru kei waho i ngā pepa i kī ai ki ngā kōrero whakamamae i te ngākau. Ka mutu, ka whakatauira mai rātou he aha ngā mea ka taea e te Māori i ao ture: i te ture kura wānanga, i ngā kōti, i ngā hapori, i te Pāremata anō hoki. I te wā whakatairangahia te mahi e whai ana au ināianei, ka whakamōhio mai a Luke mō taua tūranga, me tana kī mai “karawhiua atu” ahakoa kāore au i whakapono ka taea.

Kāore ō mātou pūkenga Māori e whakamihia pai ana, ā, ka wehe rā anō rātou, ka mōhio mātou ki tā mātou whakawhirinaki ki a rātou. Ko ngā pūkenga Māori ngā pou herenga o te mātauranga, e ruku hōhonu ana ki ngā auheke o ō mātou hītori me tō mātou ao e tū ana i ēnei rā. E toro atu ana ō rātou whakaawenga ki tua o ngā pukapuka me ngā akomanga i a rātou e pikau ana i ngā tūranga i te pōwhiri, te tangihanga, te karakia me te haerenga.

Heoi anō, ahakoa tēnei, kāore mātou, ngā tauira e whakaatu ana i te manaaki ōrite i ngā wā katoa ki ō mātou pūkenga Māori pērā i kaiako kē. Tēnā pea, e pēnei ana tātou nā te pōhēhē ka kaha ake te manaaki, ka māmā ake rānei te ara kia eke panuku i a rātou, i tēnā ka whakatakotoriai e pūkenga kē atu Nā tēnei hē, ka māmā te pī i te pukumahi me te pākaha e hiahiatia ana kia eke panuku i ngā akoranga kua whakaakona e ngā pūkenga Māori.

E ea ai te werawera o Tāne tahuaroa, me heke te werawera o Tāne te wānanga. Ehara i te mea, ko te whakawhetai te mihi noa ki te kaiako i te whakaroatanga, engari kē, he tuku i te mahi kounga rawa atu o āu mahi katoa kua oti i taua taraimeta. He wero ki a tātou te whakaatu ki ō mātou kaiako i ō mātou whakawhetai, mā te whakapau kaha, pēnā i a rātou. Aroha mai, aroha atu.

"Gratitude is not saying thank you for the extension, but rather it’s submitting the best work you have done all trimester. He wero ki a tātou, let's show our kaiako gratitude by giving the same effort they give us".

He aroha mai, he aroha atu.

16 ✦ Te Ao Mārama
Ngā kōrero a Kelly Mitchell (any/all; Ngaati Maahanga)
16 ✦ Te Ao Mārama


Ngā kōrero a Grace Muldrock (she/they; Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga, Te Atihaunui-a-Pāpārangi)

Ki aku whanaunga nō maunga kē, Hoki mahara ki tā tātou rangatahitanga heahea, whaiwhai ana i te rā, hia noho ki waho i te pō, mānohi anō i āianei, tē whai pūngao ki te haere ki te taone - waihoki, e pōraruraru ana te whakaputa māhere i ngā huinga pātuhi. Aue, tā tātou koroheke hoki (19 ā tātou pakeke).

Whai whakaaro ki ngā wāhi rerekē i oma atu tātou i tā tātou taone kūrakuraku, ki tā tātou noho ngēngē i rō i ngā waka a ō mātua whai muri i te kapa haka, ā, ki ngā wā pukukata ai tātou i te karaihe, hāunga e whakapaukaha ana tātou kia kaua e whakakakī ki muri i ā tātou akomanga reo? Kua tere te wā.

Kua tere rawa te hipanga te wā. E whakawhitiwhiti ana tātou i ngā hoa, e toha tonu ana i te $20 ōrite nō ngā wā o mua, ā, i āianei kāre i te whakarerea i ngā karaihe, e hipa ana i te wharewānanga mā runga waka, pahupahu ai ki Oriental (e haere tonu ana ki ngā karaihe, pono!).

Tini ngā whakamiha ki Te Ao Mārama, TINI MANO, e whaka miha ai i te kitenga o taua tōkena taurite, i te whitinga mai o Tamanui-te-rā, i te karo karaihe kia kōhipi tahi ki Oriental hoki. Tokomaha aku whakamaiohatanga ki Te Ao Mārama, ehara i te mea e whakamaioha ake ana au i tētahi mea i tētahi atu mea, kā re i te whakataetae, ēngari e tū māia ana au i taku whakapuaki i aku mihi maioha ki aku hoa, mei kore ake i a koutou. Tēnā koutou i ngā wā katakata, i te toha mātauranga, me te whakaae mai i taku urunga ki ō koutou whare, tāhae kai ai nō ō koutou kāpata.

Kei te whiwhi iwi tātou, ā, ka mōhio ahau i tēnei nā te mea kāore rātou e whakamahue i a au.

