Decrypting Reality

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Decrypting Reality



Decrypting Reality an

ex h i b it i o n

Design Salil Parekh Guide Mayank Loonker This document is a proposal for an exhibition on Algorithms titled ‘Decrypting Reality’. This proposal was made during Design Project-3, Exhibition Design with the guidance of Mayank Loonker.


@National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad



This exhibition on the topic of Algorithms, came about after 8 weeks of consideration, experimentation, and frustration. I took numerous detours, shortcuts, U-turns, and hit a lot of dead ends to come to a resolution. The course abstract is as follows, “Exhibition Designers link content to spaces, for which they need to investigate storytelling techniques that may be used for fluid delivery of content. Understanding and exploring the potential of stories to spark new ideas in conception and design of spatial settings with use of Interactive media to engage audiences and deliver information in dynamic form is important. Among the emerging practices, integration of interactive media and spaces is re-shaping our perception as static walls deliver moving images or further reactive transforming surfaces. The course attempts to explore the intersection of culture and technology in creating meaningful spatial experiences.� The key learning of this design project is to understand how to create narratives, and translate them into spaces to communicate a certain message. To understand this in a meaningful environment, we were tasked to design an exhibition and submit a design proposal for it. 5

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Our world functions in many different ways. Many of them mysterious, and some attributed to a higher power. The systems and functions that make the world go around are often invisible and obvious that they disappear under the radar. To discover and understand the hidden processes that run our world analytically, it is important to first observe the numbers that make up reality. These numbers are what decide what our reality looks like. Just like a coder writes code to make a game or a digital experience, our reality too is coded. Newtons laws of physics is the underlying code and the set of rules that applies to any physical object on our planet, for example. Everything we see, feel and experience in our environment has been pre determined. This might sound similar to destiny, but there is a difference. Whereas destiny is usually attributed to a higher, mystical power, the pre-determined universe we live in is attributed to algorithms. These algorithms calculate the numbers that make up the fabric of our reality. Hence it is fair to say that these algorithms are what decide what our reality is. Take the concept of random for example. When a computer spits out what is supposedly a random number, we must remember the process that generates this random number. By running the same process on a different system, the same number can be obtained. Hence, what we consider to be random isn’t really random, but the term itself can be used as an abstraction for a multitude of process that produce different results every time it runs. Algorithms can also be defined as a 7

set of rules and instructions. If a conditions is passed through an algorithm, the output can only be a yes or no. This binary nature of the output of algorithms is essential. This logical concept can also be used to explain intelligence. All human decisions can be boiled down to a series of yes/no answers. This theory can help in developing new methods of forming artificial intelligence. The world of algorithms is a fascinating one, and it is especially exciting to see how these formulas make the world tick.


Initial Idea

My initial ideas for choosing a subject were quite varied. I first made a list of ideas to choose from. To be completely certain that my list was exhaustive enough, I read every single book title in the library and jotted down the numerous topics that I derived from it. Once I was satisfied that I had enough subject to choose from, I slowly started whittling down the ones I did not find exciting. Eventually I narrowed down to what I had hastily written down, “Math as art”. This topic came about from a very intriguing thought process in my mind. Isn’t it strange how art, and music can draw such varied opinions from everyone, and not just those who understand and create it? Whereas mathematics is only opined upon by those who understand it and study it. Art and music is all around us, but somehow it is relatable even without us understanding the technicalities that go into making it. But even mathematics is all around us. In fact, it is the very thing that causes modern civilisation to work. But mathematics is not relatable, unless you have studied the subject in some detail. Mathematics can be called the building blocks of modern society, because nearly everything we see around us can be broken down into numbers. These numbers are what define what we see around us. Even most of nature’s creation can be explained with the help of numbers. De Facto, even art and music can be broken down into numbers. The idea is to reveal the beauty 9

of mathematics and make it as easy to understand as it is to appreciate art or music. But here is where the crux of the problem with this idea lies. It is very difficult to understand and appreciate the beauty of mathematics without first understanding it. The joy and pleasure derived from maths comes from understanding it. What if there was something that lies between pure mathematics and the surface understanding that made communicating the power and beauty of numbers? This line of thought eventually led me on to algorithms....



