Rougeparkmasterplan final report

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Sally Petrella

Friends of Rouge Park

Rouge Park Master Plan 2014 Every Day Capacity Building Grant

Friends of Rouge Park Ms. Sally Petrella 9639 Woodbine Redford, MI 48239 O: 313-799-3677

Ms. Sally Petrella 9639 Woodbine Redford, MI 48239

Printed On: 1 March 2015 O: 313-271-1643

2014 Every Day Capacity Building Grant


Sally Petrella

Friends of Rouge Park

FollowUp Form Report Fields Project Name* Name of Project Rouge Park Master Plan

Brief Project Description Briefly describe your project and the need for it. This section is for internal purposes. This project would assist in funding a Master Plan for Rouge Park, Detroit's largest park. The Friends of Rouge Park (FORP) have been working with Lawrence Technological University's College of Architecture and Design, Detroit Studio on the initial steps for this plan in cooperation with the City of Detroit. This project would enable the groups to develop a Master Plan. The plan would build the capacity of the Friends of Rouge Park to crystallize a shared vision and move forward to enact it.

Amount Requested* Amount Requested $5,000.00

Total Annual Budget* What is your total annual budget? $2,600.00

Final Report Questions Amount Awarded* 5000

Public Land Site(s)* List the public land site(s) you serve that were listed in your orginal proposal. Rouge Park

Project Goals* What activities took place? What goals and objectives did you have with this capacity building project? What progress have you made toward your goals? Was there any aspect of the project that did not get completed or for which you did not get the expected result? A Master Plan has been developed for Rouge Park that includes an overall map, a wayfinding and signage plan and detailed plans for two focus areas. The Master Plan was the major objective for this project. Lawrence Technological University School of Architecture and Design Detroit Studio's (LTU) professor Joongsub Kim and two of his Master's students, Erik Schulze and Benjamin Chiu completed all the work with feedback from the FORP Board of Directors and the City of Detroit. Printed On: 1 March 2015

2014 Every Day Capacity Building Grant


Sally Petrella

Friends of Rouge Park

The project began with three visions for the park that were developed by LTU in 2012 and consolidated them into one plan. Community input was incorporated into the plan after it was presented at a FORP General Meeting in May 2014. Following that, the Master Plan Map was further revised by LTU. Regular meetings with LTU, the FORP Board and the City of Detroit were held for LTU to present plans as they were developed and FORP and the City to provide feedback. LTU also worked to integrate ideas for trails presented by the National Park Service as they became involved through their Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program. Once the Master Plan Map was revised, a wayfinding and signage plan was developed and revised with feedback from the FORP Board and City. Two focus areas were chosen by mutual agreement of LTU and FORP and the City and detailed plans were developed. This included a Nature Center and associated trails and a major activity center for the park that included an amphitheatre, winter sports area, climbing hill, disk golf, etc. The LTU students researched the areas and visited them and presented the detailed plans for each to the FORP Board and the City. Revisions were made to the plan after several meetings. A final version of the Master Plan Map, the wayfinding & signage Plan, and the two focus areas was provided to FORP in February after final revisions.

Project Outcomes* What has been the impact of your capacity building project on your organization? Please make sure that the outcomes you describe specifically relate to the project request in your proposal. Are there any outcomes that you have not yet seen but are anticipating? Are there any metrics associated with the outcomes that you can report on? This Master Planning process has enabled FORP to identify the top priority projects for the park and to develop the partnerships to make these projects happen. The focus that the NEEF grant gave to the park helped to stimulate interest in the park from the City, corporations and even the National Park Service. The City of Detroit has designated Rouge Park as a Premier Park and developed plans to install a new picnic shelter, playground and basketball courts in spring 2015, all ideas that were solidified in the Master Planning process. The Master Plan helped to give focus and ensure funding from the City for Rouge Park. Lear Corporation funded the rehabilitation of the Brennan Pools and they were re-opened in July 2014 after having been closed for two years. The National Park Service chose Rouge Park to assist with in January 2014 and has been working with partners to develop plans for fitness trails. One of the biggest barriers to restoring Rouge Park was identified at one of the community meetings, Lack of any law enforcement in the park was creating a situation where families did not feel safe in coming to the park. In response to the community's concerns, the Detroit Police Department (DPD) created a special park detail. Beginning with a dedicated crackdown on lawlessness followed by regular patrols of the park through the summer, residents began to feel safer in Rouge Park than they had in many years. This coincided with the reopening of the public swimming pools. FORP has become a stronger organization as a result of this grant and feels more confident in working with partners to direct the development of the park. The plan has already been used to guide the City, the Detroit Police Department, the National Park Service, the Greening of Detroit, the Student Conservation Association and the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department in plans for the park.

