Counselor's Notebook, November 2012

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VOL. 49, NO. 3


You Have Your Head in the Clouds

Proud to be a School Counselor in Massachusetts

By JAN TKACZYK, M.Ed., CAGS Past MASCA Executive Director



hen I was young, having your “head in the clouds” didn’t have anything to do with today’s cloud where computer applications and files are stored on a large, centralized network. It meant you had been outside in Nate Nickerson’s field, flat on your back, your face to the sky, naming the shapes that you saw as the clouds floated by and imagining all the possibilities the future held. Everything was achievable. You dreamed of romance, wealth, family, and career. Literally, the sky was the limit! Back in those days, you were also on your own when it came to planning your vocation. Career education was not offered in school. There was no real connection made between coursework in school and future career pathways. The good news is that today our students are very fortunate because they have professional school counselors whose training allows them to provide career and postsecondary education that is age-appropriate, intentional, and, in most cases, evidence-based. Let’s have a look at several small group and classroom examples of what is happening around the country. One of my favorite resources is www. Small group and classroom lessons are provided at all grade levels. Learning objectives are spelled out for each and every lesson. Handouts are included. Here is one example: • Divide the class into small groups of 4-5 students. (continued on page 10)


he trip to the ASCA Conference in Minneapolis this summer was a reminder of how great it is to be a school counselor in Massachusetts. During a dinner with colleagues from Massachusetts and surrounding states, I introduced Rich Lapan to another counselor. A few moments later, she leaned over to me and said, “THE Rich Lapan?” This is merely one example of the prominence of our Massachusetts colleagues. Our state conferences feature many speakers that present at the national level regularly, as well as those who I believe to be our future leaders. I hope you were able to attend the MASCA Fall Conference, which reinforced even further what great colleagues we have and what progress we have made as a

profession here in this state. Updates on the counselor evaluation rubric as well as on the statewide study conducted with students in the graduating class of 2012, illustrated just some of the cutting edge work that is taking place in Massachusetts. Many eyes are on us, and deservedly so. As the only state to include school counseling in the Race to the Top application, we are in a position to show what we all know: school counselors make a difference. I encourage you to utilize the talents of your colleagues, from those a door down to those presenting on a national level. We all have something to offer each other as we work together to make a difference for students in Massachusetts. ■

November is National Career Development Month November 14: Career Development Day November 12-16: Career Development Week

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