My research often led me on to many different paths, as I initially struggled with making maths the main focus of the exhibition. But these wrong turns led me to unearth some very interesting facts which would then lead me to focus on algorithms. All these little crumbs started to lead up to the big picture which explained the importance of algorithms in our world. These images and text snippets also revealed the fact that algorithms are what control a lot of what we see around us. The dictionary defines algorithms as, Algorithm Noun A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer: a basic algorithm for division. So basically anything which has a function can be defined as an algorithm. Every process can be called an algorithm. And all algorithms can also be defined mathematically. Ergo, anything which has a function can be defined as an algorithm. So everything and anything we see around us can be easily broken down into numbers and algorithms. Remember the scene from the movie trilogy Matrix, with the rows of rapidly changing green numbers? That’s pretty much how reality is actually. Algorithms aren’t only limited to the digital world or the internet. Even analogue, 11

everyday objects around us can be broken down into algorithms. In fact a rubik’s cube is solved with the help of algorithms, a fact which is not known to many. A lot of research and resources are being invested in studying nature, and using the algorithms we find into man made objects to enhance its use. With more and more research, I started realising that algorithms are the perfect way to communicate the beauty of mathematics as algorithms is the logical and mathematical manifestation of numbers in real life. The numbers 2, 2, and 4 have no relevance, until the function of addition is bought into the picture and hence 2+2=4. This basic example when scaled up is used to power the stock exchange, online shopping, social networks, and even passwords.



To process all the data and research, it was important to place all of it in a meaningful manner to comprehend the quantity and type of data at hand. A mind map allowed me to sort out the data and place it in different categories. There is a lack of content to be found online and in print, and there are very few books and videos made on this topic. All books and videos I could find have been linked to provide quick access to those resources. I’ve also tried to find the persons who have a certain authority on this subject, and I came across a certain Mr. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. His name no doubt strikes fear into those who study mathematics and philosopher, but he’s the one defining and shaping our future. He stated that intelligence can be broken down into a simple yes or no question. Every question can only have two answers. It’s all binary. So every person is essentially a long flowchart comprised of only yes/ no answers. This is the very principle on what modern computers are based on today, and the future of computers, Artificial Intelligence too uses the same principle. This principle is what makes an algorithm work. When a condition is met by an algorithm, the algorithm processes the condition and goes through a series of yes/no loops before giving an answer. There’s nothing better than a meme to explain an idea right? There’s no surprise as to why the mind map is littered with them.




Creating a mood board was important because it will set the tone for the content, exhibition and spaces. This tone also sets the design approach of the narrative. The moodboard I’ve selected is very clean, simple and unfussy. Primarily using black and white, contrasted with a few bright colours. The exhibition is based on topic that is very modern and contemporary. It’s also very factual and mathematical. Taking this into account, I’ve chosen to follow a dark, simple and stark theme.


The Exhibition





Algorithms are a set of rules or instructions that have a definite end point. Think of it as a condition that applies to a situation till all parameters have been satisfied. Although algorithms may seem like a modern concept, a child of the digital era, they are infact quite old. One of the first algorithms written was the Euclids Algorithm. Euclids Algorithm is an efficient method to calculate the Greatest Common Divisor(GCD) of any two numbers. This formula, written back in 300 BC is a step by step procedure for performing a calculation according to well defined rules is an algorithm to find out the largest number that divides both of them without leaving a remainder. Another real life example of algorithms is the Stable Marriage Problem. This algorithm finds stable matches between two equally sized sets of elements given an ordering of preferences for each element. This ensures that each elements gets matched to its highest possible preference. This algorithm is widely used to match students to their prospective universities and by dating sites to match couples. Sorting algorithms are extremely important in making modern technology work. When one device sends data to another, it breaks the data down into packets and sends it. When the receiving device gets the data, it has to rebuild the data, which it does by sorting it in an orderly fashion. There are many methods in which data can be sorted, such as the bubble sort, merge sort, shell sort, quick sort, etc. Each method has its 19

pros and cons, but they all efficiently sort out elements. Once the data is sorted and organized, it can be read by the device. Hence these sorting algorithms are incredibly important. Nowadays, algorithms are getting smarter. Algorithms usually have to be coded and taught how to be intelligent. But what if you taught an algorithm how to think, and make it produce algorithms? This might sound like science fiction but it isn’t. A few gaming devices have already started thinking on their own and adapting to the situation they are faced with. Not only do they adapt, but also learn from previous situations, using that learning to adapt to similar type of situations.



The client can be any software company, or systems specialist firm(such as IBM, or SAP) which wants to educate consumers on what they do. As most of their work is hidden away from plain sight, they want to communicate the importance of their work and build brand value and trust. This exhibition will travel to the major cities of each continent, hence will be designed in such a manner.