Public Land Outcomes* What impact has your capacity building project had (or that you anticipate it will have) on the public land site(s) that you work with? Are there any metrics associated with the outcomes that you can report on? This project has already impacted the public land in Rouge Park because it put a spotlight on the park, leading to resources that are addressing the need for public safety and improved amenities while at the same Printed On: 1 March 2015

2014 Every Day Capacity Building Grant


Sally Petrella

Friends of Rouge Park

time recognizing the natural beauty of the park and the need to protect it. All of this is leading to increased enjoyment and usage of the park and its unique natural features. The Master Planning process helped to identify that the natural beauty of the park is the most valued asset of the park in the mind of the community that uses and lives around the park. This value was used to guide the planning process and resulted in a plan that includes reforestation, a lane diet and traffic calming, a nature center, nature trails, an observation tower, a winter sports area and focused built amenities on already impacted areas. The planning process has helped to ensure that the natural areas will remain natural. At the same time, the process has helped to bring more people to the park because of the increased safety in the park due to the increased police presence. The additional amenities that will eventually be added to the park will also increase park usage. The focus that this grant has brought has helped to develop that partnerships needed to fund and improve Rouge Park.

Long-Term Plans* Do you have long-term plans that involve further capacity building due to the project you have just completed? FORP has been working since 2002 to improve Rouge Park and will continue beyond this grant. FORP plans to present these plans to City Council and other departments and the community and to develop the partnerships to develop the projects pinpointed by the Master Plan. As the City of Detroit exits bankruptcy, funds are being freed up to improve parks and the the administration has placed a high priority on good quality parks for its residents. FORP is currently working with the City on plans for a new picnic shelter, basketball courts, new playground equipment and picnic tables and benches. A second phase of the City's plan includes a splash pad. FORP will continue to work with the City and advocate for these projects. We will work with the City to set up meeting with the roads departments to develop the plans for a road diet; with the grants department to seek grant funding for amenities and develop corporate partners.

Lessons Learned* What were the lessons learned from this capacity building project? Were there any unexpected surprises or challenges that you faced? Is there anything that you would do differently next time? What did you most value from your experience? FORP learned a lot about working with the community and partners through this project. Holding a large community meeting to develop details of the plan was not very successful as there were too many levels of understanding and knowledge about the park and plan. Using a representative group of the FORP Board and City officials was successful because this group was knowledgeable about the park enough to discuss finer details while at the same time keeping the community interests in mind. A new challenge arose when the National Park Service came to the City and began developing their own ideas for the park. This was difficult for LTU who had been tasked with this. FORP set up a community meeting for NPS to present their ideas and the community disagreed with NPS's focus. Through this, FORP learned not to be distracted by other efforts.

Budget Report* Please attach a line-item budget report detailing how grant funds were spent. If there were any changes from you proposed budget, please explain in the text box below. Project Budget v2 final.pdf LTU provided more inkind match than was expected.

Printed On: 1 March 2015

2014 Every Day Capacity Building Grant


Sally Petrella

Friends of Rouge Park

Any Comments? If there was a website, publication, or any other resource that was created as a result of your capacity building project, we'd love to see it. Please include the link or upload here. If larger than 10MB, please send to with the name of your organization in the subject line. 2-08-15 Master Plan.pdf 2-08-15 Wayfinding Plan.pdf Thank you for sharing your story with us, we are pleased to have been able to support your capacity building efforts. More resources for Friends Groups can be found on our website at

Printed On: 1 March 2015

2014 Every Day Capacity Building Grant


Sally Petrella

Friends of Rouge Park

File Attachment Summary Applicant File Uploads • Project Budget v2 final.pdf • 2-08-15 Master Plan.pdf • 2-08-15 Wayfinding Plan.pdf