Tika tonu, he hōhā rātou i ētahi wā, ā, kua roa mātou e tarahae ana i ā mātou whakaaro mō ngā mahi o ā mātou

hoa-karaihe ō-mua i āianei, ēngari e tau ana te ngākau i te mōhio he taituarā tautoko mātou i ngā wā uaua. Kāore e kore, tē mimiti aku mihi maioha ki a rātou mō tā rātou manaaki mai, aroha mai, kia whai wāhi kōrero tūpato kore au, paku pōrangi hoki.

Inā he hoa āu, rite tonu ki āku, me tū marika koe kia whai whakaaro ki tō waimaria hoki - e pēra ana au i ētahi wā, whakaaro ai “Tēna hua! Tōna koi, tōna rorirori hoki”, hei aha, e mārama ana koutou. Te mutunga mai o te aroha tae noa ki te kimokimo mai o tō wairehu i tā rātou kaha momi. Inā kārekau ō hoa ōrite ki āku, e inoi ana au ka whiwhi wha-

04 ✦ AHUREA 17 Te Ao Mārama ✦

Me Ngā

Ngā kōrero a Tūhetia Young (he/him; Ngāti Maniapoto)

He maha ngā waiata pai i te ao; ahakoa kei te whakaae, kei te whakahē rānei koe, kei runga noa atu ēnei waiata, kei runga noa atu a Maniapoto hoki. He whakamihi atu ki tētahi tangata kura te nuinga o ēnei waiata. Ahakoa e kōrero ana koe mō tō whānau, mō te iwi, mō te tāngata, mō te tūpuna, mō te hoa rangatira mō te aha atu rānei. Ka whakaatuhia tēnei i roto i ētahi ruri ātaahua me te whakawhanui o ngā kupu, kua tuituia e ngā kare ā-roto patopato o te whatumanawa; inarā i ngā waiata Māori. Mā ēnei waiata Māori e whakaahua te tangipuku me te muri aroha mō tētahi atu tangata. Whaihoki, mā ngā waiata nei e tuku aroha ki ō ake tūrangawaewae.

Tuatahi: 'Proud to be Māori' IllumiNGĀTI

Ahakoa kei hea koe i runga i tō haerenga Māori, ko te wawata e honohono kau ana te iwi Māori katoa ki te mea nei. He whakamihi tēnei waiata ki ngā tāngata e tū kaha ana hei Māori, me ngā tūpuna i whakawhārikihia te ara i ngā wā o mua. Nā ō tātou tūpuna i tohe mō tō tātou āpōpō, arā ko te tuhituhi o te pukapuka rātaka i te reo Māori, kua tuhia e te tāngata Māori, kua tautokohia e te iwi Māori me te marea whānui huri noa i te motu. E kōrero ana tēnei waiata mōna anō; tō ngākau ki ngā taonga a ō tūpuna.

Tuarua: Haere mai ki ahau ki ManiapotoNā Doug Ruki

Ko taku tino waiata Māori ko ‘Haere mai ki ahau ki Maniapoto’, nā Doug Ruki. E mōhiotia ana tēnei waiata e te katoa i te mea, kei runga noa atu te waiata, kei runga noa atu a Ngāi Maniapoto hoki. Ko te take o te waiata nei ko te hokinga kāinga ki te rohe o Maniapoto, arā ko Te Kuiti me Ōtorohanga. Whaihoki, e ai ki ngā kōrero ā-iwi ko tēnei he kōrero anō mō te haerenga a Maniapoto i tō mātou ake kāinga ki Ngaherenga. Ka mutu, e kōrero ana tēnei mō te rohe tūpuna ko Te Nehenehenui, mai i te awa whakarite ki Tongariro, ko Te Nehenehnui. Nā tēnei waiata i kōrero mō tō maiohatanga o tō mātou iwi, ō mātou whenua, ō mātou uri whakaheke me tō mātou Maniapototanga anō hoki. Ki a au, nā ēnei waiata i āwhina mai ki te ako mō tō mātou mātauranga, ō mātou pūrākau, ō mātou wāhi tūpuna anō hoki. Heoi anō, e tino ngākaunui ana ana ahau ki tēnei waiata, he tino on. Ko tāku whāinga matua ko te ako i ngā waiata katoa o Maniapoto, me ako hoki koe i ngā waiata nei!

Tuarua: 'No Roots' L.A.B

He waiata noa tēnei e mōhio whānuitia ana e te katoa. Wāhanga 1: i whakaatu te kaiwaiata nui a J. Cole, i te mea he waiata ātaahua tēnei, kāore e kore ko te ‘audio hug’ te whakaāhua tika mō tēnei waiata. Ko te hokinga mai a Summer Walker whai muri atu i tōna hapūtanga te take matua o tāna tuhi i tēnei waiata. Nei rā he whakanui, he whakawhetai hoki nā J. Cole ki a Summer Walker mō tōna ake āhuatanga (SZA hoki), mō tōna mana wahine me ōna whakatutukitanga kua ea. Ahakoa ngā wā pōuriuri me ngā wā heke, ka maioha mātou i a Summer Walker i tana mahi waiata.

