CSOs in the Rouge River and Detroit River Watersheds
Detroit River Lighthouse, photo courtesy of the Friends of the Detroit River
Phil Argiroff, DEQ-WRD January 12, 2015
Acronyms CSO: Combined Sewer Overflow SSO: Sanitary Sewer Overflow WQS: Water Quality Standards RTB: Retention Treatment Basin DO: Dissolved Oxygen TRC: Total Residual Chlorine NPDES: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System RAP: Remedial Action Plan WWTP: Wastewater Treatment Plant MDD: Million Gallons per Day GI: Green Infrastructure ACO: Administrative Consent Order O&M: Operations and Maintenance TSS: Total Suspended Solids TP: Total Phosphorus CBOD5: Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand CAFO: Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations MAEAP: Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program S/D: Screening/Disinfection Treatment Facility LTCP: Long-Term CSO Control Plan
Water Resources
Protect and Monitor 4 Great Lakes 3,288 miles of Great Lakes shoreline 11,000 inland lakes 36,000 river miles 5.5 million acres of wetlands 70,000 acres of critical dunes
For swimming, fishing, drinking water and aquatic ecosystems. 3
Major Impact of CSOs on Water Quality
Impact public health because CSO contain raw sewage
Impact fisheries and aquatic organisms by depressing dissolved oxygen
Impact from nutrients
Impact aesthetics due to sanitary trash 4
Wet Weather – Uncontrolled CSOs Typical
Uncontrolled CSO
Storm Sewer Sanitary Sewer Combined Sewer
Michigan’s CSO Control Program
Refocused in 1988; based on revised WQS in 1986 to protect all waters for total body contact CSO Control Manual (1994) documented a phased program; revised WQS led to all discharges with sewage needing disinfection Municipalities must either:
eliminate the CSO through sewer separation, or provide adequate treatment to meet all water quality standards (WQS) at times of discharge
Adequate Treatment Presumptive • •
complete capture of the 1 yr–1 hr event 30 min of detention of the 10 yr–1 hr event, for screening, settling, skimming, and disinfection
Demonstration •
allows evaluation that treated discharges, across a range of events, meet WQS at times of discharge
treatment is a Retention Treatment Basin (RTB) 7
Demonstration Criteria Refined
in 1998 for Rouge River; “Criteria for Success in CSO Treatment” • • •
• •
Eliminate raw sewage Protect public health Meet the DO standard Control TRC Ensure health of biological communities
used statewide 8
Some Historical Notes
1985 Rouge RAP called for CSO correction by 2005 to protect public health and eliminate raw sewage, and meet all WQS sometime after. Contested 1988 NPDES CSO permits were resolved in Federal Court (Judge Feikens). Resulted in Bulkley Agreement which was a demonstration approach. Led to Rouge River National Wet Weather Demonstration Project. The 2007-8 recession led to extended correction schedules. 9
Rouge Watershed
Oakland County CSO Control
3 demonstration RTBs constructed to treat wastewater from 38 CSOs; Acacia Park RTB, Birmingham RTB, Bloomfield Village RTB No remaining CSOs. Main Branch free of CSO impact into Detroit (Pembroke Ave). Eliminate raw sewage, protect public health, meet DO standard, provide for heathy biological communities Currently drafting NPDES permits that will resolve last demonstration criterion, TRC 11
Redford Twp. CSO Control
One demonstration RTB constructed to correct several CSOs 8 remaining CSOs to Upper Branch. Upper Branch is free of CSO impact into Redford Currently drafting NPDES permits that will require correction of remaining CSOs by 2025 Considers the Township’s finances (medium burden), and will continue the option to correct CSOs regionally 12
Dearborn Heights CSO Control
One presumptive RTB constructed to correct several CSOs, with additional CSOs added 7 remaining CSOs; one to Middle Branch, 2 to Upper Branch, 4 to Lower Branch (3 shared with Inkster). Middle Branch is free of CSO impact into Dearborn Heights Currently drafting NPDES permits that will require correction of remaining CSOs from 2020-25 Considers the City’s finances (medium burden), and will continue the option to correct regionally 13
Dearborn CSO Control
3 treatment/storage shafts and one storage shaft constructed, and some separation projects completed to address several outfalls 8 remaining CSOs; 5 to Lower Branch, 3 to Main Branch Recently issued NPDES permit will require correction of remaining CSOs from 2020-25 (high burden). Projects will be a combination of treatment shafts, and sewer separations 14
Inkster CSO Control