Printed On: 1 March 2015

2014 Every Day Capacity Building Grant


Project Budget (final) Review of three previous master plan concept proposals: $600 • Printing, maps & drawings: $200 (in-kind) • Digital reproduction (3d rendering & modeling): $100 (in-kind) • Graduate student assistant: $300 ($10 x 30hrs) Site inventory and analysis: $600 • Printing, maps & drawings: $150 (in-kind) • Digital reproduction (3d rendering & modeling): $150 (in-kind) • Graduate student assistant: $300 ($10 x 30hrs) Preparations for community meetings and presentations: $400 • Printing, maps & drawings: $200 (in-kind) • Graduate student assistant: $200 ($10 x 20hrs) Master planning and research, wayfinding/sign design/case studies, focus site designs: $3,600 • Printing, maps & drawings: $200 • Digital reproduction (3d rendering, modeling, & animation): $300 (in-kind) • Graduate student assistant: $3,100 ($10 x 310hrs) Information and promotional brochure and asset maps, final project documentation/report, graphic design: $1,000 • Printing, maps & drawings: $100 • Digital reproduction (3d rendering & modeling): $100 (in-kind) • Graduate student assistant: $800 ($10 x 80hrs) GRAND TOTAL BUDGET: Fund received (2014 Every Day Capacity Building Grant): In-kind services from Lawrence Tech Detroit Studio:

$6,200 $5,000 $1,200

FINAL DRAFT 02/08/15

Rouge Park

Consolidated Master Plan

Weatherby Community Org. Plymouth Rd.

Plymouth Rd. Brennan Poolhouse Renovation + Concessions

Driving Range Skatepark



Splash Pad



Pourous Pavement Parking Lot

Nature Center + Concessions

Pump Track

Picnic Shelter



Existing Trail Head

Proposed Trail Head

H Playground

Historical Site



Comfort Stations

W, Outer Drive Civic Association


Franklin Park Community Association


D-Town Farms

W. Chicago St.

Scout Hollow Camp Ground

Greening of Detroit


Joe Prance Park

Telegraph/ Hazelton Redford

W. Chicago St.

P Pedestrian Bridge

Ashcroft Drain


Music Shell Scenic Wetlands Educational Reforestation Zone

Franklin Park Community Association

Line Control Aero

Sledding Hill

Elite Archery

Gun Range

Winter Park

Observation Tower

Service Yardd



Horse Barn Disc Golf Area

To Be Removed



Splash Pad

Athletic Field Area

Joy Rd.


Alex Jefferson Model Airplane Field

Basket Ball Court Coourt

Brennan Rec Area





To Be Removed

Joy Rd.

Future Site Regional Rec Center


Military Park Dearborn Heights

GGrow ZZone// Rain Garden


Warrendale Community Org.

H Former Nike Missile Site


Far West Detroit Civic Association

Natural Area Reforested Area Maintained/ Manicured Area River Removal of Road Non Vehicular Road Prarie Trail Existing Hiking / Biking Trail Proposed Trail Existing Trail Existing Fitness Loop

Expand Park Boundary



Tireman Ave.



Old Stone Bridge


Tireman Ave.

Sledding Hill

Expand Park Boundary



typical Benches and Garbage Bins to be Added Every 1/4” Mile

Military Park Dearborn Heights

Far West Detroit Civic Association

Hawthorne Meadows Rec Area



Splash p Pad


Sorenson Rec Area

P Pedestrian Bridge

Warren Ave. 3000’




Warrendale Community Org.



FINAL DRAFT 02/08/15

Rouge Park

Wayfinding Signage Plan

D-Town Farms

Secondary Entrance Signs (6) Educational Reforestation Zone

Pump Track

Destination Signs (37)

Directional Signs (12)

Info Kiosks (3)

Entrance Signs (4)

FINAL DRAFT 02/08/15

Rouge Park Signature Signage

Entrance Sign

Perspective View

Entrance Sign

Elevation View

Secondary Entrance Sign

Perspective View

Elevation View

Kiosk Sign

Perspective View

Elevation View

Destination Sign

Perspective View

Elevation View

Directional Sign

Perspective View

Elevation View

Directional Sign – Call Out Detail

Connections – Exploded Axon

Connections – Ortho Detail Backer Sign Nut

Nut Threaded Rod

Plastic Spacer

Title Sign Corten Steel Post

Threaded Rod Nut

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