Tuawha: 'To Summer, From Cole (Audio Hug)'

Summer Walker + J.Cole

He waiata noa tēnei e mōhio whānuitia ana e te katoa. Wāhanga 1: i whakaatu te kaiwaiata nui a J. Cole, i te mea he waiata ātaahua tēnei, kāore e kore ko te ‘audio hug’ te whakaāhua tika mō tēnei waiata. Ko te hokinga mai a Summer Walker whai muri atu i tōna hapūtanga te take matua o tāna tuhi i tēnei waiata. Nei rā he whakanui, he whakawhetai hoki nā J. Cole ki a Summer Walker mō tōna ake āhuatanga (SZA hoki), mō tōna mana wahine me ōna whakatutukitanga kua ea. Ahakoa ngā wā pōuriuri me ngā wā heke, ka maioha mātou i a Summer Walker i tana mahi waiata.

Tuarima: 'To Zion' Ms Lauryn Hill

E Whai muri ana i te angitūtanga o Ms Lauryn Hill mai ‘Top 5’ ki ‘Zion’, ko tōna maiohatanga i te whakawhanau mai o tana tama ko Zion. He ōrite ki te mihi o J. Cole. ki tana hine i te waiata ‘She’s Mine Pt. 1'. Ka kōrero tēnei waiata mō ngā uaua o Lauryn ki te ao waiata i a ia e hapū ana, ahakoa he Māmā, ahakoa he kaiwata rongonui rānei. I whakatau a Lauryn i te waiata nei, ka kōwhiri ia i ngā mea e rua. Nā Zion tōna harikoatanga.

E kōrero ana te waiata nei mō te rawe o tana tamaiti, me tana maiohatanga mōna me te Atua pai ki te rangi hoki. He whakamihi maioha tēnei nā Lauryn Hill ki a Zion i te harikoa kua tāpirihia e tana tamaiti. Ko tēnei he hua nui nā te waiata, ko tētahi wheako nui ka pīrangihia e au mō te katoa; kia hari, kia koa, kia tuku aroha ki ā tātou tamariki.

22 ✦ Te Ao Mārama 05 ✦ AHUATANGA

Tuaono: 'Know That You Are Loved'—Cleo Sol

Tē taea a Ms Cleo Sol te mahi i tētahi waiata he nui ake i “Know That You Are Loved.” Ko te wāhanga maiohatanga o te waiata nei ko te hononga ki te whakanui i a koe anō. Ehara tērā mea anake, he tino rangamārie, he tino ngāwari anō hoki tēnei waiata. Ki te mōhio koe kāore he harikoa ō piropiro, kāore ano kia whiwhi maiohatanga nā tētahi atu, e arohatia ana koe. Ko te mea nui me pūpuri tātou ki ēnei whakaaro akiaki, ā, me mārama koe i a koe, ahakoa ngā whakaaro o ētahi atu. Kua toaitia tēnei take i te waiata, nā reira ko te hua nui kia kawe i ēnei whakaaro akiaki i a koe. Kāore he kupu ātaahua anō hei whakakupu i te kōrero nei.

Tuawhitu: 'I Found My Smile Again'—D'Angelo

Me tuku maioha ki ēnei kaiwata katoa. Ko tētahi tino kaiwaiata me whiwhi whakamihi mō ana waiata ko D’Angelo. Ko tēnei waiata, “I Found My Smile Again”, e kawe ana he wairua pai, ā, he whakamihi atu ki tētahi tangata kua whakamenemenetia koe. Ahakoa kāore ia e mārama ana me pēhea te tangata e whakaharikoa ana i a ia, he mea kua matenuihia e ia mō te haere tonu o ēnei kare ā-roto mākoha. Ehara te take o tēnei waiata mō te tāngata anake, engari kē e kōrero ana hoki mō tētahi atu mea e aroha ana koe. Ahakoa ko tētahi mea e whakaharikoa, he runaruna, he mea, he aha atu rānei e whakamanemenetia koe, e whakaharikoa koe anō hoki. Me maioha, me whakawhetai mō te pūtake. Koinei he whakaaro ki te āwhina i a koe hei whakawhetai i ngā mō tō ao i ēnei rā.

23 Te Ao Mārama ✦ 05 ✦ AHUATANGA
"Te torohanga o te whenua"
"Te torohanga o ngā āringa"




1) Beware of Good Intentions

Imōhio ahau i te wā i whakaae ki te mahi, he [ ] Māori au. I wawata noa au, kāore au e pērā - ka whai hua kē taku tūranga me taku mahi, ka whai pāpātanga taku mahi i runga anō i ngā hiahia o te Māori (arā te manaakitanga me te manarite, ko te tikanga ka tutuki aua mea) Engari, kua 9 marama e mahi ana au i “taku mahi moemoeā” kua pau katoa te hau,kua pokea au e te mahi, e ngana ana ki te whawhai i tētahi ahurea me tētahi pūnaha e kaupare tangata ana, e whakaturi ana, e takahi mana ana i te iwi Māori. Ehara tēnei i te wheako hou, i te wheako motuhake rānei. He māori rawa tēnei wheako ānō nei he ōrite te kōrero ka rongo koe mai i tō māmā, i tētahi o ō hoa rānei i a kourua e inu tī ana, e tangi ana rānei whai muri i tētahi wiki nui i te mahi.