2 demonstration RTBs constructed to correct several CSOs 7 remaining CSOs; all to Lower Branch (3 shared with Dearborn Heights). Lower Branch is free of CSO impact into Inkster Currently drafting NPDES permits that will require correction of remaining CSOs. Schedule being discussed. Considers the City’s finances (high burden) 15
Detroit WWTP and CSO Control The
current Detroit WWTP permit was effective on May 1, 2013
single site WWTP in the US
Treats dry weather flow and significant wet weather flow through secondary treatment up to 930 million gallons per day (MGD) Treats wet weather flow through primary treatment up to 1700 MGD 16
3 Key Issues Addressed in Permit
Sustained compliance with permit requirements
Reductions in authorized total phosphorus loads to help address Lake Erie algae
Adaptive Management CSO Control program; includes Green Infrastructure, considers Detroit residents’ finances
Detroit WWTP
WWTP - View of Pump Station 2 and gravity thickeners
WWTP – view of secondary clarifiers
Issue 1: Sustained Compliance Periods
of non-compliance over the last 35
Was under Federal Court Order, until 2013.
an administrative consent order (ACO) with the DEQ for violations from 2009-2011. Permit specifies a “Facility Improvement Program” 21
Facility Improvement Program Includes
ACO conditions that control the solids inventories at the WWTP Requires construction of new solids dewatering equipment by 2016 Requires a Long-term Solids Disposal Plan Requires Asset Management to address operation and maintenance issues 22
Adjustment of Effluent Limits based on good O&M ďƒ˜
Monitoring periods at wet weather outfalls changed to more quickly reflect good WWTP operation and maintenance ďƒ˜ Effluent limits at wet weather outfalls adjusted to require well operated WWTP Pollutant
Previous Limit (30 discharge days)
Final Limit (monthly average)
100 mg/l
70 mg/l
100 mg/l
40 mg/l
Total Phosphorus
2.5 mg/l
1.5 mg/l 23
Issue 2: Total Phosphorus Algal Blooms in Lake Erie
Toledo Blade, 2012
Michigan actions to address Phosphorus into Lake Erie
Controlled WWTP discharges to Great Lakes and tributaries to 1.0 mg/l or less
Instituted statewide ban on phosphates in laundry detergent, dishwasher detergent and residential lawn fertilizer
Permitted all Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) which includes comprehensive nutrient management plans
Encourages voluntary Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP) certifications for farms
Actively required comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Overflow and Combined Sewer Overflow correction programs for over 2 decades 25
Detroit WWTP – TP load sources
Secondary Treated Primary Treated (WWTP/CSO facilities) Untreated CSO Total
2011 % Total 756590 70 275780 26 42090 4 1074460
2012 % Total 751110 94 48250 6 2240 0 801600
Detroit Total Phosphorus Loads Wet weather outfalls 050A 049A
Secondary treated outfall 049B to Detroit River – 80% of P load
Reduction in Permitted Phosphorus Levels Beginning
WWTP secondary treated outfall reduced from 1.0 mg/l to 0.7 mg/l as a monthly average Growing season average of 0.6 mg/l (from April – September) WWTP currently meeting 0.2 – 0.4 mg/l as monthly averages
on levels the current WWTP can achieve optimizing existing facilities 28
Annual TP load (lbs) – Michigan WWTP
Michigan actions to address Phosphorus into Lake Erie Participant
with Ohio, Indiana, Ontario under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement
Chaired by EPA and Environment Canada Evaluate causes of Lake Erie algae • Make recommendations
Issue 3: Adaptive CSO Control Program
Municipalities must either:
eliminate the CSO or provide adequate treatment to meet all water quality standards at times of discharge
Detroit’s collection system consists of basically all combined sewers. Detroit’s Long-term Plan (1996) as updated in 2001, 2008, and 2010, calls for providing adequate treatment Different water quality priorities for Rouge and Detroit Rivers
Significant Progress to Date This permit builds on the City’s progress in correcting CSOs over the last 20 years, spent ~$1.2 billion Detroit’s Long-term Control Program principles
Additional treatment capacity at the WWTP (1700 MGD), and disinfection of all flow Construction of key Retention Treatment Basins (RTBs) and Screening/Disinfection Facilities at key outfalls; 6 RTBs, 3 S/D Facilities to date Use of in-system storage 32
Significant Progress to Date – Additional WWTP Capacity
Added more primary clarification, additional influent pumping, to provide primary treatment during wet weather events Brings around 11 billion gallons per year to WWTP of what was untreated discharges from CSOs Core CSO control program to be completed in 2019 with the disinfection of all wet weather excess flow at the WWTP.