The target audience for this exhibition is anybody with a basic education and interest in how the world works. This exhibition is not aimed at young children, or at scientists and highly educated professors. This exhibition is meant for families, and young adults, and parents. So the content is aimed at the general audience. There was a possibility of making this exhibition simply for young children, but that would mean that the content would be severely limited, and would only appeal to a certain audience. On the flipside, this does mean that the content which is aimed at the general audience must have something for everyone and should be aimed at providing for all types of people.



Design Approach

Algorithms are a perfect abstraction for maths. Algorithms are essentially nothing but a simple logical question; yes/no. Complex algorithms employ higher mathematical and logical equations. These algorithms seemingly complex are the ones which run the world. Everything we see around us is powered by algorithms. By using everyday examples, the algorithms can be explained, without necessarily having to use mathematics to explain the concept. With algorithms slowly getting more and more known in popular culture, anyone with the slightest interest in the topic would want to know more. The approach toward this is very planned out, and very methodical. A simple, clean, and measured aesthetic will be applied to match the seriousness of the topic at hand. Although there is a risk that younger children will feel alienated, this exhibition is not necessarily aimed at young children. A serious, and factual exhibition, the content can be contrasted with humorous anecdotes and facts. Algorithms are also deeply related to big data, hence analysing and displaying live local data will add another layer to the content.



The tone although serious will be offset by splashes of colour and humour to engage the viewers deeply. Taking inspiration from stand up comedians, who juxtapose facts with their humorous perspectives on the matter, the exhibition will not only educate the viewer but also provide entertainment. The visuals are clean and measured, with nothing excessive. With multiple media and various modes of interactivity present, the focus will be on the content itself. Thus the content will have to perfectly weighted to communicate the subject. The exhibition will gently guide and help the user understand the subject, before inviting the audience to participate and make something to reinforce the understanding.


Design Intent

The intent of this narrative exhibition is to reveal why the numbers that run our world. The algorithms that underpin everything we see around us are to be exposed. By unveiling the process that make the world tick, the purpose is to educate and entertain the audience. The concept of algorithms are in itself widely unknown, and even less is known about the impact they have on our surroundings. The aim is not to educate and drill home the knowledge into the viewers heads, but to simple enlighten the audience and then proceed to make the viewers question the reality they live in. The aim is to simply reveal what makes reality work and not go into too much detail into why it does so.


Introduction Questioning Deconstruction Analysis Creation Future 28

Narrative Structure

The Narrative Structure is what will define the exhibition. It is very important to define a strong narrative structure because every other aspect of the exhibition and content will depend on it. To effectively get my message across, I have defined six stages in which to communicate it. The first part, Introduction, sets the context of the exhibition. It introduces the audience to the exhibition by taking a tour of the world we live in. Then comes the Questioning. Here the audience is taken through a journey where they are made to question what makes the world around us work. The resolution comes in the form of Deconstruction. The answer to the Questioning is revealed and it is explained how algorithms are the reason why the world functions. To take this learning into detail, Analysis is introduced. The audience can take a closer look at how the most relevant algorithms work and the logic and mathematics behind it. To give the audience a chance to further understand the subject of algorithms in detail, Creation labs are the perfect way to do so. Here the audience can use algorithms, tweak them and make things using them. The final piece of the puzzle, is the Future. 29

Before the audience is led away, they are told about the socio-economic aspect of algorithms and how the future will look like with the continued rise of algorithms. This breakup of the narrative provides an easy to understand method of telling a story, or communicating a message.


Scope Plan

The scope plan is a plan for the exhibition. Not only does it define the narrative breakdown, but it also explains the nature of the communication in each part. This makes it an easy to refer to when planning and designing the exhibition and content.




This zoning plan defines the visitor path of the exhibition. The narrative structure is linear, and does not need the spaces to intertwine or intersect. This means that the visitors will enter each of the galleries and carry on in a linear fashion throughout the exhibition. The straightfoward plan of the exhibition is conducive to a uniform experience.





Previous Attempt

These sketches are the product of the first iteration of the exhibition. The narrative followed here is the same as the final proposal but in this case, the spaces are quite similar. The exhibition plan in this case is a gently sloping spiral that goes from the top to the bottom. A lift, with screens on all sides takes the audience to the top as a short film plays is the Introduction gallery. From then on, the spaces are all a gently downward sloping corridor, with content on both sides. This idea didn’t really work. Although the content was fine, the manner of communication was not. Each gallery had the same method of communicating the message, and the uniformity of spaces meant that the experience in almost all the galleries was very similar, and provided no differentiation. The nature of a corridor like space also detracts from the content, while not adding to the experience.