Me pono taku kōrero, kei te āwangawanga au. Ko mātou te reanga e tū hei ātete taketake? I roto i te wāhi māhi, ā he whakamataku te wāhi hei takahi. Ki te tino māori tēnei wheako arā, ko te paunga o te hau me te kaikiritanga i waenga i ngā kaimahi Māori, kei hea hoki ngā puka tohutohu e whakamārama ana me pēhea te puta?

Me pēhea te noho haumaru? Me pēhea hoki e kore ai whakapau kaha tino wawe nei i ā tātou aramahi? Kāore ahau i te hiahia ki te āwangawanga, ki te whakapōuri rānei i ngā tāngata i mua i te tīmatanga o ā tātou aramahi. Engari i hiahia kē au ki te whakamihi i te pae o te pakanga ka takahia e tātou. E hiahia ana au kia rite tātou: arā kia kite ai tātou i ngā tohu mate o te tāmi nahanaha, ka mutu kia mōhio ai tātou ki ngā rautaki ka taea te tangata te tiaki i a ia anō i roto i aua horopaki.

I runga i ō tātou hīkaka me ō tātou ngākaunui ki te wetetāmi, ki te whakakī wāhi, ki te whakamana i te mana motuhake, ki te puri papanga i ngā whare Pākehā - hei ngā taiao taraweti tō reo whakahē me tōna kotahi. Me tū tēnei hei reta aroha ki a koe i runga i tērā haerenga:

There are so many well-meaning people who recognise and acknowledge inequity and come to the table with the best intentions to support the kaupapa. We can’t always trust that these good intentions will follow through to action. Pākeha people are often supportive but rarely have ever had to interrogate their own power, authority and privilege. Sometimes, their fragility, ignorance and reluctance to compromise will shoot down any good intentions that supposed allies can have. Lean into these allies with good intentions where you feel you can, but be cautious not to lean too far.

2) Recognise Microaggressions

If you hear people describe you as ‘angry’, ‘negative’ and ‘too critical’, or if every time you bring up kaupapa māori, it turns into a performance review about how you’re not meeting THEIR expectations – chances are pretty high that you’re experiencing a form of racism called microaggression. Please don’t be fooled by the term ‘micro’ - It’s aggression, just a gaslight version. Just because these microaggressions are more subtle does not make them any less violent. These acts of racism are insidious because they are subtle and sneaky. Learning how to recognise them and how to articulate what these micro acts of violence are can be critical for your mental well-being. I personally like to take my list to therapy or brunch with friends (a.k.a. Group therapy) to laugh/cry/vent about. It’s helpful, particularly in addition to point #4.

3) Te Tiriti is a Tool

Te Tiriti o Waitangi is an essential legal tool. Regardless of personal critique, we might have for it, understanding this document is critical because it is one of the very few explicit tools that we have to defend ourselves and our rights as Māori. Research and understand the document,

✦ ✦ ✦
Ngā kōrero a Reni Broughton (she/they; Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāruahine, Ngāti Whātua ki Kaipara, Ngāpuhi)

discourse around it, insights from Waitangi tribunals, and how it is applied legally and across different sectors and industries on a governance level down to daily operations. Understanding these concepts will enable you to hold our organisations to account and give you legal precedence and evidence to back recommendations you might make for Māori. We have to be savvy enough to code-switch in effective ways and using legal and academic references to elevate our attempts to hold organisations accountable makes our positions stronger.

4) Keep a Record

Keep a paper trail of dates, names and descriptions of conversations and experiences that feel racist. This includes any recommendations you make for kaupapa māori initiatives that go primarily ignored, giving written feedback and signalling evidence of why decisions may be inappropriate, asking managers for written reasons why they do or don’t follow recommendations – Keep a record of all of it. Effective record keeping can keep us safe when people become threatened by our advocacy, and our records can become a protective measure for ourselves, as well as an opportunity to hold others to account. Sometimes, the only power we can hold in our positions in the workforce is the ability to hold people accountable – even if it is only to you.

5) Look After Yourself

As we work up against mammoth challenges that are mentally, emotionally and spiritually exhausting, we have to learn how to look after ourselves so that we can sustain our progress towards change. Some things I’m learning include:

- Picking three things to focus on: You will be pulled in so many different directions, and this will exhaust you. Pick three priorities to focus on and learn to say no.

- Finding Respite in your Community: Gather with your people (whoever they are) as often as you can.

- Doing the things you love: We bring our strategic mahidog energy to work, but we also need to make sure we nurture our spiritual, creative and physical sides as well. Think: Whare tapawha holistic hauora vibes.

We’re coming into this space with a powerful, tangible whakapapa and legacy of resistance, advocacy and asserting tino rangatiratanga. One of the most beautiful traits I often see amongst our generation is this insatiable fire – this energy that refuses to accept inequity and inequality as normal and acceptable forms of treatment. People will resist. They’ll fight to silence you and disempower you. There will be times when you will feel (or made to feel) crazy and insane for your advocacy, for being frustrated with systemic violence and for refusing to settle for bare minimum efforts to change. But even if the journey feels lonely and isolated – you’re not alone in the pursuit of mana motuhake.