All flow disinfected to protect public health. 95% of annual wet weather flow treated 33
Significant Progress to Date – Key RTBs and In-system storage
Completion of 4 RTBs, and one Screening/Disinfection facility on Rouge River Completion of 2 RTBs and 2 Screening/Disinfection facilities on the Detroit River 6 in-system storage gates on Rouge River outfalls, and 13 in-system storage dams in large sewers
Detroit’s CSO Facilities (as of 2008)
CSO Correction Progress – completion of core program in 2019 Untreated CSO (BGY) 25 20 15 10 5 0 1993
2019 36
Adaptive Management Program
Completion of core program mean achieving a very high level of CSO control Remaining CSOs (55)
17 CSOs remain to the Rouge River 38 CSOs to the Detroit River
An adaptive management approach for these will:
Use lessons learned from previous CSO projects and better discharge data Consider the financial capability of DWSD and City residents Consider reductions in stormwater flows by using an expanded Green Infrastructure (GI) program 38
Green Infrastructure (GI)
Fits within the opportunities provided in the Detroit Future City report
Areas of Green Infrastructure
Upper Rouge Area Near Eastside Area
Develop a required level of stormwater control for new and redevelopment by 4/1/17 39
GI - Upper Rouge Area (implementation)
Detroit Future City Report
Requires spending $50 million over 20 years Spending consistent with GI Plan, once approved Targeted reduction of stormwater of 2.8 MG by 2017
More Details – Rouge River CSOs
Rouge CSOs: Implement Green Infrastructure, evaluate accurate discharge volumes and frequencies from the 17 remaining CSOs. Submit revise LTCP by 1/1/17 In 2022, and for each 5 year permit cycle, propose gray projects to be completed in that permit term. Goal is to have all “high priority” CSOs corrected by 2037. High priority outfalls are: 059, 060, 061, 062, 063, 069, 074 (7 of the 17) 41
GI - Near Eastside (planning)
Detroit Future City Report
Removes gray CSO projects from previous permit Allows for planning of GI potential in an area that has a relatively high amount of vacant land Requires a revised CSO correction plan
More Details – Detroit River CSOs
Submit a revise engineering report for the neareastside area, 7 CSOs, by 4/1/17 In 2022, and for each 5 year permit cycle, propose gray projects to be completed in that permit term. Goal is to have all “high priority” CSOs corrected by 2037. High priority outfalls are: 016, 019, 021, 022, 025, 026, 031, 038, 040, 044 (10 of the 38) 43
Summary of CSO Correction Progress
Significant progress in both Rouge and Detroit Rivers over 2 decades; CSO volume reduced sharply, several stream miles now no longer see untreated CSO, improved water quality More work needs to be done Remaining suburban CSOs (23) will be corrected by 2020-2025 Remaining City of Detroit high priority CSOs (17) will be corrected by 2027-2037, with consideration of an adaptive management approach 44
Questions Discussion Comments Contact: Phil Argiroff, P.E., Permits Section argiroffp@michigan.gov 517-290-3039 45