Visitor Card

This is the card which will be carried by all visitors. This little card will be key to the experience of the audience. The exhibition will track the audience and what they see and interact with. This data will be used to predict and display content in the later stages of the exhibition to the viewer in question. For example, if a member of the audience were to look at content regarding the stock exchange, then later on in the exhibition, relevant content regarding the stock exchange can be shown to continue that particular narrative to the viewer.




The Introduction gallery is the beginning of the exhibition. The context of the exhibition is revealed to the audience here. The area is a 360 degree screen surrounding the circular space. This immersive space is apt to show the viewers the world around us and the process that take place around us. Special focus of the content shown on the screen is toward the processes that take place around us. This very content will later on be broken down throughout the exhibition. This gallery is important as it starts the story of the exhibition. The immersive nature of the content envelopes the audience and integrates them into this narrative.






Questioning is where the topic of the exhibition is first touched upon. The audience enters this space where a maze of crystallised, angled structures greet them. This dark, and dimly lit space prompts the audience to make an effort to navigate their way through the series of structures. These angled structures have projections, supergraphics, and interactive installations to prod and ask questions. The media asks the audience to wonder why the world around them functions the way it does, and why it functions in the way it does so. This is uncomfortable space complements the nature of the content and fits in the overall narrative of the exhibition.






Deconstruction is the resolution of the questions asked in the previous gallery. The clean, open, and sparse nature of the Deconstruction gallery is in stark contrast to the dark and disturbed Questioning gallery. This space answers the questions asked previously and explains how algorithms are the driving forces behind most of the processes we see around us. The backlit, white glass floor has a number of clear glass protrusions coming out of it. These double glass panels activate as a user comes close to it, and explains how algorithms make a particular system work. The glass panel behind shows the system, while the glass panel in front de-constructs the process and shows how it all works.






Although the Deconstruction gallery does explain how the systems we see around us work with the help of algorithms, the Analysis gallery goes into deeper detail and shows how the algorithms work, with the help of case studies. The case studies provide a relatable way to explain how algorithms work in greater detail. This gallery probably won’t be understood by all, but it is an important part of the narrative, as the very concept of algorithms is explained in detail. The six enclosures in the space each address different case studies and the content of each of the enclosures can change according to the users who enter it.






The Creation gallery is perhaps the most exciting part of all. Here in this warehouseesq space, the audience are invited to play around with algorithms. Various installations which provide an abstracted method for the audience to tweak, change, or even make their own algorithms will be spread through the space. The sensation of creating something new using algorithms is a very positive experience that will remain with the viewers and reinforce what they have learnt in the previous galleries. This feeling of making something new using algorithms will also demonstrate how algorithms are used in the real world.






The last gallery, Future is very integral as it must leave the audience with a strong and lasting impression. The viewers, fresh from making things with algorithms and in the knowledge of how useful algorithms will walk into a long corridor with content displayed on both sides. This gallery deals with the socio-economic and environmental effects of algorithms. The personal information gained from the keycard can be used by algorithms to great effect. To demonstrate the effect of algorithms on privacy for example, the content on the screens can show data that can be gleaned from minimal contact information. This invasion of privacy, juxtaposed with the threats to our current society by algorithms provide the audience something to think about as they leave the exhibition. Our society isn’t yet equipped to deal with the advent of algorithms and that unsettling thought is a strong point to end the narrative on.











Decrypting Reality has taken me on long and twisted journey which has led me to make so many minute changes to the topic and narrative that in retrospect, seem like right decisions. The aim is still the same, to show the beauty of mathematics, but the manner in which the exhibition now goes about communicating the message is different from the original idea, and much more effective. These changes that had to be made not only made for a better narrative exhibition, but it also helped me a learn the finer nuances of creating an effective narrative to communicate a message. Through multiple iterations of reviews and redos the concept was slowly built up to what it is now. The slow and frustrating process was necessary for me to constantly rethink, and redevelop the narrative to hone in on the most effective iteration. At times, progress was painfully slow, and sometimes I simply sped along, buoyed with optimisim. All in all, it was a fantastic learning process, and now creating a narrative doesn’t seem as challenging as it used to. -Salil Parekh




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