We have your back & we’re in the trenches with you, kare. Keep fighting.


27 Te Ao Mārama ✦ 05 ✦ FEATURES ✦ AHUATANGA

Whaia te ara pau kaha

Student executives are designed to advocate, promote, and empower student voices and the community. What encompasses student executives is this desire to serve: to serve for change and for wellbeing.

As Māori, to serve simply comes naturally to us. Whether this be on the pae or in the kitchen, we serve for the betterment of the community and for the wellbeing of our people. We serve because that’s our obligation; it is an extension of our manaaki, and it’s a means of giving back to the village that raised us.

As young, wide-eyed, and eager-for-change rangatahi in tertiary education, one of the many ways we give back is by serving on student executives and, most importantly, by helping Māori. It’s a historical part of us. Some of the greatest activists of our history include rōpu Māori, like Ngā Tamatoa, Ngā Rōpū Tautohetohe, and our own Te Hōhaeiti Reo Māori Society. We serve for a purpose and for people, simply because we just can’t escape a good call to a kaupapa.

Just like many of the Māori before me, I too have heard my call. For some reason, I’m still here serving the kaupapa. No matter how hard I try, I still can’t seem to escape it. However, the longer I sit on these student executives, the easier it has become to identify the many flaws that riddle their structure. To be clear, it is the structure not the people that are the problem!

The mounting pressure put on tauira Māori to engage meaningfully with wider university frameworks is not only a contradiction to the engagements themselves but a violation of time and energy that could have been better spent elsewhere. Despite our evident dismay at these frameworks designed by old, white-collared university

administrators, our positions in the university structure show us that our engagement is taken as 'sign-offs' and 'green ticks'. This is a false pretence of progression. It promotes the idea of a 'one-size-fits-all' solution to student well-being, encouraged by universities across Aotearoa. Unfortunately, tauira Māori bear the brunt of this deception, having become the window-dressings of student wellbeing policies to meet legislative standards.

By even engaging with these half-arsed policies created by these stale unversity clerics, Māori have become cash cows, lining universities' pockets without even the slightest bit of compensation to go with it. University structures have silenced tauira Māori voices by commercialising our well-being for enrolment numbers and replacing the value of our education with a lucrative but flawed business plan. Unsurprisingly, universities still can’t scrape themselves out of this educational and financial deficit.

The pressure to engage and create better outcomes doesn't even address the internal pressure that students put on themselves to try to fix the institutionalised issues of the university. It goes without saying that tauira Māori, and any minority student who decides to be part of an executive, feels this most. The constant need to justify not only to the faculty, but to our own peers why our mātauranga, hītori, te reo, and tikanga matter is beyond me. Justifying our place as an indigenous person is exhausting. Justifying our space as indigenous peoples is debilitating. We can’t even show our frustration and anger. So, instead, we project onto our own.

Executives have become toxic pressure cookers filled with nepotism and narcissism, fuelled by a popularity contest. Individuals don’t value themselves on their ability to lead but by how good their CV looks and by the number of 'kaupapa' they're able to push out every year.

30 ✦ Te Ao Mārama
Ngā kōrero a Phoebe Sullivan (she/her; Te Aupōuri, Ngāti Whātua ki Kaipara, Ngāti Whātua ki Ōrākei, Waikato-Tainui)

I say this as an individual who has succumbed to all of these pressures in one way or another. I held myself to such a high standard that when I couldn’t fulfil it, instead of going mad with power, I broke down in despair. I walked around with the heaviest weight on my shoulders a weight defined by the community I was serving and the responsibility I felt to ngāi iwi Māori. I realised I didn't deserve the weight I was bearing, and that I had put it on myself.

I couldn’t see it until I let myself take a step back. That’s the thing about student executives: once you’re involved with the politics of it all, you really think it’s the be all and end all. When actually, it’s just a student executive. In the grand scheme of things, the decisions we make don’t have a significant impact on all ngāi iwi Māori, and it only impacts those who are actually involved in the community the executive serves. We’re not politicians, and we’re not iwi leaders; we’re just a group of students hanging out, trying to create a culture within this boring-ass institution.

Trust me, I’m not trying to undervalue the importance of these executives. I’m just asking us to think about our roles within the university and within our own smaller communities differently. Yes, your elected student executive has an obligation to advocate, promote and empower.

But we’re also only human. We’re bound to make mistakes or get things wrong, and ultimately, that should be okay. In fact, it should be embraced. As ngāi iwi Māori, we all have an obligation to advocate, promote, and empower each other. So cut each other some slack, because at the end of the day, it’s just a student executive.

31 Te Ao Mārama ✦


Ko Ngā Rangahautira e ngunguru nei!

Ko Ngā Rangahautira te rōpū tauira ture ki Te Herenga Waka e tū ana i ngā whare kāwanatanga o mua. Ko tā mātou mahi matua, he tautoko i ngā tauria Māori e whai ana i te tohu ture, kātahi ka āwhina i a rātou kia eke tangaroa whai muri i te whakapōtaetanga. He mea tautoko ā mātou tauira e ngā awheawhe wānanga, e ngā kaupapa aramahi, e te whakawhanaungatanga, e te mahi kumanu me ētahi atu mea anō hoki. I te nuinga o te wā, ka whakatairanga mātou i te tūohutanga me te māramatanga mō te ao Māori me ngā raruraru Māori i te kura ture.

I whakatūria a Ngā Rangahautira i rungā anō i te whakaaro, me āwhina ngā tauira ture Māori i roto i te kura ture Pākehā kia puta ki te ao me te mōhio kia āwhina rātou i ō tātou ake tāngata kia huri te tai mō te iwi Māori i roto i te pūnaha ture.

I tū te 16 tāngata mō te kōmiti whakahaere i tēnei tau, ā, kua pukumahi mātou ki ngā kaupapa maha e tautoko ana i tā mātou whāinga ki te whakamana i ngā tauira ture Māori.

Kua angitū anō ā mātou whakataetae ture Māori i tēnei tau. I te Mei, ka whakahaere mātou i te whakataetae ā-tau, koina te Moot mō ngā kaupapa Māori. I tauwhāinga ā mātou Mooters i tētahi whakaharatau o te whakamātau kōti (pērā i te hōtaka ‘suits’) e aro atu ana ki tā te Māori whakahaere rauemi me te ture EEZ. I tū pakari rātou ahakoa te uaua o ngā pātai nā ngā kaiwhakawā tokorima, ā, e tino poho kererū ana mātou ki ā rātou mahi nui. I te Hūrae, ka whakahaere mātou i tā te whakataetae whirwhiri kaupapa Māori. Ko tā mātou mahi matua hei reira e mahi ana ngā kaiwhakataetae ānō nei he rōia e tū ana hei māngai mō ngā kiritaki e whakatau ana i te whakaaetanga mō tētahi wira rānei, mō te ōhāki rānei, mō te tāpuke rānei.

He arawātea pai tēnei mā ngā tauira ki te mōhio ka pēhea ngā taputapu ture pērā i te wira e mahi i te taha o ngā tikanga Māori i te ao. Ka tū ngā whakaihuwaka hei māngai mō VUW ki ngā whakataetae ā-motu hei te Ākuhata.

I te tīmatanga o Ākuhata tū ai te Noho Marae i te mutunga wiki. Nō mātou te waimarie te noho ki Te Rau Karamu, ki te marae o Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa. I mīharo tā mātou whakapiri hei āta tiro, hei kawe atu i ngā tikanga Māori. I wānanga mātou i te hītori me te whāinga o Ngā Rangahautira, ka mutu, ka parakatihi haka.

I te mutunga o te wikini, ka whakahaere kaitahi mātou hei mihi ki ētahi o ā mātou tino kaitautoko. Whakamātau ai mātou kia whai wāhi ā mātou tauira ki te āta tiro ki te kawe atu hoki i ngā tikanga Māori i te ao tūroa, pērā i te whakatau mō ngā tauira ture Māori, e mahi pia ana anō hoki ki Kāhui Legal me Luke Cunningham Clere.

Titiro whakamua ki te mutunga o te tau, ka pukumahi katoa mātou i te kaupeka aromatawai, ka tū ngā wā ako me ngā awheawhe whakahou nā ngā kaituruki MPI. Ka mutu ka takatū mātou i ngā tauira i mua i tā rātou mahi raumati ki tētahi kaupapa whatunga. Hei mahi whakakapi, ka whakahaere kaupapa mātou hei whakanui i ngā kaiwhakapōtae me ā rātou mahi nui i tēnei tau.

Kua wātea ngā momo tāngata maha me ngā kaupapa maha hei manaaki tauira ture Māori i te kura ture. Kātahi anō ngā tāngata pai i whai wā ki ēnei kaupapa i tēnei tau. Kaua e wareware, he maha ngā kaupapa kei te haere tonu mai!

Whakapā mai: Paeāhua: @nga_rangahautira

Pukamata: Ngā Rangahautira 2023

Mauri ora!

Ngā Rangahautira Kōmiti Whakahaere 2023 x

07 ✦ TIWAE
32 ✦ Te Ao Mārama


Nō te tau 1969 tīmatahia ai te rōpū nei. I taua wā rā ko Te Reo Māori Society, ko Te Rōpū Reo Māori hoki ngā ingoa i whakamahia. Nō te tau 2015, whakaorahia anō ai te rōpū nei e Vini Olsen-Reeder. Nei mātou o Te Hōhaieti o Te Reo Māori e mihi atu nei, e mihi atu nei!

I ngā wiki tīmatanga i te whare wānanga kōkiritia tuatahitia te kaupapa nei a 'Wiki Reo'. E toru ngā kaupapa matua i tū i tēnei wiki. Ka tahi ko te Pō Patapatai ki Hunter Lounge. Ka rua, ko te Pō Kiriata, i mātakihia te Frozen Reo Māori Uka. I whakaarahia tētahi anō wiki hei whakanui i te reo i te tīmatanga o te taraimeta tuarua. I whakaritea tētahi Pō Kēmu me tētahi kaitahi i muri tonu iho mai, ko te aronga ia kia rere ko te reo i waenga i te hunga kaingākau ki te reo. Ko ētahi o ā mātou kaupapa ōpaki, ko ngā reo rūmaki, ko te pukapuka paraire hoki. Ko te reo rūmaki tētahi kaupapa kua whakahaerehia, ko te aronga kia whai wāhi motuhake e rere tuatahi, e rere anake ai te reo Māori. Kua waimaria mātou i te tautokona o mātou e Āwhina ki te whakahaere i tēnei kaupapa. Ko te pukapuka paraire tētahi anō kaupapa, ko te aronga o he whakatairanga i ngā pukapuka reo Māori ki te marea me kore e whāia ēnei pukapuka e te iwi nui tonu.

Kia whakanuia a Matariki, i whakarite mātou i tētahi hautapu ki tētahi pā tahito nō Rangitāne, ki Oruaiti. Mutu ana te hautapu i hoki atu mātou ki Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Mokopuna, kai parakuihi ai. I whakaritea ētahi kaikarakia me ētahi kaikaranga kia ea ai te mihi ki ia whetū, ka mutu, ki ngā mea e tika ana kia mihia i taua wā o te tau. E waimaria ana mātou i te tautokona o tēnei kaupapa e Ngā Mokopuna, me kore ake rātou i tutuki ai te kaupapa. E rua ngā huinga Kēmu ā-Iwi kua oti i a mātou te whakarite tahi me Ngāi Tauira,

ko tētahi o aua huinga i tū i te wiki Matariki. Ko ētahi anō kaupapa o te tau nei ko ngā kura reo, ngā kaupapa whakarauora reo hoki.Nā Ngāti Raukawa te pōhiri, ko te motu tērā i whakaeke ki runga o Te Wānanga o Raukawa. I whakaritea tētahi tira haere kia tae atu ki Te Kura Reo ki Ōtaki, me te aha, he nui te waimaria i a mātou i te rironga o ētahi tīkiti i a mātou ki tēnei kaupapa rangatira.

Nā Ngāti Kahungunu te karanga, ko te motu tērā i whakaeke ki runga i Heretaunga ki te whakanui i te reo rangatira. I waimaria anō mātou i whai wāhi atu mātou ki tēnei kaupapa nui whakaharahara. Ko te kaupapa nui katoa o te tau ko Te Kura Reo ki Te Herenga Waka. Nō ngā wiki tata nei kua pahure whakaarahia anō ai tēnei kaupapa kua hia nei tau e tārewa ana. Ka nui hoki tō mātou waimarie i a Te Mātāwai nā rātou ngā pūtea tautoko i tuku mai i tū ai tēnei kura. I konei rere ai ngā mihi a Te Komiti

Whakahaere o Te Hōhaieti o te reo Māori ki a koutou katoa kua whai wāhi mai kua tautoko mai i ā tātou kaupapa i tēnei tau. Me kore ake koutou i tutuki ai, i eke ai, i rangatira ai ēnei kaupapa huhua. Kua hua te marama, ā, kua tutuki ā mātou mahi mō te tau.

07 ✦ TIWAE
33 Te Ao Mārama ✦

In 1955, a conference was held in Wellington wherein Māori students from Victoria University of Wellington welcomed Māori students from Auckland University for a weekend of discussion, debate, and sports. This conference would go on to happen every year or second year right up to today.

These days it has a new name: Huinga Tauira.

The first formal Māori group at our university was established a vear after in 1956, named 'Māori Club'. In that time it was set up as a space for tauira Māori, but non-Māori were also welcome and were a part of the events and discussion. One of the goals of Māori Club was to convince kaumatua in the regions to send their kids and grandkids to university. The club also went on to visit secondary schools, convincing students to come to uni. One pretty cool fact I found was that since 1959, the club used to print a magazine, like Salient, every month to show events and stories from clubs and groups around the university. I'm not sure when it stopped, but it hasn't been printed in a while. Although this may just seem like really cool history, it shows the main theme that has been carried on right from the start of Māori student organisations: connecting tauira Māori.

34 ✦ Te Ao Mārama 07 ✦ TIWAE

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35 Te Ao Mārama ✦ 07 ✦ COLUMNS ✦ TIWAE



5. Whose waka sails the night sky?

6. Where is Maui’s dad?

11. Who threw their eyes in the sky?

12. Which wahine swam to her lover on Mokoia Island?

13. Who did Māui turn into a dog?

14. Who was the whale rider?

15. Who is the unborn child of Papatuānuku?

16. Who uttered the iconic saying “kia whakatane au iahau?

18. Who wrapped Māui in their hair?

21. What’s the name of the constellation which depicts Māui’s hook?

22. Whose jawbone is Māui’s hook made from?

24. Who is the wahine that got turned to stone?

25. Who got snatched up by the moon?

26. Finish the lyrics – “he kākano ahau, i ruia mai i___”


1. Who broke Mauao’s heart?

2. Who is the taniwha who guarded pounamu?

3. Whose teke killed Māui?

4. Whose idea was it to separate Ranginui and Papatuānuku?

7. Who was the first woman created by tāne?

8. What was Hinenui-te-pō’s former ingoa?

9. Who was the first to bare moko?

10. Who was Mataora’s Mrs?

16. What’s the name of the taniwha who now resides as a Wellington suburb?

17. Who settled in Hokianga after Kupe?

19. Who is the iconic maunga/waka/atua of TeWaipounamu?

20. Who named Aotearoa?

08 ✦ PANGA



It’s your mission to ensure everyone knows you’re from Rangitāne, which really wows me. But it doesn’t really make sense because nobody knows where that is. However, never lose that ability: it’s what makes you stand out, to be unapologetically from Rangitāne, wherever that may be.

Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga

Are you really part of the Kiingitanga if you’re about 6 hours away? What loyal subjects would make their king travel that far to them? Although I have heard that the descendants from here are pretty good looking (I’m from here).


Ahakoa he iti, he mana. You need to stop being so mysterious and come on out of the mist to join us in the real world. But maybe this is how you take the world by storm, one revolution at a time and one sin a son at a time.

Ngāti Whātua Orākei

Some might say you guys are too big for your boots, trying to stake your claim on Tāmaki Makaurau. But hei aha tēnā, all your uncles can stake their claim on me any day, any time.

Ngāti Toa

Keep fighting your fight Ngāti Toa, one day you’ll be able to claim mana whenua around these ways. Jokes, but for real, you guys do so much for your iwi and might even one day win at Māoris (National Māori Basketball Tournament, for all of you who have never touched a basketball in your life).

Ngāti Whakaue

You may have come out near the top at Te Matatini, but have you ever really come out on top anywhere else? Let’s be real though, what a comeback. If anything this goes to show your people are fighters and will go down kicking and screaming.

Te Arawa Māngai nui e tū ake nei!

Ngā kōrero a Areta Pakinga (she/her; Ngāti Raukawa, ki te Tonga)

NGĀ KAITUHITUHI: Janicka Tei (she/her; Kūkī Āirani, Ngāti Kahungunu)

Tessa Keenan (she/her; Te Ātiawa)

Ashleigh Putt-Fallows (she/her/ia; Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Whātua, Tūhoe)

India Jade Hinewai GrigsonI (she/her; Ngātai)

Mana Hokianga (he/him; Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Kahungunu)

Ruaputahanga Takiari (she/her; Waikato/Tainui, Ngaati Maniapoto, Ngaati Raarua)

Kelly Mitchell (any/all; Ngaati Maahanga)

Grace Muldrock (she/they; Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga, Te Atihaunui-a-Pāpārangi)

Tūhetia Young (he/him; Ngāti Maniapoto)

Reni Broughton (she/they; Ngāti Tūwharetoa

Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāruahine, Ngāti Whātua ki Kaipara, Ngāpuhi)

Phoebe Sullivan (She/her; Te Aupōuri, Ngāti Whātua ki Kaipara, Ngāti Whātua ki Ōrākei, Waikato-Tainui)

Lucy Manuera Schrader (she/her; Te Aupōuri)

NGĀ KAIWHAKAMĀORI: Katelynne Pōtiki-Clune (she/her; Ngāti Porou, Waikato, Kāi Tahu)

Ashley McGregor (she/her; Te Rarawa)

Arapera Tapiata (she/her; Ngā Rauru, Ngāti Rangi, Te Arawa)

Harris Puanaki Devon (he/him; Te Arawa, Tūwharetoa, Waiakati Tainui, Te Awatupua, Te Atihaunui-a-Pāpārangi, Ngāti Toarangatira, Kai Tahu, Ngāti Maniapoto)

Te Matahiapo Safari Hynes (he/him; Rangitāne, Ngāti Maniapoto)

Phoebe Sullivan (she/her; Te Aupōuri, Ngāti Whātua ki Kaipara, Ngāti Whātua ki Ōrākei, Waikato-Tainui)

PANGAKUPU & CENTERFOLD: Hemaima Keane (she/her; Ngāi Tāmanuhiri, Rongowhaata)

IWISCOPES & HEADLINE JUNKIE: Areta Pakinga (she/her; Te Arawa, Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga)



Te Huihui Chi Huy Tran (he/him)


Maia Ingoe (she/her)


Francesca Pietkiewicz (she/they)


Bella Maresca (they/them) @cupids.kiss

NEWS EDITOR Niamh Vaughan (she/her)

Ethan Manera (he/him)

NEWS EDITOR Zoë Mills (they/she)


Tessa Keenan (she/her)


Maia Armistead (she/her)



Joanna Fan (she/her)

Alex Marinkovich-Josey (he/him)


Kiran Patel (he/they)


Phoebe Robertson (she/her)


Pippi Jean (she/her)

PODCAST MANAGER Simoné Botha (she/they)


VIDEO CONTENT CREATOR Seren Ashmore (he/him)

Willem Koller (he/they)


Ethan Rogacion (he/him)

NEWS INTERN Jia Sharma (she/her)


39 Te Ao Mārama ✦

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